Just a little something-something... More adventures aboard The Swan

Disclaimer: OUAT = NOT mine

It was well past the time a responsible adult should have been awake when she finally roused herself out of bed. Screw it, it's Saturday, she thought when she turned off her alarm two hours prior. She knew Killian had been awake for hours and was most likely already out at the docks, but she was surprised when she did not hear the usual clamoring of Henry around the apartment.

Glancing at her phone, she read the text Henry sent an hour ago: Didn't want to wake you. Helping K & D work on The Swan. Be back for lunch.

Emma grimaced as she read the message, still embarrassed that Killian had named his boat after her. She tried to talk him out of it, stating that was hardly an appropriate name for a pirate's ship. Former pirate, he had argued adamantly, and I think it's perfect. It seemed he was determined to display his love for her for the whole town to see and there was nothing she could do about it. She struggled between rolling her eyes and blushing, still not used to this level of PDA.

Admittedly relieved to have the apartment to herself for once, Emma made coffee and turned on a trashy talk show that she would never confess to watching. Geez, she thought, the families featured on it made hers look downright functional, and with that she decided to start making lunch to bring down to the docks for her boys.

Before she got too far with the sandwiches, she heard a buzzing from her phone indicating a text from David:

Come down to the hospital. There's been a little accident.

A "little accident"!? What the hell does that mean?! She internally screamed while simultaneously calling David and grabbing her coat and keys.

She was furious. She was terrified. The two emotions warred with each other during the excruciatingly long drive to the hospital. Who shares information like that through a text and then proceeds to not pick up their phone?! She tried calling David again and Henry with no response from either, and then cursed herself for not getting Killian a cell phone too.

Having no idea what to expect, her mind immediately brought forth the worst possible scenario, and she shivered as she remembered how Henry looked lying in the hospital bed, unmoving and covered in EKG leads. Realistically, whatever happened probably wasn't that severe, seeing as David thought it was appropriate to notify her in a text. That thought brought her back to being furious.

Next, she pictured Killian with a nail through his foot, thinking that was probably closer to the truth of what actually happened. Who would let a 300-year old one-handed pirate near power tools anyway? she thought, rolling her eyes.

After what seemed like forever, she finally pulled into the hospital parking lot. Walking through the front doors, she quickly spotted David and a soaking wet Killian in the waiting area.

"What the hell happened, David?! Where's Henry?" she was shouting at them while making her way across the room.

"He's okay, Emma, don't worry," David put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "He's getting cleared by Whale right now."

"Ok, well that doesn't explain what happened."

"Henry tripped when we were working on the deck," David continued, "He fell in the water and blacked-out for a moment, so we brought him to get checked out in case he hit his head."

Emma let herself relax just a little. David didn't seem very anxious, so she started to believe him that things would be fine. Kids fall down and bump their heads all the time; he'd be okay. It was then that she finally took in her drenched boyfriend, standing in a puddle of water on the linoleum.

"Did you fall in too?" she asked him with the tiniest of smirks.

"More willingly than Henry did," Killian responded quietly, his hand coming up to scratch his ear.

"Killian dove in after him," David added, not caring if the acknowledgment made Killian uncomfortable. "It could have been a lot worse if he hadn't gotten Henry to safety so quickly."

"Are you okay?" Emma asked, eyes scanning Killian from top to bottom looking for any sign of injury.

"Just a bit waterlogged, love, but no worse for wear."

"Thank you," she whispered in his ear as she pulled him into an embrace, not caring that she got wet in the process.

Just as David loudly cleared his throat, effectively cutting off their show of affection, Dr. Whale came around the corner with Henry in tow dressed in blue hospital scrubs.

"Scans were clear. Looks like he suffered a minor concussion, but he'll be fine." Dr. Whale said to Emma, handing her the discharge information. "Keep an eye on him for a few days, and bring him in if he starts having any issues with vision or memory loss."

After thanking Dr. Whale and grabbing the bag of Henry's wet clothes, they walked towards their cars.

"Are you riding back with us, Killian?" Emma asked, gesturing towards the yellow bug.

"Uh, actually, I think I'll stay on the ship tonight. I thought you might like some time alone with the lad after the adventures today."

Emma furrowed her eyebrows briefly, slightly disappointed that she'd be spending the night alone but respecting his decision.

She leaned forward to give him a kiss goodbye that lingered a bit too long for David's liking before turning towards the bug while he jumped into the truck.

She slept terribly that night. Between checking on Henry ever two hours and struggling to find comfort alone in the too large bed, what little sleep she got was plagued with water-filled nightmares, complete with victims whose faces alternated between Henry's and Killian's.

Deciding sleep was futile, Emma sauntered into the kitchen, turned on the coffee maker and half-heartedly looked around for something quick and easy to make for breakfast. Waiting for her coffee to finish brewing, she stepped out onto the deck and caught a perfect view of The Swan in the harbor. She shivered violently, noting this morning was far colder than what had been forecast, and she hoped Killian had stayed warm enough throughout the night.

She made a mental note to ask him when he came over for breakfast if he had enough provisions on board for the rare nights he did stay overnight, but he never showed. Emma prided herself on being independent and not being a "stage-5 clinger" of a girlfriend, but it was unlike Killian to stay away for this long, so it was only natural she start to worry.

Noon came and went before she gave in and decided to head down to the docks. I really need to get him a cell phone… she sighed while putting on her coat and grabbing her keys.

It was eerily quiet when she stepped onto the deck. She called out to him but there was no response. Making her way down the steps to the main cabin, she shivered again noticing how much colder it was inside and out of the sun. "Killian?" she called out to the mound of blankets on the bed in the cabin and was greeted by a low moan. Pulling back a few blankets, she finally found his face and the scowl that came with it.

"Swan," Killian whined, "What are you doing?"

"Rousing the dead, apparently. You didn't come home this morning."

"Is it a crime to sleep in, sheriff?" he grumbled, pulling the blankets back up over his head with a loud cough.

"It's the afternoon, Hook." Rolling her eyes, she pulled the blankets back again, exposing his sleep-messed hair and pouting lips. She could feel the heat emitting from his body despite the fact he was shivering under the covers. One look at his eyes and she could tell just how miserable he was feeling.

Sighing, she sat down on the bed and pat his leg. "Look, buddy, I'm going to run to the store and get some medicine, then I'm going to take you home. You look terrible," she added with a grin. As much as it truly pained her to see him suffering, she couldn't resist a few jibes while he was being so grouchy.

"I'm ill, Swan, not invalid. I can manage myself," he growled, pulling the blankets back up with a definitive tug.

"I know," she said softly, curling into the lumpy mound on the bed, "but maybe I want to take care of you. I owe you for what you did yesterday." Thinking back, Killian wearing cold wet clothes for most of the day probably contributed to his current situation, and Emma felt another wave of gratitude for the man who saved her son.

"Love," he sighed, "You don't owe me anything. Henry's my family too."

She looked at him and smiled, knowing he truly meant it.

"Besides," he continued, "Dave is complete rubbish when it comes to fixing up a ship, so I had to keep the lad around. Good help like that is hard to find."

Laughing, she leaned in to meet his lips, not caring at the moment if he got her sick too. She came down to The Swan to take care of him, but somehow, like always, he ended up comforting her. Good help is hard to find, she thought with a smile. So she intended to keep him around for a long, long time.

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