Author's Note: Firstly, thank you for giving this story a try, I hope people enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! This is an AU of what I perceived may have happened if Robb never broke his promise to Walder Frey and went on to marry one of his daughters. This story is primarily based on the TV show, as I've not had the chance to read the books, though I may add snippets of things I've found during my research as it goes on. The Frey girls named in this story have been adapted from the show and I have tried to use some of the names used, with a few of my own added in too - I hope people don't mind this! Also, I have read that there are seven trueborn Frey daughters but in this story there are twelve - though only seven will be in this story. The dynamics of the Freys are primarily my own interpretation too, though if you have any criticism then please feel free to leave a comment. I'd also urge that if I'm doing a pretty lousy job at portraying canon characters, someone please point it out to me!

I've got a few more chapters already written for this story, though I'm still a little wary to post anymore as of yet. I'm going to wait and see what reaction I get from the first chapter before uploading others as I'm a little hesitant to post a Game of Thrones fic on here - the ones I've read already are all too good to compete with! And I know the whole OC/Frey story-arc has been tried out before, but hopefully I'll give it a good enough bash! Thank you anyway and I hope you enjoy chapter one of this story :)


The Stark and His Frey

"The Stark men had honour – a trait known well throughout Westeros. Eddard Stark had honour and it had cost him his head. His son, Robb, had honour too and that had cost him a wife."

Chapter One

The air that crept in through my chamber window was icily bitter, nipping and biting as it seeped into every corner. Vaguely I heard Esma, my handmaid, tell me she would put the fire on to try and bring some warmth into the room to I barely heard her. My attention was elsewhere, my focus gazing out across the gushing river and towards the bank that this particular castle of the Twins was connected to, eyes studying the thick of trees intently and waiting for something to happen. My gaze remained focused, strained almost due to the length of time I had been staring. Nothing moved though no matter how hard I bid it to; only the wind thrashing against the trees and the waves of the river Trident. When it rained, the Trident gushed wildly and overflowed its bankings. Thankfully, the Twins were yet to exceed a flooding though it was always a dangerous sight to behold when the river was in a storm. From my chamber window, I watched as the water lapped excessively against the castle walls and I wondered if anyone wished to cross that day.

I had been sat on that stone window sill for a while now; just waiting. Esma had kept me company mostly, talking aimlessly to fill the silence, though she did not seem to expect any responses from me, thankfully. I most certainly wasn't in the mood for talking. After another considerably amount of time though, I heard my handmaid scold me gently for lingering by the window, especially given the weather, and the woman then urged me to go sit by the fire. I would have joined her then, feeling my skin going horribly numb now, had I not seen the approaching figures suddenly appear from the treeline. At first, I thought it might have been a trick of my eyes, due to the wild weather and my wary gaze, but soon the figures began to form more clearly through the pouring rain and I watched with a frown as they continued to approach the castle gates, battling with the wind as they did. My stomach clenched with sudden anxiety.

"They're here." I drew out, eyeing the men on horseback that approached – some carrying banners, some without. I recognised the sigil immediately, even from a distance and in the rain. Their flags fluttered wildly in the storm and I wondered vaguely how the men were still able to keep their hold on them without them flying away. The sight of the Stark's wolf made my stomach plummet further and I let out a wary breath. Esma's sudden warm presence suddenly appeared then at my side as she came to join me.

"Oh, my!" Esma gushed, studying the large group outside. "Your father will be meeting them swiftly – I should get you ready, my lady!" At that, I sighed.

"Ready for what?" I muttered, still keeping my eyes fixed outside. "To be outshone by my sister? Perhaps by even more than one?" Esma tittered then and I rolled my eyes before sighing – she seemed continuingly shocked by the things I would say, despite being in my service since I was a young girl of eight. She was a kind woman though, not fit for the weaselly nature of House Frey that was for sure. Even though I was adamant for many years of my youth that I did not want nor needed a handmaid, over time I had grown fond of Esma and no longer complained about her services – her companionship was mostly welcomed now if only for someone else bearable to speak to.

"You are just as beautiful as any of them!" Esma countered, before bringing her voice down a notch as if anyone would over-hear her. "Perhaps even more than some, my lady." I smiled then, chuckling a little to myself before shrugging. The word "beautiful" was hardly something associated with the Frey family across Westeros - a fact even I knew - though I liked to pride myself with the belief that I was not too hideous or as grotesque as the rumours made us out to be. Bitterly though I could not help but think of some of my more physically unfortunate half-sisters and nieces - as well as the many bastard children my father had - and grimaced when I realised that perhaps some of what the Kingdoms were saying about the Frey girls' looks was true.

"I care not if people believe me to be beautiful or not, Esma. I have no expectations of being chosen as it seems more than likely that one of my other sisters will be instead. The odds are not quite in my favour it would seen."

"I overheard that Lord Frey only intends to present seven of his daughters today, my lady." Esma informed me. "He says he's going to offer his finest daughters for the picking."

"How generous of him." I said, dryly, thinking of my father – Walder Frey – and the many bastards and children alike that he had produced over the years. Even in his grand age of almost ninety, I wouldn't have been surprised if I was to receive a few more siblings any time soon. The man was a disgusting animal though his bedroom habits were a trait amongst his men too – while no one had ever sired nearly as many children as my father had, I would still see his soldiers parading around the castle, jeering and flirting outrageously with women. I couldn't count the number of times I had encountered a somewhat awkward predicament between one of many Frey men and the women in the twins – whores and servants a like. There was no escaping the vision of sex here and it was something I had grown up with. "Let me guess who these seven lucky ladies will be – Miah is obvious choice being the 'Beauty of the Freys'-"

"A matter of subjective opinion, my lady." Esma quickly cut in and I rolled my eyes at her before continuing.

"An opinion that most men have, I have come to realise in my experience. Father will favour her to put forward as she's his most prized possession. I mean, the Freys are hardly renowned in beauty so I can imagine Miah is certainly quite a gem in an otherwise bad bunch." Esma tittered again but I continued again without letting her interrupt. "Though who else will he have put forward? The twins – Rowna and Derwa – perhaps? I suppose they are both bearable enough on the eyes and they are young too so I guess that is their strong point. I'm sure that Father would be sad to see his beloved twins leave the Twins, but it's too bad only one can be chosen, leaving the other behind. That will surely be heart-breaking if it comes about." Esma hummed in agreement and I vaguely noted she had begun looking for a gown for me to change into. I grimaced slightly at the thought. "Waldra too perhaps? I'm sure he's more than keen to get rid of her. Waldra is quite the bane of his existence."

"Would you prefer to wear red or green, my lady?" Esma asked off-handily. I didn't either bother to spare the presented gowns a glance before shrugging in response.

"Whichever you think will look best, Esma." I sighed, running a hand through my dark, knotted hair. She would no doubt want make my hair presentable too, I noted, though I'd have to urge her not to go too fancy – I didn't want to look too desperate for something I did not want after all.

"I think green, my lady, it brings out your eyes more."

"My eyes are brown, Esma. I can't imagine that they'll be dazzling any kings any time soon." I moved away from the window finally and towards where Esma had laid out a green gown on my bed. The woman continued to fuss around, almost in a frantic rush, and I absently picked at the sleeve of the dress I was already wearing – more of a night gown than anything, much too casual to be presented to a king in anyway. I frowned at my handmaid, my previous thoughts coming back. "Am I right so far?"

"Aye, you are right. Your sister Roslin is one of your father's choices also."

"Roslin? I shouldn't be surprised by that – she's a quiet little thing who means no harm, but for some reason, Father doesn't like her so much. I should have guessed he would jump at the chance of getting rid of her. Perhaps it's because she's not at all like him that makes him dislike her so much. Gods forbid if the rest of us are though." Esma smiled at me then, all knowing and understanding.

"Your father is a great man, my lady." Her words sounded as rehearsed as the rest of my father's people, though Esma's smile gave her act away.

"My father is a dirty, old man who spends far too much time littering the Twins with his off-spring, Esma." I retorted, evenly, and my handmaid stifled a laugh. "You know, he has twenty-two trueborn sons last time I counted? And twelve trueborn daughters? I won't even bother counting his bastard children; there are more than enough of them. Waldra and I have meant to make note of all of Father's children - both bastards and trueborns - but it's quite difficult especially when many are either married off or I have never met. I don't even remember the names of my other sisters - the ones that are already married."

"I believe those sisters are much older than you, my lady. You may have been too young to remember them. " My handmaid pointed out then. I hummed thoughtfully at that. She was right, the only sisters that I had ever known we were the ones I had grown up with - the seven remaining unmarried trueborn daughters of Walder Frey. At that thought, I paused. Esma had said Father only intended to put seven daughters before the King today. I had already set about pulling my arms out of the sleeves of the dress I was wearing when this thought came to mind and I felt my mind reel for a moment. Frozen, mid action, I stared at Esma with a frown.

"Who else is Father putting before the King today?" I asked, slowly.

"I told you this before, my lady! Your father intends to place his finest daughters before the King and his remaining trueborn seven are the ones he's chosen." A little lost for words, I took this in. While I'd heard Esma inform me of this before, I wasn't aware that this was what she meant. Though in truth, I should have been wiser and picked up on this quicker. Esma in turn studied my reaction with a worried expression before quickly continuing. "My lady, I thought you always knew you'd be one of the choices? Have you not expected this? I'm sorry to have distressed you, my lady-"

"It's not me I'm thinking about, Esma." I denied, shaking my head. "Shirei – she's only ten and two." I thought of my younger sister then – my favourite of all my siblings by far. She was much like Roslin in her quiet nature, but as someone who knew her better than most, I knew Shirei to be a fiery little lady when in the right company. She had some free-spirit but unfortunately House Frey wasn't one to really offer her this and on face-value, Shirei was just the shy, youngest daughter of Walder Frey. On top of that though, Shirei was much too young, much too innocent, to be involved in this spiteful pact my father had made with the King in the North. I had not realised this was Father's intention before, but truth be told, I should have realised it sooner.

"She flowered, my lady, earlier this month in fact. She is fit to be wed-"

"No she isn't! Bled or not, she's still just a little girl!" I hissed, out-raged and torn by this. Esma shied back a little by my tone, but didn't look offended. She should have known that where Shirei was concerned, things like this would not sit well with me.

While my sisters and I knew of this upending deed, I'd never once dreamed that Shirei would be involved also. I had already resigned my own fate of being placed before the King in the North, but I knew full well that I wouldn't be picked – I wasn't special or beautiful enough to catch the King's attention. It was a deed that would fall upon one of my other sisters – most likely Miah, the Beauty of the Freys and as unpleasant as she was, or maybe one of the twins. Though the thought of Shirei just standing before this King, being stared at like nothing but a slab of meat, made me feel sickened to the core.

"It is likely the King will not pick her, my lady." Esma tried to assure me, noting my tension. "He is an honourable man, so they say – kind and just."

"So the tales say. I would prefer to find out that for myself." I muttered, shrugging out my gown in defeat. While I may not have liked it, I knew there was nothing I could do about it. My father was much too stubborn to change his mind and I probably wouldn't see him now until the feast later that day. Quickly, Esma began to help me into the green dress, while my mind buzzed with new thoughts.

Soon, I would be presented before our new guests along with my six other sisters, whom my father had apparently deemed his 'finest'. We would be eyed, gawped at and sieved through until one of us was chosen to be the Northern bride. It was an exchange for the Stark army's crossing the Twins many years ago in the midst of the War of the Five Kings apparently. A bridge for a bride – how delightful! It surely was the romance that novels wrote about and all young women around Westeros desired.

The Twins would be welcoming tonight some guests – The King in the North, along with his mother and a handful of his most trusted men and guards, so people said. I could practically feel the buzz of the castle already as the honorary feast and gathering was prepared, no doubt a lot of my father's men attending also. The Feast Hall would be oozing with the foul stench of sweat and alcohol later that night, I could only dread and imagine. Later that day, either one of my sisters or I – while unlikely the latter – would be meeting their soon-to-be husband, for the very first time. I had already heard a few of my sisters talking about the prospect in hushed tones. They'd heard great stories about the King in the North; many war stories and tales of his heroic nature. They'd heard of how handsome the Young Wolf was and Esma was one of the many who sang praises of his family's kindness and honour.

The Stark men had honour – a trait known well throughout Westeros. Eddard Stark had honour and it had cost him his head. His son, Robb, had honour too and that had cost him a wife. While I wasn't as dishonourable as many of my House – I prided myself with being different than most of them – I still wondered how beneficial it was to have the extent of the Stark trait. Sure, justice and good had prevailed at the end of the war – most of the Lannisters had been defeated and the North and South were now separate Kingdoms, ruled by the King in the North and the King in the South respectably. While there still seemed a lot of fixing and reconstruction to be had, there seemed to be hope for the Seven Kingdoms after such a difficult period of pain and death.

But while the realm was at peace, there were still things that could not be undone; promises that had to be kept. I wondered, as Robb Stark approached the Twins now, perhaps dreading this whole ordeal too, whether he regretted keeping his honour towards my father's conditions.

A bridge for a bride – was there any honour in that?

I made my way down the darkened corridors of the Twins, my intentions set on Shirei's room. After Esma had finished getting me ready, I had immediately wanted to set out and find Shirei. Hopefully she was already aware of what Father wanted from us all that evening, but if not, I could at least be there to comfort her.

Approaching footsteps could be heard through and suddenly Shirei's handmaiden, Rae, appeared around the corner though my younger sister was not the one in her company. Instead a man stood by her side – a drenched man at that.

I could tell immediately that he must have been with the King's party, given how wet he looked and after the witnessing the state of the weather outside for myself. I gathered also that he must have been a soldier due to the armour he wore over his tunic and breeches. The stranger was a strong looking man with broad shoulders, probably built up throughout the war and the battles I guessed he'd been in. His hair was unruly kept and his darkened curls were soaked wet and stuck to his forehead and cheeks, the rest of him looked equally as wet and his face looked pale from cold. As I looked over the stranger at Rae's side, I couldn't help but fluster slightly at the piercingly icy eyes that stared back. His face had a handsome countenance, one unlike the men around the Twins. There was something much more traditionally handsome about this man, much more noble and regal. His jaw was strong and his features were sharp though it was his eyes that captured me the most. They were dark – just like the clothes he wore – and piercing, quite shockingly breath-taking in fact. They likened to wolf eyes, I realised, and I considered his King's sigil and noted how well he must fit in. I had never seen a man like him in the Twins, no matter how many men I'd met and crossed paths with over the years.

Most of the men I'd met were all the same – sleazy and drunken buffoons. I had come to expect this same nature from all men now as they all appeared to be the same as me, even the ones who were handsome. When I was younger, I had believed in the concept of good men; princes to come and sweep those damsels off their feet. But as time grew on and after all my experiences, I'd come to abolish these images. I was yet to meet a man who I had any other feelings for other than disinterest or disgust – my brothers and uncles excluded, of course. The end game for most of the men in the Twins was primal. Even if I was Lord Frey's daughter, a noble lady no less, that didn't stop the sexual jeers and inappropriate gestures. At first, they'd terrified me and I'd been fearful of my father's men. Other times, I'd been foolish enough in my youth to let my own fancies and feelings run away with me and usually realised that no matter how charming men tried to be, they all seemed to want me for the same thing – to wed me for power or much more simply; sex. Over time though, I tried to harden myself away from feelings of such towards men in fear of just being let down in the end. Plus no matter where I presented my heart, I knew my father would no doubt send me off somewhere else anyway. It seemed better to keep my heart to myself so then it was less hurt in the end. The current situation with the King only proved my thoughts on this.

The man before though me did not rake his eyes over my body as I had seen the Frey men do – I may not have been as beautiful as Miah, but a lot of drunken men only seemed to care that you were female when it came down to their disgusting urges, beauty or not. Instead, this Stark man continued to stare back into my eyes like he was trying to discover my thoughts and mind, which made me infinitely more uncomfortable than other men's sleazy gazes. Surprised a little by the strange feeling in my stomach as I took in the equally strange man, I quickly turned my attention to Rae, who looked just as flustered as I felt.

"Good afternoon, Lady Miriella." Rae greeted, quickly, bowing her head a little in respect. I forced a smile, still feeling the weight of the man's stare on my face.

"Hello Rae. My lord." I nodded once towards the man at Rae's side, glad when he offered his own nod in return.

"My lady." The man murmured, without a smile. His voice was husky and not what I had expected. I couldn't help but hesitate a moment before continuing my address to Rae.

"Is my sister ready for this evening, Rae?" I asked the young girl, pleasantly, and her eyes widened slightly, nervously glancing to the man at her side. I raised an eyebrow when she shook her head.

"I've not had chance to sort out her gown or pour her a bath yet, my lady. Your father caught me while I was on my way to Lady Shirei's room and asked that I escort our guest to his chambers." She let out in a rush and I smiled assuringly – she was a busy little thing, though Rae had always been kind to Shirei and therefore I liked her well enough.

"Would you like me to help her for you while you do as my father wishes?" I suggested. "It's not like I have anything better to do right now – I did not need long to prepare myself for the King." Rae opened and closed her mouth wordlessly a moment, her eyes still darting to the man beside her. I ignored the urge to look at him also, finding it easier to merely look at Rae.

"My lady, I think it would be much more appropriate if I helped Lady Shirei." I raised an eyebrow then and Rae quickly rushed on. "I mean no offence! It's just, I'm not sure if you know how to tie a corset properly considering how much you do not like them, my lady, and I've got everything planned already for Lady Shirei and she needs to bathe before dinner and-" The woman trailed off in yet another flustered fashion and I smiled widely at the girl, a chuckle emerging from my lips.

"No offences taken, Rae, don't worry! I guess you're right – I would not have the first clue how to tie a corset, I do not wear them often enough to care to find out." I replied, seeing Rae let out a breath of relief that she hadn't offended me. Another thought occurred to me then though. "I just worry though for Shirei right now; I dread to think how nervous she must be. Did you know she was to be presented to the King before today, Rae?" The woman yet again glanced towards the man beside her and I gathered that her nervousness must have been due to the topic of conversation around the current company. I wasn't worried though – the Stark man could repeat this conversation to the King, if he wished, I had certainly not offended the King in the North as of yet and had no intention of doing so.

"Your father only told me this morning, my lady." Rae informed me, hesitantly and I ground my teeth together as I thought of my father. "She is his youngest trueborn it is only customary that she is one of the choices." I eyed the girl with a narrowed gaze before nodding slowly, still not liking the whole ordeal but knowing there was nothing that could be done right now. "My lady, we really must be going. I have much to do-" I quickly remembered the other company we were in and glanced towards the man beside Rae, seeing how he was studying the exchange with a thoughtful gaze. Thinking of Shirei though, another thought occurred to me.

"I don't mind carrying out my father's orders, Rae." I insisted quickly and Rae's eyes widened nervously.

"Lady Miriella-"

"My sister is alone right now and, like I said, no doubt nervous for tonight's presentation. If you are to leave her waiting any longer, Rae, I can imagine you'll be just as flustered and that will not do any good for either of you. Go; get her ready for the feast. I'll come by later to make sure she's alright." Rae swept a withering glance to the man beside her before nodding once.

"Thank you, my lady." She said, hitching up her skirts. "Your father said the larger guest chambers have been prepared already and I think your sister, Lady Derwa, wanted you all to meet in her room before the feast. If Lady Shirei and I are not in her chambers when you come by, that's where she'll be." I smiled my thanks.

When the young girl scuttled away, squeaking a goodbye that was barely above a whisper to the man beside her, I found myself suddenly left alone in the presence of drenched Stark soldier. I banished back the crazed feelings in my stomach, reminding myself that I was not Miah or Derwa or Rowna and I would not be so easily swooned by a man of handsome features. The Stark soldier met my gaze with his own piercing stare when I eventually turned back to him and I forced a smile before urging the man on down the corridor – feeling in need to hurry this along so I could go and meet my sisters.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting, my lord." I quickly spoke up, hoping that my voice didn't stutter. I could imagine how much of a scolding I'd get if I didn't act accordingly in front of our guests – while the Freys may not be overly known for their curtsy, I knew some effort needed to be made at least. "I can imagine all you want to do is dry off and rest for the feast this evening, but I just wanted to make sure my sister was alright." His sharp features did not soften once at my words.

"It is quite alright, my lady. I understand what it's like to be an older sibling." He replied, smoothly. He said nothing else and for a moment and I was a little stunned by how short cutting his words were and I found myself falling silent, unsure what to say. The silence stretched on between us as I led the Stark soldier down the castle's corridors and towards the guest chambers my father had apparently set out for him. For a moment, I wondered why this man was to have those chambers as they were usually deemed for only the best guests, but the man beside me suddenly spoke up before I could question it further. "So, you are one of Walder Frey's daughters then, my lady?" I smiled thinly at this, taking in the polite curiosity in his tone. I'd never heard a man around the Freys speak to me with such a polite tone.

"Aye I am – today especially anyway." I sighed, before remembering the company I was currently keeping. The man had picked up my slight animosity though before I could correct myself.

"What do you mean by that, my lady?" He asked, carefully.

"Well," I began, uncertain of myself. "Today's quite a special day for us Frey girls, my lord. We are honoured with the presence of our King."

"Aye, I suppose it is quite a special day." The man murmured strangely and when I glanced his way, I saw the intent curiosity behind his gaze and I was unsure what that meant. "And I suppose you are quite excited to be put before the King today, my lady? Excited at the prospect of being his bride?" Quickly though, I forced a somewhat awkward smile.

"It would be quite an honour, my lord. I'm sure the King of the North is as kind and as handsome as they say." I began, slowly. The man raised an eyebrow in question, no doubt wanting me to finish my reply. "I'm sure he'll make a great husband for one of my sisters too, my lord." At my blunt implications, a strange look passed across his face then, but the man said nothing. After a hesitant moment, I chuckled in my attempt to lighten the tension between us suddenly. I had hoped that perhaps the man would at least grace a smile, as he was yet to do so yet. There was hallowed looked in his eyes though, one I couldn't place. One full of concealed darkness and I could imagine that facing death in war no doubt brought that look out of men like this soldier. "I hope you and your fellow soldiers will enjoy your evening here at the Twins anyway, my lord. We can be known for holding lavish feasts when we want to." My own mind had raced ahead of me then and I grimaced slightly at the sound of my forced comments. I could have been in worse company though, I supposed. But then again, I should have been in better.

"You don't think the King will choose you, my lady?" The man asked, something unknown in his tone and features. Blanching, it seemed that the man had acknowledged my comment and quickly I forced a grim smile.

"I could not say for sure who the King will choose." I replied, carefully, before shrugging once more and straining a smile. "I am merely acknowledging the pleasanter qualities of some my other sisters, my lord." The handsome soldier studied me silently for a moment and I couldn't help but draw myself into his breath-taking eyes. They were so very blue, I realised, before remembering myself and quickly turning away as I felt my cheeks redden.

We continued on down the corridors in silence and I couldn't bring myself to say anymore, in fear of saying anything else that could be deemed inappropriate. When I saw the desired chambers, I felt my heart quicken slightly; in relief or disappointment, I didn't know. These feelings were all quite foreign to me and I wasn't quite sure what to make of them. Even as we approached, I could feel the Stark soldier's eyes burning into the side of my head while he contemplated me. I could imagine he'll be telling his King everything that went on and I wondered how I felt about that briefly before turning to the man and smiled once more.

"Here we are, my lord." I gestured to the door before opening the chambers and stepping aside to the let the man in. For a moment, he studied the room silently before turning back to me with a nod of approval. "I'm sure someone will be over soon to collect you for the feast." The man nodded again, studying me with a keen eye. I was about to make my leave when he spoke once more.

"Perhaps the King will surprise you this evening, my lady." The Stark soldier told me, his features still controlled. I hesitated then, slightly taken back by the strange intensity of his stare. Don't get swooned, I reminded myself; you're not your sisters! Quickly, I forced a smile which I knew looked saddened.

"Perhaps he will." I replied, knowing my tone was a lot more resigned than I intended.

"I'll see you down at the feast." A chuckle escaped my lips at that.

"That's rather doubtful, my lord." I smiled. "The Feast Hall will no doubt be swarming with people tonight – I'm afraid I probably won't be able to recognise you in the crowd!" When the man's lips turned up in a smile, my breath hitched. His stubbled cheeks dimpled slightly at the corners and his smile was kind, one not full of malice or hidden intentions. I had never quite recalled such a smile before from someone who wasn't female or related to me. Though as I considered the smile longer, I saw how forced it seemed and it deflated me slightly.

"I think you will, my lady." He replied. Startled and a little bit unsure of myself, I only nodded and forced another smile. Without saying another word, I quickly backed out the guest chambers, closing the door as I did and leaving the Stark soldier alone.

As I made my way down to my sister's chambers, I found myself frowning as I considered the strange man. I wasn't sure what to think of the strange muddle I'd been left in but I could not help but vaguely hope I was wrong and that I might see him later that evening in the Feast Hall. He seemed polite enough and such a pleasant face might ease the nerves I would no doubt begin feeling in the presence of the King.

"Do you think he'll be as handsome as they say?"

"I bet even more so!"

"I've heard how like a true gentleman he is – he'll make a fine husband!"

"Just think of all the battles he's been in; it's so heroic and brave! Do you think he'll have any battle scars?"

"I'm sure one of us will more than happily find out!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as my sisters giggled together in their childish manner. The seven of us had all crowded into Derwa's room, waiting to be called upon to go down and meet the King and endure the dreaded ordeal of being poked and prodded at like animals. Esma had managed to get me ready in quick time though it seemed some of the others were much more bothered about their appearances than me; pacing back and forth before the large vanity mirror hung on the wall, parading around in various dresses to find the right one and constantly tying up and letting down their hair – not quite sure which was best. They had dismissed their own handmaidens so they could do each other's styling; apparently it was fun. It all seemed quite a palaver to witness.

Keeping out of all the fuss, I sat down on the love-seat in the corner with Waldra by my side and Shirei sat at my feet as I plaited her hair absently. Rae had managed to get her ready in quick time after I'd left her, but Shirei had insisted I plaited her hair while we waited for our sisters. I knew it was something that calmed my younger sister and I obliged to her wishes, taking her hair in tender hands and absently watching the rest of our sisters as they fussed about.

Our other four sisters were chatting together across the room by the bed, all smiles and impish giggles. Roslin, as sweet as she was, had been drawn into the madness, despite being reluctant at first to join in with the twins and Miah. She was too polite for her own good though and was almost a doll now in their fun. Waldra was the oldest of the seven of us at a grand old age of twenty-eight years - an age most would be wed and mothering children, though thanks to our father's plethora of choice when it came to wedding off-spring, Waldra was still without both. As always, she was as cynical and sarcastic as normal. She turned her nose up at the mayhem across the room, muttering occasionally to me how utterly stupid the whole process was under her breath.

"What will you ladies do if the Young Wolf is not as handsome as you expect him to be?" Waldra asked suddenly, cutting through a particular douse of laughter. "Perhaps he was handsome once but maybe the war has changed that – maybe his nose was sliced off during battle? Now, there would be a sight. Would you ladies want him so much then, I wonder?"

"Do be quiet, Waldra." Miah tittered, frowning. We were all blessed with our father's dark, brunette hair and Miah was no exception. She was not lucky enough to have golden Lannister locks, but she still said to be equally as beautiful. She was the Beauty of the Freys after all and she lived up to her reputation. It was too bad she knew she was beautiful too – beauty and pig-headedness surely wasn't a great combination. While she was younger than Waldra at five and twenty years of age, she still set out to belittle us all – tormenting her less pretty siblings, bastard and not, was one of her favourite past times it seemed. "While we all know you won't get picked, you could at least allow the rest of us to dream!" Waldra smirked at this, and I couldn't help but liken her to our father then.

"Dream away, ladies!" She muttered back, shaking her head and mumbling incoherently to herself again.

I glanced at my older sister out the corner of my eye, taking in how less effort she'd made than I had. Her dress wasn't anything more special than she usually wore – dark and very masculine, almost like herself. The mess of curls remained untamed on her head too, usually the focal point of Miah occasionally claiming her likeness to a witch. While Waldra may not have been the fairest out of us all, she did not seem to care about it. My strange sister wanted nothing more than to be left alone and appeared to hate any interaction with anyone around her – including her own family. She didn't seem to like any of her siblings either, with perhaps Shirei and I being the occasional exceptions.

"What do you think he'll be like, Ella?" Shirei asked me, in a hushed tone, turning her head to look at me as she did, her nickname for me rolling off her tongue easily – she was the only one I allowed to call me that anyway. Her large doe eyes stared up at me with innocent, unknowing wonder and I smiled sadly at the little girl, wanting nothing more than her exclusion from the whole ordeal.

"I'm sure he's nice, Shirei." I assured her, noting the fear lingering behind her gaze. I thought of the Stark soldier I had met in the corridor and wondered if the King would be something similar. Would he be just as handsome? Even more so perhaps? "I mean, he is King in the North – some people must like him, at least." Waldra snorted at this, turning to Shirei and me then.

"Miriella is right. He's a Stark; of course he will be nice. Aren't they all renowned for their kindness and honour?" She gritted out and I eyed her with a frown.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I pointed out, tiredly. While I may not have agreed to Waldra's extent of cynicism, I was on much the same wave length as her when it came to the disagreeable nature of the whole thing. Perhaps it was my resign to the knowledge that I wouldn't be getting picked that made me urge that the whole thing would be over quicker and the King in the North would leave, hopefully taking Miah with him – for all our sakes.

"Perhaps it is." Waldra shrugged. "For us Freys, at least. I mean, those air-heads can gush all they want over this glorified King, but do they really expect he's doing the same?"

"What do you mean?" Shirei asked, confused.

"Well, he hardly wants to marry any of us, does he?" Waldra continued, catching the attention of the other four. "We're just an exchange for some war strategy – a bridge for a bride, hardly an implement of love, is it?" Just what I had thought earlier, I noted. Waldra waved a casual hand towards the other four and continued. "You lot can dream and prim yourselves up all you wish, because you are just a duty to that man. You're not the woman he loves or wants – I'm pretty sure she's the one who has to clean up his men."

"What are you talking about?" Derwa – one of the twins – asked, curiosity in her tone. Miah jumped to answer before Waldra could.

"There was word that the King fell for someone briefly during the war – a healer from Volantis." Miah explained in an apparent bored tone. "They grew close and there is belief that the King almost broke his promise to Father by having the intention to marry her. Though his mother, Catelyn Stark, convinced him otherwise, reminding him of the debt he had with House Frey." I had heard of these tales briefly in passing from some gossiping maids in the castle. It was interesting news, but I hadn't let it grieve me. It would be a problem that Miah or one the other girls had to concern themselves with anyway, not me.

"It's a good job he kept his word!" Rowna abolished quickly. "I wouldn't want to imagine what Father would have done if the King had gone against his promise." Miah and Rowna's twin, Derwa, nodded in agreement.

"But what of the woman?" Shirei spoke up, suddenly. "What happened to the healer from Volantis that he wanted to marry?" Miah shrugged, uncaringly, before turning to Roslin to attempt to pin up her hair. Roslin seemed reluctant as always, but silently allowed her sister to pull and tug at her locks as she wished. She had not said a word, I noted, during the entire discussion of the King and would no doubt continue to remain silent for most of the evening. I wondered briefly what her opinion on the matter was and decided that if the King was as nice as they all said, then maybe Roslin was the one who deserved him the most – being the kindest of all us Frey girls.

"She's probably a whore for his men to use now." Miah responded, mercilessly, smirking slightly as she did. I eyed my fairer sister with a frown, not liking her attitude before forcing a smile when Shirei turned to look at me once more. I quickly noted the sadness in her expression and was about to ask what's wrong when she spoke again in whispers.

"That's really sad; what happened to the lady from Volantis." She breathed, quietly. "Couldn't Father have just let them do what they want and marry? Surely if they loved each other then they should be happy?" I smiled, sadly, at my younger sister, my heart aching at her naivety and kindness. If only things were that simple, I could not help but think.

"We can't always get want we want, Shirei. We can't all be happy in the end."

The noise from the Feast Hall echoed loudly through the corridors as the seven of us made our way to it. Shirei's hand was tightly clenched in mine and I could feel her palms shaking as her fingers intertwined with mine - a bid for comfort. Her fear just increased my own anxiety and I continued to squeeze her hand reassuringly in a hope to calm her nerves down; for both our sakes.

Miah and the twins entered the Hall first, allowing the air inside to sneak out - the stench hitting my nose like a firm wall and causing me to bite back the vile. I vaguely wondered what it would be like to dine in Winterfell – probably a lot nicer than at the Twins – and briefly entertained the idea that I may once dine there myself. I realised that I might do yet, if only to visit my sister – whichever one it may be. A sudden thought then occurred that maybe I would be the one getting visited, as crowned Queen in the North, but I quickly pushed that thought aside, reminding myself not to consider such a foolish notion. My stomach tinged uncomfortably then and I quickly put it down to nerves.

Our arrival thankfully wasn't made known and we were able to slip onto a table, that was left empty for us, without causing a scene just in time as the food was brought out. Glancing around the Hall I wasn't surprised to see it so full and I recognised many of the men's faces as my father's soldiers, laughing heartily as they dined. Some of the other men in the hall seemed to be wearing Stark armour and surprisingly looked no different to the Frey men – still hairy and as oaf looking it seemed. I tried to see if I could pick out the familiar face of the Stark soldier from earlier in the crowd of people, but couldn't quite find him. After a while, I realised that perhaps I was right and that it was unlikely I'd see him during the feast tonight. Snorting to myself, I poured a beaker of wine for myself, hoping my hands weren't shaking too much, before offering to pour one to Roslin on my right side. She denied it with a soft smile.

"Not drinking tonight, Roslin?" I asked, smiling playfully. She shook her head and I was happy to at least see a genuine smile on her face in return, behind the anxiety of course.

"I'm too nervous to drink, Miriella." She admitted and I raised an eyebrow before sipping some wine for myself, hoping that it may calm my own nerves. "Who do you think he'll pick?" Roslin asked in a quieter tone so only I could hear. In reply, I shrugged before glancing at the other women around our table.

"We know who wants it the most." I added, eyeing Miah meaningfully as she chatted with the twins. "And I can expect Father probably wants the same." Roslin didn't disagree but looked pensive a moment.

"It's not for them to decide though." Roslin pointed out with a weak smile and I hummed in agreement, allowing my eyes to wander to my father's table and to the prized guest on his left. As soon as I laid eyes on the man though, I felt my stomach drop.

It was not hard to pick out the King in the North from the table, even if he wasn't placed beside Father in the centred seat. There was something immediate about the man's demeanour that seemed to command your attention and I eyed the Stark King with wide eyes as I took in the familiarity. He was drier than the last time I'd seen him, but I could still recognise him all the same. Sat there, beside my father was the King in the North – or else better known to me as the drenched Stark soldier I'd had the fortunate pleasure of escorting to his room earlier on that afternoon.

I could not quite describe the horror I felt after realising I'd already met the man and spoke to him nonetheless too – in a manner not fit for a King either. I recalled the conversation we'd had, about him, and I could feel myself pale with increased worry now. Inwardly, I cursed myself for what I'd said to him, but then I remembered that he hadn't corrected my assumptions. No, instead he'd allowed me to assume he was a lower title than he was and not in fact the King in the North. Was this perhaps for his own amusement? For his own gain? An unhappy frown appeared on my face as I considered the possibilities and my previous flustered feelings for the man were replaced now with much fury and embarrassment.

He wore no crown on top of his head like I'd expected and instead his unruly curly hair remained unhindered. The King's hair had seemed dark when I'd first encountered him but now in the light that shone down from the windows behind him and as it was much drier, there appeared to be a lighter shade of red in his hair – a trait apparently taken from his mother's side, a Tully. He was still just as handsome as before and as I studied the King in the North, my stomach flitted with that previous strange feeling. Almost flushed, I reasoned quickly that it was my nerves for the whole ordeal playing up on me and reminded myself of the humiliation I was feeling for speaking to such a man in the manner I had done. I wanted to be mad at the man, angered that he hadn't corrected me for whatever reason. Amusement? While I considered this again, it didn't seem like he'd done it for amusement, in fact the man had not smiled properly once in my company. There was something about the King, something that made him seem much older than he was. He appeared saddened, grieved almost. While he listened pleasantly enough to whatever nonsense my father was telling him, Robb Stark looked like a troubled man. Considering the tales of the love he was forced to give up, I wondered who had got the worse off deal here – us or him.

Of course, it did not take long for my sisters to start their swooning over the King. I took in their 'subtle' glances and the hushed tones and I found myself rolling my eyes at their behaviour, as I tried to ignore that strange feeling in my own stomach. As I felt my cheeks redden slightly, I decided that rather than focusing my attention on the King any longer, I should begin eating. I did so then, smiling briefly at Shirei when I caught her looking.

"Are you alright?" I asked my younger sister quietly, noticing how she had not begun eating her own food yet. Rather than answering my verbally, she only nodded and I paused for a moment, taking in the terror and anxiety on her face. "Hey, look at me." I tried, urging Shirei's attention. She looked at me, reluctantly. "It will be fine. All you have to do is go and give the King your name. Do not worry about him picking you – you are too young to get married and they say the King is a nice man; he will not make you marry him. Alright?" Shirei nodded, but I could still see the tension there.

"I'm scared, Ella." She admitted, timidly. "I don't want to go up there with everyone looking at me. I do not want to talk to the King. Why is Father making me go? He won't pick me and I don't want him to. I am too little! I don't want to do it!" Shirei's eyes began to water and I quickly put down my fork to put an arm over her little frame.

"Hey, don't cry." I whispered, gently. "You have got nothing to be scared of! We have all got to do it. Let's just hope that Miah will trip when it's her turn and make a fool of herself in front of the King! Huh, wouldn't that be funny?" Shirei cracked a brief smile but I knew it was forced. Sighing, I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, trying to figure out a way to make it better. "How about this? How about, when it's your turn, I'll come up with you?" Shirei immediately met my gaze and I could see my suggestion had made her feel better. After a moment, she nodded and I smiled widely. "Good. Now let's hope we aren't the ones who trip in front of the King!" Shirei did giggle then and I inwardly congratulated myself for bringing such a smile on her face. Letting my arm drop from her shoulders, I got back to eating my food, glad to see Shirei starting her own.

I wasn't sure how Shirei and I had grown as close as we had – with nine years age difference it was a wonder we did, given our numerous brothers and sisters too. Perhaps it was because Shirei seemed to need a little more protecting than the rest or maybe it was because we both had a tendency to go wandering off outside the Twins every now and again. We were alike in some respects and maybe that was what brought us together. We had different mothers – mine died in childbirth and Shirei's died when she was only five, making room for Father's eighth wife – but that didn't prevent the bond we had. While I disliked most of my rather large family – which seemed to be a given when it came to Freys – Shirei Frey was the exception. She was everything to me. My light in an otherwise darkened world.

"He's looking at us." Shirei suddenly whispered then, halting my musings. With a mouthful of food, I turned to the girl with a raised eyebrow in question. She smiled slightly at my expression before leaning in close. "The King is looking at us."

When I glanced towards the top table, I vaguely wished I'd swallowed my food first. I could only imagine how bulged my cheeks looked and how un-ladylike my manner appeared though civility had never really been something the Freys tended to pride themselves in either. Sure enough, as Shirei told me, the King in the North had taken interest in our table. I gathered that Father must have informed him that we were his options and he was no doubt taking a browse through his choices right now. I felt my nerves peek again as I thought of those wolf-like eyes on me once more.

When I noted the brooding King's eyes stop on Shirei, however, I tensed at the quizzical expression there. I forgot my own fear and my embarrassment then and my nerves subsided for something else to take over. Instinctively, I returned my arm back around the girl – who was unaware that the King was looking at her – bringing her close and hoping his attention wouldn't linger too long on her. What it did succeed in doing though was bringing the Stark King's attention to me then and I had to force myself to hold my ground when the frosty eyes met mine yet again that day. Immediately, I could see the recognition in his gaze and while his own gaze narrowed in curiosity at the sight of me, I kept mine firm. Holding whatever strength I could muster, I kept mine fixed, not wanting to appear weak when I wanted to convey my message to him – not her, not Shirei. The King's gaze wandered briefly down to Shirei again but his expression was more contemplating now before turning back to me again. After the longest of times, the man tried a smile, one that was barely there and couldn't at all be counted as one before he averted his gaze. I was glad when he was the first to look away, a strange crease in his brow as he turned back to his food. Finally released from his eyes, I found myself sighing a shaky breath.

I had not liked the King's eyes on Shirei as I did not want her being studied as the rest of us would be. She wasn't an option, as far as I was concerned. I did not want her to be subjected to the ordeal and while the tales of the King in the North had been in his favour, I considered the man like every other I'd encountered. He hadn't led me to believe otherwise, especially considering his previous behaviour before, so until then, he was as no good as the rest and that wasn't something I wanted Shirei to be put through. Bitterly, I allowed my thoughts to continue racing and found that my mind had never found itself so unsteady before today. The King had certainly left an impression, I realised. I laughed briefly without humour, quickly catching the attention of others around the table.

"Something funny you wish to share?" Miah asked, an edge to her tone, and I shrugged, my eyes barely looking in her direction.

"Not sure you would find my humour funny, dear sister." I retorted back, dryly. She smiled grimly.

"I cannot think of anyone that would, darling Miriella." I sent her a deadpanned look, wanting so badly to rid the shit-eating smile from her face. I could only imagine how horribly a slap fight between us would go down with Father, especially now we were in the company of a King. The image alone brought a somewhat bitter smile to my lips, causing Miah to glare further.

"Are you going to use that sweet talk on the King when you meet him, Miah?" Waldra stepped in then, looking, as she usually did, bored with everything. "Or are you just going to charm him with your looks – because I'm sure that's a similar way to how whores work." Miah sent our older sister a swift scowl before sipping at her beaker of wine.

"Jealous of my looks, Waldra? I suppose it is hard for a withering hag like yourself to compete with the Beauty of the Freys." Miah returned, coolly. Waldra smirked a little, laughing it off.

"Beauty of the Freys – not quite sure that is much of an achievement, I'm afraid, sister." Waldra said, downing her own goblet of wine in one go. "I find it funny how much you truly believe the King will pick you." At this, Miah raised an amused eyebrow.

"I believe it because it is highly likely." She bit back before sniggering. "More likely than you anyway." Waldra shrugged, uncaring.

"That may be, but there are others around this table too, you know. Perhaps looks aren't everything for the Northern King and I hardly think he's going to fall for your charming personality now, is he? A beauty you may be, but you are hardly dubbed the 'nicest of the Freys', are you?" Miah's eyes narrowed though made no more argument, feigning boredom with the conversation. Eyeing Waldra, I was surprised to find her already looking at me with a pleased grin to which I returned with a raised eyebrow.

When I had finished eating, I found myself eyeing the men around the Feast Hall again, taking in how they laughed and drank and conversed easily. It seemed so much simpler being a man than it was a woman, though I could only really go off my experiences with my sisters - who were not exactly the greatest of friends. At one point, my attention drew to my own father and I took in the decrepit man that sat beside the King. I sure could not say I was proud to be Walder Frey's daughter, there was so many of us after all anyway! He'd never been the most overly loving of fathers but I gathered that when you have so many children, it was hard to divide your attention across them all. I wondered briefly what it would have been like to grow up with loving parents, like the Starks, and perhaps without siblings I mostly wanted to throttle.

When my father eventually decided to get things started, I watched as the Lord of the Twins rose to his feet and drew silence quickly from the room. I saw the excitement peek on three of my sisters' faces, a look of disinterest on Waldra's and anxiety on Roslin's. At the same time, Shirei reached over to grab my hand and I gripped it back, knowing what was soon to come. I swallowed thickly, allowing my attention, along with the rest in the room, to draw to the front of the Hall.

"We Freys are humbled to welcome such prestige guests into our home!" Walder Frey spoke out, managing to sound sleazy even then. "It is an honour that the King in the North - our King no less - has graced us this peaceful time with his presence - a time made so by his doings and his hand in the fall of the Lannisters. Let us bid him and his party our welcome, my lords and ladies; for we are seemingly indebted to them for their trifles." Around the Hall, men cheered at this notion though I only watched on silently as they did. I studied my sisters then, whose attentions were all immediately focused now on the top table and namely on one individual – perhaps with the exception of Waldra who looked like she wanted to fall asleep. They all appeared so eager, so mesmerised.

"We are thankful for you hospitality, Lord Frey." Spoke the King, himself, his voice soothing and to the point, as it was before. I watched as Derwa and Rowna shared a smile and forced a snort down at the excitement on their faces just as the man was speaking. While I would agree the man had a pleasing countenance, I wouldn't lower myself to giggling like a child over him. I could do so without fawning over him, I reasoned to myself quickly as I felt my stomach agitate again. "It is an honour to be welcomed into your home and to receive such a warm greeting from both you and your people. My party and I are grateful to be here tonight." Walder Frey let out a wince-like chuckle, eyeing the King briefly before turning back to the Hall and clasping his hands together loudly.

"Well, there is a duty that needs to be fulfilled today – a promise that our King in the North has come to keep!" He sure didn't waste any time; I sighed, noting that the King also winced openly at our father's declaration. I watched then as the King's eyes swiftly passed towards our table, his jaw sent and gaze thoughtful. He looked every bit the regal King as he needed to be, something I should have probably realised earlier during our first encounter. I found myself squeezing Shirei's hand tighter then, not sure who I was providing comfort for anymore; her or myself. "I have seven of my daughters to present to you, you grace, and for you to take your chosen bride from." Our father's eyes slunk over to us and his lips turned up in a horrible sneer as he took his seat once more. "Waldra, up here first!"

Waldra let out a loud sigh, which I was sure was heard by the top table, as she pushed herself away on her stool and rose to her feet. Miah let out her own snort of laughter, smiling with sweet kindness towards her older sister. Waldra, in turn, looked to me and rolled her eyes – something I knew certainly was not missed by Father nor the King. I smiled back in return and watched along with the rest of the Feast Hall as Waldra walked up the few steps to the top table and stood before them all, slouching when she reached the top. I wondered briefly how my older sister could stand there calmly, so undignified too, despite knowing that there were many eyes on her right now; a King's pair included.

"This is the eldest that I will present you with; Waldra. She is twenty-eight, your grace." Father explained to the King briefly. "Her name is not be confused with my son, Waldron, though, your grace!" Father jeered then. "Whom I believe is betrothed to your sister." The woman sat beside the King – which I guessed was his mother – turned away at this to frown into her goblet of wine. I spared her a brief look over before turning back to the main proceedings. The King continued to keep Waldra's gaze, ignoring his mother's displeasure, a certain curiosity in his eyes as he eyed my sister before him.

"You seem displeased, my lady." The King observed, thoughtfully. "Displeased with me perhaps?" I heard Waldra let out a bark of laughter, which made Father scowl at and seemed to startle the King.

"Displeased with you, your grace?" Waldra shook her head. "I have eyes and I am not a simpleton – I am certainly not displeased with you; I just find this all to be a waste of my time." I raised an eyebrow of disbelief then and observed how my sisters looked on in shock too. Father was already glaring hard at his oldest trueborn while the King looked just surprised again by her reply.

"Wasting your time, how so, my lady?" He questioned and Waldra then turned to look towards our table. Her eyes scanned amongst us and she smiled briefly when she met my gaze before turning back to the King. I only frowned to myself with her behaviour though I should have known this would never have gone easy when it came to Waldra.

"Because I know full well you won't pick me, your grace." She replied, tone strong, as she shrugged indifferently. "My sisters are a lot fairer on the eyes than I and I am not here to trouble myself with girlish wishes. I am not fit to be your Queen and I daresay I do not want to be either. Your future bride is sat in this very room, but it is not me and I think we both know that. I can tell you which ones are the kindest though, if you wish, your grace? Which ones would make for a better wife? A better Queen? It would be in your best interests, I assure you-"

"That is enough, girl!" Walder spat, quickly, ushering Waldra away with a wave of his hand. She bowed her head towards the King before returning back to our table, her chin held high as she did. I caught the flash of amusement on the King's face as she left, though it was masked pretty quickly when Father ordered up the next of us. "Rowna!"

As the taller of the twins quickly scuttled up to speak with the King, I turned to Waldra with a smile, studying how pleased she looked with herself.

"What a show you put on." I murmured and Waldra smirked, wickedly, in return. "You should have seen Miah's look of horror."

"I live for that look, Miriella!" My older sister sniggered before pouring herself another full goblet of wine, quickly downing it in one go and refilling again.

After Rowna, Derwa was brought up next and the King quickly observed the stronger likeness between the pair before Father explained they were twins. They were both pleasant enough towards the King and he was equally as polite in return. Their exchanges were not nearly as interesting as Waldra's though so I turned my attention quickly elsewhere. I focused instead on the little girl beside me, whose hand was shaking in mine.

"It'll be fine." I whispered to her quickly as Roslin took her turn. "Look, Roslin is going up and she was probably just as scared as you." Judging by my shy sister's face, I knew this was probably true.

"You'll come with me though still, won't you, Ella?" Shirei asked frantically and I nodded without hesitation.

"Of course I will." I assured her, squeezing her hand once more. When Roslin quickly returned to her own seat, Father called out the fifth name.


It hit me harder than it would if I had heard my own name. Glancing towards my sister, I saw her eyes widen in panic and I quickly urged her to her feet. I had to tug her most of the way up to the top table, the feeling of hundreds of eyes burning into the back of me, though I kept my attention only focused on Shirei. I could feel my stomach fluttering as we neared the top table, but I pushed it aside as well as I could when I felt Shirei's hand still shaking in mine. The little girl lingered behind me, blocking herself from view of the King and when I reached the place we were expecting to stand, I turned to see the look of displeasure on my father's face.

"Are you going deaf, girl?!" Father demanded, eyeing me. "I asked for Shirei! Go and sit down again and wait until you are called!"

"My hearing is just fine but it seems like a pointless journey to make twice, Father. I might as well stay now that I am here." I responded before turning to the King, noting the interest in his expression when I met his gaze and I did not like how alluring his eyes were again up close. I hesitated only briefly as our previous conversation had put me off, though I quickly remembered the timid little girl at my side and found my confidence once more. I swallowed hard before speaking, hoping for voice held firm as I did. "This is Shirei; she's ten and two years of age – Shirei is the youngest trueborn, your grace." The King raised an eyebrow at me with a strange expression on his face before he turned to my father beside him.

"You present a child to me, Lord Frey?" He asked, slowly, ever calculating. I was a little surprised to hear a little animosity in his tone, though was glad for it. "Did you honestly expect me to consider marrying this little girl?" If possible, I could feel my father's disapproval of me through his gaze. It seemed like Waldra and I were not his favourite children this evening.

"I am presenting to you all of my remaining trueborn daughters, your grace. That includes this little imp here." I frowned at my father deeply at the name he'd called Shirei and I saw the King's jaw hardened as he turned back to Shirei and me. He studied the girl attached to me with a thoughtful expression and I was unsure if it was for a purposeful intent or not. I felt myself flare again at the thought of him actually considering marrying my younger sister. Was he not an honourable and kind man like everyone said him to be?

"Are you frightened of me, little girl?" The King asked, in a tone much gentler than I expected. I felt Shirei's hand tense in mine at the fact she was being directly addressed.

"It is rude to ignore your king, child!" Father suddenly bit but the King spoke up quickly before I could.

"It is quite alright, Lord Walder." He assured my father in a firm tone, before returning back forward. "My lady, I mean to bid you no harm. I understand how scary this can be." I had not expected such a nature from the man before though remained cautious of his intentions still. Glancing down to the side of me, I noted the Shirei was eyeing the King with wide eyes. "You were scared to come up here and speak to me; is that why your sister has come up with you?" There was a silent pause in the Feast Hall before Shirei brought up enough courage to answer.

"Yes." She replied timidly, looking to me for approval. I raised an eyebrow in turn and she quickly added a clumsy; "Your grace." I was surprised to see a small smile on the sharp features of the King then. It disappeared in a flash though before I could register it.

"That was very kind of her." Shirei didn't respond then but I just and so caught the small smile on her face, in return to his previous one, when I glanced her way. After one last contemplative look, the King's eyes turned to me. "What is your name, my lady?" The King asked, politely and yet with something else I could not place. I could not help but glance toward Father then, noting the heavy frown still lingering there, before turning back to the Stark King and forcing an equally polite tone in return.

"Miriella, your grace." I replied, evenly. I was a little surprised how calm my nerves were keeping now. I seemed to have been worried so much about Shirei, that I now had nothing left for myself.

"She is the third eldest that I will present you with, your grace, at twenty-one years of age." Father continued quickly, his eyes glancing briefly over towards the table with my sisters on before turning back to the King. "While she may not be as much of a handful as my daughter, Waldra, her tongue can sometimes be just as sharp." I raised an eyebrow then, surprised by this bold, negative statement thrown my way and in the King's company too.

"Surely you should be singing our praises to the King, Father?" I countered before I could help it and Father smirked a little then, letting out a bark of a laugh before nudging an elbow at the King.

"See what I mean?" He laughed, eyeing me with a firm eye. The man at his side did not share my father's humour. "A Frey to the bone, I daresay." I was not sure how I felt about his statement, but I said nothing of it, knowing better to do so right now. The King was still studying me thoughtfully, and I tried to stare back, not wanting to appear weak again as I waited for Shirei's and my bid to leave. I could feel my palm getting warm in Shirei's and it seemed like it was mine that was shaking now, not hers. After a long pause, the King spoke.

"You care greatly for your little sister, my lady?" He asked, his tone kind and inquisitive. I nodded without hesitation, though I was a little surprised by his question. This unsmiling King was full of surprises it seemed but I doused down the brief hope that flared – he was probably just the same as the rest of them, after all, I quickly reasoned with myself.

"I do, your grace." I replied in a sincere tone. I squeezed Shirei's hand in mine, an action that the King quickly noted as he glanced down at our clasped hands and back up again. Out of the corner of my eye, I noted my father eyeing me intently too and I found myself smiling at the King, a little too forcefully. "Of course, I care for all my other sisters too. We are all quite a close group." I could practically hear Waldra smirking at that. The King glanced briefly towards the table and back to me again, his expression showing he was not so convinced by this comment. A not-too-obvious cough from my father had me quickly adding a "your grace" that brought the King's lips tugging upwards briefly.

The silence quickly filled the Feast Hall once more and as it grew, I found myself growing more uncomfortable with the wolf-like stare of the King – the same burning intensity from earlier that seemed to read into the soul. I had expected more questions or a bid to leave from Father, but the lingering, thoughtful, stare from the King wasn't something I had intended for. My forced smile left me slowly and I found myself unable to look away from the man's icy gaze as the strange feeling from before returned and I enthused uncontrollably. Shifting slightly, Shirei's hand felt almost numb in mine now.

"Sit down girls." Father quickly muttered, in my upmost relief, and I broke the stare quickly, turning to Shirei to provide the girl an assuring smile.

"Come on." I murmured to her, tugging gently for her to follow me as we made our way back to our places. As my father called Miah's name, I could not help but feel eyes burning into the back of my head and did not miss the displeased look my fairer sister sent me as she passed to take her place before the King.

"He's nice, Ella." Shirei whispered once we'd sat back down again and the attention in the room turned to Miah – something she seemed to take thrill from and expect. I sent my younger sister a withering look, not sure if 'nice' was the term I would want to use for describing the Northern King. 'Brooding' and 'strange' seemed to be more appropriate.

"Who do you think he will pick?!" Derwa asked quietly as Miah spoke her sweet charms to the King.

"If any luck, it'll be Miah." Waldra muttered. When I looked to her, I didn't miss the strange look she was eyeing me with. Before I could ask her of it though, she masked it with a quick smirk. "At least then we'll be rid of her." Derwa looked displeased with this answer, but I gathered she had wanted some declaration in her own favour. Both her and her twin had been easily swooned by the King – that was clear. It would seem that Miah had taken a fancy of him too, but I did not know if that was because of her desire to be Queen or whether she actually wanted to be his Queen. Either way, her behaviour seemed to be pleasing Father, as he was grinning in approval of his fairest daughter's replies to the King's questions.

When Miah returned back to the table, there was a smug swing in her step and she smirked to herself as she took her seat once more. Waldra scoffed in response, no doubt ready to say something bitter had Father not started speaking again.

"So, there are my daughters, your grace!" Walder Frey sleazed loudly – which caused a few jeers from his Frey men in the Hall. The King's eyes swept over us again with a considerable expression once more. "I hope they have met your approval – or at the very least, one has!" The King said nothing and his mother looked uncomfortable by Father's tone, though that was hardly surprising. Father wasn't exactly the most pleasant of men to be around.

Studying my sisters, I waited for the inevitable declaration that he was choosing Miah as his bride. Part of me hoped he would say Waldra just to spite our fairer sister, but I knew Waldra would be less than pleased with this match. Another thought was that Roslin should be chosen, as kind and as sweet as she was, though I wondered if she'd make a great Queen. I was not sure whether my quieter sister would have the confidence or stomach for it and she looked as equally put out at being chosen as Shirei did. When another thought of my own name being called drew to my mind, I was surprised by this. With my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest, I imagined myself by the King's side and found I did not like the unknown feelings that began to take over my senses.

The silence continued on and I avoided all eye contact with the top table, despite feeling the swing of the King's scrutiny over us. Instead, I smiled down at Shirei, keeping my attention on her and hoping to calm her nerves as she waited hesitantly. Silently, I urged for the King to speed up his decision and rid us all of the tension. His answer seemed almost painfully obvious to me and I couldn't see any point of him prolonging it, as he was doing right now. Therefore I was quite surprised, as were the rest of my sisters, when the King eventually spoke.

"Your daughters, Lord Frey, are all very lovely." His words were full of precision and I wondered if he was dousing the reveal with a few compliments towards the rest of us before letting down most of my sisters hopes. It seemed the more gentlemanly thing to do after all. Quickly, I braved looking towards the top table.

"And which one, your grace, is lovely enough to be your Queen?" Father asked, tone sneering as he continued to smirk. The King paused again in thought before turning to his mother. They didn't speak with words but instead, shared a meaningful glance. For a brief second as I studied the pair's interaction, I wondered what it would be like to have such a connection with a mother – or just to have a mother, in fact. The thought made my throat constrict and I swallowed thickly, attempting to brush the thoughts aside.

"That, Lord Walder, is a very difficult question to answer." The King said slowly, causing me to frown. Immediately, I watched my father's face fall. It certainly wasn't the answer he wanted.

"But it is a question that requires answering, your grace." Father all but hissed in return and the King eyed him coolly before sighing.

"I have a proposal to put to you, Lord Frey, in regards to my marriage to one of your daughters." He began, pausing briefly to let Father consider this. "I will marry one of your daughters, I gave you my word and I will abide by this. But, I require time to choose my Queen properly. I do not wish to make such an important decision based of looks and brief interaction alone, my lord. I'm sure you can understand this."

At first, I found myself a little stumped by the man's words. He wanted time to choose? He did not want to base his decision off looks alone? Letting my gaze wander down to Miah, I could not help the slight smirk that lit up my face. Perhaps the King was different after all. Perhaps he was not like the rest of the men I had come to know; whose main concerns were that of more primal and physical instincts. Maybe he was as honourable and as just as the stories said? Looking around the table, I could see the looks of confusion flit across some of my sisters' expressions before focusing on my eldest sister - who smiled, all knowing. She appeared to have cottoned onto the King's meaning faster than we had done and my older sister leaned towards me, urging that I come close.

"It seems the Beauty of the Freys may be in for a shock when the King does not like what he finds underneath that pretty face." She sniggered and I smiled in return, the King's intent dawning on me. He wished to get to know us first before choosing, not wanting to decide merely on a physical basis. He wished to get to know the person beneath the face it seemed and I found that the idea left a strange feeling in my stomach as I considered it.

"Time?" Father muttered, narrowing his eyes. "How much time, your grace?" The King shrugged.

"Enough time to get to know each of your daughters, my lord, and to decide which one I deem fit to be my Queen." He replied, simply. "Like I said, I will keep my word, Lord Frey." Father considered the King, with a frown, his mood deflated from the smug nature he was holding before. The King kept his demeanour and stared coolly back at Walder Frey, waiting for an answer to his request. The rest of the Feast Hall was silent too, waiting almost with waited breath for Walder Frey's response. A small smile tugged at my own lips without me knowing, as I found that the King's request had certainly left me quite surprised.

"Fine." Father finally replied, earning a nod of approval from the King, while my other sisters quickly looked to each other in shock. "You have one month to decide who is to be your Queen. No more though, that is the deal, your grace."

"A just and fair deal, my lord." The King nodded, reaching forward to shake our father's hand and finalise this decision. The warm feelings of approval that I was beginning to feel for the King began to fade then when I recalled the previous implications of this whole situation. I wasn't sure I felt about the sight before me - as the two men seemed to openly speak of my sisters' and I like we were almost nothing but things to be exchanged. Perhaps that was what we were though – a bridge for a bride, after all. Swallowing thickly, my previous smile had vanished, replaced now with a thoughtful frown. "I will write to Winterfell and explain the situation. My men can hold things down for me while I'm away." At this, Father let out a long, dry chuckle, sounding suddenly pleased with himself. Gone was his aggravated expression now.

"Your company will be most welcomed in the Twins, your grace." He grounded, slowly. "I hope these four weeks will be enlightening for you." The King's eyes swept towards us then and I could not help but frown further when his stare met mine.

"As do I, my lord." Father chuckled dryly once more before raising his goblet of wine high in the air, rising slightly to his feet as he did. Around us, the men of the room began to copy his actions.

"To the King in the North!" He toasted loudly and soon, the men in the room followed – Freys and Starks alike.

"The King in the North!"