A/N: so I am new to making stories I have been reading fan fiction for two years now so if I make mistakes on this story, like spelling or other grammatical errors then bear with me. Also if you don't like the pairings on any of my future stories (if I write any) then don't flame me or my readers or reviewers. Another thing if any of you don't like the way how I made characters stronger than they were in cannon at their age they were in part one then you all can read another story. Now let's start the story.

"Rasengan"- Normal speech

'Rasengan'- Thought speech

"Rasengan"- Bijū speech/ Jutsu

'Rasengan'- Bijū Thought speech

Disclaimer: don't own Naruto or Naruto Shippuden! Because if I did Naruto would have become an S-Rank Shinobi at the age of 13 like Itachi and he would have gotten the wood relaease kekkei genkai, Minato would be Tsunade's and Jiraiya's son giving Naruto a biological reason to call Tsunade 'Baa-chan' !


Long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless wars between mankind, the Shinju, a tree revered as a deity, bore a Chakra Fruit once every thousand years. Although it was forbidden to consume the Shinju's fruit, it was eaten by Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, who used the power it granted her to end the wars plaguing the lands. Sometime after this, Kaguya gave birth to two sons who became the first humans born with chakra. Angered by the power gained by her children, Kaguya manifested together with the Shinju into an incarnation that would be christened by many as the "Jūbi (Ten-Tails)", which ravaged the world attempting to reclaim its lost chakra.

In the final duel between the Ten-Tails and Kaguya's sons, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and Hamura Ōtsutsuki, they managed to defeat the beast and sealed it within Hagoromo becoming its Jinchūriki, causing him to be revered as the Rikudō Sennin(Sage of Six Paths) for the virtue of his victory. With his knowledge of the concept of chakra, Hagoromo travelled across the land, giving chakra to others as well as spreading his ideals and religion, Ninshū, which eventually became the ability known as Ninjutsu. With Hagoromo's great deeds and ultimate desire to bring peace to the war-torn world made him widely known as the Kono Yo no Kyūseishu(Savior of this World).

Hagoromo's ultimate wish was to establish peace across the world, but it was a goal that would never be achieved in a single lifetime. Knowing this, he chose to entrust his dream and legacy to his two sons, Indra Ōtsutsuki and Asura Ōtsutsuki, and began teaching them Ninshū. Hagoromo acknowledged Indra his eldest son as a true prodigy, who quickly began to revel in his natural prowess and became very solitary. Asura, his youngest son proved to be the exact opposite, having shown no special abilities or natural talent, but he pushed on through his limitations, growing stronger and more mature because of his struggles and making friends along the way. Hagoromo acknowledged Asura's chosen path, agreeing that love and cooperation were the true key to peace.

Hagoromo later inspired by Asura, separated the Jūbi's chakra within his body and used Banbutsu Sōzō(creation of all things) ability to divide it into nine separate bodies, creating the Bijū and giving each of them a name. As a result of extracting them all at once, Hagoromo was left weakened and incapacitated for several months, though the powerful life force of the Jūbi husk kept him alive. Hagoromo, sometime after their creation, Hagoromo told the young Bijuu that they were all still linked to one another despite being separate entities. Hagoromo also told them that they would eventually become one again, yet not as they originally were, and that one shall appear at that time to show them what true power is. Hagoromo eventually used Chibaku Tensei(Heavenly Body Bursting from the Earth) to seal the husk of the Jūbi in what would become the moon. On his deathbed, Hagoromo chose Asura to be his successor, but Indra, overcome by bitterness and envy as well as being manipulated by a dark figure, fought against his brother, beginning a war between them that would continue through the ages and descendants.

Hagoromo suspecting that Indra or one of his reincarnations would eventually attempt to take Asura's power for themselves, he left behind a tablet detailing his history in an attempt to make them reconsider. Only those who possess the Rinnegan can fully decipher the contents of the tablet, while a reader with other doujutsu such as the Sharingan can still partially interpret the information. However, unkown to him, the dark force had altered the contents of Hagoromo's tablet so he could manipulate Indra's descendants, the Uchiha clan, through the ages into resurrecting Kaguya and initiating Infinite Tsukuyomi anew.

Era of the Warring States

The warring states era is one of the most blood soaked part of the history of ninja where shinobi clans were formed from those who learned to wield chakra as a weapon, becoming the opposite of what the Rikudō Sennin's Ninshū taught. Hundreds of clans over the centuries were born or destroyed, many of them over the course of time made elemental Kekkai Genkai or just specialized in one type of element. Such clans were the Yuki clan's and there Hyōton(Ice Release) or the Suishō clan's Shōton(Crystal Release)(A/N: I know Guren may not have a clan but I found a name that will be fitting for her clan if she did). The most notable clans to master singular elements was the Uchiha clan with their Katon(Fire Release) along with the Sarutobi clan to. The Houzuki clan mastered Suiton(Water Release) to an art were they can turn their whole bodies to water if need be. Clans also just mastered Inton(Yin Release) to master genjustu such as the Kurama clan to the point it became a Kekkei Genkai or master the shadows like the Nara clan, some used it to master the mind like the Yamanaka clan. Other clans mastered Yōton(Yang Release) like the Akimichi to expand their bodies to become giants in battle, or like the Aburame clan who uses their bodies as hives for their kikaichū insects.

Some clans even had mastered both Onmyouton(Yin-Yang Release) but did not have it mastered to the point of the Rikudou Sennin but enough to use it. There are only two known clans that have Doujutsu, them being the Uchiha clan with their Sharingan and, the Hyūga clan with their Byakugan. Many believing that the Sharingan was a mutation of the Byakugan because they are the exact opposites of each other.

But throughout the war-torn world two clans always fought each other, clans that are cousins but have forgotten so because of hatred of the other. The Senju and Uchiha clans fought each other every time they went into battle for resources, power, or land. Some five centuries before the founding of the hidden villages the Senju clan had been split in two with clan members wanting peace and wanting to stop fighting. Those Senju that left the clan eventually settled on an Island surrounded by whirlpools off the coast of what would later be known as Hi no Kuni(Land of Fire) and Yu no Kuni(Land of Hot Water). They then called themselves the Uzumaki after the whirlpools protecting the island. Even though the Senju and now Uzumaki clans were separate they always stayed close in relationship and through countless marriages. While the Senju were well rounded as a clan the Uzumaki became extremely respected and powerful ninjas and with their use of Fūinjutsu(Sealing Jutsu).

Unknowing to the two families every few generations something unexpected would happen. Since there deaths, Indra's and Asura's, chakra would transmigrate into one of their descendants. Every transmigration would happen every five generations, with the next being directly related to the last. But Asura's transmigration was different then Indra's, with Asura's family being split in two his chakra only transmigrated into those who were both Senju and Uzumaki bringing the Kekkei Genkai(Bloodline Limit) back together.

Twenty-Five years before the founding of Konohagakure no Sato(Hidden Leaf Village),Asura's next transmigrate reincarnation would be born as Hashirama Senju and, Indra'a transmigrate reincarnation would be born as Madara Uchiha. Hashirama was born as the oldest of four children to Butsuma Senju leader of the Senju clan and Momoko Senju(formerly Uzumaki). Madara was born to Tajima Uchiha leader of the Uchiha clan and Ranko Uchiha. Ten years later, Hashirama first came across Madara at the edge of a river where the young Uchiha was attempting to skip a stone all the way across. Easily getting a rock to the other side, Hashirama introduced himself to Madara as his rival in stone skipping, and noted that he was clearly leading. Neither Hashirama nor Madara revealed their surnames, as it was unwise in such an era. Unbeknownst to them, their clans had been in a bloody feud for ages, hired constantly by opposing factions to counterbalance the other. The two knew that the only way for them to survive was to befriend their enemies. As they skipped stones together, the two boys discovered the corpse of a member of the Hagoromo clan.

Soon afterward, Hashirama attended the burial of his younger brother, Kawarama, who had been murdered by members of the Uchiha clan. Saddened by Kawarama's passing, Hashirama got into a brief altercation with his father over what he considered to be the pointless death of his brother. That moment convinced Hashirama, with his brother, Tobirama's support, that there would have to be peace amongst ninja. Not long passed before Itama, Hashirama and Tobirama's other younger brother, also fell to the perils of war.

The event led Hashirama to return to the riverbank, where he met with Madara once more, and with him discussed the death of Itama. Finding solace in each other's company, the two continued to meet by the river, where they sparred, shared techniques and talked over prospects for the future. It was during one of these meetings that Hashirama revealed his dream to create a new village where people could live in peace, and more importantly, where children could grow up and study together. It would be a place where shinobi would be assigned missions based on their level of skill and not out of necessity to fill a battlefield with forces, learned or not. Madara agreed, and the two children decided to build their dream village below the very cliff where they talked.

However, Hashirama's friendship with the young Uchiha was not long to last, as Butsuma soon discovered from Tobirama that his son had been meeting with Madara. Revealing to Hashirama that Madara was in fact an Uchiha who had killed several of the Senju's strongest shinobi, he ordered his son to use his meetings with Madara to spy on him and, if necessary, to kill him. Still, Hashirama could not stand to betray his friend; when the two boys met again they warned each other that a trap had been set for the other, but as they fled, they looked back in shock to find their fathers and younger brothers standing across from each other, fully ready for combat.

After the initial scuffle, Madara and Hashirama intervened, getting between their respective families. Madara, realising that he had to chose between Hashirama and their dream or his family, regretfully decided to end his friendship with the young Senju, determined to protect his brother Izuna. Hashirama tried to make Madara reconsider, but Madara refused to let go of his anger for the Senju. He announced his full name as Madara Uchiha to Hashirama, awakening his Sharingan.

From then on, Madara would constantly battle Hashirama with the intent of erasing him from his past. Eventually, he and Izuna awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan. With their newly obtained power, the two brothers became the head of the clan, with Madara becoming its leader. During this time Hashirama discovered his ability to mix his Suiton and Doton chakra and give it life to create Mokuton(Wood Release). Sometime afterwards, Madara and Izuna fought Hashirama and Tobirama, where Izuna was mortally wounded by Tobirama. Madara retreated and Izuna died from his wounds but left Madara his eyes, granting him the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

After Madara obtained his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Madara later confronted Hashirama again with his new found ocular prowess, but nonetheless, after a day-long battle, Hashirama defeated the jaded Uchiha and approached him once more to create peace between their clans; however, Madara once again refused to accept, and stated that he would not trust the Senju unless Hashirama either took his own life, or that of his younger brother. Choosing suicide, Hashirama asked his brother to accept the Uchiha as allies and end their feud, but was stopped by Madara, who then accepted the truce.

Era of the Hidden Villages

The Uchiha and Senju two clans that started the warring states period, and all the clans they had conquered finally coming together as one, to form the ninja village Madara and Hashirama once dreamed of together. Ultimately, it was Madara who named the village Konohagakure. Madara's relationship with Hashirama steadily became much like from their childhood, sharing their ideas and hopes. When Hashirama told Madara about the plans for the village leader, who would be known as the Hokage, he wished to give the title of Hokage(Fire Shadow) to Madara, and even carve his likeness onto the cliff side overlooking the village.

Tobirama, however, convinced him that the villagers would never follow Madara, and that they should be given the choice of who should lead them. Hashirama reluctantly agreed. The villagers selected Hashirama over Madara for the title of Shodaime Hokage(First Fire Shadow). Afterwards, Hashirama and Madara met at the Naka Shrine, where Hashirama expressed his wish that Madara inherit the title of Nidaime Hokage(Second Fire Shadow), once the villagers started seeing him in another light, however, Madara noted that Tobirama would more than likely inherit that title, and that when he did, it would not bode well for the Uchiha. Madara's breaking point, however, came after deciphering the tablet beneath the Naka Shrine and discovering the true origins of all shinobi, which left him greatly in despair upon realizing mankind became cursed to repeat history. Later talking in the Naka Shrine for their last civil meeting, Madara told Hashirama his intent on leaving the village and he had a plan to make his dream become a reality, falling victim to the Curse of Hatred once again. Hashirama tried to convince Madara to let him help his childhood friend, but Madara scoffed at Hashirama's attempt to follow him, saying that no one can get behind him.

Sometime after becoming Hokage, Hashirama convened the very first meeting of the five Kage, accompanied by his brother and future successor Tobirama. Overwhelmed that the leaders of the Five Great Shinobi Countries actually attended the meeting, Hashirama lowered his head thankfully to his equals and while admonished by his brothers and peers alike, he noted he could not help it. As the meeting got under-way and Tobirama explained that the Kage would have to pay for the tailed beasts they would receive, Hashirama questioned his brother asking whether giving them away for free wasn't all right. Silenced by his brother, he listened on as the proceedings continued. As in fighting broke out among the Kage due to what they believed to be the Shodaime Kazekage's brazen demand, Hashirama made his plea to them to preserve the future of their children. He also expressed concern that the peace agreement between the five of them would not last long but he dreamed of a future where everyone would be united under one cause. Eventually, he shared the tailed beasts to other villages in an attempt to maintain peace and equalize the power between the nations thus ending the dispute between them.

Soon afterwards, Konohagakure began to prosper as Hashirama and Madara had dreamed it would in childhood, causing other nations to adopt Konoha's Shinobi Nation system. But Madara abandoned by his clan, left the village, and sought out Kurama the Kyūbi no Kitsune(Nine Tailed Fox), and subdued it using his Sharingan. He later returned in order to challenge Hashirama in battle, fighting at the site that would later be called the Valley of the End.

During the battle Hashirama attempted to reason with Madara to stop fighting and come to his senses, but realising that Madara would not back down, Hashirama entered Sennin Modō(Sage Mode) to end the battle. With his augmented power, Hashirama was able to destroy Madara's Susanoo and subdue the Nine-Tails, forcing Madara to confront Hashirama directly. The battle waged on well into the night, leaving both Shinobi battered and exhausted.

In a final clash, Madara was the last one standing. Looking back at Madara, Hashirama tried one more time to reason with Madara, noting how far their former shared dream had come. When Madara scoffed at the remarks, Hashirama resolved to finish Madara off, revealing himself behind Madara and stabbing him through the chest. As Madara realized the Hashirama he had clashed with was a clone, Hashirama bitterly accepted that Madara had truly relinquished his ties to their village, and declared that he would always protect it. Madara vowed that one day the village would become shrouded in darkness before finally collapsing.

In the aftermath of intense battle, the defeated Madara faked his death and went into hiding, while Hashirama's wife, Mito Uzumaki, became the Nine-Tails' first jinchūriki(Power of a Human Sacrifice) by sealing the beast within herself. The devastation to the terrain which ensued from this battle were so great that it created an entire land formation that eventually became known as the Valley of the End. Thinking about the future of Konoha, he also trained the young Hiruzen Sarutobi, one of his brother's team members. He lived long enough to meet his first grandchild, Tsunade, and noted that he had spoiled her a great deal, even going as far as to teach her how to gamble. Hashirama died some time after the founding of Konoha in one of the many wars that were raging during this revolutionary era, but not before passing on the title of Hokage to Tobirama.

A/N: sorry it took so long but i had to make sure i got the first part of the story down before adding it. Also most of this information was off of just so you know. from now on it will all be written and thought up by me not C-N-P.

also like i said at the top i am a new writer so please don't flame me and if you don't like the pairing then don't read it move on and don't make a review about how you don't like it.