[Disclaimer] Stephenie Meyer owns everything Twilight. I own the plot for this story

[A/N] Welcome to a new update. Happy Weekend to everyone! Thanks to all of you for reading my story.

There are no secrets that time does not reveal

(Jean Racine)

Chapter 16

"I don't understand this, Ali."

Dad clasps my hand between his. "I don't understand why you were scared to tell us. You know we love you."

I feel like crying. Not because I am sad, but because I feel ashamed of myself. Not for being gay and telling my parents. I feel ashamed because I didn't trust them.

"Your father is right." Mom tells me. "We love you the way you are. No matter with whom you choose to be."

"I just wanted to be sure." I sniff, blinking away tears. My lame excuse leaves a shallow aftertaste in my mouth. I swallow a cough. "I wanted to wait until it gets serious for me with a relationship."

My heart overpowers with love when I start telling my parents about Bella. I love talking about her. I love talking about her as my girlfriend even more. I talk and talk until the coffee in my cup has turned cold.

"She is a very lovely person and means a lot to me." I finish off, enjoying the sensation of warmth spreading through my belly. "With her it's like I finally understand what Dad writes about being in love."

He takes another sip from his third cup of coffee. "If you and Bella are getting serious, we need to tell her some time. Poor girl, it will probably destroy all her fantasies."

Mom laughs. She hugs me and kisses my cheek. Then she sits down on Dad's lap. "This is what you get for choosing a female pseudonym for your novels."

Cold coffee is awful. I pour the remainder in my cup into the sink. "I don't understand why you couldn't publish the stories under your real name. They're selling great."

Dad exhales slowly through his mouth. "They sell great because people believe the fantasy. Writing is all about illusions."

At least coming up with illusions has helped my father pay his way through med school. He claims that writing is what comes easy to him. Being a doctor is his passion though. He says that it makes him feel like his existence matters. I am so proud of Dad. If it wasn't for the blood and ulcers wounds you have to treat, I might want to be a doctor too. One that hopefully finds a cure for my poor Nana's Alzheimer.

My mother tugs on the tie around Dad's neck. "You still can't bind them properly. I showed you so often."

They laugh and for the first time in my life I am not completely annoyed by their affections. Maybe it's because for the first time I found someone with whom I want to have exactly the same.

I end up inviting Bella over for dinner the other night. She's thrilled when I tell her on the phone and asks me if I want to meet her up at her work place later, so we can get to spend some time together.


As much as I detest it, I have to give this bastard Volturi credit for having style. Or at least he has hired some interior designer who sure knows his business. The restaurant is located in one of the finest areas of town. They have a gigantic roof-deck that is decorated with countless lights that tint everything in soft shades of gold and orange. From for away in the distance I can hear car sounds and soft classic music playing in the background.

"The view is amazing, isn't it?" Bella tells, hugging me from behind. I shiver when her lips touch gently against my neck. "You are lucky I managed to sneak you up here."

I turn my head and kiss her lips. "I think so too. " I kiss her a second time, letting the tip of my tongue swipe slowly over the corner of her mouth. She tastes like strawberries and sugar. It's delicious. I kiss her a third time and run my fingers through the silky strands of her hair.

"I don't have much time." She whispers, pushing me against a cold brick wall. "Let's make the most of it."

I am melting. My knees feel too shaky to keep me standing. A groan that is about to escape my mouth is suffocated by Bella's tongue sliding inside it. We can't do it here. She's not really going to do that here. Is she?

"We get caught." I stutter, while warm hands cup my breasts through my shirt. "This is crazy." The touch of her hand on my chest doesn't stop. She rubs and squeezes, making me pant against her shoulder. Then, Bella kisses my mouth. She plants a row of moist open-mouthed kissed down my neck. I am going to end up with a collar made of hickeys. Within minutes, I am all hot and already slippery wet between my thighs. "We get caught."

"Just try to relax. The roof-deck isn't opened yet and all my co-workers are busy with brown-nosing the boss's daughter."

She flickers her tongue over the shell of my ear.

I close my eyes. Bella's mouth and hands are divine. My body is thirsty for their touch. I whimper when her hand glides under my shirt and up my ribcage. "This is crazy. What if we get caught?"

"You know what is crazy, woman?" Bella mumbles, stroking my belly button with her fingertips. "Crazy is how you make me feel."

She sinks down to her knees, pushing my legs over her shoulders. For a moment I feel cold, nightly air on my upper thighs when my skirt is pushed upwards. Then I feel her mouth against the inside of my left leg. Her tongue circles fast and hard, but never touches the damp material of my underwear. Finally, they are pushed to the side and her mouth presses deftly against my clit. I bite my hand to stiffen my moans of pleasure. Bella's tongue is heaven. It's warm and soft and instinctively seems to know how to play my body to bring it the greatest sensation. My muscles clench when she pushes two fingers knuckle-deep inside me. She twists and bends them to make them rub over my most sensitive spots. I whimper. I can feel how the waves of my release are beginning to swap over me. "Open your eyes." Bella's breath is cold against my overheated, moist sensitive flesh. "Watch the stars while you come for me, Beautiful."

Instinctively I raise my head. I see light above me in a dark sky. They flash like fireworks before my eyes as I feel heat waves of lust. A heartbeat later my insides pulse and erupt like an earthquake. They quiver and tremble. The rippling of pleasure and release doesn't stop and neither do the fast circles of her tongue against my clit. It's so intense that my hand drop from the wall behind me. I lose my balance. The contact with the ground I make is hard and unpleasant. I cry out in pain.

Damn it, this is going to bruise.

"Are you hurt?"

"No," I mumble. "Ouch, damn it." I rub my backside and laugh. This was the craziest experience of my life. The only other times I have done it outside were in a car. It's nothing compared to this. My Bambi is a woman full of mysteries to be uncovered.

"Are you cold?" Bella sits down next to me and wraps her arms around my shoulder. I lean my head against it and snuggle close to her. "Next time I will make sure we have a blanket." She promises. "I wish we could spend the entire night up here but I will have to go back to work in a few."

I kiss her lips and groan when I taste myself salty and slick on her tongue. "Next time you will be the one who is getting to watch the stars while I pleasure you."

She sighs and rubs her nose against mine. "Gosh, you are so amazingly beautiful." Her fingertip touches the center of my mouth. "Your lips are so soft." She kisses me gently. I take her hand and loop my fingers through hers. It is quiet up here on the roof. Almost like she and I are the only two people in the world, even if we know it's just for a few minutes.

"Congratulations to coming out to your parents." Bambi Girl states before blowing a kiss on the top of my head. "I am happy for you they took it so well. I am nervous about meeting your Mom. You need to tell me what flowers she likes. I would like to bring some with me when I come over for dinner. Will you?"

I nod and snuggle closer against her. "Sure," I mumble against her neck. "Mom likes peonies." I rub my nose over Bella's shoulder. She smells so good to me. It's like countless Mediterranean herbs and home. She smells like coming home. My heart is boiling over with love and affection for her. Nobody has ever made me feel this way. It's like I am just emotion and no reason when she's near me. I am in love. Can I tell her? Is it too soon?

"Be my girlfriend? Be mine…officially?" I whisper into Bella's ear. She doesn't respond. Well, she doesn't say yes or of course or any other words. Her lips find mine though and that is answer enough for me. A tingle curls down my lower back when her tongue swipes against the tip of mine.

She belongs to me. I am irrevocably and unchangeable hers. Nothing will come between us. I won't let that happen. Bella is too precious to me. I hold her tightly in my arms and stroke her back. "Hello girlfriend." I kiss her lip as a loud voice from the elevators ruins our little moments of sweet togetherness.

"I don't care whether you have done your best." The voice snarls through the nightly air. It is a light voice, childish almost and slightly hysterical in its anger. "Your best is not enough. Find my uncle. People don't just disappear. So, fucking find him before I loose whatever is left of my fragile patience."

She disconnects the call without a word of goodbye and stuffs the cellphone back into the leather purse hanging over her shoulder. Then she notices us and steps towards us. The boots click with every step she takes. How can such a tiny person stomp like that?

"Guests are not allowed up here." She says to Bambi Eyes whose face is flushed with pinkish spots. "Hasn't Heidi told you about that?"

Bella stutters. "Sure, she has. I am sorry Miss Volturi. It won't happen again."

The blood-red colored mouth of the tiny woman morphs into the idea of a smile. She is very pretty but seems icy. The frown on her face makes her look odd somehow. Her platinum colored hair is pushed up into a messy knot in the back of her head. She is dressed completely in black, safe for the ruby colored scarf she's draped around her neck.

"Whatever. I don't even care. Just don't jump of the roof. It would be nasty paperwork with the press if one of our employees died that way."

I laugh. I don't even know why. She's not trying to be funny. So, this is Volturi's daughter? She looks young enough to me to be his granddaughter. The weirdo probably has a young trophy wife by his side. It would suit him well.

Miss Volturi clicks her tongue and turns to Bella. "Thank you for trying to stay out of my way and not trying to become my new butt plug like the rest of the crew. I appreciate people with a backbone. They are rare."

Bella nods silently. The red spots in her face are slowly beginning to melt back into her usual ivory skin shade. "They are all trying to make an impression."

The sound of laughter that escapes Miss Volturi's mouth is nasal like the sizzling of a snake. "It's my father whom you need to impress should you ever meet him in person. Your break is over in five minutes. Make sure your friend here finds her way back outside."

Her phone starts ringing again. She snaps unfriendly at the person on the other line. "Don't call me. I call you, moron. Find my uncle. That is why I hired your idiotic services for."

With that she walks off with her stomping steps. She leaves a wave of heavy sweetly perfume behind her.

"Wish me luck I don't get fired." Bella says, flattening the top part of her uniform. "I need to keep this job."

I hug her close and snuggle my face against her neck. "Don't worry. If she wanted to fire you she could have done it right away."

Finding a new job for Bella in another restaurant is a high priority for me.

I chew the inside of my cheek while I try to carefully choose my next words. When I make sure Volturi's stupid restaurant runs down-hill, I need to have Bella away from it. I stroke her back and mumble. "I could help you to find a job at another restaurant."

Bella gasps. "So, you think, she's going to get me fired? Crap, this would suck. I love it here!"

This sucks in deed. I don't want to do anything that would make Bella feel miserable. But screwing Volturi is inevitable. I need to do it. He's the one who pushed my poor grandfather into committing suicide. Someone needs to teach this man a lesson. Pride will have a fall. It can't be any other way. If only I will manage to keep Bella out of all of this.

"What's wrong?" Bella asks me. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I lie, kissing her cheek, so I don't have to look into her eyes. "I will go now. Thank you for showing me the stars."

I kiss her passionately and hold her in a tight embrace. I never want to let her go, ever.


The next day after work I meet up with Tanya at the retirement home. I detest being at that place. Nana is pumped full with medication. She sleeps throughout our entire visit. It gives me and Tanya time to talk. She pets my shoulder when I tell her about coming out to my parents.

"Was about time, girl." She says. "I knew they would be cool with it. Your parents are good people."

My eyes move to the framed picture of my grandparents that is standing next to Nana's bed. "Isn't that strange? Of all the things she forgot…he's the only one whom she still remembers."

Tanya crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Because he was important to her, that's why."

She takes one of the other pictures from the night stand and holds it close. "You don't mind if I take this one, do you? Mom says, in that picture she looks just like me."

I nod in agreement. "She's right. You're the one of us who resembles her the most."

After placing a kiss on Nana's forehead we head downstairs. In the hall we sit down and sip on plastic cups filled with the crappiest excuse of coffee I tasted in a long while. "Bella is my girlfriend now."

"Good for her. She's lucky to have you. You are the sweetest person to the ones you love."

I have a strange feeling of bitterness in the pit of my stomach. When Volturi's restaurant has to close and Bella loses her job it will devastate her. I need to make sure she never finds out the reason behind it. If she should ever discover, I was the one behind it she would sure as hell leave me. I can never let that happen. It would be the very end of me.

"Hello there." Zafrina waves her hand at us. She is hovering above her husband who is sitting with a book on his lap. Now and then he snorts. She quickly flips the pages for him. They are good together but it's hard to think of them as a couple. "How's your grandmother doing?" she asks me. "The first weeks are usually the hardest for people when they get here. This place is not a home."

I mumble a yes. "She isn't too well. I am scared she will die here and none of us will be around."

Tanya smacks my shoulder. "Don't say things like that. She's not dying…yet. She is sick but they take good care here of her."

I hug my cousin. The situation with Nana is so sad. We can keep lying to each other. It doesn't change the fact that our grandmother's time is running out. Her mind is long gone. Her body is about to vanish too. Sending her off to this awful place has been poison to her already fragile health.

"I am glad that I get to take my Marcus home with me tomorrow. Aren't we happy, Darling?"

Her husband looks up. The un-paralyzed side of his mouth quivers. It is then when I notice he is starring at Tanya like she's some kind of ghost. Maybe he's just starring because his sight is so bad. He coughs badly. His mouth opens a bit and a gush of non-intelligible words comes out. When he finishes, he pants heavily. It is causing him the biggest strength to speak. His mind is trapped in this body that doesn't submit to his brain's will anymore. The greenish color of his eyes is watery but still clear.

Then he speaks another word, not a word so much but a name. One I have read on official documents but never had somebody use as long as I can remember. "Didyme," he croaks out before his lips turn blue.