Chapter Sixty Five


We hadn't seen the others for months, Dad and Seth left first and although they promised to keep in touch we hadn't had a call or a letter but Jasper heard from a friend that they were travelling through the Midwest, a strange couple, the vampire and the wolf. They were becoming a legend it seems. Peter and Andi were getting married and we were invited along so we'd see dad there hopefully. Peter was happy and he sounded a different man on the phone calmer, bubbly, and contented. The only problem had been Aro, he was furious when he found out what Caius had done, in effect he'd shown Aro's authority to be weak and that really annoyed him, a man who set a lot of store by reputation. He was also angry at losing Jane but he did agree that none of it was our fault.

"I hope we can draw a line under these proceedings Major, Bella."

"I see no reason why not. Everything turned out for the best in the end Aro but who will be taking his place?"

"I'm sorry? Oh you mean on the ruling council, well Edward did offer himself as a candidate."

"I bet he did and what did you say to him?"

"My first reaction was to consider him for the vacant position but I knew it wouldn't be acceptable to you and Marcus vetoed it straight away."

"Good, someone with some sense. So excluding Edward left you with?"

"We did consider asking you or The Major but again it wasn't deemed prudent. Marcus pointed out that you would probably...and I quote...tell me to shove it"

I laughed, I was liking Marcus more after this,

"True if a little colourful, so is their anyone you still thought might fill the position?"

He paused and I wondered what was going through his devious little mind.

"I did think that we might send Carlisle an invitation but it might be a little awkward with our present visitors don't you think?"

"You could tell your guests they've outstayed their welcome or simple inform them that Carlisle might be joining you."

"It did occur to me but Edwards gift is useful and I did give my word they would be safe here so instead we have agreed on Esme Cullen."

"Esme? You think that will be any different from giving Edward the job?"

"Actually yes because as Marcus pointed out Esme has begun to show that she isn't quite the mouse we thought she was. In fact she told Edward he was crazy if he thought we might offer him the job and I think it came as something of a shock to the poor boy. After her relationship with Carlisle she seems to have found her feet and is calling the shots in that relationship. I think you might be amused if you could see them. Poor Edward has bitten off a little more than he can chew so to speak. I hope this appointment meets with your approval?"

We agreed with certain proviso's, Carlisle was to be left in peace and Peter Whitlock and his mate must be safe from any repercussions. He had agreed reluctantly, but as always liked to have the last word.

"I will of course have to clear this with my colleagues you understand."

Yeah right I thought!


I had spoken privately to Marcus who it appeared had more control since Caius death. Aro was wary that if he pushed too hard we might decide that Marcus could rule equally as well alone.

"I think this has been a rude wake up call for my dear brother. He eyes me with a certain caution now."

"Do you want to rule the Volturi Marcus?"

The huge vampire shook his head sadly,

"Once upon a time I would have been eager for the position, I really thought that killing Aro would be the end of all my woes but I was wrong. Now when I have the opportunity to seize control and watch him burn I understand it would make no difference. We've been together too long Major, we need each other and now revenge seems such a minor consideration. Besides by keeping close to him I can thwart all his ambitions. He merely thinks he controls me but do you think after all these centuries I haven't found a way around Chelsea's gift? My other problem would be Sulpicia. Do I really want to subject her to the terrible pain and anguish I have known all these years when she is in fact innocent? No, my way is better, Aro will pay daily, die the death of a thousand cuts."


Jasper and I found an old ramshackle ranch in Colorado and bought it and the four horses that were still there very cheap. Most of our time had been spent doing the place up which we both enjoyed although there had been a rather embarrassing phone call from Esme who had heard through Marcus and offered us her help.

"I don't think that's a good idea Esme. We are still friends with Carlisle, Rose and Emmett."

"Oh, very well. I was hoping perhaps Rose and Emmett would have forgiven us by now."

"While they watch Carlisle and remember he had a wife once? I think that's unlikely Esme."

"I wanted to thank you both for agreeing to my position on the ruling council."

"Well don't. It was the lesser of several evils Esme."

"Well thank you anyway. Edward and I want to wish you all the best."

Jasper rang off then and I didn't blame him.

We'd visited Eleazer in Denali to find Carlisle and the others hadn't moved on as arranged, they had decided Carlisle needed the support of his old friend and Rose and Emmett had found they liked it there,

"Emmett is crazy, he's trying to catch walrus now, as if polar bears aren't bad enough! We're looking forward to seeing you when you visit again we missed you and Jazz."

At the airport Jasper nudged me and I looked round to see Charlie and Seth walking over to us. We all embraced, it had been so long.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to join Johnny H, I decided it's for the best besides your dad has something to tell you."

Seth grinned hugely and went off waving his goodbyes as he did so. He had grown so much in the last few months both in character and in stature and I was happy to see he looked settled at last.

"Well dad?"

Charlie looked embarrassed

"Did you know we were taking this flight or was it a coincidence?"

"We knew. Rose told us when my...mate rang her and we wanted to meet you without anyone else around. Mind she already knew anyway."

"Dad we're in the middle of an airport terminal, its teeming with people."

"I meant people you knew, we knew. Hell I was just a bit worried how you might take the idea of me with another woman"

He nodded and from the crowd stepped a delicate pixie like form with a huge smile on her face and her hand outstretched,

"It's good to finally meet you Bella"

I recognised the voice, it was Alice Brandon!


She nodded almost skipping in her excitement,

"Yes, you remembered my voice. I hope you don't mind but Charlie and I met on a hunting expedition, we chose the same area and were after the same quarry. He very gallantly let me feed first and we just sort of clicked."

What she meant was that she'd seen him coming and recognised him for what he was, her mate.

Well it seemed everyone had got their HEA eventually!