Book 3 End

Hello lovelies! Keith the Dark Lord (yes, I'm keeping that title) has good news! The first chapter of Alexis Lestrange and the TriWizard Champion is online! Yeah! Also, just cause I'm a merciful lord, I've decided to respond to all of your reviews!


mwinter1: thank you! Hope you like the next book too!

jessica02: glad it actually made sense and thanks!

NeverBeyondRedemption: I'm glad you like my idea of killing Ron off. It's been on the 'gonna happen' list right after confuse the reader on who Alexis's father is and before hint at a McPherson/Swine friendship. I really am excited about subconscious Ron speaking to Alexis (most likely at really inappropriate times) with his fourteen year old mind. I'm also really excited about having a more Sirius series than the original story. And don't worry about Bellatrix too much. When she comes into the story things will get very interesting. Not just because she's going to confront Alexis but SPOILER because it will be in the fifth book.

HayleyGoth: you my friend deserve a cookie if not a books of them but I think you've had enough sugar for the day ;P

aandm20: Me either that's why I posted it! Lol

phoenixfelicis07: more Siriusness! Yah! I'm actually thinking about writing a oneshot with Alexis, Sirius, and the twins involving a prank war. If I do it will be posted under the Chimera Tattoo. If I do, I'll leave a note about it after a chapter okay? And yeah, Guy Fawkes is awesome so of course I'm going to bring him up in all my stories! It's kinda like my signature, he's always there. I'm really happy to know Rowling and I were on the same page there and I'm glad to know you like Charlie as the comforter for his family. His character is so under developed it makes me sad. Finally, as for the Remus kissed Bellatrix... Well, you see *message deleted by sneak house elf that likes to make Keith's followers suffer* make sense? Oh, and more will be revealed on Swine, don't worry

caring16: I know right? Haha hope you like the next story too

534667lc: That's not the real reason I killed Ron but I can see how you could take it that way. Honestly though, the next few books are going to be Alexis and less Harry so the dialogue will change a good bit.

Mezzem313: I didn't have to kill Ron just like Voldemort didn't have to kill Harry's parents but he did. Why? Because it was important to Rowling's story just like Ron's death (though I can't promise to the extreme of Harry's parents dying). As for the traumatizing stuff, technically Alexis, Harry, and Hermione still can talk to Ron so it wasn't as traumatizing but it will effect the trio.

LRR: Again, didn't have to but I did. Don't worry, only his physical form is gone, promise

Aleslytherin: yes Ron is dead but amo tu is Latin not Italian although the two languages are similar enough it will probably translate the same. It means I love you and it is one of the few spells in its proper grammatical form which is a pet peeve of mine after having four years of Latin

Hope that answers any questions! Please check out Alexis Lestrange and the TriWizard Champion!