This is the last chapter and the end of the Snake's Second Chance. Thank for your continuous support. To my dear readers, of which have stuck with me through spelling errors, incorrect grammar, broken sentences, writer's block, and stretches of nothing; I love you all. Your reviews and support mean more to me than you know.
As most of you well know, I have another story in the works titled: To Love Him. This is a Drarry fanfic. I hope many of you will give it a chance. It's been a rough but thrilling past few months with you guys, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.
Happy Reading (:
What the Future Holds
Severus looked down on his sleeping mate, brushing away a few hairs to once again study the clear skin beneath.
No scar.
He actually felt a bit sad at it's loss. It had been with them for such a long time, but yet he felt free. They could leave that all behind them.
Harry stirred.
"What is it Harry?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, but I'm still mad at you. You're still being punished."
He released a low groan.
"Sev, please? I haven't felt you in days!"
"That's not very long love."
"It is for us!"
Harry propped himself up to look at his mate before continuing.
"I can feel your annoyance with me, and your fear. I know you're scared I'm going to leave again, but I won't. I can feel your distrust and it's tearing me apart. Please Severus, listen to me. I really am sorry."
Severus turned away from him.
"I can't just forgive you for leaving me like that. You did magic on me Harry! You put me to sleep like some dog! How dare you?!"
Harry flipped him over so that he was forced to look him in the eye.
"I know. I shouldn't have done what I did, but I did and I can't change that. I'm not sure I would even if I could."
Severus' eyes narrowed.
"Why not?"
Harry leaned down closer.
"You are still here. Alive and safe in my arms. There is no garruntee you would be this way if I hadn't kept you away from the battle. You could be hurt or even dead Severus. I can't lose you. You're my everything."
Severus' eyes softened.
"Do you love me so Harry? Love me more than you love yourself? Almost two years and I still don't understand why you chose me. How you could love me so absolutely."
Harry placed a kiss to his forehead.
"I love you so much Severus, and I always will. Love needs no explanation."
Severus relaxed.
"Make love to me Harry."
Seven Years Later.
"I want her Harry."
"You're sure Severus? She's the one? You can't change your mind you know. Victoria will be very disappointed if you give her something only to take it away."
"I'm positve. She's perfect."
Harry scooped up the small kitten.
"What should we call her?"
"I think we should let Victoria name her."
"Good idea. Tori!"
A small girl about seven or eight peeked around the corner of the shelter wall.
"Yes papa?"
"What do you want to name her?"
Her big brown eyes widened.
"You want me to name her?" she asked.
"Of course," Severus said with an indulgent smile, "She IS yours."
The little girl cocked her head to the side.
"Am I yours then?"
Harry knelt down to be on eye level with the child.
"We've gone over this Tori. Yes. You are ours now. You belong with us. You don't ever have to go back to that orphanage again."
"But- You didn't name me. Don't you have to name me?"
Harry smiled.
"You already have a name sweetheart."
"But- but shouldn't you do it?"
Harry brushed away a stray tear from her cheek.
"We did. We call you Tori don't we?"
She nodded, a smile blooming on her face.
"So that means I'm yours! And this- She can be Layla! And so she is mine!"
Severus chuckled as the little girl he had grown to love took the kitten from her father's arms, moving outside to the muggle car.
"She's beautiful."
"The cat?"
"The girl. That was the best idea you've ever had Harry. Adopting a child. You know it is possible-"
"No. There are too many children out there without families for me to even consider it."
Severus frowned.
"Yes dominant."
Harry sighed, pulling Severus to him in a light embrace.
"Maybe one day my love. We will have children of our own. We have many years ahead of us. Perhaps for now we can just focus on Victoria? She has only been here for a month or so, now would not be the time to take attention from her."
Severus nodded.
"We will talk about this Sev. I promise. If you really want to we can have children. You can carry them. It's fine with me."
"I want you to want them to Harry."
"And I do, just not at the moment. Now is not the time."
"DAD! Layla just peed on me!"
Severus swallowed the lump in his throat in order call to his charge.
"Be right there Tori! Don't worry- We can just vanish the mess!"
Harry brought Severus' chin around to face him.
"What were you saying Sev?"
"I-I just love you Harry. I do."
Harry smiled, kissing his mate softly on the lips.
"I love you as well pet. More than anything. I await the day with a bated breath that you are rounded with my child, but today you are a father to one not of my blood. She still has my heart though. I love the two of you so much Severus. I don't know what the future holds, but for me, you will both be a part of it."
Severus and Harry had two children that they both love equally.
Tori, of whom they adopted, and Toby, who is a Potter-Snape even in blood.
Severus and Harry grew together, never losing the love of which they shared.
Severus became the potions professor and well-known brewer at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where both his children are currently attending.
Harry is the defense instructor at Hogwarts, as well as the known saviour of the wizarding world. He is still not accepting the position of headmaster, but rumour has it he's wavering.
Victoria Jade Potter-Snape is a seventh year student and proud head girl. Her main job is to keep her brother out of trouble. She hopes to someday be a Healer, and according to Madame Pomfrey, she will be a damn good one.
Eight year old, Toby James Potter-Snape is in the new primary schooling for young wizards, which was added on to the traditional Hogwarts by his aunt Hermione. He hopes to be a professional quidditch player, and to torture his sister until her hair falls out.
"Does this story look about right Sev? Is everything correct?"
"Yes Harry. It's fine. When are you coming to bed? You've been at it for hours"
"Just a moment my love."
"You better make up for my lack of sleep. I expect full payment."
"Oh I will my dear."
Ron Weasley/ Draco Malfoy
Hermione Granger/ Blaise Zabini
Luna Lovegood/ George Weasley
Neville Longbottom/ Fred Weasley
Fleur / William-Bill
Charlie Weasley/ Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin/ Sirius Black
Minerva McGonnagall/ Albus Dumbledore
Tom Riddle/ Death
Happy Reading (:
Special Thanks to my Beta, though I didn't send all the chapters like I should have.
Don't be mad Babs707PertemisDrarry, I just couldn't wait to post it!