Author's Note: Here is the final part to the Bells of Saint John. This one is a bit longer than usual! Thanks for reading, please review/follow!

Part Three

Riiiiiing! Riiiiing!

Riiiiiing! Riiiiing!

Riiiiing! Riiiiiing!

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Clara was confused. She wasn't sure why the Doctor would look so intimidated by his own phone ringing. She hadn't really realized it was a phone until this moment, but then she supposed it made some sense. Police Public Call Box. Must have a telephone set up. But the Doctor looked almost frightened by it. "Doctor?"

He made a disgruntled noise, staring at the Tardis. "But.." he said, finally. "It's not supposed to ring, the outside isn't actually a phone. I have a separate phone on the inside of the Tardis, but this outer one is a fake, a dummy! It's doesn't actually work."

Riiiiing! Riiiiiing!

Riiiiiing! Riiiiing!

"Pick it up, Doctor, it's terribly loud!" Clara put her hands over her ears and ignored the Doctor's pithy expression thrown in her direction.

She watched him open up the compartment on the left door that revealed the ringing telephone. He gave a shrug and scratched his head noisily, "Geronimo." He put the phone to his ear, "Ello?"

The Doctor's expression appeared to Clara to suddenly go blank. His shoulders slumped, and his eyes seemed to lose their usual mischievous gleam.

"What is it? What's wrong?" she asked. Perhaps this was bad news on the telephone, perhaps the Doctor was upset by something?

He slammed the telephone back onto its handle. Clara nearly jumped at the sound. She blinked a few times.

"Doctor?" she queried again. She reached out to pat his arm, but he didn't react. He still had not said anything since picking up the phone. Clara started to get the sneaky suspicion of foul play. Something was very wrong indeed. "Are you alright?"

"Alright?" the Doctor repeated.

Clara's eyes went wide. She wasn't sure what was going on anymore. He was standing there rigid like a stone statue, with hardly any expression on his face, and no response to Clara's touch. It gave Clara an extremely uneasy feeling.

"Of course I'm alright!" the Doctor suddenly announced, turning to her with a grin. "I'm the King of Alright! No.. no.. forget that. That's a terrible title. Rory the Roman, that's a great title!"

Clara had to laugh a little, "Rory doesn't sound very Roman to me."

The Doctor put his hand on her shoulder with a fierce grip, that same grin on his face becoming almost eerie, "Don't you worry, my dear Mr. Holmes. We'll solve this mystery together." He pulled back, the bizarre grin never leaving his face. But Clara looked at his eyes and felt a chill roll down her spine. His normally full of emotion and history and starlight eyes.. were now dull, as if almost all the color had been removed, lifeless and cold. "I've just had a great idea," he pointed at her. "The laptop!"

Then he ran back inside of the Tardis without another word.

"We've got him, Miss Kizlet," Alexei told her triumphantly.

She moved in close to see his screen, "Job well done, Alexei. Now, you should probably take a breather." Kizlet pulled out the tablet and lowered Alexei and Mahler's IQ down by over half. The two of them appeared very tired, and nodded at her order. Kizlet looked out over the rest of her drones, who were sitting at their own desks, busily typing away, setting up servers and downloads across the world. She smiled to herself and looked back down at her tablet. "Now I've got him."

On the tablet was a picture of the Doctor. She pushed up his Obedience and IQ levels.

"Come home, my Doctor," she whispered.

Clara struggled to keep her bearings. There was clearly something wrong with the Doctor, as if he had been possessed by a demon. His wits no longer seemed about him.. at least, more than usual. She wasn't completely sure, but she thought it would probably be best not to let him know of any problem. A madman could be a dangerous thing. Clara followed him inside the Tardis and tried to keep a light smile on her face.

"The wifi robots likely have a power source or a home base from which they all come from. That home base has got to be written into their code or else they wouldn't know where to return to for repairs or maintenance. So.. you beauty," the Doctor was typing crazily fast on the laptop, sitting on the floor of the Tardis, looking through all the data he had collected on the robots. "Where does mummy live, eh?"

Clara raised an eyebrow, "And that home base will lead us back to whoever it is controlling those things?"

Vacant green eyes barely glanced up at her, "Correctamundo! A word I should really use more often." There was something especially strained in his voice that made Clara narrow her eyes in contemplation. Then he sat back suddenly, "Gotcha."

"Where are they?" she asked him cautiously.

"On the 65th floor of a great big building all the way on the other side of town," the Doctor smiled humorlessly. "We can fly the Tardis there." He moved to enter in the coordinates to the console.

"Wait!" Clara cried out suddenly.

The Doctor stopped and looked at her with confusion clearly written on his face.

Clara gulped. She knew that the Doctor was not himself, and that flying his ship straight into the enemy's lair could be an enormous trap. They couldn't afford to lose this blue box. Whatever it was that was wrong with the Doctor, Clara was determined to snap him out of it, and to protect him in the meantime.

"It's just.." she pulled a little on her black dress. "I'd much rather take the motorbike with you. If you don't mind. Flying in this old thing is just.. so boring.. compared to an amazin' ride on the motorbike with you.." Clara patted the seat of the bike. "You should show me how to drive it, Doctor! Please?"

The Doctor stared blankly at her. After another shaky heartbeat rattling Clara's chest, hoping without hope that he would buy it, he stepped away from the console. "Sounds a bit domestic to me," there was that strain in his voice again. He shrugged. "Whatever you like!" He jumped on the bike and started it up. "See here, if you pull on this handle slowly and the other handle at the same time, you control your speed and the clutch! Quite simple really."

"Can I have a go?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Clara we've got to go! We've got to get there as quickly as possible!" It was almost as if he was reciting instructions.

Not knowing what else to do, Clara hopped onto the back of the seat.

She held onto him as he drove them out of the Tardis and down the busy streets of her future London, feeling as though she were touching a complete stranger. To a certain extent, the Doctor was a complete stranger. But then, Clara knew they had a special bond. At least.. she hoped they did.

They drove down the twisted and turning streets. Everywhere they went, Clara noticed people holding little gadgets and mechanical books. People were watching moving picture screens as they walked down the street, as they drove, as they talked to each other, and as they ate. Some people even had little mechanical things inside their ears, on their faces, and around their wrists or waists. Clara watched them as they seemed to walk around in their own little bubbles as the Doctor drove them ever closer to an immensely tall building.

Clara felt a sinking in her chest. Even the Doctor was constantly attached to some sort of mechanical thing, whether it be a robot, or his ship, or his little screwdriver gadget.

On the streets, Clara could see the silver head robots downloading unsuspecting people, but no one around seemed to notice.. or care. And right in front of her sat the man who brought her to see this bizarre future, who was currently being controlled by the very technology he had so highly praised.

Clara closed her eyes and wished for home.

"The Shard!" the Doctor stopped in front of the building that seemed to go up to the very sky itself. He parked the bike on the sidewalk, taking no heed of the pedestrians around who looked curiously at them. The Doctor threw his leg over the bike and stood looking up at the building.

Clara remained sitting. She peered over at the front of the bike where she saw "ANTI-GRAV" emblazoned above a large red button. She frowned curiously at what that could possibly mean.

Suddenly she realized that everything had become a little too quiet. Several dozen people were standing still all around her, and they were all staring at her.

"Oh I love humans," the Doctor was grinning maniacally but that rasp in his voice was starting to make sense to Clara. It was almost like the Doctor's real voice was fighting to get out. "You're always trying to find patterns in things that aren't really there." Then his voice lowered menacingly, "I hope you appreciate the gravity of the situation, Clara."

Heads were turning everywhere and Clara quickly found herself surrounded by spoonheads.

Blue light was starting to emit from each silver mask.

"Begin download."

The gravity of the situation.

Clara scooted forward on the bike and reached for the handles. She was either insane or about to die, and she would rather go out fighting. It's what the Doctor would do.

"This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done!" she screamed and started up the bike with a loud sputter. She managed to maneuver through the crowd of spoonheads, knocking several over, and as she came to the building's side, she slammed on the big red button and the hit the gas. "Anti-gravity!" and then she was almost flying up the side of the building. She didn't dare look back down.

The glass of the building had lines across it for each floor. Clara counted the floors as she went. It felt like ages before she finally reached the 65th floor. Once there, Clara brought the bike to a stop.

"What do I do now?!" she was sitting sideways 65 stories high.

Clara had no idea what happened, but she was suddenly crashing into the office. Glass fragments were all around her as she found herself and the bike strewn upon the office floor. Her world was going around in circles for a few moments.

Still a bit dizzy, Clara blinked her eyes furiously to try and look around the office. There was a main chair and desk with multiple strange little statues on it. On the walls of the entire room were thousands of little pictures.

Clara realized that each picture was of a person's face.. and they were moving! All of the people who had been downloaded were here, trapped inside a massive computer, crying out to her for help. Men, women and children, of every race and creed and origin were there, banging on their little screen cage with their hands. They were silent, but Clara could see their mouths opening like they were screaming, begging her to let them out.

"Well, well. I see you found my office. Sorry about the mess."

Clara looked up to see a woman in a dark business suit clicking her tongue at her. "And you are?" she asked, trying to pull herself together and look intimidating. She stood up and ignored the small cuts scattered up her legs.

"Miss Kizlet, at your service," the woman had a sly smile.

"I.." Clara nearly faltered. "I demand that you put the Doctor back to his rightful self! And all of these people! Return them to their bodies!"

Kizlet laughed with a snort, "Was that your plan then? I don't know how you rode the motorbike up here, but now that you're here.. you demand that I do what, my dear?" She took a few steps toward Clara in a slow and predatory way. "Sadly, many of these people have no living body to return to. They're much safer here, where they can live forever in the datacloud," she smiled less than sweetly. "Unfortunately for you, your Doctor is under my control. Isn't that right, Doctor?"

The Doctor stepped out of an elevator in the hall and stood still as a statue in the doorway. Clara wanted to cry at the sight of his still dulled eyes.

She tried to keep fighting, "Why do you need the Doctor? Part of your evil scheme to download living minds?"

The woman was circling her now, "My client must feed on living minds in order to gain their intelligence. I give him ample supply of livestock, and in return he gives me power. The power to control.. to manipulate. To possess." Now she was standing close to the Doctor.

Clara felt her blood boil at the sight.

Kizlet smirked, "And now I possess the greatest mind in the universe. The Doctor's."

Clara frowned, keeping an eye on the Doctor's unchanging expression, "But.. if your client feeds on intelligence, why not feed him the Doctor's?"

"My client can have as many minds as he can handle. But this one," she stroked the Doctor's arm. "He can't have this one. I will keep him for myself, and together we will have dominion over all the stupid, mindless herd of the human world."

"No!" Clara shook her head. She was on the verge of tears, and didn't see much point in holding out on them any longer. Everything had gone wrong, and it didn't appear she'd be able to save the Doctor.. or herself. "This world.. it isn't perfect, most certainly. I have seen that. But ultimately, humans are still humans! Still people! Still trying and failing and then succeeding, and hoping and wishing and loving.." she gave the Doctor a pleading look, and for a moment saw a tiny flicker of emotion. "What you're doing is murder. It's wrong!"

Kizlet laughed, and Clara saw her pull out a small mechanical screen from her jacket. She swiped her fingers across it almost lovingly. "This is my favorite little toy. It allows me to change the settings on all my drones," she looked up at her. "What is your name, girl? So that I know how to label you in my collection."

Tears were flowing down her face, but she managed to keep an expression of determination. She would not be defeated. Not really. "I am Clara Oswald."

Something sparked within the Doctor's eyes. And then, faster than she could keep track of, the Doctor was standing several feet away, holding Kizlet's tablet in hand. He smiled at Clara, and she felt her tears dry at the sight of his ancient green eyes that were full of life once more. "Ohhh yes.. we've got some cowboys in here, eh?" he chuckled as he rummaged through the tablet's information.

"What are you doing?! Give that back!" Kizlet cried out. She tried to jump forward at the Doctor, but suddenly she was held back by two men.

Clara watched in fascination and confusion, wide-eyed. The Doctor seemed to be enjoying himself, playing with Kizlet's tablet.

"Alexei! Mahler! What is happening here? Let go of me! I order you to let me go!" the woman kept trying to fight out of their grip. Their dull eyes never wavered as they held her.

"Funny thing about mind control," the Doctor drawled. "There always seems to be a great big button involved. And you should never let anyone other than yourself take hold.. of that great big button." He pushed on the tablet, a deep unspoken regret on his brow. "I release you from a living hell. Sleep now.."

One by one, all of the images of faces all around them on the walls began to disappear. Clara felt her heart lighten and contract at the same time. These unfortunate souls had been victimized and trapped by their own technology, and now they were free, but so many of them would not be returning to the world of the living. They had been unable to save them.

"And now to make a quick call to some of my friends," the Doctor was tapping away noisily on the tablet. "I'll just send them a little email, shall I? They'll be sure to get rid of all those friendly silver spoon heads."

"So you do have help here, who is it?" Clara asked.

The Doctor grinned at her, "Some buddies of mine called U.N.I.T. will get the job done."

Kizlet ripped free of the two men with a growl. They all looked at her carefully.

"No point in fighting it now, Miss Kizlet. It's over," the Doctor's voice had lowered in pitch to a low grumble that made the hairs on the back of Clara's neck stand up. "Your little game here is over. Did you really think you could control me? Did you really think you could beat me? Were you so power-hungry that you thought you were unstoppable?" The Doctor's eyes were nearly on fire with rage. "Not on my watch. Not ever."

And then Kizlet was running desperately out the door and down a hallway.

"She'll escape!" Clara cried.

The Doctor's expression was grim but he made no move to follow the woman, "No. She was not the mastermind here."

"I have failed you, Great Intelligence. I have failed," Kizlet stood stock still in front of a large screen in a small office room she had kept cordoned off from the others.

The face of a man appeared on the screen, "Miss Kizlet. You allowed the Doctor to control you."

"No, I have always been under your control, Great Intelligence," she shook her head, afraid.

Dr. Simeon's eyes narrowed, "You let him seduce you with his power and you were defeated by that same power. He is not only one man, but many within one, and always by his side is a friend whose energy he feeds upon for strength. I warned you, but you did not inform me of his meddling. That was your downfall."

Kizlet looked down in shame.

"I have feasted on many minds and I have grown stronger. I no longer need you, and I will search for power elsewhere. Goodbye, Miss Kizlet."

She swallowed hard, "You've been whispering in my ear for so long.. I don't really know what I was before. Goodbye." She then pressed a number of buttons on the screen, and watched as the man's face disappeared. She took in a shaky breath, and pressed the RESET button.

Clara and the Doctor watched in shock as the two men suddenly fell to their knees in pain, clawing at their ears. They were breathing hard, and then finally looked up at them.

"Where am I?" asked one. "What's going on here?"

The Doctor nodded, "It's as I thought. She reset them all to before they were taken over."

"But you were able to fight it, weren't you Doctor? You snapped out of the mind control." Clara smiled at him, but it then fell from her face when she saw the Doctor's sad expression. "Doctor?"

His shoulders were slumped, "I was barely able to fight it. I wasn't able to save you from the spoon heads, and I wasn't able to save so many of those who were killed by the datacloud. Even when I was able to help, I got you hurt." He pointed to her legs.

Clara looked down at the various cuts on her legs that had finally stopped bleeding, "That was you? You broke the glass? But how?"

He pulled out the screwdriver from his jacket, "I sonic-ed it. Sonic waves are able to break glass at a high enough frequency."

"You were still possessed and you helped me?" Clara smiled.

The Doctor let out a little sigh, "Clara, you rode a motorbike for the first time in your life up the side of a skyscraper." And then his grin was beaming, "How could I not be inspired?"

They fell together for a hug. Clara felt warm and safe there within his arms. She felt a blush creep onto her face, but she knew that everything was going to be alright.

"Clara Oswald! That is your name!" the Doctor was chuckling and Clara could feel his chest bounce against her. "You were amazing."

"I wasn't able to do much," Clara pulled away from him but she was still smiling.

"You did everything!" he pointed at her. Then he looked at her fairly seriously, "I wouldn't have gotten free without you. You saved me, Clara Oswald. You brought me back to the land of the living."

Suddenly dozens of men and women in black soldier uniform came through the door. They began to question the two men and everybody else in the offices around. One walked up to the Doctor and saluted, "Doctor, sir, we'll take everything from here."

The Doctor saluted back with a grin. He took Clara's hand and they began to walk out.

Officers were walking with Kizlet toward them from down the hall. Her face looked terrified, and in a small voice, she kept saying, "Where are my mummy and daddy? Where is my mummy?"

Clara watched her be taken away and felt a pang of pity. "She was being controlled, too, wasn't she Doctor?"

He didn't respond, he only pursed his lips and kept walking.

They were back in the Tardis when Clara felt herself finally unwind from all the events of the day. She had bandaged up her legs and gotten into another future London dress she found in the closet. It was still rather modest like her old dresses, but she preferred the lightness of the material and lack of a bustle to deal with. The Doctor had pointed her down a hallway and told her to open the third door on the left.

When she entered the room, she realized it was her bedroom that the Doctor and the Tardis had made especially for her. The style of the furniture inside was that of her time, 19th century England. It was plush and with lovely colors of blue and green, her favorite colors. The bed had soft white lace linen. She jumped onto it with a giggle and rolled around it.

Clara looked up to make sure the Doctor wasn't standing in the doorway watching her with amusement. He wasn't there.

Somehow she felt disappointed.

She walked back down the hallway and into the console room. The Doctor stood there, messing around with the different levers and buttons of his ship.

"I found my bedroom," she told him.

He smiled, "You like it? Your bedroom is your private place here on the Tardis, Clara. I will never go into your bedroom. It is your sanctuary." He straightened out his bowtie.

Clara gave him a cheeky smile, "At least, never uninvited."

The Doctor coughed a bit and smoothed out his jacket, "That is what I meant.." He appeared to ignore her flirtatious laugh, but looked at her with an endearing expression that made her feel somehow warm. "Your first trip in the Tardis. Was it what you thought it would be?"

Clara stifled her giggles and considered him seriously. "Not exactly. The future is.. not everything I thought it would be. In many ways, it is far more terrible than I could have imagined." She watched his concerned expression carefully as she spoke. "But at the same time, it is more wonderful and amazin' than I could have dreamed of."

His grin grew slowly on his face, "On to the next?"

She nodded quickly with a giggle.

"Anywhere in time and space, right outside those doors. Where do you want to go?" he asked.

Clara put her hands on her hips, "I want to go.. somewhere awesome."

To be continued..