Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ

A/N: Thanks for reviewing!




Life of a Saiyan Hybrid

Chapter 8

"And the matches have been decided!" The announcer said from an open booth. "In match one we have Tien vs Trunks."

As their names were called, pictures of both warriors appeared on the giant screen that everyone in the audience could see from where they sat.

"In match two, it will be Naulhi vs Krillin." The announcer said as the pictures of the fighters appeared on screen next to the first set.

"I think we should be scared now." Bulma said as she bounced Trunks in her arms. "Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan still haven't been named and there should only be two more fights."

"I think it would be safer if it was Gohan and Goku fighting each other." Chi-Chi replied with a frown.

Bulma sighed. Everyone's general impression of Vegeta was still bad and they did feel uncomfortable with him in tournaments just because they weren't sure of what he would do. Whether he was fighting one of the Z fighters or a normal human, it was worrisome. "I think I would be worried if he was fighting a normal human. You saw what he did earlier in the first round."

Their conversation was cut off as the announcer went on. "And in match three, we have Gohan vs Vegeta." As it was announced, the pictures of Gohan and Vegeta appeared on the screen next.

"Well, at least it isn't Goku vs Vegeta, though I don't know how much better it will be." Bulma said as she stared at the screen where the faces of the fighters were appearing as their matches were announced. She turned to look at Chi-Chi to say something but paused when she saw how freaked out she looked. "Uh, Chi-Chi?"

"Why does it have to be against my son?!" Chi-Chi growled, hands shaking on her lap. To Bulma it looked like she was ready to unleash her own blazing aura.

"Would you rather throw Vegeta at the last normal human competitor?" Bulma asked in the hopes to calm her down.

"I'd prefer it." Chi-Chi said, making Bulma sweat dropped.

"All ready to throw someone you don't know under the bus." Bulma mumbled.

"And in our last match we have Udo vs Goku." The announcer shouted as the pictures of the two fighters appeared on screen. "The first match will start in ten minutes."


"I can't believe I have to fight Vegeta." Gohan grumbled to himself as he leaned on the railing of the fighter's area, arms thrown lazily over it. "This is just the opportunity he's been waiting for, I just know it."

"Are you still on about Vegeta wanting to kill you?" Goku asked his son amused. "Well, even if he does, he won't unless he wants disqualified from the tournament."

"Unless my end is more important to him than this, how he would say it, 'pitiful' tournament." Gohan mumbled.

Vegeta scoffed from where he stood leaning against a wall. "You're not worth the aggravation it would cause me to deal with the woman and that harpy of a mother of yours."

Gohan shot him an annoyed glare. "My mother is not a harpy."

"Ha," Vegeta said sarcastically. "Tell that to my bleeding eardrums."

"Bleeding eardrums? Ha, that should be the least of your worries, Vegeta." Gohan retorted as he pushed off the railing and turned to the prince. "You should be more scared of her bringing her frying pan down on that giant head of yours. With how inflated it is with your ego, it'll be an easy target for her."

"What was that, you damn brat?" Vegeta snarled. He pushed off the wall and made his way over to the half-saiyan, staring down at him with a very angry scowl.

The rest of the fighters watched warily as the two saiyans stared at each other, lightning flashing between their eyes as they both glared so venomously.

"Uh…" Trunks said blankly as he stared at his father and Gohan. This was certainly a twist from the usual. The last time he was here he saw how gentle and kind Gohan was so to see him acting this way with Vegeta was certainly a surprise. Had something changed during the time he wasn't here? He slowly turned away and mumbled to himself. "Krillin is in love with Android 18. Gohan has lost his mind and is purposefully angering my dad. I don't know what is going on in this world anymore."

"Come on, guys, save it for the ring." Krillin scolded with a frown. "If you fight in here, you'll be disqualified." He looked around when neither Vegeta nor Gohan moved away from each other. "And where is Goku when you need him? Why does he always just vanish like this?"


"The matches will definitely be interesting. Well, at least the first and third one. Krillin and Goku will have an easy time." Bulma said as she looked up at the screen which displayed the matches to come and a timer which was counting down to when the first match would start. "And while Trunks vs Tien will be a good fight, I'm sure my Trunks will win. Tien just can't match up to his super saiyan strength."

"Well, at least you'll have someone to cheer for in the next round." Chi-Chi said with a confident smile. "There is no way my little boy will lose his match."

"What was that?" Bulma demanded, turning to glare at Chi-Chi. "Gohan never goes full out when fighting Vegeta so he always loses their spars. Vegeta will be winning that match."

"My son has his father's strength and my stubbornness. He will not lose here. This time he'll be the winner." Chi-Chi retorted, glaring back at Bulma.

"Unlike Gohan, Vegeta has no hesitation about fighting." Bulma argued.

The two women glared at each other, lightning flashing between their eyes and cackling around them as auras flared up. Chi-Chi was surrounded by her blazing red aura while Bulma was surrounded by a blue aura.

All around them the audience was trying to take up as little space as possible by climbing on each other and crawling over everyone to get as far away as possible from the two crazy females. The only person unconcerned about the war the two were having was a blond female as she made her way down the bleacher steps to the front row where the two were at.

"Nice job in clearing the bleachers. I hate crowds." The woman said as she sat down and crossed her legs.

Chi-Chi and Bulma instantly forgot their war and turned to look at the blond woman.

The wife of Goku looked over at the blond woman with blue eyes. She was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a long sleeved white shirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, and a dark blue demin vest with a zipper. "Aren't you…" Chi-Chi turned around sharply to glare at her. "I remember seeing you on Kame Island. You're one of those androids that tried to kill my husband."

18 looked over at her with a frown. "That was what I was programmed to do, but I never laid a hand on your husband."

Bulma looked at the android warily, holding her son more tightly to her chest as she did. "Gohan did mention that 18 and 17 were still alive and around somewhere." She murmured. "And they never made an aggressive move since they came back."

"So you're saying we should just let it go?" Chi-Chi snapped, looking back at her friend. She knew what 18 said was true. It was only Cell that did any harm to her family. 17 and 18, while they hunted her husband down, never made it to him. She did nothing to Goku, but that didn't change the fact that they were looking for him. It was cause of them she was run out of her house to go into hiding at the Kame House and living in fear that her husband might meet his end at their hands.

As for 18, she was feeling a bit wary herself. Neither of these women were a threat to her and she had no intentions to harm them or anyone else, but it took all her courage to come down here. Krillin had informed her he was entering this tournament with the other Z fighters which made her tempted to, but she didn't want to risk it when she was sure they didn't trust her. She knew Krillin did to an extent, but maybe that was because he had a crush on her. He was very nice and they often met to talk, but he was the only one she had seen since the Cell Games.

Well, that wasn't completely true. She has spotted Gohan on the occasion when she was with Krillin. He actually knew she saw him once and gave him that stupid Son grin and just walked away, laughing. What he found so funny, she didn't know, but he made no threatening move against her and looked like he was unconcerned about her doing anything at all. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign, but she hoped it was good. Over the past few months she and Krillin had been getting fairly close and maybe she was falling in love.

It was because of that she was here. Krillin suggested maybe she should get to know the others and try to make them trust her more. She could understand that. There was no way they could have a relationship at all if his friends always thought her to be a danger. So she mustered up her courage and came down here to see Bulma and Chi-Chi in the hopes to watch the tournament with them and see how it went. She didn't need Krillin with her to do this.

"I'm saying to calm down. Gohan and Goku didn't seem worried about her or her brother since they have never made an aggressive move in the past couple months. I trust them on this." Bulma explained. She sat back down and tilted her head towards the seat next to her. "Sit, Chi-Chi, and trust your husband and son to handle anything that goes wrong. They are definitely strong enough."

18 looked at the empty arenas. It was still a few more minutes until the first match began. Though she wanted to see Krillin fight for he was part of the whole reason she came here, she was also intrigued to see Gohan's fight. When she first woke up on the Lookout, Krillin told her how Gohan beat Cell and she found it unbelievable. She never expected a child of all people to destroy Cell, but that was what happened. And in the process she was saved. It made her want two things. She wanted to see Gohan fight to see just how truly strong he is. And two, she wanted to find a way to thank the kid for saving her life, but she just didn't know how.

Chi-Chi sat down with a huff and crossed her arms. Trusting her husband and son was never the issue. She knew they were strong enough to handle anything that came their way, but she just didn't want anything around that could possibly destroy her family. Her family was already ripped apart for a year because of Raditz and the saiyans. It was a horrible feeling for her to be stuck at home while her son and husband were gone. She couldn't do anything, but stay at home. And then her family was almost ripped apart again because of Cell and Goku's almost decision to stay dead after the Cell Games. All she wanted was a peaceful life with her family. The thought of anything coming again to tear it apart terrified and angered her.


"Okay, break it up!" Goku ordered as he popped in between the two saiyans.

When neither Vegeta nor Gohan moved away from each other, Goku sighed and pushed a cone into Gohan's hands. The half-saiyan immediately noticed the ice cream cone with twenty scoops on it and his eyes absolutely lit up in joy. He took it and moved away from Vegeta to enjoy the treat his daddy brought for him.

Krillin's eyes followed Gohan walking away with his cone with a sweat drop. Is that where Goku disappeared to? To get a treat for his son? "Isn't that a bit too much ice cream?" He muttered. "He'll get a brain freeze."

Vegeta tched and turned away from Goku. "Stop interfering, Kakarot. Your evil spawn can fight his own battles."

Gohan turned back around with a glare. "Who's an evil spawn?"

Goku's hand landed on Gohan's head and he turned him back around. "Eat your ice cream. Save that anger for your actual match with him."

"If anyone's an evil spawn, it's him, not me." Gohan grumbled to himself, just to get the last word in before he started to enjoy his ice cream.

"Fighters!" The announcer called as he returned to the waiting room before Vegeta could reply and take the last word for himself. "In just two minutes the first match between Tien and Trunks will start. Will you two follow me to the arena?"

Tien and Trunks looked at each other with smirks as they followed the announcer out of the room.

"It seems those two are ready to conquer the arena." Krillin said, looking up at Goku. "It should be a good match." He looked over at Gohan who was enjoying his ice cream with a childish grin and then over at Vegeta who had his back to them and his arms crossed as he glared at the wall. "Unlike the third match. I have feeling that is going to be an ugly match up."

Goku raised a brow and looked down at his friend. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, didn't you say that Vegeta has been trying to force Gohan to ascend in their spars?" Krillin asked. "He probably still wants that."

The full blooded saiyan sighed and nodded his head. "There is that, and since this is a tournament, Gohan might care more about winning and not want to be knocked out. He doesn't really seem to care that much during training."

"So you're saying we might get to see his ascended form again?" Krillin asked with a smile until he recalled the Cell Games. Once Gohan ascended, it was amazing how he turned the tides on Cell, but then it became terrifying when Gohan spoke to them and said that Cell deserved to suffer. From that point on, while watching Gohan was still amazing, it became scary to see him so out of control. His personality changed so he was merciless and he was torturing Cell and making him feel fear and utter despair. That wasn't his little friend and it wasn't something he wanted to see again. "He has control now, right?"

Goku looked down at him in surprise before it morphed into understanding as he nodded. "Yeah, nothing like what happened at the Cell Games will occur again." He looked over at his innocent little boy. "I'll make sure of it." And he would. Seeing his son lose control in his fight with Cell and not be himself was horrifying for him. He saw his son transform into someone that loved to torture his enemy. In that moment, he didn't see his son, but some enemy like Frieza. It was Frieza that tortured his son and friends on Namek by beating them more viciously than he needed. His son felt that full wrath. Frieza tortured him in their fight, and then in his fight with Cell, Gohan fell into doing the same thing from his rage. He had become a merciless saiyan warrior.

And that was something Goku never wanted to see again. His little boy was not that cruel and he knew after it was all done with, Gohan was terrified of what he had done. He was terrified of the fact that he lost himself.


Teal eyes stared down at the young half-saiyan that was sitting in a crater on the ground. "Gohan." Goku said in a tone that represented a gentle scolding.

The half-saiyan sitting in the crater looked up at his dad as he landed in front of Gohan. Goku kneeled down next to the crater. "I'm trying. I really am, Dad." Gohan protested softly to the gentle reprimand.

"No, you're not." Goku replied with a frown. "I know you are afraid to lose control, Gohan, but you can't hide from your power. That is running away and my son doesn't run away, does he?"

Gohan blinked at his dad and slowly shook his head.

"That's right. You are Gohan Son, mine and Chi-Chi's son, and the one to always bravely charge into battle. You do not run scared." Goku told him firmly. "So why are you running scared from your own power? You can't do that. It is in you, a part of you. It is better to learn to control this power then to need it later on and be too afraid to access it."

"I know that." Gohan ducked his head. "I understand that."

"But?" Goku asked, raising a brow as he stared at his son who was transformed into a super saiyan. "What is halting you from transforming past this level? Gohan, I am here. I am going to help you so you don't lose control. I won't let you so what is holding you back?"

A small hand clawed at the dirt on the ground, dragging it along to pull the dirt into a pile near his leg. "It's just…"

Goku readjusted himself to sit Indian style on the ground as he waited patiently for his son to speak to him. "Just tell me whatever you need to, Gohan. I won't hold anything against you, you know that."

"That power…" Gohan mumbled. "It scares me, Dad." He looked up at his dad, tears pricking at his eyes and though he felt ashamed of them since he was a warrior and warriors didn't cry, he didn't try to hide them.

"That's why you need to learn to control it. You can conquer it and be the ruler of your own power. Once you do that, you'll have nothing to fear." Goku told him.

Gohan shook his head in refusal. "No, that's not it, Dad. It's what it makes me feel."

Goku stared at his son for a moment with a frown as he recalled a familiar conversation with Gohan a few weeks ago. "You mean that rage and arrogance you felt?"

"It was more than that." Gohan replied. "I felt complete confidence in my abilities and started to toy with Cell, and I hated it but it's not what I was afraid of. It's the enjoyment."

That word threw Goku completely off and left him blinking in confusion at his son. "Enjoyment? What are you talking about, Gohan?"

"Torturing Cell….making him so scared of me that he would go to great lengths of trying to destroy the Earth…him calling me a monster…every action I did resulted in a reaction from him and it got my blood pumping. I enjoyed seeing his fear and I wanted to cause more of it in him. He was scared and suffering and I loved it. I was the one to cause it and I enjoyed it so much." Gohan whispered, eyes cast down to the ground as he was too ashamed to look at his father as he admitted this. He wouldn't be able to stand to see the shame in his father's eyes. His arms wrapped around himself as he shuddered in disgust at himself. "Thinking back on it, it disgusts and terrifies me. I don't want anyone to get hurt or suffer, AND YET….and yet," His voice dropped down so quietly that even with his enhanced hearing, Goku struggled to hear him. "His fear and despair thrilled me. It made me feel so powerful to have Cell practically begging for me to leave him alone. I don't want to fall that low ever again!"

Goku stared in shock at his son. Enjoyed? He enjoyed torturing Cell the way he did? From what he understood of the second level without reaching it himself, it negates all the mental stability strength that is gained from mastering the first level. Mental training in the new state was needed because without it, Gohan would fall into his saiyan nature and be a merciless, hotheaded fighter with absolutely no remorse. Or, that was how Vegeta described what Gohan was most likely feeling at the time of his ascent. Goku only asked the prince what he thought because he had a much better understanding of saiyan nature than he did.

But where did the feelings of enjoyment come from? Being merciless and ruthless did not necessarily mean that Gohan would enjoy causing such suffering. Was it something else that was part of saiyan nature?

"Gohan," Goku said as he moved forward a bit to get to his son. "Hey," He clapped his hands down on Gohan's shoulders. "I know you, son, and I know you don't like to hurt people so I know that whatever you were feeling that day came from the rage inside of you over everything that happened. I know you don't want to feel that ever again which is why I want you to transform and let me help you control it, son." His hands squeezed Gohan's shoulders tightly. "You trust me to be able to help you control this power, right?"

There was silence only for a moment before Gohan was raising his head to look up at his dad. "I always trust you, Dad, even when I think you have lost your mind." His lips twitched into a smirk. "Like at the Cell Games."

Goku laughed. "Yeah, I think everyone thought I lost my mind when I said your name."

A small chuckle escaped Gohan before he frowned and sighed. "Don't ever let me feel such enjoyment in torturing anyone ever again?"

Goku smiled at him and leaned forward to rest his forehead on his son's. "Of course, Gohan. I'll make sure you never have to suffer through that emotional turmoil again."

*End Flashback*

Goku walked over to his son, who was standing by the railing and looking down at the arenas. He dropped his hand on his son's head, ruffling the soft locks. This caused his son to glance up from the arenas to smile at his dad, melted ice cream covering his lips which made Goku chuckle. Most powerful fighter in the universe and he looked so childish with his big innocent eyes and ice cream covering his face. He was starting to see how Krillin and Vegeta could laugh about such things as Gohan getting a bedtime and being grounded. It was hilarious to see such an innocent looking boy and then to realize he was the strongest warrior.

"You have ice cream all over your face." Goku told him with a grin. "I hope you don't plan to enter the arena like that."

Gohan's cheeks flushed. "Of course not." No one would take him seriously if he appeared with an ice cream mouth. He pulled the back of his hand across his mouth, which only resulted in making his hand sticky.

"I don't think that will help." Goku said, chuckling. "Best go wash your face, Gohan."

"Got it." Gohan mumbled, still trying to wipe the sticky melted ice cream off his mouth as he walked from the fighters' waiting room.

Still chuckling, Goku turned his attention back to the arena to see Trunks and Tien both in their stances as they waited for the match to start.

"Who do you think will win?" Krillin asked as he threw his arms over the railing and leaned most of his weight against it. He smiled as this brought back memories of the world tournaments they entered years ago. Back then, they would watch the matches with excitement and always asked each other who they thought would win. It certainly made things nostalgic now as he asked the question again.

"Tien is strong, but he's got nothing on Trunks if he transforms." Goku replied.

Krillin chuckled. "It really makes things unfair for us normal humans."

From where he was leaning on the wall and looking out of the corner of his eyes at the arena, Vegeta scoffed as he overheard Goku and Krillin talking about the coming match. There was no way that his son would lose to a mere human. He was too strong to fall to the shame of losing to Tien.

"And now, the first match of the quarterfinals will take place!" The Announcer said. "In this match we have Trunks vs Tien. The rules are if you are knocked out, down til the count of ten, or knocked into the water, you lose. No excessive force and no killing. Both of those will disqualify you. Now, audience, ARE YOU READY?"

The announcer's questions got the whole audience screaming and clapping in anticipation for the coming fight.

"Then, let's get started. Match 1: Trunks vs Tien START!"

As soon as the word start was screamed, a loud BEEP was heard to signify they could begin. Trunks and Tien both jumped off the arena and to the next higher one and then the next one. When they reached the highest one, they jumped into the air and started to exchange blows.

Trunks blocked a punch from Tien, then ducked under another before returning with a punch of his own. It was blocked and then he was dodging a kick and moving behind Tien.

Tien turned around to face him just as Trunks swung his leg around to hit him, but Tien ducked under it and got turned around with Trunks behind him.


Goku whistled as he watched the fight. Just from this, he could see that both of their skills had improved greatly since the Cell Games. "Seems neither of them have been slacking in the last couple of months."

Krillin snickered. "With Vegeta as a father, I doubt Trunks even thought of slacking. Vegeta would surely kick his ass if Trunks returned here and his father found out he was slacking."

The full blooded saiyan laughed while Vegeta shot the two an annoyed look. "Well, Gohan was slacking a bit. I let it go for a couple weeks since he has been training for years, but I had to beat him back into training."

"Beat?" Krillin asked confused since he knew Goku would never hit Gohan in a way that wasn't involved with sparring.

"Well, a better way would be to say Piccolo, Vegeta, and I had a three against one spar with him." Goku replied. "And the loser of said battle had to do whatever the winner wanted."

"Gohan lost, didn't he?" Krillin asked, lips twitching into a smirk. "That was really unfair, Goku."

"But amusing."


Mr. Satan gaped in fear as he watched Trunks and Tien jumped around the arena. They were here. Those crazy fighters from the Cell Games were at the Intergalactic World Tournament. It has finally happened! They were here to get revenge on him for all he has said about them. He had to get out of here before they found him and enacted their revenge against him.

As quietly as he possibly could, Mr. Satan slipped out of the special booth he was sitting in with the host and his family. He had to get off of this island without anyone noticing! He didn't want to die at the hands of freaks today.


Tien spun around and threw a fist at Trunks, which was dodged. He followed this up with another punch and kick, both of which the half-saiyan dodged. Trunks then flipped in the air and slammed his foot into Tien's face, which sent the human warrior flying down to the sea with a shout.

Before he could hit the water, Tien turned himself in the air and flew over the water, facing Trunks with a frown of concentration. He came to a stop as his eyes locked with Trunks for a second before he launched himself at Trunks. They started to jump over all the stages, moving so fast and exchanging blows that no one, except the Z fighters, were able to keep up with them.


"Tch, Trunks should have won by now." An annoyed Vegeta said as he watched the match.

"He's enjoying the fight. It's not all about winning, you know." Goku replied without taking his eyes off the fight. Hearing Vegeta scoff in annoyance, a smirk crossed Goku's face. "I see. You're just impatient to fight Gohan. What are you planning?"

The prince of saiyans only smirked as he continued to watch his son fight.

"I'm glad I'm not in Gohan's shoes right now." Krillin replied.

Goku just laughed in amusement, seemingly not to care that Vegeta was after his son's head. "Well, it was bound to happen that Vegeta would get annoyed over Gohan never going to the second level in our spars."

"Where is he anyway?" Krillin asked, looking over his shoulder towards the door that led out of the waiting room. "Surely it doesn't take this long to wash his face."


As happy as can be, Gohan walked down the hall, face now free of all the stickiness that ice cream can bring. Today was certainly turning out to be a lot more fun than he could ever have imagined. He was so used to dangerous battles and training for a new threat that he had a hard time seeing the enjoyment in martial arts at times. But being here at a tournament that didn't have a dangerous enemy around was a lot of fun. He got to eat ice cream (a very rare treat for him since his mother never let him have ice cream) and fight. It was a whole day away from studying! Studying wasn't too bad, but it got so boring and tedious after only an hour or two. Come on, he was a kid! He liked to be outside running around, not stuck in a room all day.

And in general, he was just having fun. He didn't have to worry about his life or his friends' lives being in danger. There was no threat to Earth. So the only thing he had to concern himself with was facing off against Vegeta. That wouldn't be an easy fight. And he could say he didn't care if he lost since he was just having fun today, but ever since it was announced he was going to fight Vegeta, a pit had been growing in his stomach. Not a pit of fear, but one of anxiousness. He wanted to be out there, fighting Vegeta right now and winning. The very idea of losing to Vegeta in an official match made his heart pound viciously against his chest. In training/sparring, he didn't care because he made Vegeta mad then on purpose, but his saiyan blood was pumping and telling him he couldn't lose now. This was a real, official match.

Shadows shifting on the wall caught his eye so he looked over to the adjacent hallway to see a shadow approaching. Curious, Gohan stopped walking as he recognized that ki signal from the Cell Games.

So, there Gohan stood in the middle of the hallway as he saw the "Champion" of the Cell Games slinking down the adjacent hallway to the one he was in. For a moment Gohan just blinked as he saw Mr. Satan dressed in a white fighting outfit with his championship belt around his waist. He was wearing a blue and red cape with a high collar, which Gohan just found ridiculous. Mr. Satan was as showy as ever. Krillin was right about him being more of a performer than a martial artist.

The moment Mr. Satan caught sight of Gohan staring at him, he froze like a deer in headlights. The half-saiyan merely raised a brow as he stared in confusion. Why did he look so scared right now?


Gohan blinked when it seemed Mr. Satan was at a loss for words. That never seemed to happen. He raised a hand and gave a small wave. "Hi!" He said with a bright smile.

That seemed to get Mr. Satan back in the right mind as he suddenly stood up straight as if to make himself seem grander than he was. "Hello there, young fighter." Mr. Satan said. "I saw your fight in the first round, you did pretty good for a child, but you need help. I can teach you to be even better than your current level. If you even want to learn, I am opening a dojo in Satan City."

Gohan blinked again. Was Mr. Satan doing this again? Why did he always hear Mr. Satan saying he needed more discipline and training? Seriously, why could Mr. Satan not admit that he was a great martial artist for his age? He always had to act like he was so much better than everyone else.

Now Gohan had a choice. Prove Mr. Satan wrong and scare him or be polite and sweet like usual? That was like having a devil and an angel on his shoulders. Oh, great, now that he thought that, he was now seeing the mini little devil and angel. The angel was his dad who was giving him a stern, but loving look with angel wings on his back. And the devil was Vegeta, who was smirking and nodding his head which had devil horns on it.

"Do it. Teach the buffoon a lesson he won't soon forget." Devil Vegeta said.

"Gohan, no. I taught you better than this. Just because he behaves a bit goofy and insults you doesn't me you return the favor." Angel Goku scolded.

Gohan's brow twitched in annoyance. He was starting to think that he was hanging out with his dad and Vegeta way too much. Particularly Vegeta since he was learning more and more from him how to add to his devious nature that he just found and realized he loved greatly. Of course there was still that sweet, innocent side to him that had a pure heart. It was where he hid his previous unknown devious side that was slowly revealing itself.

Devil Vegeta scoffed. "Being a good little boy all the time doesn't fit a saiyan warrior. This will be just like mocking the bald warrior with his crush on the android. Except more fun cause he will be scared to death of you."

"You don't want to scare him like that, Gohan. Nothing good comes of doing it." Angel Goku said.

"It will be hilarious which is always a good time." Devil Vegeta retorted.

'It's finally happened. I've gone insane.' Gohan decided as he shook his head to get rid of Angel Goku and Devil Vegeta. Maybe he should spend less time with Vegeta and his dad….

Gohan looked up at Mr. Satan with a smile. "I don't think I could afford such lessons from the world champ. I will just continue to train under my dad and hope to be as great as you one day." The half-saiyan said brightly with his brow twitching slightly as each word he said pained him. What he said could be counted as a lie and if his dad found out he lied again….he didn't even want to think about it. Not to mention, he basically said Mr. Satan was better than him and his saiyan pride which he never realized he had until recently was screaming at him for saying it. Being half-saiyan and half-human felt so complicated at times.

Mr. Satan laughed loudly in his overconfident, he-is-the-best way that made Gohan and the other Z fighters annoyed. "With a mediocre fighter to train you, it will be hard to reach my level."

Gohan's eyes flashed teal for a moment as he glared harshly at Mr. Satan. This idiot just insulted his father! He was doing his best to be all nice and polite and yet, all Mr. Satan can do is insult his friends and father. It was getting so annoying and beyond frustrating!


Goku's head whipped around. "Did Gohan's power just spike?"

"Yeah," Krillin said warily as he looked towards the door to the waiting room. Gohan's power usually didn't spike outside of battles like this, but the only person he could sense near Gohan was Mr. Satan….."Oh, this isn't good. Do you think Gohan would get furious at something Mr. Satan said?"

"….He does have his mother's temper." Goku replied slowly. "Perhaps I should go get him before he does something he'll regret."

Vegeta scoffed. "I say let the brat do what he wants. That idiot Satan needs to be taught a lesson."

"You know if he attacks Mr. Satan, he'll be disqualified from the tournament, right?" Krillin asked.

Vegeta stood up straight and shot a glare at Goku. "Stop that idiot son of yours now. He is not allowed to run from our fight."

Krillin turned back around to watch Tien and Trunks's fight, chuckling in amusement. The last thing Gohan would ever do was run from a fight. He was too much like his father to run away from a good fight.

Sighing, Goku looked back at the fight before turning away from it. "Guess I have a kid to go pick up." Honestly, he thought Gohan would know better than to get into an argument with Mr. Satan. Back when the Cell Games ended, Gohan was fine with Mr. Satan taking the credit so Goku let the whole thing go so why was Gohan so upset now?

Leaving the fighters' waiting room, Goku looked around the halls until he pinpointed exactly where his son was. Before he could locate him though, the whole building shook, which left the unprepared Goku stumbling and falling against a wall. Blinking, Goku looked around. "Gohan?" He mumbled with a frown.


"Woah!" Krillin shouted in surprise as he grabbed hold of the railing as the whole building shook.

Vegeta quickly gathered his balance before looking in the direction of Gohan's ki that had just spiked. What was that stupid kid doing? Clearly, he had no control of his emotions. Scoffing, Vegeta turned back to the fight.

"Geez, is Gohan trying to destroy the building?" Krillin grumbled as he glared at the door to the waiting room. "Goku better find him fast."


Pushing off the wall, Goku quickly located his son and headed in that direction, moving quickly since he didn't want to arrive too late. His son was a very sweet, gentle boy, but the temper he inherited from his mother sometimes caused him to act rashly.

At the end of the hallway, Goku rounded a corner to see his son and a frightened Mr. Satan in front of him. The world champ had fallen to the floor and was gaping up at Gohan, whose hair was flashing between gold and black with a whirlwind of wind surrounding him.

*DBZ*A few minutes before*

Teal, black, teal, black, teal, black. Mr. Satan stared in horror as the kid's eyes flickered between two colors. How was that possible? It couldn't be just a trick of the light. Light wouldn't change someone's eyes teal.

"You're despicable." Gohan said angrily, hands clenching into fists at his sides. "While real fighters do all the work, you cower behind a rock, claiming it is all a trick just because you don't understand it. And then once the danger is gone, you have the nerve to steal the credit from the real heroes and then insult them!" Gohan stomped his foot on the ground, creating a huge crater and causing the whole building to shake.

"Y-y-y…" Mr. Satan stuttered, pointing a shaky finger at Gohan. "Y-y-you're one of them! One of those freaks from the Cell Games!"

Gohan's eyes narrowed. Did he just call his friends freaks? How dare–

A hand slammed down onto Gohan's shoulder, pulling him back down to reality as his anchor to ground him there. "What are you getting so angry about, Gohan?"

Hearing his dad's gentle voice mixed with a bit of a reprimand, Gohan's power lowered and the wind whipping around the hallway disappeared as his eyes and hair settled on black.

"Dad," Gohan mumbled, looking up at his father. He should have realized raising his power so rapidly would grab his friends' attention.

Goku gave his son a look to silence him before looking back at Satan, the man who stole his son's credit. Plastering on a smile, Goku said, "I'm sorry about the trouble my son has caused you."

At those words, Gohan looked indignant and shot his father a betrayed look. "I didn't–"

Once again, Gohan fell silent when his dad shot him a look that ordered silence. His mouth snapped shut and he glared at the floor. Why was he the one getting in trouble? It was Satan's fault for insulting his friends and dad.

"Gohan, don't you have anything you want to say to Mr. Satan?" Goku asked and gave his son a look that said to keep anything rude to himself and not to raise his ki again.

"I'm sorry." Gohan bit out painfully. "For saying or doing anything that offended you. I didn't mean anything by it." When did it become so hard to be polite and apologize? This must be Vegeta's fault. That little devil on his shoulder was also obviously his fault.

The terrified Mr. Satan was unable to say anything as he looked from Goku to Gohan to Goku and back to Gohan. Two of those freaks from the Cell Games were right in front of him! They were here because they were angry at him for everything he said about them! His eyes suddenly rolled into the back of his head and he dropped to the ground, leaving the two saiyans to stare blankly at him.

"He fainted." Gohan said blankly.

Goku breathed out softly. "Did you have to scare him that badly, Gohan?"

An uncharacteristic snarl escaped the young half-saiyan. "He insulted you and our friends."

Goku blinked in surprise before sighing. Mr. Satan steals Gohan's credit for defeating Cell and he doesn't blink an eye, but the moment his friends are insulted, the normally patient Gohan would snap. "Still, that doesn't mean you have to stoop to his level, Gohan. You don't have to scare or insult him back."

"Is it insulting when I am just speaking the facts?" Gohan retorted, stubbornly crossing his arms.

"Gohan," Goku said with a sigh. "Can you really blame him for insulting us about using tricks? Most people don't know what ki is or how to use it. When I first started training, I didn't know about it until I saw Master Roshi use his Kamehameha wave."

Huffing, Gohan crossed his arms and looked away. He couldn't understand that since ki was always a part of his life. He didn't know a life without ki. "What should we do with him?"

Goku looked back down at Mr. Satan as he scratched the back of his head in thought. "Well," He trailed off with a frown.

"We could just leave him here to wake up on his own." Gohan suggested, which had his father frowning at him again.

"And our winner is Trunks!"

Hearing the announcement, both Goku and Gohan looked up at the ceiling towards the speakers. "Krillin's match is next and that won't take long." Gohan said, looking towards his dad.

Sighing, Goku waved his son away. "I'll take care of this. Go back to the waiting room and don't cause any more trouble."

With a flash of grin, Gohan was gone.

Once he was gone, Goku looked back at the passed out Mr. Satan. He always left Mr. Satan alone because his son didn't care about the credit, but then Gohan goes and does this. Really, what was going on in that head of his son?

A/N: Please Review!