A/N: a new chapter to help you through these trying times. It may take me a while to finish but I'm not giving up on this story. I've got a lot left in the tank!...if you will.

Chapter 21 - Another Chance

Seth stirred from sleep on the couch, having drifted off sometime in the earlier hours of the morning. He sat up and saw Kaitlyn putting her sneakers on near the door. When she glanced up to find him awake, she smiled sheepishly.


"No, it's fine." Seth sat up, tugging the blanket up past his abs. He'd at least remembered to grab his boxers before leaving Sasha in his bed, but not much else. Roman came out from the bedroom hallway a few seconds later to say goodbye to Kaitlyn for the day. When he saw Seth on the couch, Roman smirked.

"Sasha took your bed after all, huh?"

Seth felt blood draining from his face. That was one way to put it...


Roman chuckled. "Some things never change."

If you only knew how much they did. Seth thought. But he kept that to himself. He wasn't ready to face certain death just yet.

"Okay, I gotta go." Kaitlyn murmured, her shoes now firmly tied. She pushed herself up on tip-toes to give Roman a sweet kiss on the lips. "I miss you alreadyyy." she whined on her way out.

Roman smiled at her. "You too. See you later, babe." Once the door closed, Roman pointed a thumb in the direction of Seth's bedroom.

"Is Sasha still asleep?"

"Uhh..." Seth glanced in the general direction, petrified of saying anything that might accidentally let the truth slip out. Roman didn't wait for an answer, instead heading straight for the door.

"Sasha?" he called through the door, giving it a light knock. There was no response, so he pushed the door open to take a peek.

Seth panicked, once again imagining what state Sasha had been in when he left her there to sleep alone. He held his breath when Roman returned to the living room.

"She's not there. She must have left already." Roman sounded disappointed, but not surprised. Sasha kept her own schedule, lived her own life, and took whatever she wanted - just like her brothers.


Seth snapped out of his daze and looked up.

"You okay?" Roman asked him. "You seem out of it."

"Yeah. I'm good." Seth assured him immediately, even though his stomach was in knots. "I just slept weird." He looked around for her bag, found it next to the couch where she left it. Roman caught it at the same time, and his disappointment faded.

"I guess she'll be back for that."

"Yeah." Seth barely echoed. He stood, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, and walked like a zombie back to his room. The sight of his bed increased his heart rate, and the memory of Sasha riding him in the dark, the memory of pounding her until they both came, made the blood rush right to his dick. He wanted it to have never happened, and he wanted to do it again immediately.

You still want me to meet your folks?

Dean wondered if he would regret asking that question, but waking up next to a naked, smiling AJ made him do and say all sorts of crazy things. It seemed important to her, having him meet her parents. The fact that he was the one that brought it up again made her smile like sunshine.

Yes, of course.

Do I need to dress up?

Absolutely not. she'd said after snorting with laughter. My dad works three jobs. He wears sweatpants when he's home, even to the dinner table.

They didn't often have dinner together as a family, she explained, due to those three jobs and her mother's treatment schedule. So it would still be a special night, even if the dress code was casual.

Just be yourself. AJ told him. That's who I love. And I think they'll love you too.

Dean had wrapped her in a big hug, lifting her off the floor as it was so easy for him to do. Holding her in his arms, he knew he'd do anything for her. Even something crazy like having a girlfriend long enough to meet her parents.

Later, she explained over the phone that her uncle Dallas was going to be there too. That's when Dean started to sweat. Mom sounded nice, but Papa Foley was going to have back-up? It would be like having two Roddy Pipers staring him down, giving him the discerning Dad Eyes, trying to expose every bad deed he'd ever thought of perpetrating since birth and how it might affect their darling princess AJ.

"I've, uh, only ever seen your bedroom..." Dean worried aloud. "Are there multiple exits from the dining room? Or should I just dive right through a window if I need to abort this mission?"

AJ laughed at the worry in his tone. "Just be there at 5:30, okay?" she asked. "I gotta get ready for work - call me later?"

"I will. And hey - " Dean paused a beat, smiling to himself while AJ waited patiently. "Love you." he added.

"Love you, too." she replied.

Dean received a text on his phone not soon after he hung up. It was from William Regal's niece Renee, and all it said was 'big opportunity!' Dean called her as soon as he saw it.

"Hey there, stranger." Renee answered the phone in her usual friendly way.

"Hey, I saw your text. What's up?"

"We've missed you around here, and there's an event coming up we want you to be a part of."

Dean celebrated silently on his end of the phone as Renee continued explaining. Finally, a second chance to prove himself.

"It'll be similar to that first night you joined us, but...no homicidal truckers this time, we promise."

Dean chuckled. "Don't I deserve a rematch?"

"After what he did to you?" Renee teased. "Not a chance. But there's still room for advancement if you win the next few matches. Those are my uncle's words, so believe it."

She told him the date and time, and said they'd let him know the location on the day of the event. At least it was a few days after the dinner with AJ's parents, Dean thought. If he had trouble putting his opponents down, he wouldn't have to hide any injuries from them.

When her honorary uncle Dallas showed up at the house, AJ gave him a tight hug and thanked him for coming over.

"Any time, chipmunk." Dallas said, reciprocating by giving her smaller shoulders a tight squeeze. "Ya'll are the reason I'm in town, so why not spend all my time here, annoying the hell out of your mom and dad?"

"They like having you here." AJ insisted. "We all do." She knew he was joking, but still she felt the need to let him know. She smiled as they parted. "They're walking around the block right now. She wanted some fresh air."

"That's good to hear. Gotta treasure those good days when they come around."

AJ nodded. It was another tough time for the family, but all four of them liked to look on the bright side as often as they could.

"So I hear we're meeting your boyfriend tonight?"

"Yeah..." AJ said cautiously, with a warning tone to match the look she gave.

"Hey, I promise I won't embarrass you. I mean...after your father and I vet him, of course."

"Please don't." AJ begged. He shrugged, as if the decision was out of his hands. "Dallas!" AJ chuckled desperately. "Dad is going to be bad enough."

"Well now I'm disappointed. I can be tough too, ya know."

"You have to be my good cop."

"Your mom is the good cop!"

"She's not a cop at all, she will be nice no matter what."

"That's exactly why your dad needs back up!"

They were both chuckling when Elizabeth and Mick came back to the house.

"Hey, you two." Dallas greeted them. "It's about that time; you want me to start cooking?"

"That would be wonderful." Elizabeth sighed, with gratitude in her smile. She walked slowly but steadily to one of the chairs at the kitchen table. It put another pit in AJ's stomach, one of several she felt every day. But Elizabeth just kept smiling.

"I hope your boy likes fried chicken." Dallas told AJ with a wink. AJ smiled to herself, then caught her parents watching her for a reaction to Dallas' comment. Sighing happily but mysteriously, AJ excused herself for a moment alone.

it's almost dinner time, she texted Kaitlyn. haaaalp!

K: lol he better show up...for the interrogation of a lifetime

A: seriously. you and Roman doing anything fun tonight?

K: i'm working afternoon bar shift before tonight's usual

A: a double? noooo

K: gurl I gotta make rent somehow! jk jk, Vicki begged.

A: since when does her begging work on you?

K: toushaaaay

A: lol Dean just pulled up, ttyl? :D

K: yes tell me how he does. tell me EVERYTHINnng

A: I always do ;D

AJ left her phone on her nightstand and made her way to the front door so she could open it before Dean knocked. She caught him with his fist in the air, and she noticed that his knuckles weren't taped. The dark scabs had long faded to pink healing marks. That made her almost as happy as his dimples when he smiled.


"Hey." she answered, taking in his new jeans and combed hair. "You dressed up." AJ teased, embracing him when he leaned in to hug her hello.

"Anything for you." he murmured. His knowing smirk told her he'd get her back for that comment later.

"You look great, seriously."

"So do you." Dean bit his bottom lip and glanced down at her body. "You sure we don't have time for a little...before dinner?" he joked.

"Tell you what," AJ put her arms around his neck and flipped her hair to one side. "If you survive a dinner with my father and my uncle...I'll make time for whatever you want."

Before Dean could reply, they both heard a male voice from the kitchen.

"Did I hear the front door?" Mick called to them, knowing exactly what he was doing.

AJ grinned and pulled away, taking Dean by the hand to lead him into her home.

"Is it just me or do we go to a lot of house parties lately?"

Roman chuckled at Seth's question. "Are you getting too old for this?"

"That's what I'm feeling." Seth shook his head. They were at this stranger's house because Sasha told them to come, and Seth wasn't able to think up a plausible excuse in time before Roman RSVP'd for them both. He wasn't in the partying mood that night, but he couldn't exactly tell Roman why. He felt like a muzzled dog, not being able to spill everything to his best friend, sharing only his vague sense of unrest and discomfort. They were both keeping an eye out for Sasha; for Roman it was to make sure she was alright. For Seth, it was to make sure he wouldn't be ambushed again.

"I don't think you should be so worried about her, man." Seth told Roman.

"I know, I know. It's force of habit." Roman admitted. "But...I don't know, you don't think something is off about her? Showing up out of the blue, saying she's staying with her cousin but then needing a place to sleep the other night?"

She didn't need a place to sleep, Seth wanted to shout. She wanted to get me alone!

"She probably just changed her mind, you know how she is..."

"Look who decided to show uuup!" They heard her shout as she waded her way through a crowd of houseguests. Seth felt a shiver down his spine, while the temperature in the rest of his body rose. She had on a tight gold dress, and the mix of instant arousal and fear of discovery put him on edge.

To his relief, Sasha greeted them both with the same kiss on the cheek, and immediately asked where Dean was.

"He's meeting AJ's parents tonight." said Roman.

"Oooh, getting serious, huh?" Sasha raised a cup with a tiny straw to her mouth and took a sip. She was still swaying absently to the music, dancing in place with her hips. When she glanced at Seth it was through flirty lashes and he felt the look in his groin.

"Gotta find the little boy's room." Seth told his friends. "Be right back."

"Don't fall in!" Sasha joke shouted after him, hoping for a response that never came.

"Hey," said Roman. "Can we talk a minute?"

"Yeah, of course." Sasha glanced one more time in the direction Seth had gone, then followed Roman to the kitchen where the music wasn't so loud.

It may have been Dean's nerves, but it felt like Mick's eyes were on him from the moment they were introduced, all the way through dinner and on to dessert. AJ stole glances at her boyfriend, gauging his level of discomfort as they ate grocery store cake from paper plates. If he was uncomfortable, he hid it well. He was a fearless daredevil, after all. What could be more fearsome than a girlfriend's uptight father?

AJ was convinced they'd be persuaded, even if they played up their suspicion to throw him off. It was all in good fun, or so she thought. She would not have predicted where the conversation would go next.

"You said you live with your parents?" Dallas asked him.

"Parent." Dean corrected him. "My dad."

"And what does he do for a living?" Mick asked, tagging himself into the conversation.

"Car service; transportation and repair."

"Ah." Mick smiled inwardly. "I was wondering about that Mustang you were driving when you picked April up for your first date."

"Oh yeah." Dean smiled sheepishly. "That's my dad's. He's been restoring it since I moved in with him."

"He borrowed it to impress me." AJ added, smiling his way.

"I think it worked." Elizabeth piped up with an appreciative smile for the young couple.

AJ chuckled and Dean smiled down at his cake.

"It earned him the nickname Hot Rod." Dean mentioned idly. "So it was worth a try..."

Dallas stopped chewing when he heard the name. "Hot Rod?" he asked, even though he'd heard it clearly the first time.

Dean shook his head as if to apologize. "It's cheesy, I know."

"...Your father is Roddy Piper?"

Dean looked up at Dallas, sensing he'd said something wrong. "Uh...yeah. The one and only." His forced chuckle fell flat.

"And he runs a car service." Dallas added.

"And repair shop." Dean added. He reached for his glass of water to quench a suddenly dry mouth.

Dallas nodded slowly. "Huh..."

Mick placed elbows on the table and laced his fingers, pondering the new information on his own terms. Elizabeth placed a hand gently on his arm, asking silently for him to keep his cool.

AJ read all the signs but didn't quite understand them. "Do you know him, Dallas?" she asked innocently.

Dallas was dealing with discomfort of his own. "Yeah." he said. He placed his fork on the table next to his plate, no longer in the mood for sweets. "Yeah, sort of."

This act was starting to annoy AJ. They'd joked about an interrogation but this was just getting weird.

"How do you know him?" AJ asked directly. The edge in her voice seemed to sting her uncle, and he hesitated.

"I know my dad's got a checkered past." Dean offered as explanation, hoping to soothe the conversation and get it back on a more comfortable trajectory. "It's not really a secret."

Mick rested his chin on his laced fingers, waiting for a more detailed explanation.

"He was in jail for a few years..." Dean continued.

His voice sounded far away in his own head. He realized then, he'd never had to explain this to a group of people before. His brothers knew. AJ knew. But he hadn't been prepared for such an icy reaction to his father's silly nickname.

"For what, Dean?" Mick asked.

His tone made it clear he already knew and he just wanted Dean to say the words out loud. It poked the beast Dean thought he'd buried for the evening. It provoked the anger he quelled for AJ.

"It's public knowledge." Dean said. "He did his time."

"Dean." AJ said quietly. She wanted him to know he didn't have to talk about it if he didn't want to.

"For what?" Mick repeated.

"For dealing drugs." Dean said, fearless again, feeling that same stirring he'd felt the last time Coach Michaels questioned his fighting techniques.

AJ's cheeks burned with anger on his behalf. She knew his past was painful for him, and this was supposed to be a casual meal with her family.

Meanwhile, Dallas chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I used to buy from him."

Elizabeth placed her fork on the table, her disappointment mirroring her daughter's.

"Small world." Dean said to Dallas.

"Hey, I'm not judging." Dallas said, his tone relaxed and easy. "I did my time for that too."

"Then...I guess we're all even?" Dean asked sarcastically, looking at each of them until his eyes came to rest on AJ. She seemed shocked by the knowledge that Dallas had been in jail at all.

"Boys -" Elizabeth tried to cut in.

"He's out of the game now?" Dallas asked.

"He drives limousines for a living." Dean spat out, wondering how many more times he'd have to say it.

"That doesn't answer the question." Mick chimed in.

"The man literally saved my life," Dean replied, turning toward AJ's dad. "So I honestly don't give a fuck if he's injecting heroin straight into babies' veins every night. All I know is, I breathe wrong and he's lecturing me about how he learned his lesson the hard way and he doesn't want that life for me."

AJ placed her hands on the edge of the table, feeling the urge to scream building in her belly.

"Ya know maybe you should have invited my father to dinner, you wanna know so much about him."

"Dean, honey - " Elizabeth said suddenly as Dean rose from his seat. The chair went back so fast it hit the wall, and Dean walked out without another word. AJ ran after him without looking back at her family.

"Dean, please wait." She caught up with him at the door, grabbing the side of his t-shirt in her fist. He stopped for her, though it was clear he was desperate to escape.

"AJ, I love you but I gotta get out of here before I do something stupid."

"I'm sorry -"

Dean leaned down, holding her face in his hands and kissing her hard on the lips. "I love you." he said again. "I'll call you later."

AJ felt the little piece of t-shirt slip out of her hand as Dean slipped out the door.

"You okay, little sis?" Roman asked, as plainly as anyone could. Sasha was refilling her cup from the bottles on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I'm good." Sasha answered easily. When she looked up at him, Roman looked into her eyes for a few seconds, searching for a cover-up. They'd been through a lot and he knew she carried it with her, just like he carried his own experiences. If there was anything wrong, her current facade was flawless. She smiled up at him, chuckling as if his worry was way over the top.

"You know you could tell me if you were in trouble, right?"

"Of course." Sasha lowered her drink, beginning to see how serious Roman was. They both glanced at a party guest who came in to grab something from the fridge. Once the stranger left, Roman looked back at Sasha.

"I know I wasn't there for you the last few years - "

"Roman!" Sasha scolded him lovingly. She placed a hand on his forearm, her smile turning sad. "You will always be my big brother. But those days of needing a protector are over, okay?"

Roman's half smile mirrored his half belief of her statement.

"I'm out here living my best life." she insisted. "Visiting one of my home towns. Did it occur to you I might be trying to show off how well I'm doing now?"

Roman's smile grew, and Sasha shook him by the arm. She could tell he wasn't fully convinced, but that she was convincing enough that he could drop the subject for now.

"You're being silly." she said. "I'm gonna go find my friend, okay? I'll bring them to meet you."

Roman nodded, reaching for the stack of red cups on the counter as she left.

She'd known from the start, there were things about Dean that she didn't want her parents to know. Things they wouldn't understand or tolerate. Things she still wasn't sure about herself, but things her love for him made it easy to overlook, for now, maybe for always.

Now it was becoming clear that her ability to keep secrets was an inherited family trait. She'd never questioned her uncle's wandering travels, and now she had to wonder if all of his longer absences had not been journeys of wandering freedom but periods of incarceration instead.

AJ stood for a while in the living room, the awkward silence in the kitchen making her more and more angry as the moments passed.

"April." Mick called out. His tone made it seem like AJ had misbehaved or needed discipline and the thought of heading out the door to follow Dean crossed her mind in a major way. But she had a few too many things to say to her family first.

Seething, AJ returned to the kitchen, prepared to spit fire if they said one more wrong thing.

"You have no idea what he's been through." she said before anyone else could start.

"That's true." Dallas conceded. "But we'd love to hear about it."

"It's none of your business!" The words burst out in a rush, tears filling AJ's eyes. "Just like your 'jail time' was apparently none of mine."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Dallas said, preparing to explain until he was interrupted.

"I don't want you seeing him again." Mick cut in.

AJ laughed incredulously as she cried. "I'm twenty-one years old, Dad. It's a little late to dictate who I see."

God, if they knew even ten percent of what I do when I'm outside these walls...

"He's no good."

"Mick." Dallas pleaded for him to be more reasonable.

"How do you know that?!" AJ demanded. Part of her could feel how tired Elizabeth was, and how taxing a family fight might be on her, but she was too worked up to stop.

"He blew up at a few simple questions." said Mick.

"You were grilling him over a piece of chocolate cake! Who does that?!"

"I've seen anger problems turn real ugly, honey."

AJ wondered if her current anger problem could compare to whatever incidents he was referring to.

"We all have struggles." Elizabeth reminded her husband.

"He doesn't have to drag my daughter into his struggles while he's working through them."

"He would never hurt me."

"All girls think that!" Mick told her.

"Mick!" Elizabeth admonished him, desperate to stop their spat.

"I am not all girls." AJ shook her head in disgust. "And I'm not one of your old cases."

"Whatever happened to those nice boys you used to date?"

"Nice?!" AJ shouted. "Those 'nice' boys are the ones that hurt me, Dad! But you didn't see that! You saw their perfect school attendance and sports records, and their stupid lying smiles and their money. You wanted their families to take care of me, but they didn't. They made me feel stupid, and poor, and trashy next to their perfect sons."

"April -"

"Every time you ask me about Daniel or Dolph is like a knife in my heart! You have no idea how much they hurt me! How much it hurts to think you want me stuck with someone like that for the rest of my life!"

"And you have no idea what kind of life that kid and his father could be into!"

AJ's tears got the better of her then, thinking about Dean out there alone, feeling the way she used to feel with Dolph. Like unwanted trash. "You didn't give him a chance."

"I did give him a chance, but I never will again. Not with you." Mick promised. "I won't allow it."

AJ breathed deep, forcing herself to gain control over her sobs.

"I don't know what you think you know about Roddy." she said, calmly but no less angry. "He has been nothing but kind to me, and I know he loves his son. Dean is always honest with me. If he says Roddy doesn't do that anymore, he doesn't do it. And if I want to keep seeing Dean - "


"If I want to keep seeing Dean," AJ repeated loudly. "I'm going to do it."

"Not while you live under my roof." her father warned.

Anger exploded inside of her. She had no control over the words that came next.

"I live under your roof to help you!" she shouted. "To support you! I would have moved out three years ago if you didn't need my income! You have no idea what I do for this family!"

Something in her brain told her to stop, to keep the rest a secret. But, like Dean, she knew she couldn't do that if she stayed in that room a second longer.

"April!" Dallas shouted when she turned to run out of the house.

"Don't follow me!" AJ screamed back. The next sound was the door slamming, small footsteps receding as AJ ran away into the dark. Dallas stood up to go after her but stopped when he heard her mother's voice.

"Let her go." Elizabeth whispered, silent tears falling down her own cheeks. Mick looked shaken, and Dallas was full of regret.

Dallas sighed. "Well I can tell you this much; she's definitely Mick's girl."

"She's all of ours." Elizabeth said quietly.

"I shouldn't have said anything." said Dallas.

"No, it was important to get that out in the open." said Mick. "She needs to know who she's associating with."

"Mick, she loves that boy." said Elizabeth.

"She thinks she does."

"I know she does." Elizabeth told him emphatically. "And he seems to make her very happy. Do you know how much she needs that right now?"

"She needs a lot of things. An unstable criminal boyfriend isn't one of them."

"Imagine how different our lives would be if I'd listened to my father about who I was supposed to date."

"I'm supposed to sit back and let her make the same mistakes?"

"We all have to make our own, Mick. But I really don't consider anything that happened in my life a mistake."

"I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean - "

"I know you didn't." Elizabeth didn't interrupt her husband often. When she did, it was something very important. "I think...maybe...my only mistake was not telling her..."

"No." Mick said immediately.

"Mick, I know you don't want to hear this but I don't have enough time left to hesitate. We always said, when the time is right -"

"You're right. I don't want to hear about this."

Mick got up from his seat, repeating the actions of both Dean and his daughter AJ.

"She needs to know!" Elizabeth called out as Mick went to their bedroom to be alone. She and Dallas sat in silence, each pondering the meaning of Elizabeth's words.

"I want her to know, Dallas. Before I die. I need to give her a chance to forgive me."

"I know." he said. Dallas reached over the table to take her hand, squeezing it in solidarity. "Believe me, I know."

"So...you agree?"

"It's always been your decision to make, Liz. I'm ready if you are."

Elizabeth looked at him, her first love from a lifetime ago, and smiled gratefully.

Seth leaned over the bathroom sink, quietly talking to himself about how to handle the next few days. He was certain Sasha wouldn't stick around for long; she never did, and she usually left without warning. He hoped that text would come through soon, the one that read 'had to head back home, catch you next time'. As sad as it usually made him, this time it would be a relief.

A soft knock at the door snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I'll be out in a minute." he shouted, loud enough to be heard through the door and over the music. The door began to open, and Seth realized he'd never locked it.

"Seth?" Sasha asked. Her and her tight gold dress slipped through the cracked door, and she quickly closed it behind her.

"Sasha, what are you doing? Get outta here."

"I missed you, baby." Sasha purred, walking right up to him and placing her hand on his chest. She caressed his t-shirt and Seth felt that all too familiar heat build up in him yet again.

"We can't do this." Seth insisted. "Not again."

"I can't help myself." Sasha said, wrapping her arms around his torso and pressing her body up against his. "You're so fucking hot..."

She lifted herself up, trying to kiss his lips, but Seth pulled his head back.

"This is really fucking with my head, Sash."

"Please." she said softly, gazing up at him with ridiculously innocent eyes. "I haven't stopped thinking about you. About what we did."

Seth's nervous chuckle was involuntary. "Neither have I." he assured her.

"I can still feel you inside me." Sasha made fists around two clumps of his t-shirt, rubbing herself desperately against him. "I need to feel it again for real."

Seth pulled half-heartedly at her wrists, trying to unwrap her.

"Please." she moaned. "I need you."

"You need to stop."

"Please," she kept saying, over and over again. "Just one more time. I want to come for you. Make me come, Seth-"

In his feigned struggle, Seth had leaned back on the sink. Sasha, on tip toes, pressed her crotch to his and felt him hard through his jeans. Sasha moaned excitedly, grinding against him hard.

"That's what I thought." she said proudly, not so innocent anymore.

Seth's struggle had stopped. He was trying not to actively participate but the friction felt good and his hands were wandering, looking for parts of Sasha to hold that would help this along. Sasha leaned into his touch, nuzzling his hand when he cupped her face. Her tongue crept out to lick his lips. He moaned at her next dry thrust, and she kissed him very softly on the lips. The hand on her ass squeezed hard, and she felt him thrust back at her with his hips. Her small hands snuck between their bodies, unbuttoning his jeans and letting the zipper down. By then they were making out, not bothering to quiet their sounds since there was a party raging outside their private room. Skinny shoulder straps were shoved down Sasha's arms, giving Seth access to suck harshly at her breasts. Sasha hugged his head to her chest, panting and moaning and feeling lightheaded at getting her way. The way he talked once she'd broken down all his defenses, she'd let him do anything in return.

"Come here." he said, an unnecessary command. What he meant was let me hike your skirt up. Sasha began to whine with excitement, happily turning around to bend over the sink. He peeled her thong from between her buttocks. It was soaking wet, and Sasha felt another rush between her legs as she was bared to him.

She held tight to the sides of the sink, peeking in the mirror to see the reflection of Seth's serious face as he used the head of his cock to find her entrance. She was full of him in one stroke, and she called out loudly, voice echoing off the shower tiles. Seth's hand clamped down on her shoulder, steadying them both so he could ram into her fast and hard.

"Shit-" Sasha hissed. Her body shuddered with each slamming thrust. With any other partner it might have been too much, but she'd been so turned on by being alone with him. She'd been ready, and she was already close to orgasm.

"Is this what you need?" Seth asked her. She nodded yes, but he wanted to hear her say it. "Is that pussy wet for me?"

"It's all for you." Sasha panted.

Seth's hips moved faster, and Sasha's vision nearly went white.

"Anh!" was Sasha's sharp cry as she gripped the nearby towel rack for leverage. Seth wanted to hear it again, so he thrust as hard as he could. She gave him exactly what he wanted, and soon the shrieks of pleasure-filled pain were moans of pure ecstasy as her body let go of all its sexual tension for every blissful second of pulsing climax.

Seth could feel his own climax building while she rode hers out.

"Yes, baby..." Sasha moaned. Her knuckles were white on the towel rack and on the side of the sink. "Let it all go..."

He was buried deep inside of her, taut abs pressed to her perfectly round ass, when it started. Sasha moaned loudly with approval, reaching back with one hand to squeeze his side. She didn't want him to pull out until he was completely done.

"That's it." she encouraged him, smiling mindlessly at herself in the mirror, and watching her tits shake with his deepened hip-jerking thrusts.

"Fuck." Seth repeated with instant regret now that he'd finished.

"That was even better than last time." Sasha grinned.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he asked, still inside her. His hand stroked her back, the top of her ass, every inch of smooth skin he could see. He squeezed his ass cheeks, thrusting into her one last time, squeezing one last aftershock shudder from her body too.

"I told you." she said, her voice like warm honey in his ears. "I've been waiting my whole life to have you this way."

"You better be on birth control." Seth muttered, his stomach once again in knots.

"Don't worry about that." Sasha looked at him in the mirror. His softening cock slid out of her slowly. She bit her lip, and moaned in sad pleasure at the emptiness that followed.

"I am worried. About everything."

"It's okay." Sasha whispered. They locked eyes in the mirror. Seth tried to pull the bottom of her dress back down over her hips but Sasha stopped him. "Wait," she murmured. "I need to clean up."

Seth chuckled mirthlessly and tucked himself back into his pants instead.

"You made this mess." Sasha teased him. She wiped herself with toilet paper and shimmied her thong back into place.

"Only cause you keep...attacking my dick." Seth sputtered.

"I'm obsessed with that dick." Sasha corrected him. She pulled the skirt of her dress down and turned to face him. Seth averted his eyes, because her dress was still pulled down on the top.

"What's the matter, you don't like these titties?"

Seth's laugh was cynical. He looked at Sasha's face, then down at her chest. He liked them, alright. But he didn't think it was right. He hooked his fingers under the shoulder straps of her dress and pulled the fabric back up into place.

"We can't keep doing this."

"Why not?"

"You know why not. We're b-"

"Don't say brother and sister." Sasha cut him off.

"Okay, but...we just can't."

"I want to spend the night with you."


"And you can say my name, just like that." Sasha came up close and wrapped her arms around his waist, just like she had done a few minutes before. She looked up into his eyes, sad that she could make him feel so bad about himself but unwilling to give up now. "You know he'd understand eventually."

"I'd be dead before that could happen."

"I won't let him kill you."

"I think being disowned would be worse." Seth explained. And they both seemed to know that was true. "We should get out of here."

On their way out, Seth nearly had a heart attack when he caught sight of Roman coming toward them. If he'd seen them exit the bathroom together -!?

But Roman didn't seem to be aware. He strolled up like it was natural for them to be skulking among the other party goers on the second floor.

"She told you not to fall in." Roman chided Seth jokingly.

"I pulled him out again." Sasha said, eyes sparkling with the hidden meaning of her reply.

"And I thought you were going to find your friends?" Roman asked her.

"I think they left already." Sasha lied, looking around at the closest group of people like she was still checking for her imaginary companions.

"Hey, man, I gotta head home," Seth said to Roman. "I'm not feeling well."

"Hold up." Roman said, taking Seth by the arm. He got close to Seth's ear, so Sasha wouldn't hear him over the music and talking. "Did she say anything to you?"

"Naw." Seth said, but Roman didn't let go.

"You'd tell me if she did, right?"

"Yeah." Seth answered, and he really did feel sick in that moment.

"Alright." Roman said, releasing Seth's arm and returning to normal conversation. "I'ma stick around for a little while. You good?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me."

AJ ran two blocks away, a need for space and freedom driving her further from home. Her father knew a fraction of Dean's past, and they'd already written him off as worthless. And she couldn't bear the thought that Dean had left her house thinking he was worthless.

When she thought about texting Dean to see where he was, she realized that she'd left her phone charging in her bedroom. Crying on a street corner was not how she'd seen the night going, but there she was, crouched in the shadow between two street lights as she let out the latest build-up of emotion and stress.

As much as she wanted her phone, she didn't want to show face at home just yet. Besides, Dean needed space, and Kaitlyn was working; she wouldn't be able to answer a call anyway. Realizing she wasn't willing to interrupt Kaitlyn at the Kitten Club helped AJ calm down. It couldn't be that much of an emergency if serving shots to leering frat boys and horny businessmen took precedence.

It was just the laughable hypocrisy of her father's demands that twisted her stomach into knots. That and the echo of her own words: You have no idea what I do for this family. She hadn't meant to shout that at her mother.

Quieter now, more sad than angry, AJ rested her forehead on her arms and continued to cry. She just didn't want to be alone.


It was Dean's voice behind her. AJ sprang up from her crouching position and jumped into his arms. He hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry." he murmured into her hair.

"No, I'm sorry." she insisted. She quickly checked his face and hands for cuts and bruises. Dean chuckled sadly at that. When AJ realized he was the same as when he'd left, she wrapped her arms around his waist and held tight with relief.

"I made myself think of puppies and bunnies until I calmed down." he told her. "Just kidding. I thought about you."

"I didn't think he'd be so harsh."

"I didn't think my dad's reputation would reach so far."

"They don't know you like I do."

Dean hugged her tighter. No one did.