I do not own Community. This little snippet hypothetically takes place in season one, sometime after The Politics of Human Sexuality.

Annie stormed toward the parking lot where Jeff Winger was leaning casually against his car, focused intently on his phone. Her chest was heaving with righteous indignation: Britta had mentioned something about Jeff in the ladies room that made Annie's eye twitch a little.

"Jeff!" Her voice was shrill but succinct. She meant business. "I have a bone to pick with you."

"Let's take a moment to bask in appreciation that Peirce isn't here to make you regret your word choice."

Annie scowled delicately, her lips and eyebrows puckering. "As if you're any better, Mr. I Collect Girls Numbers But Don't Bother to Learn Their Actual Names I Just Want to Remember What They Look Like So I Can Decide If I Want to Call For a Hook Up." She stabbed a finger in his direction.

"Pointed," he mocked, raising an eyebrow.

Annie's nostrils flared, and Jeff couldn't help but smirk. Noticing his satisfaction, Annie's expression quickly melted into a pout. "What am I listed in there as?"

Jeff gulped.

"Look," he pushed off his Lexus and started to pace away from her, recovering but eager to escape. "Annie, I've already learned my lesson. We really shouldn't dwell on this. Abed wouldn't approve of such a mundane fixation. Our story arcs are better than that."

He looked back at her, noticing that she had tears pooling in her eyes.

"Oh, come on." He threw his hands up in what Annie assumed was defeat. She smiled brightly, clapping her hands.

"Hurray! I just want to know what about me caught your attention the most, what stuck with you." Was he imagining that she was batting her eyes at him? That was such a middle school thing to do.

He hated that it made him feel a little warmer from the inside out.

But it meant nothing.


With a huff at the injustice of it all, he handed over his cell. Annie had already fished hers from her jean jacket pocket and was dialing Jeff's number.

She closed her eyes tightly, willing herself not to be visibly disappointed at the caller ID on Jeff's phone screen. She couldn't curb her curiosity, though.

Type A Doe Eyes

Annie's mouth unfurled into a shy, delighted smile. Jeff ignored the way it made his heart constrict slightly.

"You thought about cataloguing me by my breasts, didn't you?"

Jeff's mouth dropped in shock at Annie's bluntness.

"Pfft, no!" He stuttered out all too quickly.

Annie's smile morphed into something more confident…sexier. She dangled Jeff's phone in front of his face and he held out his palm to catch it when she released her grip.

She bounced away without another word, hoping Jeff couldn't hear her giggle. She just couldn't hold it in.

She knew she should be angry the same way Britta was, but it also felt good to be noticed. Annie thought that maybe it was okay to walk that line, as long as she didn't actually fall for him.

Jeff Winger would be bad for Annie. He'd gobble up her heart and then shit it out without a second thought.

But it was physically impossible for Annie not to notice Jeff right back.

"Mr. Debate Partner with the Perfect Smile and Strong Hands." Annie smiled to herself. Her phone wouldn't allow for that many characters, but it didn't stop her from trying anyway.