Walter's notes:
I really liked Hetalia before and promised I'd write something for the fandom. Apparently, I fell out before I could start with AmeriCan, AsaKiku or RoChu.
But this is for my Kismesis, ffnothingicansay, who ships said pairing of this fic. Although I ship SuFin more, this is not a bad ship. I like it, too.
Maybe this ship will pull me into Hetalia again. Just maybe.



Chapter 1

Rain drummed a harsh rhythm against the waiting shed's roof. It made puddles on the pavement and licked the roads slippery wet. The canal gurgled as it surged inside the grimy underground.

Cars dashed past him; metal bodies and windows all glistened with drops. Dim headlights flashed as they came, but they were all private cars, taken taxi cabs, or buses. He just needed an empty cab to lift him to another city.

Perhaps the curtain of rain obscured him from normal vision. And the late afternoon glow began to fade, which did not help the plight. The atmosphere spun into a gloomy pale grey show.

"What a shitty day…" Ludwig huffed.

Pit-pat, pit-pat, pit-pat, pit-pat…

The rain's mantra still continued, but, for a second, the German hoped for something impossible. He hoped for a surprise, another serendipity.

Years ago, on an awful day like today, serendipity came to his path. That serendipity appeared in the form of a tall Swedish man called Berwald, who was his present-day lover. It was on this very waiting shed that they had met. The rain also witnessed their first encounter. Both blondes just came home from work as the afternoon slowly lapsed into night.

At first, Ludwig was leaning on the shed's pole, with closed eyes and brows furrowed in frustration, he had commented, "What a shitty day…"


The calm voice opened his eyes and he immediately noticed another man in the shed, too. "Sorry," the blonde stranger uttered, but looked rather indifferent.

"Had a bad day, too?"

"Not really. I like the rain."

Ludwig's brow arched in mild interest. "So… going home from work, I guess?"


"And you don't live in this city?"

"Correction: I don't live in this country."

"Neither do I." A smile suddenly danced on his thin lips. It was an odd, yet warm feeling, to find another non-American citizen in the wide land of mass that everyone knew as Land of the Free.

"Do you not like it in here?"

The question made his smile quickly disappear. "It's not like that…"

"It's the rain then, isn't it?"

A pause. A realisation. A nod. "Yes…" he slowly dragged the last syllable in a dignified echo. "I just want to… go home."

More cars sped past them. The rain didn't stop yet. Lampposts had woken up, they yawned a dim orange light onto the wet pavements.

"You know the trick about not missing home?" The stranger was giving Ludwig a piercing look, but he found himself mesmerized. "The trick is to bring your home on the stranger's land."

Walter's end notes: This is just a one-shot, but I decided to divide the scenes into more chapters because I don't want to have a bulky story. Yeah. Will update soon. Otherwise I'll be murdered by said Kismesis. And I'm too hot to die. JK JK. Promise to finish this asap.