This is just a little thing, set after the part with Hugues' funeral. Enjoy and review please!


Rain - A Fullmetal Alchemist Story

A man in blue military uniform concealed by a black trench coat, stands with his head down in front of the newly placed grave. Other people are heading away from the cemetery, but he remains, quietly drowning in sorrow.

A woman, dressed similarly, approaches. She sets a gentle, comforting hand on his shoulder. He looks up and tries to smile, but it comes out more as a grimace, filled with pain and desperation.

"It's starting to rain," he remarks quietly,as he puts on his hat.

"Colonel, no it's not," she says, concerned.

He looks up to the sky, as a single tear rolls down his cheek and drips onto the flowers by his feet. "Yes, it is," he mutters.

She looks at him, and says. "Yes."

"Yes, you're right. The sky is getting dark and it's starting to rain. Let's go in," she says.

She puts her arm around his shoulders and leads him back toward the city. All the while, the man is looking towards the ground, liquid grief flowing down his face, and tears, some for her friend in the grave, and some for the ones he left behind, drip from the woman's chin.

So, what did you think? I know, it's really short. Please PLEASE review!
