Chapter One: One Golden Piece

"I swear, Haruka, you need to get out of your room once in a while!" Haruka heard his parents yell from downstairs as he finished another layer of his art. He gave a long sigh, and turned up his music more, blaring enough through his headphones so that Pashonyan was discreet enough to start yelling. Normally he would just tease him and/or let his parents yell again. At least sometimes the virus was serious.

Haruka glanced at Pashonyan's clothes after turning down his music. He wore a hoodie with checkers on the hood, and the color faded from a grey/black to a light grey brim on the bottom. His pants were rather tight for Haruka's taste, and his shirt was a medium grey color, tucked into his pants which were adorned with a brown belt. his pants faded away into glitches, so feet were nonexistent. Haruka touched on the fact of what his shoes would look like for a few seconds before Pashonyan ripped him out of his stupor. "Ha-chan, I'm bored and you look hot lets go get ice cream and ride on a roller coaster."

Haruka touched up a corner of the background. "No. I'm not overly fond of sweets like that."

"That's a lie, I know you like to eat." Pashonyan changed Haruka's brush so that he wouldn't have to waste time going to the sidebar. Haruka was thankful for that, though, and Pashonyan was at least useful sometimes.

"I didn't say I didn't like to eat, I just said that sweets weren't my thing." Haruka gave a lazy sigh, releasing his mouse and leaning back in his chair, hearing the protests of the springs inside. He should get around to replacing his chair… Maybe there was a discount on an online store this week.

Pashonyan gave a sigh. "At least do something other than art… No offence, but just watching you make picture after picture of the same girl can be rather disheartening."

Haruka closed his eyes. "Sorry, but its my computer, I can do what I want. Besides, I want to at least be able to make as many pictures as possible before I forget what her face looked like…" He trailed off, the room going silent and the mood dropping again.

Pashonyan was silent. "I know, but… Maybe you could see some of your old friends instead." He pulled up a picture from the pictures file labeled 'school days' and zoomed in on it. A picture of five people were evident, one being Haruka, one being the girl in the picture, and three being other friends/classmates; one had blonde hair and was grinning, making a peace sign, one was a girl with a smile on her face, holding hands with the black haired boy who was slightly glaring, but his eyes were happy. He was skinny, though.

Haruka gave a sigh and closed out the picture. "Two of those people are dead, you know. And one of them is probably dead by now, if not bed-ridden for life."

"Pessimist." Pashonyan puffed up his cheeks and settled in the bottom corner, tossing around a shimeji that he had downloaded from some site. "I wanna DO something…"

Haruka gave a sigh. "Let's play the 'what made pa-chan come up with a name like that' game."

"I told you, its for passion and nyan~" Pashonyan made a face, holding up his hands like cat ears. At least he had cat like eyes. What kind of person would make a virus like that?

"So you're telling me that your name is basically passion cat?" Haruka smirked.

"Passion nyan!" Pashonyan rolled across the bottom of the screen, giggling. Haruka gave another sigh, shaking his head.

"How old are you again, Haruka? I forgot~" Pashonyan paused his giggling enough to talk normaly.

"I'm nineteen…"

"Ah. I'm sixteen, before you ask."

"I wasn't going to." Haruka leaned back into his chair, bored with art for the time being. "I'm not interested in other people's lives."

"How on earth did you survive school." Pashonyan flinched as he realized what he had said, and looked down.

Haruka ignored him. "Apology accepted."

"Ah~h, gomen gomen." Pashonyan looked down and gave another sigh. "If all you want to do is stay inside, then I guess I'll just stay in here as well. I can look up more tutorials for art online."

Haruka glanced at the cyber being and rolled his eyes. "I guess a little walk won't hurt, since my last one was a few months ago."

Pashonyan visibly perked up. "Yay~ I'm glad you defy the definition of 'shut in'!"

"Hey now…"

. . .

Haruka fingered his phone, feeling the smooth screen cool his fingertips slightly. Pashonyan looked across the street at a gaggle of people. "There's some kind of commotion over there…" Haruka glanced across the street as well.

"Doesn't that look an awful lot like the boy in the picture?" Pashonyan tilted his head. "He has the same stature and everything…"

"You're just seeing things. The boy I knew died years ago." Haruka turned to go down the other way where a supermall was located.

"That's only two years, for you." Pashonyan gave a whine. "Let's go see what the ruckus is about anyway. The adrenaline rush should suit you well."

"I'm not into those things, adrenaline won't be pumping." Haruka headed across the street as the walk sign flashed on.

"If you say so." He turned on a piece of music that was being produced from a new idol. Haruka had dug deeper and found out that the idol did the lyrics and the composer also had a line of instrumental music, and he had bought it fairly quickly. The composer only went by a pen name, but it was enough for Haruka, who was easily satisfied when it came to music.

Pashonyan looked over the crowd as Haruka held his phone up. "Who's the person getting rioted over?"

"It's a boy about your age with black hair and a red jersey jacket thing. What poor fashion sense jeez. He also has a pair of headphones, and looks pretty worried. His hair is black, as I said before, and his eyes are brown or black… Now they're red. Black again. Red."

"Is the sun reflecting off of the screen too much? We are standing at a distance..." Haruka shook his head. No one could have red eyes.

"Nope, his eyes are definitely red. The people are even talking about it." Pashonyan settled down slightly as Haruka lowered his phone. He stepped forward, heading across the street, able to make his way to the front of the crowd to see this strange red-eye person. It was interesting enough to catch Haruka's attention, so Pashonyan was glad.

Pashonyan fell across the screen as the phone shifted violently. "Hey Ha-chan, what's the big deal?!" He looked up at Haruka's pale face, jaw slightly agape.


Golden: Welcome to a new kagepro au story! For this story, I switched around the characters' deaths and powers with a randomizer. Their deaths were chosen separate from their powers, so, for example, Haruka has been stuck with the Shintarou side of the story (scissor death) but he won't be getting the 'memory' snake (I call it that because of the recent episode). If you can guess who the virus is, congrats to you! But they won't be dead because of poisoning~

I'll be planning carefully for this story, and I already have all of the backstories for the characters worked out, and I did not go easy with the happiness (except Hibiya and he doesn't have much of a backstory, so for him he works in the present plot-wise). I hope you have fun with the story. Happy reading~