Last time On Hexxtoria... Light and his companions had rested a bit in Edgewood, and decided to get going after re-stocking their supplies. Unfortunately, in order to reach the mountain faster, they need Chocobos. Luckily, there was one near the inn, so they headed there. But they ran into another problem; Lilly's fear of Chocobos. But eventually (after being forced to,) they were able to ride Chocobos. What trails await them on the mountain? Find out Now!

Just as dawn was breaking over the horizon, they had made it about halfway up the mountain. Luckily, nobody had noticed them on their way up the mountain. However, There were occasional tremors while they were going up the mountain, which had slowed their pace once or twice, because of the Chocobo's getting frightened. After about an hour after the sunrise, they were able to see the mountain top.

"Alright! We're almost there! Now all we need to do is-"

Suddenly, a huge earth tremor came on before Light had a chance to finish his sentence. Except, this one was a lot larger than the last few. Almost right on cue, the Chocobos started to panic from the tremors, an almost started to run around frantically, but luckily, they had been able to calm them down, before they fell off the cliff. After a few minutes, the tremor stopped, and they were able to advance forward.

"That was close… Let's continue upward, and fast… These tremors are getting worse by the minute." Light said, as he led them up the mountain further.

"Hey Light, do you think that the cause of these tremors has something to do with the Jewel of Hex? I've heard that the Jewels have incredible powers, such as these tremors, or-"

Suddenly, an even bigger tremor started, and the ground felt as if an earthquake was occurring right then and there. But this time, as if the tremors were bad enough, they all heard a loud boom coming from above the mountain. They all looked above them, and saw the mountain erupting, spewing lava rocks everywhere. The Chocobos were now on a frantic rampage, trying to dodge the lava rocks as best as they could. Light and his group were trying to calm them down, but it was a failed attempt. Eventually, the rocks had gotten worse, and the Chocobos were starting to get hit by the Dupree. They continuously got hit, until eventually; a giant rock was about to crash on to them. They all had been able to get out of the way in time, but the blast was so strong, that it still knocked the Chocobos into a daze. Light, Cooper, and Aqua and their Chocobos were blasted back towards the mountain side, but as for Lilly…

"Guys! HELP! I'm ABOUT TO FA-"

Light had been able get out of the daze before she had fell and tried to get up, but he wasn't strong enough to get up, and saw her fall to her doom.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Lilly screamed, as she started to fall with her Chocobo.

The wind was pounding into her ear drums as she fell to her doom. She wasn't able to concentrate well, but she had enough energy to flip upward, and grab her staff out of her backpack. She started to whisper, and her eyes became a bright, peachy glow.

"Oh heavenly divine angel Chrysalis, grant me your power! HEAVENLY PROTECTION!" Lilly chanted, as a giant burst of light came out of Lilly, and created a barrier around the Chocobo and herself. Lilly concentrated hard, and started to levitate the ball of light upward, back up to mountain peach where she had fallen off, where Light, Cooper, and Aqua were knocked out. She sighed, lifted a finger, and they floated towards her. The sphere opened a hole so that they could enter, and they landed in the sphere. She then proceeded to levitate the sphere up the mountain, while the Chocobos ran alongside the mountain.

Luckily, they had been able to make it to the top just before her Mystic Mark had run out, and collapsed from exhaustion.

"Heh… I guess you won't be able to see this move for a while… Huh Light? Let's make a promise to be sure we… See each other's... Mystic Mark when… You… Get… One…" And with that, she fell into a deep sleep.

At that moment, Light had woken up with a startle. Another bad dream… Light looked around the area, and noticed everyone else was still knocked out. He got up, and decided to look around a bit. He started to walk around, and saw… The Chocobo ranch on top of the mountain!? Light ran towards the edge of the mountain to see how high up they were, and saw the ledge they were on a few minutes ago. But how did they end up all the way up here? Unless… Light looked over at Lilly, who was acting like a cat chasing a ball of yarn in her sleep. Light smiled, and started to search for the cave. It wasn't long before Aqua and Cooper had woken up as well.

"Ugh… What happened? I remember is falling off of my Chocobo and…" Cooper yawned and stretched, as he grabbed a bottle of water from his backpack. (The bottles in mine craft, not real life bottles.)

"I feel the same way as you Cooper… What happened Light?" Aqua said, as he stood up and looked around for his Chocobo.

"... And where are our Chocobos?"

"You guess is as good as mine, but… I feel like it has something to do with Lilly… I remember before I was knocked out, that she fell off the edge with her Chocobo…. But she's right here, fast asleep, how did that happen?" Light said, as he walked up to her, and looked to his right to see her Chocobo sleeping off in the distance.

"Well… No use moping about, wondering what happened." Cooper said, as he stood up, and looked over the edge, and ran back to Light and Aqua.

"Guys! Look or Chocobos are coming up the mountain!"

Light and Aqua ran towards the edge, and saw something they thought they would never see: Chocobos fighting to get to their owners. Both Aqua's and Cooper's Chocobos came rushing at them, and tackled them in an instant. Light just laughed as they were being trampled by overjoyed Chocobos.

About ten minutes later, Lilly woke up, and the three of them asked her how they got up there.

"Well… I'm not too sure either…. All I know is that I used my Mystic Mark, and flew to the top of the mountain. I can't remember too much after that…"

"Well, that explains how you got up here… But how did we?" Light asked, as he sat down next to her.

"Well…. My Mystic Mark DOES have the power to protect people, and also…" Lilly gasped, and then jumped up.

"That's it! I must have used my Mystic Mark to carry you three up the mountain with me!"

"Well that does explain a lot." Light said, as he stood up a couple seconds later.

"So then… Where's the entrance to the mountain? I thought that it would be around here…"

"Nope. Sorry, you got to a bit more before you get to the entrance." A voice called from somewhere, and light turned around to see… The ranch owner.

"Wait… How did you get up here? You're supposed to be back down at the ranch!"

"Hm? Oh, you mean my brother! We're a lot alike; I keep this ranch up to date, in case any visitors want to go into Mount Parkspark.

"Like us?" Copper asked, as he ran to catch up to the others.

"Correct. I keep the Chocobo here until you're ready to go back down the mountain, and you can enter through the entrance up there." The man pointed straight forward, where the road smoothed out, and headed forward, until it came to a sign, saying: Entrance to Mount Parkspark! Come one, come ALL!

There was silence for a few moments, until Lilly broke the silence, and said:

"You know, how did we never notice that entrance?"

"Beats me, but let's just get this over with." Light said, as he started up the road, into the mountain.

"Sheesh, how deep down does this go? We've been walking down these stairs for at least a half an hour!" Cooper said, as he held his torch down, so he could see how much farther down it was. Unfortunately, he still couldn't see the bottom, which he groaned at.

"Stop your worrying! Besides, how much longer could it be?" Lilly said, as she put her torch downward like Copper as well.

Light didn't say anything, but he looked around for a sign; anything that would tell him where they were. He couldn't make anything out too much, but he decided to leave a piece of bread on the ground and continue on. He placed it down, and walked to catch up to the crew.

"Hey, what's that?" Cooper said, as he walked ahead a bit and picked something up. "It's a piece of bread, it's all moldy and stuff...Ew…" Cooper threw it back on the ground, and Light picked it back up.

"...Were going around in circles." Light said, as he threw the piece of moldy bread onto the ground.

"Well, how can that be? We've been going down these stairs, and nothing out of the ordinary has come up, besides this piece of bread." Lilly said, as she moved her torch around to see if there was anything suspicious.

"Exactly, I put that piece of bread down a while ago that must be the piece but… How can that be? I mean, there's no way of having us go back up, unless-"

"..Hey, look at this guys, it looks like some sort of keyhole…" She put her torch to what looked like hieroglyphics, and had a very straight keyhole. Light examined it a bit closer, and looked at hole, at his sword, and then back at the hole. He then hoisted his sword up, and jabbed it into the hole. Not a sound.

"...Huh. I thought that would-"

Suddenly, the entire room was engulfed into a bright light, as the door started to open.

"What the-"

The light faded, and behind the door was... another flight of stairs. Everyone just groaned.

"Ugh, finally, we made it down..." Lilly groaned, as she stepped on the last step, and fell flat on her face. Light picked her up.

"Thanks… My legs feel like jello…"

"All of our legs feel like jello…" Cooper muttered, as he sat down. "Can we rest for a few minutes Light? I'm sore all over..."

"Sure, we can stop for a few minutes; we aren't really in a rush." He said, as he sat down, and took out a bottle of water.

They all sat down for a few moments in silence, eating whatever they had in their inventory. Suddenly, just like a bit before, a giant rumble shook the ground underneath them. The ceiling was crumbling a bit above them, and some pieces were extremely close to crushing them.

"Quick! Everyone, into the entrance!" Aqua yelled over the sound of the roof crumbling."

They all sprinted towards the entrance, as the roof was crumbling down. Suddenly, they all had made it, when they looked around. Cooper wasn't there.

"Guys, help! My foot is stuck!" Cooper screamed, as he struggled to escape the rock's grasp. They all looked at each other with fear in their eyes; who would be the one to save him?

"Almost in an instant, Light ran forward, dodging the boulders that were coming down above him. He had been able to go to Cooper and start to help him get his foot unstuck.

"Light! Hurry! The entrance is about to-"

"Don't worry about them right now! Put a barrier up around them, and get up here!" Aqua called, as he held out his hand.

"But, they're going to-"

"Trust me, he'll find a way."

Lilly looked at Light, then back at Aqua. She stepped forward, and started to give them a barrier.

"Oh heavenly Light, grant me your power! Divine Protection!" A barrier formed around Cooper and Light, as the opening was starting to collapse. The last Aqua and Lilly saw was Light being able to get Cooper's foot unstuck.