Hello all! This plot bunny just wouldn't go away so here it is. Cylleriuon is pronounced ki-ler-oo-we-on and Eruvadhor is pronounced eru-vath-or, they are both real elvish names. This was inspired by Aragorn's dream in the fifth chapter of my other story We Must Never Speak Of This Again. I'll stop rambling now. Enjoy!

Edit: I have revised this since I posted it, so now the spelling is a lot better!

"Lord Elrond?" Five year old Estel had been nominated to ask, him being the youngest, and therefore the cutest.

"Yes?" Replied Elrond.

"May Cylleruion, Eruvadhor, and I play outside?" Elrond looked out the window at the pouring rain and then looked back at Estel.

"It is raining."


"No." Estel walked out of Elrond's study dejectedly.

"No luck." He told the two children waiting in the hallway. Both were a head taller than him, and had pointy ears.

"Let's ask Laeriel." Suggested Cylleriuon. He had golden hair, unlike most Elves in Rivendell. The threesome ran through the halls to the kitchens and were greeted by a dark haired elleth.

"Where are you three going?" She said, scooping Estel into her arms.

"Outside." He responded, squirming.

"Not in this weather!" She said. Estel finally wriggled out of her motherly hug. They all sighed and left the room.

"There's nothing to do inside!" Moaned Eruvadhor, sprawled out in the middle of the hallway. A smile slowly crept onto Cylleruion's face.

"I know something we could do."

"What?" Said Estel and Eruvadhor at the same time.

"Estel, you get some twine. Er, you get a bucket and fill it with water. Meet me at Lindir's room." They scurried off in their separate directions.

"Did you get everything?" Asked Cylleruion.

"Yes." Replied Estel and Eruvadhor.

"Good." The three stood at the door to Lindir's room. "Okay, Estel, you get on my shoulders." Cylleruion stood on the outside of the door to Lindir's room and Estel climbed up and stood on his shoulders.

"Er, pass the bucket to Estel."

"What are we doing?" Asked Eruvadhor.

"We are pranking Lindir." Er heaved the bucket up to Estel and stood back.

"Now, tie the twine to the handle of the bucket Estel. Then put it on top of the door. Quickly, I can't hold you much longer!" Estel hurriedly did his job and carefully balanced the bucket. Cylleruion collapsed as soon as Estel was done.

"Now. Tie. The. Twine. To. The. Door. Frame." He panted, laying flat on the floor. Just as they had finished, Lindir came down the hall.

"What are you boys doing?" He asked, quickening his pace. He got no reply because all three raced down the hall screaming and laughing wildly. "What did you do to my room?!" He shouted again, but they were already gone. He looked into his room but saw nothing out of order. As he walked in to get a closer look a bucket of water tipped and fell on his head, drenching him. "BOYS!" Meanwhile the troublesome companions had run outside into the rain and were now dancing around laughing hysterically. Elrond looked out his window and speed walked to the door.

"I told you not to go outside!" However they just kept running in circles. "GET INSIDE NOW!" Only then did they notice his existence.

"Yes Lord Elrond." The soaking wet and muddy troublemakers walked inside as Elrond called for Leariel.

"By Eru, you are soaked! Come come, let us go and get you cleaned up." As she guided them to the bathroom to get cleaned up, they heard Elrond asking Lindir why he was so wet. They flattened themselves against the wall, but to no avail.

"Leariel, once they're dry send them straight to bed." That night, although they had to go to bed early, the threesome promised to meet up in the west gardens the next day.

The End.

This may grow but for now it will stay in oneshot form. Please review!