A Thunderstorm rolls in on the horizon. It is quiet in the wood, very peaceful at night as well. A loud boom of thunder shakes the ground beneath the earth, and it starts to downpour. A clash of lightning hits near the woods, and a figure in a black robe appears at the entrance. The figure enters the woods, and comes to a stop by a bridge. Another flash of lightning clashes to the ground, and another figure appears on the opposite of the bridge. Both of them just stand on the opposite sides of the bridge...lifeless. Finally, they both of them progress towards the middle. Once both of them meet in the center, one of them speaks:

" Are you sure he's the one?" One of the figures questioned the other.

"I'm certain. He wears the cross on his neck, and has pure, grey hair."

"Very well. If you are certain…" The figure ruffles through his pocket, and hands the other one a box. "then give him this. it will shape his destiny."

The other one smirks. "Alright then. I will try. meet me in the city of Hex. We will discuss what to do next there, I will bring him as well."

"Very good, we must not let Gias get the stones before we do." The figure said, as he suddenly vanished into water.

The other figure stood there for a moment,bursted into flames, and disappeared without a trace.