So question for all you readers. Has your brain ever not let you sleep and instead gave you ideas for stories? No? Well mine does and it's annoying. Anyways here's the first chapter of team JNGL.

Chapter 1: Arrival

I was sitting at my computer and writing a story with some others I met online when suddenly my screen changes so it's a view of a forest.

"Da fuck?" I hit esc but nothing happens. I push every button I could think of but nothing happened. "Ah well. Must be a glitch or something. I'll just reboot." I push the power button and suddenly there is a draft in the room. I look towards the window to see it's closed. "Okaaaaay. Creepy much?" Soon the wind starts to pick up and I start to get sucked into my computer monitor. "What THE FUUUUUUUUUU" I get sucked in and everything goes black.

I open my eyes and see... Green? I bolt up while saying "I'm up!" I look around and see nothing but trees with green leaves everywhere. "Where am I?" I stand up and brush myself off only to notice two revolvers. One silver and one black. "Okay. I know for a fact that I don't own a gun. Let alone two." I take out the silver one and notice a blade melded into the gun with a gold hawk on the blade. "Bad ass? Yes." I take out the black gun and notice it was the same except on the blade was a red dragon. "And it gets even better." I open up the chamber and see both guns are fully loaded with 6 rounds each. I hear a bush rustle by me and turn around to see three people dressed in white clothes and wearing white masks.

"Don't move." One of them said.

"Thank god. Listen can you tell me where I am because I have no fucking clue."

They all look at each other then back at me. "What?"

"I have no idea where I am. I just remember my computer flipping out then a gust of wind then everything went black. So, Where on earth am I?"

"What's earth?"

This time it was my turn to be confused. "What? If this isn't earth, then what is it?"

"Your on-"

"Hold on a minute!" says another one. We all look to him. "He's a human from another world. Do you know what this means?" Oh no. I've seen too many movies to know where this is going. "It means we'll get one hell of a promotion and payout!" Knew it! "Tie him up!"

"As great of an idea as that may be. I'm gonna have to pass." Just then two of the guys rush me. I start to run and remember the guns. I take both of them out and start to fire at the guys as they took cover. Huh. I've never fired a gun before but I'm used to the kick on these guys. I run into cover and realize I'm out of ammo. Of course. Just my luck to run dry. While I was thinking to myself one of them snuck over and put a blade to my throat. I just raise my hands in defeat and he leads me to his buddies. They tie me up and knock me out.

When I come to again, I notice I'm chained up and hanging by my hands. Daaaaaaaamn. They mean business. The door to the room opens and a man in a white suit and a black bowler hat with orange hair and a cane walks in. "Hello there!" He says with a smile.

"You know something? You look so familiar but I can't put my finger on it."

"I get that a lot my little friend."

"Little? I'm six feet tall! How is that little?"

"Fair point. Now." He says as he pulls up a chair. "Who are you and where do you come from?"

"I feel I shouldn't answer." I say unsure weather to answer or not.

"I see... Well then! I guess we're gonna have to take some measures." As soon as he says that, the door opens again and some of the people wearing the same outfit as the people in the forest came in. I've got a bad feeling about this. They get closer and pull out knives. And theeeeere's the reason. "Now. Tell me who you are and where you come from or I'll have these nice people do as they want with you."

"Well what about you?"


"I have no clue on who you are? So why don't you tell me who you are?"

The man gets an amused smile on his face. "Alright. Fair enough reason not to trust me. My name's Roman Torchwick." My eyes go wide. Ooooooh Shit.

"Yup now I know where I am." One of the goons slashes my chest and I scream out in pain. "What the fuck!"

"Tell me who you are and I'll make them stop."

"No you won't!" another slash to my upper back. "AAAAAHHHHHH!"

"Well don't you have an attitude. Fine then. You gents can do what you want with him. Just keep him alive." With that Roman leave the room. And the thugs slash at me. One focuses on my front, While another focuses on my back, and two more flank me and work on my side.

After a couple minutes, Torchwick comes back and sits down again and the torturing stops. "Decide to talk now?" I say nothing and breath heavily. "No? I guess this means more torture. Boys!" He gets up.

"Wait!" He turns to me.

"Oh? Now you're ready to talk?"

"My name... Is Jordan Stack... I come... I come from a planet... Called Earth."

"Earth? Never heard of it. But thank you for telling me. Carry on boys!" With that he leaves and the torturing continues.

What do you think of the first chapter? Tell me please. I have had this story in my head for months and I'm not so sure on if people will like it or not. Till next time. Stack OUT!