Alea Iacta Est: Latin for "The Die Has Been Cast"

Summary: Questions are the basis of all curiosity and it takes only one to start many more. A few changes in the years leading up to fourth year make a lot of difference. He starts questioning Dumbledore and the circumstances surrounding the events in his first three years. He seeks advice, reluctantly, from an unconventional source and finds that things are not as they seem. In fourth year, well, let's just say, Harry's not happy with the lack of answers. Dumbledore has rolled the die. Now, it's Harry's turn.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I have, and most likely will, use some parts of the books/movies in this story, but most parts are not accurate. This is a figment of my imagination with a lot of help from J.K. Rowling. As this is not her own written work, they are not a part of the official Harry Potter Universe. Please don't sue me.

Warning: The saying "the path to hell is paved with good intentions" will apply to Dumbledore in every possible way.

Edited: 10/20/17




Harry Writing

Tom Writing


1st Year:

"Oh, honestly! Don't you two read?" Hermione scowled, "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone. That's what the dog is guarding!"

"But why would the stone be here?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged, "Flamel must have given it to Dumbledore to guard."

Harry shook his head, "How old did you say Flamel was?"

"665," Hermione replied immediately.

Harry nodded, "Right, so if he has protected the stone for so long, how come he gave it to Dumbledore to protect the stone, now? This probably isn't the first time someone has decided to steal a stone that will make you immortal, not to mention give you immeasurable wealth, don't you think it's a little weird?"

Hermione nodded, "It is, but perhaps someone was getting really close this time, and Flamel got scared?"

Harry, unconvinced, opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off.

"Guys, this means that Snape is really close to getting the stone," Ron interrupted, bringing them back on track.


Harry lay in a soft bed inside the Hospital Wing; Dumbledore had just left, leaving many questions unanswered, as well as forming new ones.

He closed his eyes, a frown overcoming his pale face. Ron, Hermione, and he had gotten to the stone; yet, the traps were set by the teachers to keep Voldemort from getting it. However, if three first-years could get it, then it wouldn't be too hard for a Dark Lord.

Even if they were lucky, and he had to admit, Hermione was brilliant, couldn't the second-year or third-year students get to it, too? What about the seventh-years? Surely one seventh-year had more knowledge than three first-years. Especially, since two of the three didn't even know that the Wizarding World existed before the Hogwarts letter.

The first trap was Fluffy: Hagrid had given him a flute that he'd whittled himself for Christmas.

The second trap was the Devil's Snare: Devil's Snare was on the first-year curriculum for Herbology. Hermione was at the top of that class.

The third trap was the Winged Keys: He was the youngest seeker in a century.

The fourth trap was the chess set: Ron was the best at chess in all of Gryffindor.

The fifth trap was the Troll: Already taken care of by Quirrell. Not to mention they'd beaten a troll at Halloween with a first-year spell.

The sixth trap was potions and logic: Hermione was the smartest student of their year, not to mention, a muggleborn full of logic.

The last was the Mirror of Erised: Which he'd seen during Christmas break. Not to mention, Dumbledore had explained it to him, himself.

There simply couldn't be that many coincidences...


"Here it is," Harry murmured looking through the book of magical beasts he had found in the Hogwarts Library.

A Cerberus, or Kerberos, is a bronze multi-headed dog, or hellhound, with a serpent's tail, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. It is always seen guarding the entrance to the Underworld to prevent those who entered from ever escaping. It is also said that the Cerberus' saliva can destroy the spirits in the Underworld, should a spirit come in contact with it. It can only be controlled by Hades' Whistle (read more on page 698).

A Canis Triceps is a large three-headed dog that is often mistaken for the Cerberus, although the Canis Triceps is a distant cousin of the Cerberus. While it does not guard the gates to the Underworld, it is often used for guarding valuable treasure. However, unlike the vicious Cerberus, the Canis Triceps has one weakness. It will fall asleep if music is played and will sleep until the music is stopped.

If the information was in this book, which wasn't even in the restricted section, then why did Voldemort take so long to figure it out?


2nd Year:

"Tom Riddle?" Harry asked, bewildered, "How are you here?"

Tom watched, an interest sparking in his dark eyes. The boy did not even ask about the girl, he seemed more interested in him. For some reason, this pleased him.

"That's a little complicated, you see. I'm a little surprised that you aren't more worried about your little friend," Tom said, his eyes never leaving the younger boy before him.

Harry glanced at the prone form of Ginny Weasley, but his gaze didn't linger, instead his emerald eyes fixed on the other boy, his wand was clutched tightly in his hand.

"Considering Ginny's lying on the floor holding your diary, you had something to do with it and if that is true, then you are the threat. Who are you? You may be Tom Riddle, but there's more to you," Harry said suspiciously. He knew there was something more to this boy; he became even more wary when a smirk appeared and he tensed.

In response, Tom lifted Ginny's wand, Harry's wand flew up to point at Tom, a spell on his lips, but Tom simply raised an eyebrow dismissively and continued.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

He waved the wand over the letters and they rearranged themselves to form:

I Am Lord Voldemort

Harry gasped.

"Yes, little Harry, I am Lord Voldemort," suddenly furry clouded the violet irises, making them flash a ruby red.

"How is it, that a little baby, no more than 15 months old, defeated the most powerful wizard since Grindelwald?" He hissed as he walked forward, circling around the younger boy, who stood frozen in his spot, following him with his eyes.

Harry took a step forward, breaking the circle; he whirled around to face the teenage Dark Lord, a sneer on his lips.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me? You couldn't have been that great if you were defeated by a baby barely a year and a half old, now could you?" Harry said, his eyes glinting maliciously.

"Watch your tongue, you insolent boy!" Riddle snarled, he turned to the statue of Salazar Slytherin, "Speak to me! Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

"Kill Harry Potter," Riddle commanded the giant snake, which had exited from Slytherin's mouth, a malevolent smirk playing on his lips.


Harry dropped the sword as he took his wand and moved to Ginny's side, he would die, but he'd take Riddle with him.

Harry pointed his wand at Ginny's chest and sent a burst of magic through it and to her heart. She jerked, but otherwise there was no other reaction.

Riddle chuckled, "Oh, little Harry, that won't do anything."

Riddle tilted his head, his eyes analyzing the scene before him, "It's amazing what a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl."

Harry's eyes snapped up. The book. He wrenched the fang out of his arm and quickly snatched the book before Riddle could move. In one swift downward arc, he stabbed the cover of the book. Ink squirted out like blood, splashing on his face and chest.

Holes slowly appeared all over Tom Riddle, gradually they started to grow bigger and bigger until Tom Riddle burst in to a shower of golden sparks.

Harry closed his eyes as his arm started to go numb, there was something that could save him, what was it? Tears… the tears of a phoenix were a powerful healing component, Dumbledore had told him that.

"FAWKES!" Harry shouted, a desperate edge in his voice as he started to feel dizzy.

The phoenix soared through the air, landing in front of him.

"Hey Fawkes. Will you heal me?" Harry asked. The phoenix blinked its eyes, moisture started to build, and slowly three drops, one by one, fell on Harry's arm, leaving behind a faint diamond-shaped scar.

Harry quickly held up the book, "Could I have a few more, please?"

Fawkes looked at him curiously, and trilled, as if asking, 'why?'

"I need to know, I need some answers," Harry answered, his eyes begged the phoenix, "Please? It's the only way."

Fawkes looked at him once more, before two drops landed on the cover of the still bleeding book, where the fang had pierced it. He watched as the ink flowed back inside the cover and the hole closed up, leaving a faint scar, not unlike his own, on the leather cover.

"Thank you," Harry said, his gratefulness not lost on Fawkes, as he stroked the phoenix's head. "I couldn't have done this without you, Fawkes. You were so amazing," Harry spoke softly. Fawkes trilled and butted his hand with his head. The moment was broken by a gasp.

Harry snatched the book up and hid it in his inner robe pockets. He crawled over to Ginny whose eyes had just opened.

"Ginny! Ginny, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Harry! Oh! Harry, I'm so s-sorry! I-it wasn't my f-fault, R-Riddle made m-me," Ginny sobbed, clutching Harry's robes.

He awkwardly patted her on the back, "It's okay, he's gone, and he can't hurt you anymore. Come on, we've got to go. Ron's waiting at the entrance."

He slowly stood up with Ginny clutched to his left side; he picked up the sword of Gryffindor and the sorting hat in his right hand and with Fawkes settled on his right shoulder, they began walking towards the entrance to the chamber.


"I believe, that since this is the work of Lord Voldemort, we have a grounds keeper that must be returned to our care," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling, "Mr. Weasley, if you could please send this out. It would be much appreciated."

Ron nodded, still grinning at the thought of the award he and Harry had received. He took the envelope and left.

"Harry, my dear boy, I must ask you, where is the diary that possessed Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry's eyes widened in panic, "Oh! Sir! I'm so sorry! I left it in the chamber. It's just that, Ginny was crying when she woke up and then I saw the sword and the hat, then Fawkes was waiting, and I just, I forgot," he said the last word with his head down, a small blush on his cheeks.

Dumbledore smiled, "Quite alright, dear boy. As long as it can hurt no one else. You are positive that the diary is destroyed?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, I stabbed it with the basilisk fang multiple times, and all the ink that was in it, bled out."

"Good, good," Dumbledore muttered distractedly.

A moment of silence passed between them, both gazing at the blood-covered sword, gleaming in the lights of the office.

"Sir, I-" Harry cut off. What was he supposed to say?

"Yes, dear boy?"

"I," He hesitated, watching the twinkle in Dumbledore's blue eyes, then quickly changed his mind, "May I please speak to the sorting hat?"

A frown flashed across Dumbledore's face, but it was too fast for Harry to be sure.

"Of course, dear boy, here," Dumbledore stood from his chair and walked around his desk to pick up the sorting hat from the tall shelf that it had been set on.

"Thank you," Harry said, before taking the hat and plopping it on his head.

'Hello again, Mr. Potter,' the hat's voice floated into his mind.

'Hello, I just wanted to know, if-' Harry paused.

'If you'd gone to the right house? If you are like Tom Riddle?' The sorting hat finished. He heard a sigh coming from the hat, 'I had warned you, that Slytherin is where you would make your true friends. I stand by my first decision. While Gryffindor is a great house, you would still do better in Slytherin. There you would have learned all you needed to know. As for Tom Riddle, you are indeed very much like him, but I must tell you, that it is our choices that make us, who we are. You have the potential to be great, remember that young Harry. All you need to do is realize it. Follow your own path, not the one that is laid out for you.'

Harry was about to reply when a voice that was neither Dumbledore's, nor Ron's, interrupted his thoughts.

"Dumbledore," Lucius greeted coldly, he looked around and saw Harry standing to the side with the sorting hat on, "Mr. Potter."

Harry nodded and looked behind Lucius and saw none other than Dobby; his eyes widened in surprise and he couldn't help the gasp that left him, "Dobby!"

The small elf whimpered as Lucius shot it a glare.

"Ah, Lucius, my boy," Dumbledore said, the twinkle in his eyes lessening.

"I see you have returned," Lucius spoke, not even twitching at the unwanted endearment.

"Actually, the board of governors felt that my presence at the school was necessary when a student had been taken into the Chamber. Curiously, it seems that many of the governors were under the impression that, had they not agreed to suspend me in the first place, you would have made things… difficult for their families," Dumbledore said.

"How dare you," Lucius said, his voice deadly calm, "My first priority is, and always will be, the protection of the school and its students."

An unnoticeable shiver ran down Harry's spine at the tone, and it wasn't the good kind.

Dumbledore twinkled, "Well then, rest assured, the culprit has been caught."

"Is that so? Do enlighten me as to who it was," Lucius drawled.

"Lord Voldemort," Dumbledore spoke, when Lucius raised an eyebrow, he elaborated, "He manipulated a student through a childhood diary of his."

"And where, exactly, is this diary?"

Dumbledore held up a black leather book, with a hole in the middle.

Harry took off the hat, staring at the diary confused, until he saw the hole and realized that this one was a fake, because the hole had been sealed on the real diary.

"I see," Lucius said, giving one last sneer, he turned and walked out the door, Dobby following behind him.

Harry put the hat down on the Headmaster's desk, an idea suddenly forming in his mind as something clicked, like the pieces of a puzzle falling in to place.

"Sir? May I have that book?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow and handed the copy to him. Harry bent down and quickly retrieved his sock. Grabbing the fake, he ran out the door, hopping on one foot to put his shoe back on. He sped down the spiral staircase and called out just before Lucius Malfoy turned the corner.

"Mr. Malfoy!"

He turned and raised an eyebrow.

"I believe this belongs to you," Harry said, handing the book to the older man.

Lucius looked down and sneered, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Now it was Harry's turn to raise an eyebrow, "In Flourish and Blotts, you bumped into Ginny Weasley and helped pick up her books, while doing so, you slipped it into her cauldron."

"What rubbish!" Lucius tossed the book to Dobby; he gracefully turned and started walking.

"Come, Dobby!"

Dobby looked up at Harry, his big green eyes glassy. Harry smiled reassuringly, "Open it," he whispered.

Dobby looked down and opened the book.

"Dobby!" Lucius Malfoy called, a dark promise in his voice.

"Master has given Dobby a sock!"

"What! I didn't-" Lucius turned and stopped, looking at the dropped book, the black sock in Dobby's hands, and finally the smirk on Harry's face.

"You! You lost me my servant, boy!" Lucius shouted before pulling out his wand.

Harry flinched when Lucius had said 'boy' which hadn't gone unnoticed by Lucius, curiosity flashed in Lucius' eyes before it was gone.

"You shall not harm Harry Potter!" Dobby squeaked.

Lucius started to open his mouth, when a flash of green light knocked him back. The older man stood up and glared at them, he swiftly turned and left. Neither Elf, nor boy saw the small smirk on the elder's face.

"Dobby! You were brilliant!" Harry exclaimed.

"Great Harry Potter sir is too kind!" Dobby said, twisting his ears, a small smile on his face. Dobby took Harry's slightly bigger hand in his own and looked up into his eyes.

"How can Dobby ever repay The Great Harry Potter sir?!" Dobby squeaked.

Harry smiled and patted the elf on the head, "Just don't try to save my life again and we'll be even."

Dobby smiled, "Yes sir, Master Harry Potter sir!"

A flash of green light once again lit up the corridor, but this time no one was thrown backwards. Harry blinked, "What was that?"

Dobby just smiled, Harry shook his head.

"Never mind, Dobby, I'll see you around, I have to take this to the Headmaster," Harry said, motioning towards the fallen book.

"Oh! Dobby can be doing that for Master Harry! Master Harry needs to be going to the hospital wing!" Dobby squeaked, picking up the book and pushing Harry towards said place.

Harry heaved a long-suffering sigh; Madam Pomfrey was going to have a fit. He felt Dobby pushing him and sighed once more, "Okay, okay, I'm going."

Dobby nodded, his ears flapping, "Good master!" and popped out.

Harry just stared at the spot the elf had been, he shook his head; then patted his robe pocket, making sure the real book was there. Days later, he would wonder how Dumbledore knew what Tom Riddle's diary looked like and why he couldn't figure out what the monster in the chamber was when three second years could?


3rd Year:

Harry sat on his bed after locking the door to his room. It had been two days since he had blown up Marjorie Dursley, and met the Minister of Magic, who had set him up at the Leaky Cauldron.

He stared at the innocent looking black diary of one Tom Marvolo Riddle. There was a diamond-shaped scar, matching the one on his own arm, where the fang had pierced the book, but he wasn't sure if Fawkes' tears had saved it. True, it was under a minute, but he wasn't sure if that had saved it: one, because it wasn't human, and two, because he didn't know what 'it' actually was.

He didn't think it was a memory preserved in a diary, there had to be something more; a memory wouldn't try to come back to life. However, to be positive that the diary was unharmed, he had to write in it, and he was reluctant to do it. He had been putting it off ever since the summer holidays had started. He knew that in order to get answers, he would need to write in it at some point.

Harry bit his lip, what if it possessed him? But, it hadn't possessed Ginny when she first wrote in it; it had taken a few months for the book to possess her. He picked up his self-inking quill, maybe he'd just write in it really fast, and then watch the book from further away for a response. He mentally snorted, if it wanted to possess him, a few measly steps wasn't going to make a difference.

Harry took a deep breath, before opening the book to the first page, he quickly wrote.

Hi! My name is Neville.

He quickly pushed the book away and jumped off the bed, he was standing as far as possible but he leaned slightly forward to see what would happen next. He knew he looked silly, but he'd rather not take the chance.

He held his breath as the ink disappeared, and a familiar spidery script formed on the page, however, it appeared slower than before.

I know it's you Potter!

Harry gaped, what the hell! How? He quickly walked over to the bed, with the quill still in his hand, and wrote:

WOW! You can TALK…or write back? Who's Potter?

The writing disappeared once more and in its place was Tom's spidery script.

I know your handwriting.

Oh, that made sense, in a weird sort of way.

Oh, just making sure you were alive.

After writing that, he quickly snapped the book shut, not waiting for a reply. He really didn't want to risk getting possessed. No matter how long Ginny had the book before it possessed her, he wasn't going to tamper with unknown magic.

Well, not yet.


Harry bit his lip, looking down at the form in his hands, asking which electives he wanted to take. His quill hovered over the form, all he'd have to do was check the boxes and owl it. He and Ron were going to take Divination and Care of Magical Creatures to get easy grades, they had discussed it at the end of last year, but now he was having second thoughts.

His last two years at Hogwarts had been a rude awakening for him. He had found that there was not a dark lord, but The Dark Lord, the most feared Dark Lord, even worse than Grindelwald, after him and what's more, he wasn't dead.

He caught sight of his book bag in which he'd stashed the diary two days ago. Riddle had gone to Hogwarts, he could ask him, he did have more experience, but there was still the danger of Riddle possessing him. Not to mention, he was the Dark Lord that was currently after his life, even in teenage form, he was still dangerous. Plus, he'd said that he wouldn't tamper with unknown magic.

Harry blew out a breath; throwing the forms on to his bed, he walked over to his bag and pulled out the diary from the bottom of it.

Hedwig hooted from her perch, staring at the book held in his hand.

"I know, I know, but it'll only be for a bit," Harry said, ignoring the glare he was receiving from his unusually smart owl.

Hedwig hooted again then promptly put her head under her wing and proceeded to ignore him.

He sat on his bed, pulling the forms closer and opening the book to the first page. His quill lingered over the blank page. How should he start? Would he even respond? Harry rolled his eyes, of course he'd respond, who else was Riddle going to talk to?

Hello Tom.

Talking to me now are you?

Yes, I wanted to ask you something, what electives did you take during your third year?

There was a brief pause, before the spidery script appeared again.

Are you asking me for advice?

Harry scowled.


The spidery script did not appear. Harry waited for a full minute before sighing and putting quill to page.


Was that so hard?

Yes. Now, tell me!

Aren't you demanding? I took Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Studies.

Harry frowned and looked at the forms.

There is no mention of Ancient Studies on the form. Why is that?

Dumbledore probably took it off the charter when he became Headmaster. He wasn't too happy with the class when I was there, he was trying to get it cut off, but Dippet wouldn't have it. What electives are you going to take?

Harry frowned. Ancient Studies sounded interesting… He'd have to look into that.

I was thinking about taking Care of Magical Creatures and Divination.

Divination is a waste of time, unless you have the gift, it's useless. It isn't a subject you can learn; on the other hand, Care of Magical Creatures is very useful.

Care of Magical Creatures… oh!

Hey, do you know how to get past a Canis Triceps?

Yes, you play music to get it to fall asleep, why?

Harry frowned, if the teenage version of Voldemort knew this, why didn't the older?

There was one in Hogwarts my first year. Are Arithmancy and Ancient Runes helpful?

There was a slight delay at the sudden change of topic, before the handwriting once again appeared.

Yes, if you want to create your own spells or be a curse-breaker, than you need those two subjects, they also help with warding.

Harry perked up at that. Wards? Didn't Dumbledore say that there were blood wards at the Dursley's home, at the end of first year? He had asked Dumbledore if he could stay at Hogwarts for the summer, but he'd been refused.

He hesitated, should he ask? Surely, Riddle would have a lot of knowledge, especially if he created something like the Diary when he was 16. True, it wasn't good, or it didn't look like light magic, but it was complex all the same. He decided not to.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

After he read the reply, he closed the book. He took the form and checked off Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures. After a bit of hesitation, he checked off Divination. He didn't want to leave out Ron.


Harry walked in to a shop that sold trunks; he wanted to see if there was a better one he could get. Hagrid hadn't let him get a more fancy one, stating that he didn't need it, and he'd been too busy last year with the Weasley's, Lockhart, and Knocturn Alley to go. A bell jingled in the back and he heard a female voice call out, "I'll be there in a minute!"

Harry walked around, looking at all the different trunks, the store had a different trunk along almost every space of the wall and there were also backpacks taking up a whole wall opposite the trunks; Harry fingered a black messenger bag with a blue and silver outline.

A tall, elegant woman walked out from the door behind the counter. She wore soft yellow robes that flowed around her, but were not long enough to hinder movement or get in the way of work.

She had long brown hair pulled up in to a high ponytail, lightly tanned skin, and long manicured nails.

She smiled, "Hello, my name is Hazel, how may I help you?"

Harry smiled politely, a light blush on his cheeks, "Um, I'd like to get a better trunk and bag for school. Um, could you tell me the options I have?"

Hazel smiled, inwardly squealing at the adorable little boy, "Well there are many different types, we have…"

Hazel spent about 20 minutes going over the types of trunks they had, Harry was astonished at the amount of different trunks. She explained about the standard ones, the ones with compartments, and the one with a ton of wards.

He ended up buying the black messenger bag with the green and silver outline – he had extension, feather-light, and self-repairing charms put on it, as well as a non-summoning charm – and a three-compartment trunk; it was black with a silver outline and had three clear gems on the front. He also had his initials engraved on the front, right below the gems in silver.

He had a shrinking charm put on it, so when he touched the top with his wand, it would automatically shrink or grow. He also had password and locking spells put on it, as well as muggle-repelling charms, he set the password in Parseltongue for all three compartments after he got to his room.

The first compartment opened when he put the tip of his wand to the ruby and hissed a simple, "Open."

It was where some of his clothes, muggle and wizarding, would go. He'd already gone shopping to get a complete muggle wardrobe; however, he would have to wait for his wizarding wardrobe to come in later from Madam Malkin's and a couple of formal dress robes from Twillfit and Tattings. He had also gone and gotten two pairs of dragon-hide boots – one in black, the other in a dark green –a pair of regular school shoes in black, and a pair of formal dress shoes, also in black. Now that he had the money, there was no reason to dress in rags.

He'd already burned Dudley's cast-offs, watching in satisfaction as the rags turned to ashes.

The second compartment opened with the sapphire and a hissed, "Hedwig."

It was a library for all his books. The bookcases popped out of the trunk, and every time one was filled, it would slide to the side and disappear, leaving room for another, empty one, to fill its place. It could hold up to a thousand books; it also came with a small archive – it was about the size of Tom's journal, and was also black leather, but it had the word 'Archive' engraved in silver on the front in beautiful calligraphy – and a mini-bookcase, that when you wrote a title or a subject in said archive, then all the books containing said title or subject would appear in the mini-bookcase. The mini-bookcase would only appear if the archive was open; otherwise it would stay hidden. According to Hazel, this was the library's latest model.

He had already put in his first, second, and third-year books – discarding the Lockhart ones – as well as a few others that he'd picked up in Flourish & Blotts. He'd gotten History of the Wizarding World, Wizarding Etiquette, Wizarding Cultures, Wizarding Laws, and a couple of books on curses and jinxes as well as one of the books that he'd remembered he'd wanted in first year. He'd also gotten a Beginner's Basic Guide to Potions, a self-updating Hogwarts, A History, and 1001 Harmless Pranks. He put Tom Riddle's journal on a special bookcase that he'd had Hazel put in for masking dark artifacts and books.

She had been wary at first – actually, she had outright refused – but he'd reassured her that there was nothing illegal he was doing. She had still been reluctant, until finally he had told her his name and, of course, shown her his scar. She had jumped at the chance to help the Boy-Who-Lived, and had completely understood the need for the special bookcase – well, after a few more reassurances and a good bit of acting on his part – and hadn't asked any further questions.

The third compartment opened with the emerald and a hissed, "Nightshade."

This one was Harry's favorite: it was a small apartment. There were dark mahogany wood stairs that led down to the apartment. The stairs led to a living room with a leather cream-colored three-person couch opposite a loveseat and next to an armchair, both in the same color and material. It surrounded a small mahogany wood coffee table.

A window sat to the left of the stairs, it had cream curtains, and showed an aerial view of the room in which his trunk was in. Hazel told him that he could switch the view so that it showed the outside of the building he was in so that he could see the sky. However, the window could only show the room he was in and the outside of the building he was in, as if he was looking out of a window in said building. Anything more he would have to add himself.

The window also could not be seen from the outside, but better yet, the window could be opened to let owls through. Hedwig would not need to stay outside of the trunk. There was a spot on the outside of the trunk that Hedwig had to touch with her beak to be able to appear in the sitting room, although other owls would probably have some trouble getting through, but Hazel had assured him that they'd be able to get inside.

To the right of the stairs was a kitchen, about half the size of the Dursleys'. It had black marble counters. The cupboards were all made of the same dark mahogany wood, matching the coffee table. All the cupboards had stasis charms on them, but there were two big cupboards at the beginning, one with a cooling charm and one with a heating charm, and both had expansion charms on them. They would expand as more space was needed.

Opposite the stairs were three doors, one was a bedroom, one was a bathroom, and the other was a study (in order from left to right).

The bedroom floor was covered in a plush cream carpet, in the middle stood a soft cream-colored queen-sized bed with a mahogany wood frame, with a matching nightstand on each side, a floor-length mirror covered the left side of the room, and a walk-in closet, where all his formal robes and muggle clothing would go, stood next to it.

The bathroom was all black marble tiles with a shower and a Jacuzzi, which was sunk into the ground. The shower had glass sliding doors, and a shelf to put his necessities on. A loo sat on the far side of the bathroom, and a circular cream-colored rug was next to the Jacuzzi. Above the sink, a mirror stretched from the sink up to the ceiling and all the way across the wall.

The study was small; it had a mahogany bookshelf to the right, which was connected to the library, and on the left was a big, black marble fireplace with a black iron floo powder holder, he made a mental note to get some floo powder later. In the center of the study, facing the door was a mahogany wood desk and a high-backed brown chair behind it. 'I'll have to see if I can get one of those big black, comfy rolling computer chairs in here,' Harry thought. He'd only sat in one once, when the Dursleys had been out on a trip and had left the house to himself, and he'd never forgotten the fun he had, rolling and spinning across the room in the chair.

The floo was already connected, all he'd have to do is write his address on the parchment that was on the mantle, point his wand, and say the address. If the address was accepted, the parchment would disappear in a flash of light. If not, then the parchment would flash red and become blank once more, and he'd have to come up with another address. He could also set a password, so that only the people who had the password could directly enter the study. Beside the parchment, there was a golden tab, which, once the foo was connected, would flash the name of the person attempting to contact him.

The whole apartment had plush cream-colored carpeting, except for the kitchen, which had mahogany wood flooring, the bathroom, which had black marble tiles, and the mahogany wood stairs. The base of the stairs had mahogany wood flooring in a square surrounding it, and a place to keep his shoes.

All in all, the trunk with the bag had cost him 4,010 galleons. He got a 20-galleon discount on the bag, as he'd spent so much on the trunk. Considering how much he had in his trust-vault, he wasn't worried.

He had gone shopping to fully equip the apartment; he'd found a muggle store that sold the high-back leather rolling chair he'd wanted – he had moved the other chair in front of the desk in his study – he also bought groceries and other necessities that he'd need to survive the Dursley's next summer, just in case. Thank Merlin for stasis charms.


"Harry!" Hermione shouted when she spotted him sitting at a table outside of Florean Fortescue's Ice-cream Parlour.

Harry turned and grinned, recognizing his best friend's voice.

Hermione gasped, "Wow, you look so much better without your glasses! Your eyes are so pretty!"

Harry smiled, blushing slightly at the compliment, "Thanks, those glasses were always getting in the way, and while I was exploring Diagon Alley, I saw this shop for eye-wear. At first I was going to get something similar to muggle contacts, but then Madam Selwyn, that's the owner's name, suggested correcting my eyes permanently, it was expensive, but it was a good investment. I just have to take a potion everyday before I go to sleep, and my eyesight will be corrected by Christmas!"

Hermione squealed and hugged him, "I'm so happy for you!" She then took a good look at him, taking in the new clothes, he was wearing an everyday black robe, underneath that, he wore a royal blue shirt and black trousers that were tucked in to black dragon-hide boots "Wow! You look great!"

Harry laughed, "Thanks Hermione, have you seen Ron?"

She shook her head, "I don't know, but he'll be here in a bit, I think. Did you finish your summer work? What electives are you taking?"

Harry smirked, "You lasted a minute longer than I expected to start asking about school."

Hermione huffed and lightly slapped him upside the head.

"Ow!" Harry mock pouted, rubbing his shoulder in an exaggerated way.

"Oh, stop it!" Hermione gave him a mock glare, they held out for five seconds, before bursting out in laughter.

"Okay, okay," Harry said, after catching his breath, "I took Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy."

Hermione looked surprised at the last two, "Really? That's so cool! I'm taking those four and muggle studies."

Harry spluttered, "B-but WHY? Your parents are already muggles!"

"But it'll be so interesting to see how wizards view them," Hermione explained.

Harry shook his head, "Only you Hermione, only you."


"Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger, I need to speak with you both, if you would please step into my office," McGonagall called.

Ron stopped to look at them, but McGonagall waved him ahead.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other curiously, before they turned and walked after their head of house.

Once inside, McGonagall handed them each a piece of paper, "These are your schedules. As you can see, you both have classes that overlap. Usually we would not have this problem, as many students don't take that many classes, or not those specific classes. "

Harry looked at his schedule, on Monday, Divination and Ancient Runes overlapped; on Thursday, Divination and Arithmancy overlapped; and on Friday, Charms and Ancient Runes overlapped. He looked over to Hermione's and saw that it was the same, except hers had Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle studies overlapping on Thursdays.

Harry looked up, "What about the Gryffindors taking Charms and Ancient Runes on Friday? Surely we aren't the only Gryffindors taking Ancient Runes? Not to mention, Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle studies?"

McGonagall pursed her lips and her face took on a disapproving look, "None of the other Gryffindors took Ancient Runes, except yourselves and Dean Thomas, who has been moved to the Charms class with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. The other Gryffindors did not take overlapping electives. Usually if the student only has one overlapping class, they are moved to a class with a different house."

"So what about us?" Hermione asked.

"You will be given time-turners," McGonagall spoke.

"Time-turners?" Harry asked.

McGonagall nodded, "Yes. I have gotten permission from the ministry to give you two time-turners. It is not rare that we need to ask for time-turners for the students, most of them are, of course, for the Ravenclaws. A couple of the older years have had them, however, most stop using them after their third year, as they drop a couple of the courses and stick with two or three of the ones they really like."

She explained what they were and how to use them, also going through the rules and warning them not to misuse the time-turners, as they were a privilege.

Both nodded and were each handed a time-turner on a gold necklace.

As they were about to leave, McGonagall spoke, "Oh, do remember that you are not allowed to tell anyone of this. Understood?"

"Yes, Professor," Harry and Hermione chorused.


"This is a bunch of crap! You're just a two-bit fraud!" Hermione snapped.

Everyone watched in awe, as The Hermione Granger told off a teacher.

She stood up, silently glancing at her two friends to see if they would follow. Harry shook his head; he had to stay with Ron. Plus, there was also the fact that he couldn't keep the time-turner if he dropped Divination, and he'd found it was a very useful little thing to have around.


"Hermione," Harry called, catching her attention before she could leave.

"What," Hermione snapped, still pissed because of what had happened at breakfast.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked, slightly flinching at her tone.

Her eyes softened, "What is it?"

"Not here, come on," Harry said, he pushed open the portrait hole and led her down to an empty stretch of hall with no portraits. He threw up a silencing charm, and then turned to Hermione, who was looking confused.

"I know who sent me the Firebolt," Harry said bluntly.

Hermione gasped, "What! How come you didn't say anything?"

Harry shook his head, "Hermione, the only reason I'm telling you, is because you worry and probably would have gone to the teachers and created unnecessary panic."

Hermione looked down guiltily, but determination flashed in her eyes, "It could have been cursed! It could have been sent from Sirius Black! Remember first year with Quirrell?"

Harry shook his head, "Let me tell you why it couldn't have been cursed, firstly, the packaging is unopened, that means it came straight from the shop. Wizarding packaging is different from muggles; they have to have all sorts of protection charms on it, especially expensive stuff, like a Firebolt, so that it doesn't get stolen, or cursed, especially since they use owls to deliver it which can be intercepted."

Hermione sighed seeing the logic in her friend's words, "Fine. Though you caught me just in time."

Harry looked at her curiously.

She smiled, guiltily, "I was heading out to get Professor McGonagall."

Harry sighed in relief, "Thank Merlin I found you before then!" He sighed mournfully, "I have got to break that faith that you have in authority figures!"

She slapped him on his arm, "Harry! The adults would have just looked it over!"

"Seriously?" Harry asked in disbelief, "They could have wrecked it! They probably would've tried to take it apart and then tried putting it back together! I mean, it's more than a thousand galleon broom, you can't just take it apart and put it back together!" Harry exclaimed incredulously.

"Haha," Hermione chuckled nervously, "It's a good thing you stopped me then, isn't it?"

Harry rolled his eyes, though he felt a twinge of guilt for lying to his friend. He had no idea who had sent him the broom, but he hadn't lied about what he said about the spells on the packaging. And anyways, he doubted Sirius Black would spend so much on a broom just to kill him.


Harry watched as Sirius flew off on Buckbeak. He turned back after Sirius was out of sight.

"Come on, Harry, we need to get back to the hospital wing," Hermione said softly.

"He was my last chance at escaping the Dursleys," Harry whispered.

Hermione sucked in a sharp breath, and quickly pulled him into a hug, "Oh Harry."

He hugged her back, glad for the silent comfort.


"Hermione," Harry called.

"Hmm?" Hermione said.

Their eyes were closed as they lay against a tree trunk, basking in the warm sun. Exams were finally over, although Ron still had his last exam with Trelawney left, so he was going to join them later on. He had already finished his own.

"When an Animagus transforms, they don't need their wands, right?" Harry asked.

Hermione finally opened her eyes and turned her head to face him, "No, it's called wandless magic. However, wandless magic is extremely hard, and you have to be a very powerful wizard to accomplish even the most basic things. Like Professor Snape, when he slams the classroom doors with a wave of his hands."

Harry nodded, "But what about Animagi? I mean, look at Pettigrew, he wasn't, isn't, very powerful but he's still an Animagus."

Hermione hummed thoughtfully, "I'd have to look into it, but that's a good point. Why are you asking?"

"I was just thinking-"

Hermione gasped, "Wow! Really?"

Harry elbowed her in the side, "Hush you!"

Hermione laughed.

"Anyways, our wands have traces on them so we can't do magic over the summer, but, if we don't use our wands…" Harry trailed off, a mischievous smirk on his lips.


Emerald: Yo! How do you like it? This chapter is the basis for the rest of the story. The next chapter is where the story will start.

2nd Year Explanation: In cannon (the movie, since I don't have a copy of the book), Ginny wakes up as soon as Tom Riddle is destroyed after Harry stabs the diary repeatedly. However, in here, Harry only stabs the diary once, so the magic takes some time to leave Ginny's body, that's why she doesn't wake up immediately and Harry has time to repair the book. That's my theory anyways.

3rd Year Explanation: The class schedules, I got those off of the Harry Potter Wiki. There are quite a few classes that overlap, this is the full schedule:


Care of Magical Creatures

Divination and Study of Ancient Runes



Defense Against the Dark Arts






History of Magic



Divination, Muggle Studies, and Arithmancy







Charms and Study of Ancient Runes


I hope that this answers any questions you may have.

Read and Review! =D