Hi, so here it is. The last chapter and the end of this story that I have been writing for over two years. This one has been a long labour of love for me. Katy Reagan has been my baby for a long time and now I can finally put this story to rest.

I am gonna take a break from the Blue Bloods fandom for a while but don't worry I will be back.

Disclaimer-Nothing is mine.

Please Read and Review

Chapter 100-An Ending of Sorts

As we come to the end of this story and everything comes full circle, Henry Reagan looks back on a lifetime of service, his son, his grandchildren, his great grandchildren and the rest of his family and friends and the lives that they have built.

It was the end of a very long and a very loud Sunday.

There had been church and then dinner and then drinks afterwards before the rest of the family had finally gone home. There wasn't time to sit and sigh contentedly but Henry Reagan had never really been a man that would let something like age stop him. He had helped cook this meal (stuffed chicken with roast potatoes and three veg) and had poured the wine and the soda (for JJ, Riley and Conor) and had only had two puffs of the contraband cigars that Xavier had gotten that were really too good for words and so bad for his health.

The dinner had been long and for the most part uneventful. There had been conversations about work (cases that would get increasingly difficult) about the Marine's (Jack and Xavier muttering about where they suspected the rest of the kids that they were training had been sent weather or not the new batch would faint upon the seven mile run coming up) in which Danny would occasionally share an opinion.

JJ and Conor were discussing at length something about a girl named Violet and her best friend named Jessie who were both apparently paying them some attention that neither one of them were willing to forgo. It seemed hard to Henry to believe that these boys had once been babies at the table and were now nearing the same age (especially in JJ's case) there parents were when they had them.

The conversation turned away to the middle of the now extended table. Nikki and Sean were having a detailed conversation about the newest NYPD policy and how they were going to get away with it while Alex and Dom were sat pretending that they weren't amused by it all and Frank was pretending that he didn't hear it or agree with it.

Linda, Jamie and Erin were all steadily eating and chatting among themselves and Theresa was checking her phone ever second even when Jack was tugging at her hand a little and grinning. Henry knew the woman was working and was worried about the status of at least three of her patients. God had it really be so long ago when this woman was a teenager crying herself to sleep again and again because her parents couldn't understand that kids were kids and while some of them made mistakes that didn't mean their lives were over? The living proof of that was right in front of him now and Henry had always considered Theresa to be his third great granddaughter and a very dear confident.

Sean and Alex were still together, still married and Henry suspected but didn't want to either pry or confirm that they were considering becoming parents. He was happy for them he really was, he was proud of the man that Sean had become so far from the little boy that had been too scared to tell his parents who he was in love with.

Nikki too had come a long way down a road that was hard and filled with pain. She had been a young girl in love and then she had been a young pregnant widow again and again unlucky. There had been a time where she had lived away and then she had come back a little thinner, a little more tired and wiser than she had been before. She had fought long and hard to get where she was both in her career and in her personal life and she had found a man that had supported her and loved her and one that she loved back. Dom was a good man and a solid man and for someone like Nikki that was all she needed to be comfortable.

At the end of the table was Katy, she was sat on the other side Xavier next to her but her attention was for once not on her boyfriend. It was caught on the baby monitor that was perched on the table. Upstairs in the little crib that had rocked three grandchildren, four great grandchildren and now nearly four great, great grandchildren was Katy and Xavier's daughter Charlotte Jamie Austin.

Charlotte had been named by Xavier who had chosen the name much like the Jamie had chosen Katy's name. Jamie had been chosen by Katy and Henry knew that Jamie had been thrilled by his granddaughter's middle name even if he hadn't shown it at the time and the baby was utterly adorable even Henry would admit that.

Jamie had gone from strengths to strengths to as well. There had been a second where they had all worried about him raising a child on his own but Katy...despite everything had turned out ok and Henry knew there was a woman in the picture that Jamie didn't want to talk about yet. The boy had fallen in love once hard and deeply and had never really been the same, then that girl had been torn away from him and he'd had to rebuild his life as bet he could regardless. That had been difficult and Henry knew.

Katy had settled down, she was on her medication and had gone back to her job. She had taken to motherhood rather like a duck to water and therefore Henry thought privately that the drama surrounding his youngest great grandchild was over.

It was just this family. Jamie and Erin both back in the dating game and Danny and Linda with their stable and secure marriage. And it wasn't just these people at this table, there were other members of the family, Maria, Abigail, Garrett, Sid, the rest of the team that had pulled this family together in their darkest hours and were still considered members of the inner circle.

He cleared away the table when the family moved to the Living Room. Personally he hoped that this year would be the last time that his son would be Commissioner. Francis was near retirement age and needed to step away. Carter Poole was gone and the last Mayor while in slight awe of Frank also had his own political agenda, social media was dictating the times and in some cases the law and the conversations and the streets were becoming more and more dangerous with every day and every Reagan that was patrolling them. It was time Henry thought for his son to take a long rest, he had had a great career, he had helped so many people but Henry knew that wasn't enough. The exhaustion and the age that came with this job was beginning to show and Henry honestly didn't know how long he was capable of carrying on like this. The family was all settled and now Francis should settled down with them.

The entire family stayed for dinner and then drinks before leaving to go back to their separate homes, to their separate lives with each other. Jamie and Erin back to their apartments and their work, Danny and Linda back to their house and their stable marriage and a quiet night in, Sean and Alex back to the comfort of their life and the promise of a new future, Nikki and Dom and Conor back to the apartment that they now shared and their promise of a steady life with no drama or death or blood, Jack and Theresa and JJ and Riley back to their home safe and sound in a world where all four of them knew the danger that lurked in it regardless of whether or not it was around the corner or across the other side of the world, and then there was Katy and Xavier, the love that finally repaired the two broken people that had done nothing wrong but had still suffered and known loss. There had finally been a happy ending and they had both grabbed it with both hands and more than one sceptical smile.

These people were his family, Francis, Daniel, Erin, Jamison, Linda, Nicole, Jack, Sean, Katy, Theresa, Joe JR, Riley, Conor and even the others that were still a part of the family, Maria, Sid, Garrett, and Abigail.

And then there was the people that they had lost. Eddie...Joe...Mary...people that should have been here today, people that should have had, had long and happy lives in peace.

He carefully didn't think of Betty.

Henry carefully cleaned away the plates, took back the china and locked away the scotch. Francis muttered something about going to bed and Henry realised that it had gone past midnight. There was a long second where he stood in the house and thought back on a lifetime of memories, people that had come and gone and had loved and laughed and cried and lived.

When he eventually climbed the long stairs back up to the bedroom it was with a small grin on his face and the knowledge that perhaps tonight would be the long awaited night that he would be reunited with his wife.

And finally, there is no more chapters so I will end this with an insanely big thank you, thank you to all of you who have reviewed, who have read this story, who have followed it online and favourited it and followed it and kept me going when I thought that there was no point in continuing it. Thank all of you for prompting and sharing your thoughts and just being there for the ride. Nobody can write a good Fanfiction in my opinion without someone reading it so a massive Thank You to all of you.

I leave you here and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and this story. This is the end of the line for Nikki, Jack, Sean and Katy and the closing of the story of their lives.

And again, a massive thank you and a happy and safe 2017 to all of you.