Kisses… Eeew!:
(A/N: I wanted to thank changingdestiny40 for the idea for this one. Credit goes to his person for the basis of this vignette.)
Ben Skywalker sat in the middle of the sitting room floor, surrounded by toys as his parents sat on the couch, engrossed in some report or another.
He only listened with half an ear to their words, instead focusing on getting his toys to perform impossible stunts and fly hundreds of miles an hour in less than three seconds.
Sound effects and engine noises emitted from the small boy, and he soon lost himself in an imaginary battle between an X-wing and an Old Republic fighter.
"Pew pew! Shhwooosh!" Ben stood up and ran haphazardly about the room, his toys flying wildly about each other.
"I've got you now!"
"No you don't, eat my exhaust! Ha ha!"
"No! That's impossible!"
"Told you so! Ha ha!"
Ben paused in his mock-battle just as the X-wing was about to obliterate the older fighter when his parents laughed from where they sat on the couch. He gazed at them curiously, watching the backs of their heads and wondering why they were amused.
Were they laughing at him?
He inched stealthily closer, his parents seemingly oblivious to his approach.
"Maybe you should convince me, Farmboy," Mara Jade Skywalker was cooing in a voice Ben didn't understand.
But apparently his father did, because he smirked and leaned forward slowly, planting a kiss on Mara's forehead.
Ben felt his stomach twist, but Mara shook her head.
"Nope, not convinced."
"How about this?" Luke Skywalker teased as he went for Mara's cheek.
"Try a little lower."
Luke kissed her chin, and Mara growled lightly. Laughing, Luke pulled back and gave Ben's mother a look.
"What's the matter, Mara, aren't you enjoying this?"
"Just kiss me, Skywalker," Mara demanded.
"Yes Ma'am." Luke threw a mock salute and leaned forward...
Their lips met tenderly, and Ben could stand it no longer.
"Eeew!" he said loudly. "Dad! Mom!"
His parents broke apart, their faces turning simultaneously toward their young son.
"Do you have to kiss?" Ben complained.
"Ben, kissing is just one way a husband and wife can show their love for each other." Luke explained patiently.
Ben thought about that. His parents did love each other: even Ben, with six years under his belt, understood that.
"Well, do you have to do it out here?" Ben amended, turning back to his toys.
So determined was he to forget the disgusting display of affection that Ben never heard nor saw his mother sneak off the couch and come up behind him. Thus, when she grabbed him, spun him around and planted a wet kiss on his cheek, Ben shrieked in outrage.
Mara stood back laughing. "But I want to show that I love you too!"
Mara shuffled closer as Ben wiped at his cheek with his sleeve. Realizing her intent, Ben's eyes widened and he dropped his toys.
"No!" Ben cried and he turned tail to race away.
Feet came after Ben, and despite his attempt to remain stoic, Ben couldn't help the half-laughter that bubbled from his lips in the heat of the moment. Adrenaline pumping in his veins, Ben dodged his mother's exaggerated attempts to catch him as she chased him through his room, over the bed, back out into the hall and around the apartment.
Ben was out of breath by the time he ran smack into his father's legs as the man stood up from the couch.
"Daddy!" Ben panted. "Help me!"
Luke grinned and hefted his son into his arms. "Sure…"
Luke winked at Mara as she came into view, and he made a circuitous route to get away from Mara, who stood near the entrance to the hallway. She paced the opening like a nexu awaiting her prey to attempt the only escape.
Ben hugged Luke closer as his father paused.
"I think we have to risk it, Ben," Luke whispered conspiratorially. "It's the only way out."
Ben looked up to his father. "No, Dad!"
"Yes, Ben." Luke waited no longer, charging at Mara's position with Ben clinging to him.
Mara leapt at them and managed to get a hold of Ben's arm as they passed.
"NO!" Ben shrieked, and Luke half-released his son with a dramatic flair.
"Oh, no!" Luke cried theatrically. "She's just too strong Ben… I can't… hold on… any longer!"
"Dad…" Ben growled, but Mara had already grabbed his face.
Before he could pull away, Mara placed loud, smacking kiss directly on his lips.
Ben protested the entire time, squirming in both adults' grasp. Mara at last released him, and Luke, who's hold had already been loose, let him go.
"MOM!" Ben spat as if to remove the kiss from his lips. "Don't kiss me! Yuck!"
With that he scrambled for his room and hurriedly shut the door.
Luke and Mara stood laughing, not in the least bit offended by their young child's antics.
"Well, at least we don't have to worry about him sneaking kisses from the girls at school for some time to come," Mara quipped.
"Hmmm…" Luke moved closer to her. "Were you a naughty school girl Mara?" he asked suggestively.
Catching his line of thinking, Mara sashayed her hips seductively. "Only for those who were worth it…"
Luke caught her hips in his hands. "Oh? And how many of those were there?"
Mara leaned into his touch. "Only one," she purred.
Their lips met once more, a passion building between them as Luke allowed his hands to wander up under her shirt…
"GUYS!" Ben's loud voice complained again.
Laughing, Luke and Mara rested their foreheads together.
To be continued tonight? Mara sent to him through their Force bond.
Definitely… Luke sent back.