Well hi, and happy New Year everyone. I do hope with this update, I can constantly do so for the rest of the year provided there are no reasons for me to procrastinate other than procrastinating sake. I hope that this year is much more tolerable for everyone cause let's be honest 2016 fucking sucked balls, with all the celebrity deaths.

But that's not why you clicked the link for the chapter, so I hope you enjoy it, and the rest of the year

Here's my to go disclaimer: If I owned Doctor Who or anything else I wrote I wouldn't be working five days a week. I just play with the lives of the characters for fun and not for future monetary gain.



{Big Bang Pt 7}

[Thirteen Years Later on Earth]

Amelia wakes up after an odd dream that she had quickly forgotten, realizing that it was her wedding day...and yet there was something missing that she couldn't name nor place.

"Morning!" Called a woman, and Amy shot up in bed in a little fear but realizing it was her mum. Her mum! Her mum was here!

"You're my mum." Amy said in an unoriginal way. "Oh my god you're my mum."

"But of course I'm your mum." Her mum, Tabetha said in a slightly confused tone like her daughter was slightly mad, but given the imaginary friend the Raggedy Man, well she wouldn't be half surprised. "What's the matter with you? And this is your breakfast which your father made, so feel free to tip it out the window if it's an atrocity. Downstairs, ten minutes? Big day!"

"Course that's my mum. Why's that so surprising?" Amy asked the empty room once her mum left. Why had she thought she hadn't seen her parents in years? She cautiously opened the door and saw her dad, Augustus.

"Amelia! I fear I have been using the same joke book as the best man." He said with a grin. He was balding on his head, but for some reason, Amy couldn't have felt happier to see him.

"You're my tiny little dad!" She cried in joy jumping in her dad's arms.

"Hello!" Called Rory, as he answered his phone.

"Do you feel like you've forgotten something important? Do you think there's a great big thing in your head and you feel like you should remember but you can't?" Amy asked her fiance. Rory paused for half a moment.

"Yup." He answered.

"Are you just saying yes because you're scared of me?" Amy asked.

"Yup." Rory answered quicker.

"Love you."

"Yup. Uh, I mean...love you too." Rory amended quickly. Amy hung up and got up to go to her dress. She had a wedding to prepare for, she didn't have time to really think about it right then.

It was during the ceremony, Amy and Rory just got married, and her father was called on to speak. Joking he said he needed another two minutes. Her mum said that her dad would be the death of her, and Amy was laughing but that's when her attention was diverted. Outside the window a woman with crazy brown hair was walking briskly somewhere, but Amy could swear she saw that woman before.

"Amy? Are you okay?" Rory asked as she suddenly stood up to watch the woman pass.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She said sitting back down.

"You're crying." Rory points out.

"So I am. Why am I doing that?" She asked.

"Because you're happy?" Rory asked expectantly. They had just gotten married after all. "Happy Mrs. Rory. Happy happy happy."

"No. I'm sad." Amy declined still crying. "Why am I sad?" A moment later something blue caught her eye. A blue journal. "What's that?"

"It's a present."

"It's blank. Why?"

"Well you know the old saying. Right? The...wedding...thing?" Rory asks weakly and that's when the memories started to spark in her head. She looked around the room, voices fading as she focused on a red bow tie. And then suspenders on another guest. The tear dropped on the book.

"Shut up dad." She commanded.

"Amy?" Her dad asked surprised while her mum cried her name aghast.

"Sorry, but shut up please." Amy asked. "There's someone missing. Someone important. Someone so, so important."

"Amy, what's wrong?" Rory asked.

"Sorry everyone." Amy said clearing her throat. "But when I was a kid, I had an imaginary friend."

"Oh no not this again." Her mum complained.

"The Raggedy Doctor. My raggedy Doctor. But he wasn't imaginary. He was real."

"The psychologists we sent her to!" Her mum cried out.

"I remember you." Amy went on ignoring her mum. "I remember! I brought the others back, I can bring you home too. Raggedy Man, I remember you, and you are LATE FOR MY WEDDING!" She cried out hitting the table. The glass began to rattle on the table, but not from the vibrations of the hit to the table. "I found you. I found you in words, like you knew I would. That's why you told me the story. The brand new, ancient blue box. Oh, clever. Very clever." Wind blew around the room.

"Amy what is it?" Rory asked.

"Something old. Something new. Something borrowed." Whooshing sound like that of something with parking breaks on surrounded the room. "Something blue." And a blue police call box materialized in the middle of the room.

"It's The Doctor!" Rory called. "How did we forget The Doctor?" He asked as two thousand years of memories also flooded his brain, but because of a blonde Goddess, he knew how to shove them to the back of his mind, to be carefully shut against, so that he wouldn't go mad. Trust me, these memories are going to be rough enough. You'll need this protection against the memories of loneliness and the many years you've seen. She had said. She was so right. "I was plastic, he was a stripper at my stag. Long story." He said as Amy climbed over the table without a 'by your leave' to knock at the door.

"Okay, Doctor. Did I surprise you this time?" Amy asked. The TARDIS doors opened and The Doctor was there all in a suit, all for her wedding. And a top hat.

"Oh yeah. Completely astonished." He agreed with the ginger woman, a little smile on his lips. "Never expected that."

"Wha' a liar." Rose said with a smile.

"How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing." The Doctor said.

"The 'tux of doom' watch out." Rose said with a creepy tone wearing a dress. Hey, why not have his personal ghost dressed for the occasion too? He had spent the last thirteen years telling her everything about his lives. What he had been like. What he had dressed like. And his people.

"Hello everyone!" The Doctor called. "I'm Amy's imaginary friend. But I came anyway."

"You may absolutely, definitely kiss the bride." Amy says stalking to her friend.

"Amelia. From now on, I'll leave the kissing duties to the brand new Mr. Pond."

"No, I'm not. That's not how it works." Rory weakly fought.

"Yeah." The Doctor said looking at Amy.

"Yeah, it is." Rory agreed with a weak sigh. He knew he was defeated. He wasn't all that mad about it.

"The writing's all back. But I didn't peak." The Doctor said as he handed back the journal to River and the vortex manipulator, the latter most definitely being Jack Harkness' he would recognize it anywhere. "Are you married River?" He asked. Stupid question. How else was she to know his name later in their time streams?

"Are you asking?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." The Doctor admitted.

"Yes." River echoed with a grin.

"No, hang on. Did you think that I was asking you to marry me, o-o-or asking if you were married?" He stammered.


"Now I really do like River Song." Rose said with a laugh.

"No, but was that yes or yes?" The Doctor asked putting emphasis on the last word.

"Yes." River answered putting the same emphasis on the word.

"River. Who are you?"

"You're going to be finding out very soon now. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes." And then she disappeared. Now had the Face of Boe hadn't done the very same thing on New New New New York that last body with the real Rose, then that would be textbook enigmatic. He went into his TARDIS to wait.

"Oi!" Amy cries coming in not even a couple of seconds later. "Where are you off to? We haven't even had a snog at the shrubbery yet." She says as she walks up to the console after shutting the door.

"Amy!" Rory calls coming in and also shutting the door after him.

"Shut up. It's my wedding."

"Our wedding."

"Sorry you two, shouldn't have slipped away."

"Bull." Rose called with a giggle.

"Bit busy you know."

"You just saved the whole of time and space. Take the evening off."

"Doesn't he realize that saving the whole of time and space isn't as easy?" Rose teased.

"Space and time isn't safe yet." The Doctor said as if echoing his ghost's words to a point. "The TARDIS exploded for a reason. Something drew the TARDIS to this particular time and date and blew Her up. Why? And why now?" He asks as the phone rings. "Besides whatever it is it's still out there. And I have to...excuse me a moment. Hello!" He said picking the phone up. "Oh hello. I'm sorry, this is a very bad line. No, that's not possible. She was sealed into the seventh obelisk. I was at the prayer meeting. Well, no, I get that it's important. An Egyptian Goddess loose on the Orient Express. In space. Give us a mo." He asked taking the phone away from his ear. "Sorry, something's come up. This'll have to be good bye."

"Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?" Amy asks nonchalantly.

"Definitely goodbye." Rory answered nodding his head in agreement, as she went to the doors of the TARDIS and yelled goodbye.

"Don't worry about a thing, Your Majesty." The Doctor said with a grin. "We're on our way."

Well that was the end of Big Bang finally I mean whew. Well here's to 2017, and lets hope that Capaldi's third [?] season of The Doctor finally pushes me to liking his Doctor. I'm almost there I can feel it.