Saiyan Re-edits

Rip stared into the mirror psyching himself up for the final battle with Zeus. The idea that this would be the final match he would have did scare him a little but to put a stop to Zeus and Brill's tyrannical television company. After Brill had kidnapped Sam and told Rip to play along and obey his demands, the anger inside him began to boil. Saving himself and the woman he loved was going to prove tricky but in his heart he knew he had to do it.

With his brother Randy at ring side he knew he could do it. As Rip stood in the ring waiting for Zeus, he could see Brill smirking from his control room. His anger began rise as he pictured himself with his hands around Brill's throat. Rip was snapped out of his fantasy when Zeus began his approach to the ring. The arena became silent as Zeus entered the ring.

"Now, entering the ring, the Thiller…" the referee managed to say as Zeus smashed him in the face and knocking him out of the ring.

Rip and Zeus stood eye to eye trying to intimidate one another. Rip slowly began to tear his shirt off as he usually did during matches and flexed. Zeus didn't seem at all impressed and kneed Rip in the groin and began to mercilessly pummel him. Rip's Championship belt fell to mat as he was being used as Zeus' personal punching bag. Zeus saw the belt and with the unnerving look in his eye, he picked it up.

Reaching back as far as he could, Zeus smashed the golden champion emblem into Rip's face causing Rip to fall flat to the mat.

"Get up you piece of shit." Zeus said.

Rip was in intense pain and he wanted to stay down but he had to save Sam, he didn't want her to suffer under Brill's hands. He got to his knees and used the ropes to pull himself to his feet.

"That's more like it…" Zeus said as he grabbed Rip by the throat.

Zeus' hand encompassed Rip's entire throat. The strength alone in his one hand was staggering. As strong as Rip was, he could not unclasp Zeus' hand front his neck. Zeus slowly raised Rip off the ground by his throat and tightened his grip as Rip's body flailed. He began to laugh as Rip struggled to breath under his crushing grip. Even though he wanted to kill Rip, killing him now wouldn't be as fun for him.

He decided to let him go and threw him down to the mat. Rip gasped for air as he thought about Randy, Sam, and his fans. As he regained his composure, his desire to protect the weak and destroy evil solidified in his mind. His courage began to take control and from the mat he rose up and smashed Zeus in the chin with a massive uppercut. It didn't do much damage, but it did put Zeus in a slight daze.

With Zeus stunned, Rip knew this was his chance to strike. With one right after another, Rip slammed his fist into Zeus chest. Each blow knocked Zeus around the ring. As his punches began to slow, Zeus finally came to and grabbed Rip's fist. Rip swung his other fist but Zeus grabbed that as well. With Rip trapped in his grasp again, Zeus began to head butt Rip since he had nowhere to go.

Every head butt that struck his fore head, the pain echoed in his skull. After one final head butt, Zeus let go of Rip and began to pummel him again. He tossed Rip into the ropes where his arm got entangled. With Rip trapped between the ropes he decided to "help" his opponent. Zeus walked over and climbed on top of the ropes tightening its pressure on Rip's arm.

Rip howled in pain as his arm was being viciously squeezed between the ropes. As he had Rip pinned in the ropes, he ripped off the turnbuckle protector. After freeing Rip from the ropes, he brought Rip over and slammed his face into the exposed metal turnbuckle. Rip fell to the mat with very little will to get back up. As he lay on the mat, Zeus went to the turnbuckle again and ripped it clean from the ring post.

Rip still lying flat out on the mat; Zeus began to break the ring post from its supports. Rip with very blurred vision looked over to see Randy at ring side. He could see the fear in his brother's eyes, the fear he would not survive this fight. He didn't want to let Randy down but the pain was just getting too much. Zeus finally broke the ring post and raised it above Rip's head.

As he listened to Randy's cries for him to get up, his vision cleared and saw Zeus standing over him with a broken ring post inches from his face. He quickly rolled out of the way as ring post was speared through the mat. Angry that he missed, Zeus began to stomp hard on Rip's head. Fueled by rage, Zeus stomped down on Rip as hard as he could.

"Stop!" a familiar voice said.

As Zeus began to put his weight onto Rip's throat, Rip could see Sam as she yelled to stop the match. Seeing her and knowing she was no longer kidnapped he knew he could now fight with all he had and stop Zeus. But he could not do anything with the little strength he had left. With a couple of boots to the face, Zeus noticed Randy at ringside yelling to his brother to fight back.

Zeus wanted to shut him up as well as get under Rip's skin. He walked out of the ring and towards Randy, his girlfriend, and buddy.

"You're coming with me little brother." Zeus said grabbing the handles to his wheelchair.

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing?' Randy's buddy said.

"None of your damn business…" Zeus said then knocking him out.

Zeus pushed Randy's girlfriend out of the way as she tried to stop him. He pushed the wheelchair towards a big cement wall.

"What you planning to do to me?" Randy asked.

"Shut up runt." Zeus said as he picked up Randy by his collar.

"Hey Rip, here's something to get you really pissed off." Zeus said as he reached back and threw Randy through the cement wall.

Rip opened his eyes just as Randy's body crashed through the wall. Everyone in the arena was horrified. Deep inside Rip could feel the last link that was holding him back snapped. His anger, rage, and sadness converged into one feeling. He could feel every inch of his body twitching. Zeus wasn't totally satisfied with Rip's reaction and went for one more blow. He grabbed Sam and brought her to the ring.

He put his hand around her neck and lifted her up.

"Hey Rip, what would you do if I choked out your girlfriend?" Zeus said then laughing.

Sam's feet dangling under her as she frantically tried to free herself from Zeus' grip. The vision of his brother being brutally killed flashed through his mind a million times. His feelings that merged together seemed to be balling up in the center of his body. Hearing Sam's gasps for air made his desire to stop Zeus that much greater. Rip finally rose to his feet. His anger fueling not to not be afraid.

"Let her go…" Rip said with clenched fists.

"And what if I don't?" Zeus said.

"I said let her GO!" Rip shouted as his anger exploded.

As the power was emanating from Rip, it could be felt by everyone in the arena. Even Zeus could feel it and was perplexed about it. Rip stood in the middle of the ring with a golden aura around him.

"People like you make me sick. Seeing you brutally attack people with little emotion makes me think you have no humanity left inside you. You've kicked people as if they were garbage and were meant to be thrown away. But you are wrong, you Zeus are the garbage and I will personally dispose of you." Rip said as his new power surrounded him.

"Really, then you have to get me to release your girlfriend first and that is almost impossible." Zeus said then smirking.

"Well then, challenged accepted…" Rip said then smirking himself.

Within a blink of an eye, Rip moved towards Zeus with lightning speed and smashed his fist into his chest. The power of the punch was so incredible, Several of Zeus' ribs snapped inside his chest. The pain caused Zeus to drop Sam causing her to tumble out of the ring.

"I'm going to make you pay for killing my brother and I will make you suffer like all the people you've made suffer." Rip said.

Despite the pain Zeus was in, he charged towards Rip. With little effort Rip grabbed Zeus' fist dead in its tracks. Zeus was astonished not only his fist was stopped but he couldn't even move it an inch whilst in Rip's grasp.

"What's wrong Zeus is your hand stuck? Here you can use mine." Rip said as he swung his free hand and punched Zeus hard in the jaw.

Two of Zeus' molars were knocked out by the punch and bounced on the floor around the ring. Rip let go of Zeus' hand. Zeus spat out the blood and saliva mix onto the mat and wiped his mouth.

"Hey Zeus, look at it this way, I saved you two trips to the dentist." Rip said with a sneer.

Enraged, Zeus charged at Rip, arms outstretched ready to rip out Rip's throat. Though Zeus was moving fast, the movement to dodge was easy and as Zeus missed his target, Rip elbowed him in the back and sending his face straight into the exposed turnbuckle. As Zeus turned around, Rip noticed a big gash on Zeus' forehead from hitting the turnbuckle.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zeus yelled as blood trickled from his face.

"Then come at" Rip said as he gestured/taunted Zeus.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, Zeus lunged towards Rip. Grabbing his arms, Rip stopped his body completely.

"Hey Zeus, wanna go for a ride?" Rip said as he began to spin in a circle holding Zeus by his arm.

Rip began to spin faster and faster until Zeus' body lifted completely off the ground. Seeing the nauseous look on his opponents face, Rip let go sending him flying up and through the air and making him crash through the glass windows on the control room. Sparks jumped from the electronics as Zeus body collided with them. The audience shouted and cried out in terror.

Rip went to go see what was left of his opponent. Despite the sparks, he peered into the control room and saw Zeus. What was ironic was that he could see Brill's body crushed between Zeus' and the wall.

"Well that takes care of two problems." Rip said as he raised his arms in victory.

The audience cheered as Rip flexed. But, as quickly as they began to cheer, they stopped. Looking around Rip could see that the horror on their faces and saw some pointing behind him. As he turned around, he could see Zeus, still alive and walking towards him. Seeing numerous cuts and burns on his body, Rip knew he had to stop him and now.

"Hey Zeus, buddy…let's talk this out…I think…" Rip started to say as Zeus charged.

Rip grabbed him and lifted him over his head and slamming him down. Zeus slowly stood up though a little wobbly. Behind them, Rip could see the ring below.

"Well Zeus, this is where it ends. Your evil ways are being put to a stop." Rip said as his energy increased.

Wanting to get rid of Zeus once and for all, Rip focused most of his energy into his leg. With Zeus standing pretty much still enough, Rip got into stance and with a swift and strong roundhouse kick, hit Zeus in the chin. With nothing but sheer force in his kick, Zeus' neck snapped as he stood. With no more breath in his body, Zeus fell back and slammed through the mat, his body creating a hole.

With the crowd stunned, Rip's power faded from him. He walked down to the ring with all eyes on him. With his battle to the death over, Rip reached Sam and kissed her passionately. The arena erupted into a cheer as they all realized it was finally over and Zeus was defeated.