Together Now

This is a SEQUEL. If you have not read the first story, The Snake's Second Chance, I'm afraid you won't understand this story. If you have read the first one and are now reading this, then I thank you for your loyalty to this story.


I wish to remind you all once again: I love reviews and take all suggestions into account when creating the story. I make this chapter by chapter and update as soon as I finish one, or as soon as I'm in a wifi zone. I am most grateful for your continuous support.

Happy Reading!


It had been three weeks since school had ended and Harry had been at Grimmauld place. Three, excruciatingly slow, boring, cruel weeks.

It wasn't that he didn't have things to do, he did certainly, but he was still in an undeniably foul mood.

Why, you may ask?

It wasn't because of the hours spent training and working on his defense. No, he quite enjoyed pushing himself to the limit.

Nor was it the obscene homework load his lovely professors had assigned over the summer break. Not at all. He was actually grateful for the large amount of work, for it distracted him quite nicely from the true source of his mood.

Severus Snape, or rather, Severus Prince.

Usually, just the thought of his lover would put him in high spirits. Severus had the power to turn his day around with just one of his rare smiles.

Unfortunately, he had not seen his lover since the end of the school year. Pity really. Severus had decided they would take a "break."

He found in a book from the famous Black library, that the Vyspa was very sensitive during the time it is unclaimed. This, however frustrating it was, meant that Harry could not give him much comfort until he came into his own inheritance.

He felt so utterly useless. He wished to hold his lover in his arms, to kiss all the sadness away.

Part of him was sure that Severus believed him. That he knew Harry was loyal to him and really need just need space. This didn't make it much easier to be separated however.

The ache in his chest wasn't relieved by petty thoughts. He needed Severus. Only Severus could make the pain go away.

Harry sighed, standing to stretch his muscles before his training. His back and shoulders were sore from the forming wings. He could feel the strain on his skin. They would be much larger than His counterpart's. He was NOT looking forward to their appearance, which would most likely be a very painful experience. They would rip through the skin.

It would heal quickly thanks to the powers of a Vyspa, but he still didn't treasure the upcoming pain.

Nope. No.

Definitely not.

Severus was not happy. His stupid inheritance was making him tired and cranky, and he couldn't do a thing about it until his mate claimed him.

His mate.

Harry Potter.

He groaned at the memory.

He had been so angry and upset with him when he witnessed the betrayal he didn't commit. He had jumped to the wrong conclusion he knew, but who wouldn't? It didn't help that the submissive Vyspa was an incredibly insecure being, and didn't trust easily.

Severus let out a frustrated sigh, rereading, for perhaps the 15th time, Hermione's letter of apology. She had admitted to her folly and swore on her grandparents grave the Harry didn't kiss her back.

He couldn't hold back the niggling doubt though.

He was unworthy of Harry. He was too pure. It wasn't hard to believe he would leave him for someone else.

He squashed that thought.

Harry didn't leave him. Severus was the one that requested the break. Harry loved him.

He made up his mind.

He had finished the potions and missed his Harry.

Harry may not want him back after not speaking to him for so long, but he would be damned if he didn't try.

Severus straightened his cloak and headed to the floo.

"Number 12, Grimmauld Place!"

And with a roar of the green flames he was gone.


Remus greeted him with a smile.

"Hello Remus."

"You alright? You look a bit peaky?"

He did. His face was drawn and gaunt. His pale face had dark circles under his eyes. The time without Harry had been trying. He felt constantly drained, but never slept we'll without the safe warmth of his love.

"I'm fine Rem, just a bit tired."

"Well Harry is upstairs asleep."

Severus looked at the clock on the wall curiously. It was five o'clock.

Sirius noticed the peculiar expression.

"He trained hard today, we sent him up to rest."

Severus nodded in understanding and trumped his way to Harry's room. He noticed a bed on the opposite wall and placed his bag there.

Harry was passed out. He couldn't help but smile at his sleeping form. He looked so relaxed in his sleep.

Severus laid on the other bed, content to wait for his resting love to wake.

He didn't plan on falling asleep himself, but nothing ever goes as planned around him does it?

The room was dark. Not the comforting kind of dark that wrapped you up and made you feel safe. No, this was the stifling kind of dark that made you feel like you were suffocating. The claustrophobic kind of dark. The scary kind.

Then it was brighter, but only just.

He could see someone. The shape was familiar, but unrecognizable because his back was turned.

His soul screamed, Harry!

As if by his revelation he screamed.

"Well well well," a cruel voice taunted. Eerily reminding him of his cruelest dreams.


"Look who we have here."

He watched as Ginny came from the darkness, trailing a dagger along Harry's tanned skin.

"I will kill you Harry. You will be mine."

Harry was teetering on the edge of consciousness. His sleep had been restful, the best he'd had in weeks. The fog around his brain started clearing, and he heard a loud moan.

"Harry! Harry no! Leave him alone!"

He jerked up in confusion, eyes widening dramatically when he noticed the writhing form that was Severus. He leaped from the bed, frowning when he saw the sweat pouring off of him.


Harry brushed away the damp hair sticking to his lover's face.

He pulled back the covers and started massaging his head lightly.

"Severus wake up. C'mon baby it's just a dream. It's not real love, I'm right here."

Onyx eyes flashed open, jerking in surprise at seeing the loving green eyes of Harry staring down at him.

Harry shifted away, noticing the shock on the other's features.

He did not expect the relieved sigh of Severus.


The smaller boy launched himself into his mate's lap.

His velvety voice was soft so that Harry nearly had to strain to hear him.

"I'm so sorry. I don't want a break, I don't. I-"

"Hush," Harry soothed him, "Break is over then my love. It's okay. It's my fault. I should've been more on guard."

"No no. I should've trusted you. I am not worthy of-"

"Don't say such things!" Harry knew the Vyspa was insecure, even more so without his claim. His inheritance should be coming soon.

As if commanded by his own stray thoughts, an intense pain struck his back. His mouth opened in a silent scream.

"Harry? Harry what's the matter?"

Severus suddenly understood, and ripped the thin shirt off of Harry, studying the tearing skin of his lover's back.

"Why do you think yours have to break through like that when mine didn't?"

Harry appreciated the distraction from the muscles contracting to form around his wings.

"It's a test," he gasped out, "Of my strength. As the Dom I have to be able to protect you. The Vyspa is forcing me to withstand pain for you. To see if I would do it."

"Do you have a choice? I can protect myself."

"I do have a choice. I could have magically removed these bloody appendages by sheer will, but I won't. The only way I can claim you is if I have my full inheritance."

"I am still yours without the claim."

"But you aren't as protected! You aren't as powerful! You will be safe with my claim!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I want your claim I do, I just don't want you to be in pain."

Harry's scream echoed throughout the large house.


That voice belonged to Sirius, who was now in the doorway.

Severus crouched low, letting out his wings and snarling at the animagus.

"Leave!" He commanded.

"What's wrong with my pup!?" The outrage and worry only put the protective Vyspa on edge.

Luckily, our favorite werewolf had a clear head, and pulled his lover away.

"He is undergoing the transformation Pads, only his mate can see him now. Anyone else is considered a threat."

But Harry was no longer in pain. The large black feathers of his new wings were outspread behind him, magically cleaning and healing themselves. He looked at his mate with a coy smile.

"You have to claim me first."

Severus's eyes were wide with disbelief, "But you are the Dom! Why do I-"

"It's to prove that you want me. Unless you don't want-"

"Don't be stupid! Of course I want you!"

"Then you have to make love to me first."

Severus waved his hand, bringing up locking and silencing charms as he slinked toward his lover.

"And so I will."

And that was that.

You know what's next. Don't act all innocent. You know. *wink*

Severus vanished their clothing before pouncing on Harry, kissing him for all he was worth. Harry forced himself to not take over the kiss and enjoy the ministrations.

And boy did he ever.

Severus's lips were all over him, mapping out his front. He barely noticed the intrusion of Long fingers probing at his entrance. He did however notice when said fingers hit a certain spot, causing stars to cross his vision.


He thrust faster, loosening him.

Soon he was settled deep within his lover, breathing heavily with the effort to not ravage him like an animal.

"Take me hard Sev. I want to feel you."

So he did.

Hard and fast with Harry moving to meet each thrust.

Harry restrained from flipping him, somewhat enjoying seeing Severus take over.

Severus pummeled his prostate, gritting his teeth to keep from cumming too quickly.

"Cum for me Harry."

And they burst. Together.

As one.

They laid together for half an hour, before Harry smiled wickedly.

"And now it's my turn."

Severus shivered at the seductive drawl in his voice.

A spell was done, and all of a sudden Severus was loose and slick.


He was cut off with Harry's abrupt entrance.

"My Vyspa and myself are impatient to claim you Sev, the urge to impale you without preparation is nearly irresistible. Your safety will always come first though, so the spell helped out a bit."

Then Harry was slamming into him, being sure to pay special attention to the special nub that would cause so much pleasure. He tweaked his sensitive nipples, then moved to massage the globes of Severus's arse.


"I'm not gonna last Sev!"

"Then don't!"

"Gods! I love you. Don't you forget that."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

When Sirius went by to check on his godson, he was given a somewhat pleasant surprise. Harry and Severus were curled together wrapped up in Harry's feathery black wings. The soft dark feathers covered them both sufficiently, making sure nothing he didn't want to see was shown. It was a wonderful sight. Calming really.

Harry had found someone who would love him unconditionally. He'd found complete acceptance.

Severus had found someone who out him above everyone else. He'd found his home.

Safety was in each other's arms.

All was as it should be in that moment.


Harry woke content. His mate was in his arms, safe from harm.

"Sev, wake up baby."

In response, Severus only cuddled closer.

Harry couldn't help but let his lips quirk at the sight. That half-smile quickly turned mischievous, as an idea hit him. He adjusted himself so that he was on top of him, still nestled inside his love.

Without removing himself from the tight warmth, he started peppering open-mouthed kisses all over Severus's neck and chest.

He saw as his dark eyelashes fluttered, and fingers found their way to his hair.

With a smirk, Harry pushed his hips forward.

"Unghh-" Severus's pleasure filled moans urged Harry on.

He made love to him gently, taking sweet care of his bonded.

Severus reached completion first, calling out Harry's name.

Harry pumped twice more, feeling his lovers muscles clench around him, before he released his seed.

He collapsed on the bed next to him, pulling out and holding him close.

"Good morning," came Severus's husky lull.

Harry chuckled happily, "Good Morning my love."