"What is it you desire, imp?" Maleficent glared at the man in front of her.

"I just wanted to claim the favor you owe me," Rumpelstiltskin grinned widely. "We do have a bargain, after all."

"You want to make this claim now?" Maleficent inquired. "After these many years?"

"It's mine to retrieve when I wish." Rumpelstiltskin shrugged.

"I disagree. Your time to cash in your favor has long passed. I owe you nothing." Maleficent turned her back to him and started to walk away. Rumpelstiltskin chuckled and used his magic to appear in front of her, halting her steps.

"Get out of my way, imp." Maleficent ordered as her raven arrived, perching itself on the edge of the table in Maleficent's bed chambers in Aurora's castle.

"No one goes back on a deal with me, dear." Rumpelstiltskin reminded her as he examined the dirt under his fingernails. "I'll have satisfaction one way or another."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Maleficent kept her chin high as she posed the question to him.

"You should be. It was I who gave you the gift you so cherish." Rumpelstiltskin giggled when her expression faltered a bit. "I can take it back, as well."

Diaval, the raven, cawed loudly at Rumpelstiltskin, drawing the dealmaker's attention to him. When the raven cawed again, the grin on Rumpel's face spread wider. "Perhaps I should take it from your pet's hide."

"Into a man." Maleficent gestured and Diaval was no longer a raven, but a dark haired man.

"You've done well with your gift." Rumpel applauded her skills. "Now, are you going to pay what you owe me?"

"I owe you nothing."

Rumpel sighed. "Very well. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but alas. I can do nothing for your wishes now."

A red cloud of smoke started to grow around Diaval, enveloping him entirely a moment later. Diaval clutched his head as it felt like his mind had caught fire. Rumpel spoke loudly as Diaval fell to his knees. "In punishment for your defiance and renigging on your bargain, your servant shall fall into all consuming madness."

Maleficent held her head high, not afraid of Rumpelstiltskin. All curses could be undone.

Seeming to read her thoughts, Rumpel added a clause to his curse. "This curse shall not be undone except by a member of the red royalty. No power in this world can stop it."

The cloud faded, as did Rumpel, leaving Maleficent with a groaning Diaval. She knelt next to him and attempted to help him up. Diaval growled and his eyes flashed with a murderous gleam as he launched himself at her, pinning her against the wall by her throat. Even Maleficent's magic couldn't sway him as she struggled to breathe. As her vision started to blur, Diaval blinked rapidly several times and dropped her with a gasp.

"What have I done?" Diaval asked as Maleficent caught her breath.

"You've been cursed." Maleficent coughed and pulled herself to her feet. If this was just a taste of Rumpel's curse, then Diaval would have to be restrained at all times. She couldn't have him harming Aurora.

Even as he was chained in one of the castle's many bed chambers, Maleficent felt her heart tug for his plight. Aurora had been appropriately appalled at his curse and insisted that instead of being in the dungeon, he would be sent somewhere more comfortable. Maleficent, knowing Rumpel's affinity for mischief, insisted that Diaval be chained to prevent harm to himself or anyone else.

"How do break the curse?" Aurora asked her godmother nervously. "There is a way to break it, right?"

"Of course." Maleficent offered Aurora a small reassuring smile. She thought back to Rumpel's amendment to his curse. She had never heard of the red royalty but she would have to find one if she had any hope of saving Diaval.