Before I start the chapter I would like to thank you all for your support! Clockwork freaking Danny out got a great reaction! I'm really glad that people like this :D

Clockwork burst out laughing. "I'm kidding! ...or am I?" said Clockwork.

Danny released the breath he had been holding. Clockwork loved to play tricks, this was just another trick he played to amuse himself... or was it? Danny really hoped it was.

"You should finish the last five questions before the remaining six minutes and fourteen seconds are up." said Clockwork. Clockwork then flew around to inspect the other students' tests.

Danny smiled when Clockwork said the remaining time. Sure, Clockwork was annoying, but he was also the reason why Danny was on time for most things. Like school, Danny would probably miss a third of school if Clockwork wasn't there to help him.

Danny quickly filled out the rest of the questions and watched Clockwork float around and randomly stick his hand through another person's head, causing them to shiver. As Danny watched him, he couldn't help but remember their first meeting.


Young five year old Danny sat in the corner of the room. His head was in his hands and he appeared to be scared. Young Danny was wearing a dark blue shirt with sleeves that ended at his elbows and darker blue pants. He opened his eyes when the room got colder. The black rings around the light blue of his eyes were thicker then they are when he's fourteen.

"Not another!" whispers Danny.

Danny grabbed a near by blue blanket and covered himself with it.

"Not now!"

"Daniel? I'm not going to hurt you." the ghost called out to him.

Danny hesitated. Normally the ghosts would scare him once they realized that he could see them. Why was this one talking to him?

"Daniel? Where are you?" asked the ghost. Danny knew that the ghost knew where he was. The odd blue ghost had been following him around since the beginning of the day, but he made no attempt to scare him.

"Daniel, I'm not scary. Daniel? ...Danny?" asked the ghost.

"Go away!" screamed Danny. Danny hugged his knees and closed his eyes. Tears where falling from his odd eyes.

Danny felt the blanket being taken off him. "Danny, look at me." the ghost ordered.

Danny slowly opened his eyes, preparing to see something horrible. Instead, he was greeted by a child. Well, okay, maybe not a child. It was the same ghost who had been following him... just as a child.

"You don't have to be afraid. I want to be your friend. Come on! Let's steal Jazz's bear!" the ghost said happily.

Danny gave him a confused look. He wanted Danny to be his friend.

"Oh, wait! My name is Clockwork!" he said.

Flashback over

"Time's up, I'll collect your tests now!" said Mr. Lancer.

Danny looked at Tucker. He was playing with one of his electronics that he had brought with him. Then Danny turned to Sam. She was drawing in her sketch book. Finally, Danny turned to Clockwork, who was talking to no one about nothing really. He was just saying rather random things as he floated around the room.

"So then, the Observants were all like 'We should totally steal the staff-thing back from that freaky guy' and I was like 'Whatever, that's your problem, not mine' and then..." Danny spaced out as he listened to Clockwork talk.

Danny was snapped back into reality as the bell rang.

-After School-

"Finally! Today's Friday! We should go see a movie or something!" said Tucker.

"I agree." Danny and Clockwork said at the same time, however only one voice was heard.

"Let's see Gothic Werewolf Uprising. I heard that it's really great and spooky." said Sam.

"No! We should see Thunder Geek!" said Tucker.

Danny had to laugh as his friends argued over what movie to see. Their augment was cut short when Danny's phone rang. Danny answered it.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Danny-boy! We've invented something really really cool! Come home and check it out!" Danny's father, Jack Fenton, said from over the phone.

"Alright, I'll be there soon." said Danny. Danny hung up and put his phone in his pocket. "Sorry guys, my parents want me to see one of their inventions." said Danny.

"That's okay. We can see a movie another day." said Tucker. Danny smiled, waved goodbye and walked home.


"I'm home!" Danny announced.

Jack grabbed his son's arm and dragged him into the basement/lab telling him about how awesome the invention was.

Maddie Fenton and Jazz Fenton, Danny's mother and sister, where waiting in the lab next to... a heater?

"Danny, you know that chill that's always in the house no matter what season?" asked Maddie.

Danny flinched. She was talking about Clockwork. "Yeah." He responded.

"Well with the Fenton Heater the house will no longer have that chill! This will target any cold place and heat it up!" said Maddie.

"Yeah! We'll be warm again! All thanks to this baby!" said Jack as he patted the Fenton Heater.

Danny glanced at Clockwork and he got the silent message. The ghost then left the lab basement.

"Come on, let's turn it on!" said Jack. Maddie flipped the switch of the Fenton Heater and it started to glow a dim orange. The room got a bit warmer.

"IT WORKS!" Jack shouted.

Danny and Jazz had to cover their ears at their father's shout.

"Finally! I almost forgot what warmth was like!" said Jazz.

"I'm going up to my room, there's nothing to do in here." said Danny.

"Bye sweetie!" said Maddie.

Danny walked out of the basement and over to his room. Clockwork was already in the room, and the room had gotten a lot warmer.

"It's a lot warmer in here. I'm guessing the Fenton Heater worked?" said Clockwork. Danny nodded. Danny set his backpack down.

"You're going to play Doomed with your friends, aren't you?" asked Clockwork.

"You know me too well." Danny said while smiling.

-Timeskip to Nighttime-

Danny yawned as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. Instead of the white short sleeved shirt with a red long sleeved shirt under it, black pants, and icy blue shoes, he was wearing white pajamas with blue spots on them.

Danny yawned as he entered his warm room. It had warmed up a lot since there was a ghost in it. Clockwork looked at Danny when he entered.

"Hey, the room is really warm, you should wear something with short sleeves, or so,etching like that." said Clockwork.

"No, no, I'll be fine." said Danny. Danny closed the door to his room and started to walk over to him bed, only for Clockwork to stop him.

"At least take off your shirt. I know the living are supposed to be warm but I don't think they're meant to sleep in a room warmed up by something that targets cold places, and I'm here so it might get warmer overnight." said Clockwork.

Great, Clockwork was being his smart-self again. Whatever happened to fun-loving Clockwork?!

Danny sighed. "Alright, fine." said Danny. Before he knew what was happening, Clockwork grabbed his short and phased it off him. "Well that's a quick way to get a shirt off. Goodnight Clocks." said Danny. Danny fell onto his bed and was asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.

Clockwork couldn't help but blush a little at his living friend without a shirt on. Clockwork sighed and put Danny's shirt in his closet. Clockwork then floated over to Danny and covered him with his blankets. His friend would never like him in the way that Clockwork liked him, Clockwork knew his. A living being couldn't love a ghost... right? Clockwork frowned sadly. Danny appeared to like the goth girl, Sam. He should probably just give up...

"Oh Daniel..." Clockwork whispered to himself. Danny would never love him, and he knew it... but he just looked so cute! Clockwork mentally punched himself for thinking that and curled up in the corner where he had placed many pillows and blankets that he could sleep on.

"I... you're cute when your sleeping." Clockwork whispered half to himself and half to the sleeping Danny.