Hey Guys, not the longest chapter, but wanted to give everyone something to read. Hoping you guys are all feeling well and aren't dying of boredom at home if you're social distancing or in lockdown. I am in lockdown here in Aus, meaning we stay home unless we absolutely have to go out for supplies or appointments or work. We're definitely going through a crazy time right now.
Booth's Pov
Bones and I got to the hospital as fast as we could the second we got the call informing us that Christine had woken up. It had been days of waiting and finally she was awake, and I'd known from the start that she'd wake up. I had been focusing on work since it happened as I didn't want to go home much without her there, and Bones was the same, so it was a relief to hear that she was finally up.
We arrived at the hospital and made to Christine's room in record time, but both of us came to a stop as we saw the door was shut and there were a few doctors in the room with Christine. She was 100% awake and was looking at the doctor who was shining a light in her eyes, but I could see that she seemed very confused. I also couldn't see Kate, even though I knew she was here.
When the neurosurgeon seemed to notice we were there, I watched as he said something and came to the door, opening it and closing it before facing the two of us.
"How is she?" Bones asked and the doctor regarded us both.
"Physically, she seems to be experiencing some weakness in her left arm, which is possible with the type of brain injury she sustained, but she has no decreased sensation in her arms and legs, meaning she can feel everything. We are going to have to check her eyes though as she's squinting a bit, though that can easily be explained by the fact that she's been in a coma." The doctor explained and I let out a sigh of relief.
"What about mentally?" Bones asked.
Now the doctor seemed concerned and I didn't like it. "She's stumbling over her words a little right now, which again is something we talked about, but she is also very… confused right now."
"Well she was shoved down stairs and has been in a coma for over a week. Of course she's going to be concerned." I said, but he shook his head.
"She doesn't have a little brother, does she?" He asked and I just stared at him.
"No, but she has an older one." I said.
"Well she's under the belief that she has a younger brother called Hank." The doctor explained and I stared at him along with Bones. "It seems that, while she was in the coma, she dreamed, and in that dream her life was different. People who don't exist at all did, people who have died were alive, and some people who I have met and know are alive were dead." The doctor explained in more detail, which was creepy as I had dreamed after my brain surgery thanks to Bones reading me her book.
"So she doesn't know what's real and what's not?" I asked and he nodded.
"That seems to be the case, yes, but I'm certain she'll have more clarity over the coming days." He said, before he sighed.
"Who does she believe is dead?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Dr. Sweets, her grandfather and her Uncle Jared." He told me and I stared at him for a moment. "Is there any reason she'd believe that or her mind would come up with that?
"There have been times years in the past where they nearly died." I said and he nodded.
"That would do it. She also believes her friend Darius is alive. She's been asking for him, and about Michael." The doctor explained. "Her reality is going to be confused for a while, like I said, and that seems to account for everyone but the two of you, so it's safe for you two to see her for now."
I raised an eyebrow at that. "You don't want us to let anyone else see her?" I asked.
"I obviously can't stop that, but right now your daughter thinks her dream is reality and has just suffered a traumatic brain injury. We're still conducting tests to assess the extent of her injuries. I don't think it's a good idea to overwhelm her right now. That's why her friend left: she couldn't bring herself to tell Christine that Darius was dead." The doctor explained and I looked down at Bones.
"What do you think?" I asked her and she looked up at me.
"I think she's our daughter, and we've got to think of her before others. I saw what this sort of thing did to you." She said and I nodded.
"Michael isn't going to like it." I said, before thinking for a moment. "But I think he'll understand."
"So do I." Bones said, before looking back at the neurosurgeon. "So what tests are going you going to do now."
"Well, now that she's awake I'm going to do a repeat MRI and CT, and I'm also going to get her to speak to a Psychologist. Also, she may have to do physical therapy, but we'll see what the tests reveal. I'll also get her vision checked. I promise that I'll run every test that is needed to make sure she's okay." The doctor explained in detail and I was mad, but not at him. I was mad that my daughter was hurt so badly. "For now, it might be a good idea for her to see you. She's been told what she was talking about was a dream, but she doesn't seem to understand properly and she doesn't understand what happened to her. She's still rather groggy."
I nodded and headed over to the door, opening it and stepping inside the room with the nurses and other doctors, Bones right behind me.
Christine looked over at the two of us. "Mom, Dad?" She asked and I went over to her, the nurse moving so I could get to her.
"Hey sweetheart; how are you feeling? I'm happy you're awake." I said and she stared at me.
"I don't understand what's going on. I was… we were at a carnival. I… I sung… I sang a song to Michael, and Darius… Darius pro… proposed to Kate. When…" Christine stuttered out and it hurt me to see her this way.
"You were in an accident, and for now, the rest doesn't matter." I said, taking her hand in mine and placing my other against her cheek. "All that matters is that you rest and recover right now."
"But I…" She started, but Bones got to the other side of the bed and took her other hand.
"But nothing. I know you're confused and want to understand what's happening, but nothing is more important than your health." Bones said and Christine looked up at her. "Right now, the only thing you have to believe in is that your father and I know what's best for you."
"Alright." Christine said after a moment, though she still seemed to what to know what was happening.
"Good." I said with a smile, as all I wanted was for her to get better.
Michael's Pov
"Christine's awake?" I asked happily, repeating what Kate had just said to me. I was stuck at school, so of course she woke up now when I couldn't see her.
"That is what I just said Michael, but she's… she's confused Michael." Kate said and I raised an eyebrow, because that didn't surprise me.
"That's not really a surprise Kate considering what happened." I said.
"No Michael, that's not what I mean, though she doesn't know what happened. Apparently, she dreamed while she was asleep, and she thinks her dream is reality right now. The doctor explained it to me, but basically, she dreamed about a different life while in the coma." Kate explained and now I was concerned. "She thinks Darius is alive, because he was to her."
I took in a sharp breath at that. "Okay, I'm leaving school right now and coming in there."
"I don't think that's a good idea." She said and I froze before I took a step.
"Why not? I want to know what's wrong with her." I said and I heard Kate sigh.
"They're still examining her to she if the injury to her head has caused any problems, and her mom and dad are here now. They won't let you in there 'cause she's confused." Kate explained and she was making me even more confused. "Michael, she thinks Sweets and her grandpa are dead, she thinks Darius is alive and that she has a little brother called Hank, and she thinks you two just got together. Whatever she dreamed about wasn't the world we live in, and she doesn't know the difference yet. It should become clearer in a few days, but until then they think we should keep our distance so we don't confuse her more, at least until we know what she believes."
I stood there for a moment, processing what she was saying. I wanted to see Christine awake more than anything, but I also didn't want to make things harder for her. If I went in there now, I'd probably confuse the hell out of her because.
"Fine, I won't come in there, but please keep an eye on her and tell me what you find out. I'll call Booth and Brennan later." I said.
"Of course I will, and I'm sure they'll tell you whatever they find out." Kate said. "The main thing right now is that she's alive and awake, and she can talk."
I chuckled at that. "I know it is, and I'm happy that she's awake. I just wish I could come in there and see her." I said, before sighing. "Just give me a call once you know anything else."
"I already said I will, now get to class." She said, before she hung up on me and I sighed again. I didn't want to be in school right now.
I slip my phone into my jacket and headed towards my class, which was the last class of the day, thank god for that.
- Line Breaker -
As I came out, I went to find our friends so I could tell them Christine was awake. We'd been meeting every day at the end of school in the parking lot so I could update them. They were all waiting next to me truck like normal and I headed right over to them.
"Any news?" Ford asked me the second I reached him and I smiled.
"She's awake." I informed them all and they all smiled and let out sighs of relief. "They're asking that we don't go to the hospital and see her yet right now though."
"Why not?" Stacey asked and I sighed.
"She's very confused, and they're doing a lot of tests right now. She also had a dream while she was in the coma and she thinks it was real, so a lot of things are different for her right now and they don't want us to confuse her until she works it out herself." I explained, even though I still didn't like it. "It shouldn't last too long, but for now it's not the best idea."
"So even you can't go in?" Ford asked and I nodded.
"According to Kate, I really shouldn't, at least not until Christine's awake for a few days and things are better for her. Her parents are with her right now." I explained.
"At least she's awake. That's good." Anna said and I nodded.
"Yeah, it is. I'll let you guys know whatever I find out." I said and they all nodded.
It hadn't gone down well when everyone else had found out about what had happened to Christine, at least that's what Ford told me as he told them, with Stacey's help. They'd been just as worried about her as me, especially since we'd lost Darius here at the school and it hadn't been that long since he'd died. We didn't want to lose someone else.
The school had gotten a beat down from Booth too, as well as a few other parents. They'd been strictly told that they needed to get better security, more camera's and keep a better damn eye on their students and teachers. A lot of parents and other kids were a bit worried as this was the second attack that had happened inside the school, so the school was coping a lot of heat for it and were working on ways to improve.
"Well I've got to head off to work, but I'll keep my phone near by just in case you need to talk to me." Ford said, patting my shoulder before he headed off, followed by Stacey. The others had already headed of, needing to go and do their own things.
As worried as I still was about Christine, I knew that we couldn't stop living and that her parents were with her, and that I also had to go to work. I had taken off a few days because of what had happened, which was boss was surprisingly understanding about, but I had to go back today. It sucked, 'cause all I wanted to do was be by my girlfriends' side, but I also didn't want to make things worse for her right now. Knowing she was awake was good enough for me; I just hoped there was now lasting damage.