Fire and Ice 1: Thick and Thin

AN: Hello! I'm a little sad for this chapter because I literally just uploaded the last one and it made me cry slightly. Anyway, this is the last chapter of Fire and Ice 1: Thick and Thin! Please give me some ideas for the sequel! New characters, plot ideas, anything you didn't like about the first story!

Last chapter... I'm actually a little nervous.

Chapter 7

The knights of Camelot, the King and Queen and anyone else who could come along, gathered in a field of blue and white flowers. Hunith lay in the flowers, her body making a dent in them. She looked peaceful. Gwen and some of the other servants had made her a crown of flowers and a new, dark blue dress the same colour as the flowers in the field. Arthur stood before Camelot, Gwen and Merlin by his side. The knights were all lined up, dressed in their armour and red capes that were floating in the wind.

Merlin had tears constantly spilling out of his eyes, so did Gwen.

"Camelot." Arthur started. He hadn't planned anything out because that's what Merlin used to do but it felt wrong getting him to write a speech for his mother's funeral.

"We are all here, to witness the passing of a beautiful, brave woman. She didn't deserve to die the way she did. It was a cruel, evil death and I'm sorry. I couldn't save her but I wish I could. If there was anything I could do, I would do it because she is worth it. Hunith was loyal and king and caring. She protected those she loved and she done it with pride."

A breeze blew across them, making hair and capes fly.

"Today, I am thanking her for all the good she has done." Arthur said holding his head high.

A chorus of 'thank you' ran through the crowd. People came up to Hunith and paid their respects to her. Meanwhile, Merlin left for the other side of the field where he could be alone. Arthur watched him go around collecting some flowers before sitting down and putting his head in his hands. He stayed like that for a while before slowly walking back over and placing the flowers on her chest.

"She'd like those Merlin." Gwen said smiling slightly.

"They're her favourite." Merlin said looking down at his mother.

Soon enough, the ceremony was over and people were leaving. The only person who stayed by his mother's side was Merlin.

Everyone turned when they heard a loud clap of thunder. Rain poured all over the place, soaking their clothes. Merlin still stood by his mother.

Another loud clap and the sky cracked. It split into a million little pieces, separated by a white light. Nothing fell though. Arthur looked knowingly back at Merlin who didn't face them.

Suddenly the rain stopped and turned into ice. It all came into the middle and crashed together letting it shatter to the ground. Merlin had now faced this way. He was staring at the shattered raindrops.

Gwen looked between Arthur and Merlin trying to piece the puzzle together.

"Arthur?" She asked confused.

"That was Merlin." He replied.

"What do you mean Merlin?" Gwen asked suspiciously.

"Merlin's been keeping a secret." He told her. Gwen looked at him as if to say 'go on'.

"Merlin has magic."

Gwen's eyes widened. "He did that?" She whispered.

"I think so." Arthur said staring at Merlin's face. His raven black hair was all over the place.

Merlin walked over to where the smashed rain was lying. He picked up and handful and muttered a spell. His eyes flashed a bright gold and the crystals shone brighter than anything he'd ever seen.

He lay them in a pouch and put it in his mother's hand. She would always have it to show her the way if she was in the dark. A little part of Merlin.

"Arthur... He looks so... so broken." Gwen said sadly. She didn't like seeing Merlin like this.

"It was the only family he had left." Arthur said feeling sorry for his man servant.

"What happened to his father?" Gwen wondered.

"I don't know." Arthur replied. Merlin started walking towards them so they turned and walked back to the castle.

Hopefully, everything would be okay.

Merlin and Arthur are like brothers. They will never be split apart. Nothing can get in the way of their friendship. Not Morgana. Not the stupid laws about magic. Nothing. They will stay together through thick and thin.

So that's it! They end of the story. Omg I'm getting so emotional right now! :P I didn't really like writing that chapter.

So, the next Story should be out either tomorrow, or the next day. Maybe tonight if I can be bothered but I'm not sure. It's almost 10 and I've been writing since like 5 so I'm really tired.

Thank you all for reading! I appreciate reviews and follows and any help you've given me, therefore, I bless you with a sequel! :) See you in Fire and Ice 2!