Once Ace and I were officially together she was almost never away at from my aunt's house. My Aunt had sent me to get groceries and my difficulties lied in finding the things she wanted. My dad snuck in a note in between the pages that made me happier than anything:

Ka ji waccai ti kalay Acsedorra vi ji kalay ti Eearthling.(Do you want to take Acsedorra with us back to Earth?)

When I walked into the house I practically shrieked my answer, "YES! SANNI! JALA KAPWE JI?" Ace was sitting on the couch with a piece of paper in her hand. By the look on her face it was similar to my note.

I sat down next to Ace. "Waccai ti?" I asked her. She nodded.

"You are different than when we met," she told me. And I agreed with her entirely. "Ju opano."

She was right, I had changed. Lia, Seth, Sara, Ace, and I had all changed. Ace had gone from being the librarian to being an almost normal child. And I had gone from living a boring life to maneuvering my way through challenges in a whole nothing language.

We had changed. And I knew my friends back home must have changed to. I just hoped it was for the better and not the worse. ALWAYS knock on wood when you hope things.

A/N: DONE! And the next one is gonna possibly get a bit dark. Not too bad just things will happen. Because I don't have the brain of an innocent 5-yr old anymore.