A/N: Well hello there people. I have been utterly fascinated with both Game of Thrones (aka A Song of Ice and Fire) and the Elder Scrolls series (hint: my username) so I came up with this today. You may not believe me but I thought about it when I was out eating at a restaurant with my family. Funny, that. In any case, here there will be gore, swearing and sex (it is Oberyn so it is expected) I have no pairings decided and I won't think about them until later.

The red desert was an unforgiving place for the unprepared and arrogant. Aegon the Conqueror had learned the hard way when he invaded. Not even his overpowering military might and dragons could break the resistance of the hardy Dorne people. The Targaryan king saw how his army was suffering from constant harassment from the guerrilla tactics the desert people pulled.

He was thusly forced to negotiate a deal as he retreated from the wretched desert that so many now feared and respected. It was a common saying that inhospitable terrains made hard, adaptable people.

One of these was the infamous Prince Oberyn Martell, or more infamously known as the Red Viper. He was almost unmatched in open combat with a deadly, fast paced attacking mind. The man was also cunning enough to poison his blades, especially his spear to make sure his rivals and enemies died no matter the circumstances.

Of course, he was also hot tempered and prone to angry outbursts. Many had witnessed them and were fearful because the man was an exceptional fighter, a member of a selected few, the elite in the whole of Westeros and the Free Cities even.

The people of Dorne adored him, while the rest in Westeros viewed him with contempt and fear. Only the heir Prince was friendly with him, and much of it was because of deep respect between the two. It also helped that Elia, Oberyn's sister was currently married to the man, Rhaegar.

Prince Oberyn was now after the trail of desert bandits, which had been harassing trading caravans and wagons for over two seasons. King Aerys had been furious and told the House Martell in no uncertain terms to take care of it or else he would send his own forces to deal with the problem.

House Martell knew that the forces of the king would not be able to catch anyone, and will most likely plunder the towns and cities which would hurt Dorne. And that was the best case scenario, as now the whole of Westeros shook in fear of possible rebellion.

"My prince, the trail leaves west." A dornish spearman said. "Towards the mountains."

Oberyn nodded. "Very well, we shall divide our force. Manfrey will take care of the rest."

With a dismissive hand, the prince let his cousin divide the units and go ahead with the encircling of the bandit group.

Manfrey Martell was as young as Oberyn was, and had a keen military mind which did not go unnoticed in the Dornish court, especially to Doran Martell. Although he was technically in charge of this battle group of spearmen, Oberyn was the overall commander.

Narrowing his eyes to the sky, the Red Viper saw how the clouds started acting strangely and the wind began blowing faster than before. He smiled as soon as he smelled the rain, such a beautiful and rare sight in a desert.

"Better hurry it up, dear cousin." Oberyn smirked as his relative scowled. "The rain may ruin your chances of kissing my elder brother's arse."

Manfrey Martell rolled his eyes. "You should try that instead, all he does is shake his head at your skirt chasing antics."

The Red Viper just grinned shamelessly. "He could not have it any other way."

Frowning all of a sudden, Manfrey looked to the horizon as the soldiers marched. "There are rumors of rebellion, cousin."

Nodding, the viper replied with a simple, "I am aware."

"Then you should also be aware that Lyanna Stark has vanished."

Oberyn just eyed him as he continued to marvel at the change in the weather. "So? That little wolf was always wild."

"Rhaegar did it."

Elia came to the mind of Oberyn and he sneered. "Bloody prince can't keep his cock tamed. It was not enough when he humiliated my sister at the tournament."

"Quite ironic and amusing… that coming from you." The cousin drawled with a wry grin.

The prince of Dorne rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, I-"

His comment was stopped by the sound of thunder. Such a beautiful sound, the two Martell family members thought with a soft smile.

Rumors of an insurrection had been rampaging across Westeros. King Aerys was not helping by punishing people with an iron fist and letting cruelty flow around the kingdom at will. Dorne did not suffer, as they were one of the preferred houses of the Targaryan dynasty, mostly out of respect and the fact that they were loyal to the crown.

The Starks and Baratheons, two of the powerful houses in Westeros had not been amused at the King's reign of cruelty. There were rumors that a delegation from the Starks at the head of Rickard, the head of house, was on its way to Kings Landing to deal with Rhaegar taking Lyanna. Robert Baratheon was deeply infatuated with Lyanna and extremely loyal to the Stark family. Any idiocy from Aerys could cost the whole continent dearly.

House Martell was ready to stand by the Targaryan dynasty, however.

"Over there!" A scout shouted to his men. "They are moving archers!"

"Shields up." Oberyn ordered. "Advance!"

Manfrey began shouting orders as arrows began landing around them. Most landed not causing any harm, though a soldier was struck in the shoulder, already being shielded by another spearman. Loyalty and discipline were thought to the extreme to the dornish soldiers.

Rain began pouring down on them as bandits began charging to the closely packed formation of spearmen. Most were held at bay, but the ones that did pass through were then cut down by swords.

Oberyn grinned, his adrenaline pumped by the rain and thunder around him and charged with his spear, engaging in combat with four bandits.

"No quarter, no mercy!" Manfrey shouted as he held the line with his soldiers. "Unbowed, unbent, unbroken!"

The soldiers chanted the Martell house motto and began to advance, cutting down any bandits unlucky enough to not cover with their leather shields.

Within seconds, dozens of the brigand forces began to disengage and flee in terror as the spearmen advanced ruthlessly.

"Oberyn, enough of your shenanigans! Formation!" Manfrey yelled with annoyance in his voice.

The Red Viper cut down two bandits and another that attempted to flee. However, before he could finish off the last one he was paralyzed by a roaring sound.

He turned around and saw Manfrey's face contort into worry and horror. "Oberyn!"

Said prince only saw black and knew nothing after.

There were voices around him, that much was certain. Oberyn felt pain in all of his body, his muscles strained and somewhat sensitive.

He would never trust thunderstorms ever again, especially in a desert.

Groaning, he sat up and put his face on his hands. He then let a hand through his hair, sighing. Where was Manfrey? That fool was probably laughing at his current state that was for sure.

"You alright there, stranger?" A deep voice shook the Red Viper out of his thoughts.

Turning his eyes up, he saw a tall and powerfully built man. He had icy blue eyes and a broad grin on his face that wore war paint of some sort. Strange…

"You imperials are tough, I will give you that." The big man roared in laughter, his red curls flowing with his movements. "You looked about to die when we found you, a sad sight. Almost looked like a kicked dog."

Oberyn just looked at him. What was a man from the north doing in Dorne?

His eyes widening as the scenery befell on his eyes, he then asked himself what was snow doing in Dorne? A desert! Those windows showed snow and trees! That was against anything Dorne had.

The estate looked like it was made of wood, something rare in Dorne! His eyes turned to every direction, his breathing accelerating.

"It looks like he has seen a dragon!" Another man, smaller than the previous red head chuckled loudly. "Milk drinkers, I tell you. These imperials rely too much on their words and not on their minds or fists!"

"Keep it down brother, you will wake all of our brothers and sisters…. again."

The smaller man sneered at the taller man. "What about you? When you have mead, all you do is scream as if the Greybeards can hear you all the way in High Hrothgar, or maybe the whole of Skyrim!"

At least they spoke the common tongue, Oberyn thought. His mind was ablaze with worry. He kept trying to place the names they mentioned. High Hrothgar? Skyrim? What in seven hells were those? And who in the name of House Martell were these Greybeards?

Oberyn Martell had traveled to many parts of the world, and he had never heard of those once in his entire life. Well, he was barely reaching twenty five, he thought with a grimace. Maybe he missed one of them? No, it could not be.

"Finally, the imperial shows emotion." One of the probable twins said, his eyes narrowing. "What is your name, stranger?"

The prince stood up, his teeth chattering as the pain shot through his body. "I am Oberyn Martell, of Dorne."

The smaller twin tilted his head to the side. "Never heard of that place… what about you, Farkas?"

"No." The giant shook his head. "Nothing comes to mind."

"Why are you dressed like that?" A woman asked as she approached the bed in which the twins had placed the fallen prince of Dorne.

Not even in a deep worry would Oberyn let pass an opportunity to let his eyes roam over a good figure, and this woman had it. Muscles all over and fiery red hair, along with a pretty face that was hidden by war paint. He had an idea that she was feisty, which added positively to her strange and strong beauty.

"Eyes up here." She snapped. "I am not some common whore you can ogle."

Oberyn let a smirk cross his face. "One can't help it, red head."

The woman rolled her eyes and left. "Disgusting pig." She shot at Oberyn before slamming the door behind her.

After finishing their bouts of laughter at the incident, the twins introduced themselves.

"I am Farkas." The giant said with a grin.

His twin brother nodded. "And I am Vilkas, the smarter of the two I can tell you."

Farkas shot him a glare. "Smarter but I can beat you in the field."

Bickering, the brothers left the Dorne prince as his mind once again ran through all the things he was learning.

This room did not look like anything he had seen. It was somewhat close to the farms and cabins in the north, but extremely different too. The lights looked like orbs floating! What kind of madness was that? Was he in hell? No, he would be having fun in hell for sure.

There was also a certain coldness around that shouted at him that he was not on Dorne anymore, quite obviously.

"If I may…." Oberyn interrupted the twins and asked in a serious voice. "What is this place?"

Vilkas looked at him with a blank expression. "You must have hit your head quite bad, lad."

"You are currently in the city of Whiterun…" Farkas said slowly. "And this is Jorrvaskr, the headquarters of the Companions."

At the blank face of Oberyn, Vilkas frowned. "Seriously? You don't know where you are at the moment?"

"I…" Oberyn stuttered. "I must have hit my head hard."

Farkas nodded in agreement. "Quite lad. This is Skyrim, one seriously can't miss or do not remember it."

The other man in the room, Vilkas narrowed his eyes. "What kind of clothing is this? Never seen anything like it."

Oberyn put a hand on his head. "I am getting some pain."

"I will bring you some potions." Vilkas nodded at Farkas. "You make sure that his lunch is ready. He will likely be out for some time."

And that did happen. Although Oberyn was faking a headache, he did hit the pillow and was out of it before any further ado.

The Companions were talking quietly when they saw the formidable twins emerging from the stairs. They had blank faces and did not change even when the whole table stared at them, questions reigning all over their faces.

"Who is he?" Skjor finally broke the silence, his face showing intrigue and curiosity.

Vilkas shrugged. "He said his name is Oberyn Martell…. but I do not know where he comes from."

Nodding along his brother's speech, Farkas commented. "He did say he was from some place called Dorne, though I have never heard of it."

"And he is a disgusting pig as well." Aela the Huntress scowled. Skjor chuckled quietly and the twins shared grins.

Torvar slurred. "Those clothes, they are not from around here."

One of the twins raised an eyebrow. Vilkas was impressed that even if drunk in the dawn of morning, Torvar had the ability to still think carefully.

"Or Cyrodiil, for that matter." Athis sneered. "Maybe High Rock or somewhere with those blasted Redguards."

Nodding, Skjor rubbed his face. "Probably from Hammerfell, though I seriously doubt of an imperial surviving there after they kicked out the Thalmor and Empire."

Vilkas rolled his eyes as his brothers and sisters continued to gossip. Truly, these days it was hard to find work as the Companions had earned a shaky reputation through the years after the Great War. Business went down, even if Jarl Balgruuf sponsored their services whenever he could.

Now there were rumors that there would be a civil war. One that would engulf the entire nord nation into a bloody conflict with the Legions of the Empire.

Ulfric Stormcloak was planning something, it seemed. Many nords lurked in the streets, talking in hush whispers. Bandit and forsworn attacks were at an all-time high and Legion soldiers were amassing in the border. Solitude had also closed its gates for a day out of fear of an attack on the capital by rebels.

Thalmor movements were now very common. They had a horrific distaste for Talos worshippers and six nords had been killed a month ago. However, these so called rebels that the Empire was afraid of retaliated by attacking two thalmor caravans, slaughtering twenty of them. The head of the delegation was tortured and molten silver poured through his elf ears.

That was mere weeks ago, and Vilkas was becoming nervous.

It did seem that within days or months there would be a war. They had three brothers that went to fight the elven onslaught in Cyrodiil, never to return. He did feel bitter towards the empire for abandoning the nord cause, but he did understand how Skyrim was virtually untouched as the Legions fought their war in their heart province.

Thanks to the Legions fighting the elves to a standstill in the Imperial City, Skyrim did not suffer much from the war.

And he was also smart enough to realize that Skyrim, if it ever gained independence from the Empire, would not stand a chance against the Thalmor in open war. Not with jarls fighting each other and the Forsworn attacking from within.

"Kodlak wants to speak with you, Vilkas." Skjor said with a blank face. "I am sure it is about our new… guest."

Vilkas nodded and turned to leave, but he had to leave a sarcastic comment before doing so. "Maybe he heard you all gossiping like housewives about him."

The twin smirked as the others gasped or threw back shouts in outrage, though Farkas just laughed and Skjor smirked.

Once he approached the door, Vilkas knocked respectfully.

"Come in." He heard the deep voice of their headmaster in all but name.

Stepping in, Vilkas bowed his head in deep respect. "Sir, you wanted to see me?"

The old nord shook his head with an amused smile. "And how many times have I told you that I am not your sir, merely Kodlak? Gods above, I can even settle for old man."

Vilkas grimaced at the last comment but kept quiet about it.

"This new guest… have you learned anything?"

"His name." The smaller twin said respectfully. "Oberyn Martell. He wears weird clothing but other than that, I do not know where he is from."

"Yes…" Kodlak nodded. "It did seem that he hit his head quite hard when you informed me of his appearance in the farm fields."

Farkas had been bragging about a fearsome bear he had spotted and killed outside the city. Vilkas being a natural rival to his twin did not believe it and set out to search for the remains of the animal.

As they had walked through a storm, they had heard lightning striking quite violently and a thud of something hitting the ground hard.

To their astonishment and disbelief, Oberyn was laying on the ground. The man was unconscious but still breathing. Aela immediately ordered Farkas to take the man inside their headquarters to treat him as they had noticed slight burns on his arms and face.

"It is extremely light armor from what I could notice." Vilkas kept the conversation going. "It looked like leather but also adorned with yellow orbs and spears."

"Strange." Kodlak replied with a frown. "It does look like our newest friend comes from a far, far away place."

"We think he may come from Hammerfell."

The old nord touched his chin thoughtfully. "It would add thanks to his skin tone and strange symbols, though he looks more like an imperial than anything else."

"His accent is very strange as well, nothing I have heard before, not even the redguards themselves."

Kodlak just looked at Vilkas, his eyes twinkling strangely. "We shall find out more later, keep him safe and answer any questions. I shall honestly say he will be hungry for knowledge, regarding his head injury."

That was an understatement.

Oberyn looked around the table to all the members of the Companions. He had a blank face though he was faintly amused at the glare Aela was giving him or the slurring from Torvar, ranting about some mead.

"Please, let us welcome Oberyn to the table of the Companions. He is our guest and should be treated as such." Vilkas declared, glaring at Aela who backed down though her eyes still narrowed into slits at Oberyn at every opportunity.

"So…" Skjor drawled. "I am sure you know of our names and organization?"

The Red Viper nodded. "Quite. Farkas and Vilkas were very informative." He answered politely, much to Skjor's surprise and amusement. Aela rolled her eyes.

Farkas coughed while Vilkas rolled his eyes. "Understatement."

Truly, the strange mad had asked numerous questions about their organization, current city and the province in general. After an hour Oberyn said he was hungry, walking away from the besumed twins.

"Do you have any skills in combat, stranger?" Athis asked, his head leaning in curiosity.

Oberyn still had to practice his reaction towards the strange humanoid creature in front of him. Blue skin, red eyes… he looked like something out of a horror story. Truly, Oberyn had to keep calm and not demonstrate fear or revulsion. He needed to learn more about this... place before finally coming to conclusions. He was hot-tempered, yes but not stupid in the slightest.

"Yes." The dornish man replied with a slight smirk. Now Farkas and Skjor were interested. "I am well acquainted with spear and sword fighting."

"Spear?" Aela sneered. "Now why would you want to fight with a spear?"

"So I could keep banshees like you at bay, they are several feet long after all." Came Oberyn's automatic response.

The table roared in laughter as Aela turned red and growled.

Oberyn turned to her, his eyes wide. That growl sounded quite like an animal and it raised the hairs on his arms.

"How about we spar, eh Martell?" Skjor smirked. "I want to see what you are made of."

The Red Viper nodded in respect. He was in a new, strange land. There were a few things he needed to learn and earn but if there was one thing he could win today from them was respect.

And that sent his blood on an overdrive. He was quite excited to see how these people fought. He expected them to be brutes like the Mountain, mowing down opposition through brute strength and force. However, looks could be deceiving. He was a perfect example of that. Oberyn was sure that Skjor and the rest did not expect much from him due to his pysique.

Of course, he had made an enemy without even trying.

That feisty woman called Aela kept glaring at him. "I hope he cuts you to pieces."

"Do not worry, it will remain quite long still." He winked at her.

Skjor laughed and the twins chuckled with mirth while Aela turned red in anger.

I hope I did catch Oberyn's character spot on. From what I gathered in the books and series, he seems like a suave but hot tempered man with a ruthless side. He also is extremely lustful heh. In any case, please comment, rate or subscribe (thank you youtubers for that non trademarked phrase) You can suggest pairings and I will consider them. His bisexuality though, I do not know how I will handle it as I don't think of myself good to write slash though I may imply it.