I can't believe that it's been so long since I've updated this story, but truth be told, I had lost my inspiration, but since the premiere of Season 3 this week, I've got it back!



Please remember to review at the end! :)

He shouldn't have gone to McKenna's apartment. He knew he shouldn't have. He pulled away from McKenna the moment she sat down on the bed, and he shook his head. He shouldn't do this.

He shouldn't. As he looked at her, slowly leaning back onto the bed, a face flashed in his mind. A feminine face with glasses came into his mind. He shook his head, once again, and stepped back.


He lifted his head, and picked up his jacket on the floor. "I'm sorry, McKenna." He replied, heading towards the door. "We can't." He added, heading out the door, leaving a confused McKenna sitting on the bed.

He lifted the phone in his hand, and noticed a missed call from the woman he had thought of, and the reason he stopped with McKenna. He hit the voicemail, and listened to her words, until it got to the end.

His body stilled on the street, and anger filled his person as he heard the chilling words from someone other than Felicity.

"Hi, I don't think we had a chance to be properly introduced this morning."

He ended the voicemail, and dialed a number. "Come on, Felicity." He whispered, and frowned deeply when no answer came from the other end. He growled, and dialed another number. "Digg, it's Felicity, she's in danger." He stated, and ended the call, climbing on his bike, and drove towards the one place he should have been instead of at McKenna's.


She felt the arrow hit her back, but not puncture her skin as she typed an encryption into the computer, attempting to break into the system.

"You know, I'm surprised Oliver hasn't made a move towards you." Helena began, cocking her head to the side. "Of course, I really shouldn't be. You're not his type." She added, shaking her head.

Felicity bit her bottom lip as she continued to type.

Helena smiled, and leaned forward. "It won't be long until he throws you away, just like he did me." She stated, just as the information came up on the screen. "Well, what do you know, you did it." She added, taking out some ties, and proceeded to tie them around Felicity's wrist, and wrapped a cloth around her mouth, and finally tied her ankles. "Can't have you trying to play hero, now can we." She whispered, as Felicity tried to struggle against the ties.

"Give my best to Oliver." She stated, leaving a tied up Felicity on the floor behind her desk.

Felicity worked until she got the cloth out of her mouth, and sniffed as fear began to sink into her body.

She closed her eyes. "Oliver, please, hurry." She whispered, closing her eyes, wishing for him to show up.


Oliver parked his bike, well, maybe parked was a slight exaggeration, in the alley adjacent to the side of the building, and quickly raced inside.

He had to get in there. He had to see if she was alright. He knew exactly what Helena was capable of, and he knew what she could or would do to Felicity, and he would not allow that to happen. The whole ride over he kept thinking what would happen if anything happened to her. She had become such a huge part of his life, both lives, and he couldn't imagine what would happen if anything were to happen to her.

He raced towards the IT department, and the only sound he heard was the sound of his heart pounding in his ears.

He made it to the door, and leaned into the room. "Felicity?" He called, panicked that something could have happened.

"Oliver." He heard, weakly, and a wave of relief hit him. "Oliver." She called again, sniffing, relief sounding in her voice.

He rushed towards her, and knelt down to her level. "I'm here." He stated, taking out his knife, and cutting her binds, from her hands and then her ankles, before reaching up to grasp her face, making sure she was alright and safe. "Okay," He gazed into her eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked, softly.

Felicity nodded, and grasped his hand with her right hand, as she sat up. "Yeah." She whispered, leaning into his hand.

He stood up when he heard someone heading towards them, and he prepared to fight, even with his small knife. He sighed with relief when he saw Diggle come through the door.

"I got your call." Diggle replied, holding his left hand out. "What happened?" He asked, panting as if he had run into the building.

"Helena," Oliver replied, with disdain in his voice.

"She wanted the address of the safe house where her father is being kept." Felicity began, looking at Oliver with certainty. "She made me hack into the FBI data base." She added, with sorrow.

Oliver licked his lips, and looked at her with a sorrowful expression on his face. He knew she hated doing anything illegal within reason, and that wasn't legal, and it hurt her.

"I'm sorry, Oliver." She added, tilting her head to the side.

He sighed, and grasped her right upper arm. "Hey," He paused, gazing into her eyes. "It's not your fault." He added, shaking his head, pausing to squeeze her arm in reassurance.

It suddenly hit him that he could have lost her. He could have, and all because he hadn't stopped Helena sooner, and if he hadn't followed.

He held her eyes for a moment, wanting nothing more than to take her in his arms, and make sure that she was safe.

She smiled, softly, sweetly, knowing what he needed to know. Touching his arm, she gave the assurance that he needed.

Oliver swallowed hard, and stepped back away from her, and headed towards the door.

"Oliver, what are you going to do?" Digg asked, as Oliver headed out.

"What I should have done in the first place." He stated, in anger, moving his eyes towards Felicity once more, making sure that she was alright.

She nodded, and smiled, letting him know just that.


He needed to see her. He just had to. He entered the Foundry after Helena had been dealt with, and slowly walked down the stairs, just to stop at the bottom, when he saw her sitting in front of her computers.

She turned around, and smiled, softly at him. "Oliver?" She asked, and that one word spoke volumes to her.

He walked over to her, but stopped at the small table, and leaned against it. "McKenna is leaving for Coast City." He replied, but a part of him knew it wouldn't have lasted with her.

Felicity nodded, and lowered her eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked, softly.

He nodded, and placed his hands on the table. "I'm not surprised. It was over before Helena shot her anyway." He replied, bowing his head.

Felicity nodded, and turned her chair slightly to the right and then left.

He lifted his head, and caught her eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked, holding her eyes.

She smiled, lightly, and nodded. "I am." She answered, softly.

He nodded, and pushed away from the table. "You should get some rest, Felicity." He replied, knowing if he stayed there a moment longer, something would happen that was too soon.

Felicity nodded, and slowly stood up after turning off her computers. She gathered her stuff, and turned around to head out the door. She stopped when she saw Oliver firing his arrows at some targets. She set her stuff on the table he had leaned on a moment before, and walked over to him.

"What is it, Felicity?" He asked, pausing mid pull.

She lowered her eyes, and slowly approached him. Placing her hand on his right arm, she leaned up, and placed her fuchsia colored lips on his cheek for a quick peck. "Thank you." She whispered, pulling back, with a soft smile, before walking away towards her stuff.

Oliver sighed, and turned around. Inhaling deeply, he moved towards her, with his bow in his right hand. He paused, as he turned her face once he reached her at the table. With a light smile on his face, he leaned down, and placed his lips on hers in a sweet, tender kiss, showing his relief that she was safe. He pulled back, and gazed into her eyes. "Thank you, Felicity." He whispered, stepping back with a smile gracing his face.

Felicity let out a small breath, and smiled as he walked back towards his target practice. "Better than wine." She whispered, softly, before walking out of the Foundry.

Not realizing Oliver had heard her, and was smiling, brightly. "Definitely better than wine."

Please be kind!

I know this was short, but I wrote this on a whim, so it didn't get as long as I wanted it to be, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have a request for their first kiss, it can even be for season 3, let me know! I love getting requests!

Until Next Time...