Couldn't help but do another Kensei x Mashiro fic and really like how this turned out. All Kensei wants is to get some sleep, but a certain someone won't let him.

It was late at night. And as usual, she wasn't asleep. She was awake, lying on top of him, twitching and shifting to get comfortable, moaning and groaning at how uncomfortable the mattress of his futon is, and keeping him awake. It made him furious. But he was too tired to care. He was too tired to actually do something about it. Because he knew if he did, she'd just do it again tomorrow night and the next.

"Kensei," she muttered. He opened his eyes. Damnit. He was so close to sweet blissful sleep.

"What?" he responded irritably, looking only at the ceiling.

"Do you wanna play a game?" her question really pissed him off.

"No." he answered curtly. She huffed. "I wanna sleep, Mashiro. Go to sleep." he closed his eyes.

"But I can't sleep!" she whined. Kensei furrowed his eyebrows.

"I can see that..." he grumbled. She hugged his bulky frame tighter.

"If you play a game with me, I'll go to sleep." she said. He was skeptical at this, but the initial temptation of her promise was too much for him to pass up.

"Fine." he agreed. She smiled and rolled on her back, staring at the ceiling as well.

"I want you to say the first thing that comes to your mind when I say a word." she said.

"What are you, a freaking psychologist?" he grumbled. She laughed.

"No, stupid." she laughed harder. "I'm Super Mashiro! Are you ready to start the game?" she asked.

"Are you ready for bed?" he retorted.

"No! My first word is... dangerous." she said.

"Kenpachi." was his answer.








"Soy sauce..." Kensei's last answer made Mashiro go silent for a bit. Was she asleep?




"Haha! Your answers are getting funnier!" Mashiro laughed. Kensei groaned. He just wanted to sleep, damnit!

"Okay, how about... stupid?"

"Shinji." he growled.

"I was thinking you were going to say yourself ." Mashiro teased.

"Shut up..." he growled at her.

"Hmm... how about... sweet."

"Pancake syrup."






"Crab... wait, what?" he turned to her with a questioning look. She only giggled. "Are we done yet?" he asked.

"No, silly!" she squealed. Kensei groaned louder.

"You damned brat..." he closed his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep yet! We're not done playing!" she yelled.

"All right! All right! I wasn't even asleep..." Kensei turned his head the other way, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Hmm... Oh! Tiny!"






"I... huh?" Mashiro paused. Kensei looked at her, the bridge of his nose the slightest bit pink. It was still noticable in the dim moonlight.

"I said you." he repeated. "You said, 'cute' and I said 'you'. Were you not paying attention?" he narrowed his eyes at her. Mashiro only blinked at him, then smiled.

"You think I'm cute?" she asked, putting her long sleeve up to her face to hide the blush of her own. Kensei turned away.

"I don't lie, do I?" was his only reply. Mashiro giggled. She wrapped her arms around him, and didn't expect Kensei to turn over and embrace her himself.

"Well... I still think you're stupid." she mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go to sleep now, will ya?" he pulled her towards him and sighed heavily. Mashiro giggled and snuggled against him, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep. Kensei smiled. He was finally going to get some sleep. Sweet, sweet, sleep...

My computer hates me for typing constantly at like midnight, but I don't care! I really like how this turned out. We need more Kensei x Mashiro. The couple is so obvious since episode 285! Join the revolution! And please review!