Fruitloop: Yes another crossover fanfic! I made this for the sake of I want another FMAxDGM fanfic that makes Allen as part of the Elric family 8D
The idea won't leave me because it haunts my every move
Seriously it does! and it wont let me sleep
Well then on with the story!
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Family
A child, who was not older than four was sitting on the bridge of an unknown place that he didn't know, his body was covered with mud and blood, his black clothes were badly damaged and covered with dry blood. He had white hair that was covered by fresh red blood and silver blue eyes that seemed to be empty and soulless; on the left side of his face was a red like tattoo, with a slightly slanted star above his brow and a lightning zigzag below his eyes. The little boy could feel his whole body burning from pain His head was heavy and it felt like he was hit by a brick wall hundreds of times. He looked closer to his left arm which the pain was stronger and noticed scratches on his clothes that exposed his deformed arm. 'Strange…' he thought. He was wearing a black uniform that was too big for him. How did he have this? Did someone give him this uniform? With his remaining energy; he slowly turned his head from left and to right to see if there was someone nearby that maybe gave his these clothes. He sighed deeply and looked at the orange sky. It was dawn he noticed. How did he end up here?
Why can't he recall anything?
Something like a whisper was invading his thoughts. Voices of people echoing on his mind, he knew these voices and yet why can't he remember? Where did he hear these voices before?
"Che, baka moyashi"
"Welcome home, Allen"
There was a pang on his heart. Blurry images of people where on his mind set. Who were these people? Why do these people wanted him to go with them? It was like the void on his heart was getting bigger.
The feeling of longing and lost.
The only thing he remembered that his name was Allen Walker. He had a father named Mana Walker who was a travelling clown who have died from an accident and yet, why can't he remember anything from that accident? All he could remember was he was sitting in front of his grave and the next thing he knew… He was on this bridge.
His mind was filled with thousands of questions with no answers.
His eyelids were heavy. He was getting tired. Was it from the blood lost? Where did he receive these wounds anyways? Was he going to die? Tears were flowing from his eyes. 'Maybe it was better this way' he thought and looked at the sky once more. If he died here then he won't feel the pain anymore and he might be reunited with his father again.
Don't say that Allen
'Who said that?' he thought. Allen slowly blinked and looked around weakly.
"Oh dear!"
Allen blinked and looked at the woman who was holding two paper bags on both of her arms. Her eyes were locked into him and immediately went to his side, dropping her paper bags which made the contents of it littered to the ground. A part of him was screaming to stay away from her because of what the others treat him and yet there was a voice inside his mind telling him that it was okay.
You'll be fine Allen
The woman had long brown hair and has the kindest eyes he ever saw. Just like his father Mana.
He felt a void on his heart grew even bigger. She held his shoulders and held his left arm. She immediately took note of his deformed left arm. Allen was scared, pictures of people who have hurt him started to flash before his eyes. He tried to push the woman away from him but he held no energy on his body.
"Oh dear… you poor boy" She looked at him in the eyes. Allen noticed her eyes filled with concern, He was shocked. She didn't attack him or spat evil curses when she saw his arm. She was not like the people who have saw his left arm.
"Please…" he whispered "Don't come closer…" Allen was scared. "Please…"
Memories of Mana filled his eye of vision. Her eyes reminded him a lot of Mana. Kind and Concern.
She immediately carried his little body and held him tight, like a parent would do for his or her child to gave them comfort and the sense of security. Without the energy to protest to put him down, tears escaped from his eyes. Why? Why was he crying? A soft melody… He heard a soft melody played and someone was humming a tone that was familiar to him. Giving him a peace of mind and sleepy.
"It's going to be alright" he heard her said to him while rubbing his back. "Let's go home" she said and smiled. "My boys will love to see you"
She's a kind woman… You don't have to worry…
Now rest my little nephew
Giving in from the melody and the voice, he slowly closed his eyes and drift into a deep sleep.
Ed and Al were waiting for their mother to come home. It was getting late and they were worried. 'She was supposed to be home by this time…' Ed thought as he looked at the clock. "Brother?" Al said and Ed looked at him. He could clearly see Al's eyes filled with worry. "Why isn't mom home yet?" His little brother asked him. Ed patted his brother just to get rid the wariness. "I don't know Al" Ed said.
There was a knock on the door and Ed immediately dashed to it and opened it. "Welcome Ho-" Ed stopped as he looked at what was on the door. He was shocked. His mother was holding a sleeping white haired boy on her arms and an injured one at that. "What happened?" Ed asked. "Who is he mom? What happened to him?"
"Ed…" Ed looked up and saw his mother's eyes full of wariness and concern. "Can you find some bandages? And can you lend him some of your clothes" Ed nodded and immediately get the materials.
Trisha Elric went to the spare room and put the little boy on the soft bed. She took off his clothes and noticed the wounds that the boy had. His wounds were all over him and some covered with bruises. She gasped from what she saw. What had happened to this boy? Who would so such a thing?
She immediately gets a wet towel and wipe the boy's wound to avoid it to get infected. As the blood was cleaned; she saw some of the scars that the boy had. A long cross like scar was on the boy's shoulder. She looked at his left arm. She already knew that it was blackened but she didn't know that it was up to his shoulder. The texture of his arm was like dried wood and on his hand was a cross that was glowing light green. She slowly reached for it but stopped when she heard the door opened.
She turned around and saw his son, Edward. On his hands were the bandages and the clothes she requested. She smiled at her lil boy and thanked him. She then started to treat the boy's wound.
It took her almost half an hour to finish treating the boy's wound. The poor boy… she looked at the sleeping child in front of her. The boy had also sustained an injury on the head and it looked like a heavy blow.
It was nine in the evening, she already made dinner for her little boys and send them off to bed but her older son, Edward, didn't leave her side and stayed with her to keep an eye on the boy.
Trisha looked at her son. "Is he going to be alright?" she heard his son asked. Trisha looked at the injured boy and put a small smile on her face. "He'll be fine…" she then brushed the boy's white bang and looked at the boy's calm face.
"We'll just have to wait for him to wake up"
The door creaked opened and both the mother and son looked at the door. It was Al. Trisha softly smiled and signaled him to go inside. "Who is he mom?" Al asked as he pointed at the boy on the bed. Trisha shook her head. "I don't know" she said and looked at the sleeping boy. Ed looked at the little boy's left arm and noticed that it was black and by the looks of it, it looked like it was burned.
"Poor kid…" Ed said.
The little boy twitched and they noticed that his eyes were slowly opening. There was a flicker of gold on his eyes and Ed zoomed in to see if it was just a trick of the light.
"Where… am I?" they heard him whispered.
Trisha smiled. "You're at our house, sweety" she said. The boy looked at her and to Edward and Ed noticed that he had mercury colored eyes, maybe the gold was just a trick on the eyes. Then the boy looked back to her. "What happened to you? Where are your parents?" Trisha asked.
The boy shook his head. "I don't… remember… I don't have parents… Mana is gone… he…he's gone…" he said and cried. He held the bed covers tight and began to cry even more. The poor unfortunate child… She hugged him and she could feel the tears hit her skin. The boy must have lost his parent…
"It's alright…" she said to make the boy feel safe. She wondered on what the boy has gone through. He was so young and she could feel the wave of great sadness on him. She let go of the hug and looked at the teary eyed boy. "What's your name?" she smiled giving him comfort. The boy looked away. "Allen Walker, ma'am" He was a shy boy she noticed and a polite one at that.
"Well Allen" She smiled. "Would you like to be part of our family?" she said making the boy looked at her wide eyed. His two sons immediately went to the boy's side and smiled. "You can be our little brother!" Ed said and Al smiled.
Allen looked shocked and looked away for a minute and looked at his left arm.
"But… what about my arm? Does it disgust you?" he held it and held it tight.
"No, Allen sweety" Trisha said and smiled. "It's what makes you unique"
Allen looked at her with tears on his eyes.
"Welcome to the Elric Family, Allen!" Ed shouted happily.
Fruitloop: Thank you for reading~ I will update Family soon and the Clown and the Alchemists will be a lil late but I will update~ See ya soon!