A/N So new story time! Hopefully it pans out and you guys enjoy, kinda like the original Forbidden Love but updated, you don't need to read the original (which I have's removed) to know what's going on, so give it a go and onwards we go!
Chapter 1 Swimming deep
Paige had had enough, she wasn't quite sure when she had reached her breaking point but the day had come. Paige let her long black hair flow in the light breeze as she made her way towards Torrinco Cliffs, she didn't want to end it here but that snap inside her head told her it was the right thing to do. The towns people all ready distrusted her, Paige wasn't exactly the normal image of town folk. Because of her pale skin and slight accent, she was an 'outsider' despite the fact that she was born and bred in Kadary. Paige didn't want to be here anymore, a sad thought that her young life was ending so soon but Paige couldn't take anymore. She wanted to end things on her terms and not wait for the 'lynch mob' to exhile her. Paige had seen the effects of exhile, you're given a block of land and told to stay there, your survival rested soley on you. Paige's family didn't have the means to survive exhile and they (the town folk) knew it, too many times she had been told that by various people. The worst one was the mayor's daughter Stephanie, she seemed to have it in for anyone that wasn't as prestigious as herself. Not everyone could be the daughter of the mayor. Paige made sure she was at the top of Torrinco Cliffs before she let her dark eyes scour the dirty water. It was a good distance down, if the fall didn't kill her, the water would drown her. Either way the young girl just wanted it all to end. Paige closed her eyes and said her good-byes, her father who was alone in his parenting, her little sisters who didn't understand why different was bad and her grandmother who was more demented than anything else. Paige didn't want to do this but something in her head said it was the right thing to do. It was time now it said. Paige let a tear fall from her eyes as she spread her arms wide and jumped. The cold water hit her body like a freight train, the life oozed from her body in little droplets, the water spread throughout her system like a virus. Paige didn't bother to fight it, she just let her body sink to the mossy floor. Her eyes stung and her lungs breathed fire, her brain told her to fight, get to the surface and breathe in precious oxygen. Paige just stayed where she was, the life oozed out completely and the last thing she saw was the water and dirty reeds becoming her tomb.
Two days later:
Paige opened her eyes, the water was still rushing around her body but now everything seemed clearer. Paige felt lighter than she ever had, slowly and testing herself Paige broke to the surface, her body moved in odd fashion as she made her way to the bank. Pulling herself up was harder, her hands kept slipping and her feet refused to move properly, when she was finally on her feet, her eyes finally adjusted to the day. Paige couldn't quite remember why she was here or what she was doing. She could only think of home, why couldn't she remember the direction? Paige stumbled away from the cliffs trying to remember why she was at the bottom of the lake, if she was at the bottom of the lake why didn't she try and fight her way to the surface.
Suicide. The one word flashed so hard in her skull she dropped to the ground. Snippets flashed in her brain, all she could do was let them go, she had no control over that now. She had tried to commit suicide but now here she was walking around, dripping wet. If she woke up on the bottom then her attempt failed, Paige had no idea what was going on, she was walking around but the simple act of walking was like a brand new concept, her tongue wouldn't form words, her brain was mush. Paige couldn't even blink properly, everything just seemed out of whack. Paige made it to the Kadary stalls, today was a selling day. Everyone that had something to sell set up their stalls and people could bustle about making deals and earning goods. Exhiled. Another word that flashed without her control, her eyes managed to get a glimpse of Raven Michales, the first and last (so far) to be exhiled, selling day was the only time Raven Michales was allowed out of her exhile. Paige made her way up to her stall, her eyes swivelled in her skull trying to fix on one thing but even that was hard. Raven looked her up and down, questioning why she was wet. Paige couldn't understand the words, or maybe it was her mushy non-word forming tongue. Paige just looked at her, hoping that Raven would be able to help.
"Date" Paige finally managed to croak out, her voice didn't sound like her's, it sounded different, as though she smoked a pack a day.
Paige didn't know why that didn't help, she thought that maybe if she could remember the date, it would set off another trigger.
"What is wrong with her?" Someone asked eyeing up the drenched young girl who had suddenly lost everything she was. Raven closed down her stall, she had sold enough today to live another day.
"Nothin is wrong with her Vickie, she's merely drunk and had a fun time in the river. I'm going to take her home"
"You're not allowed to take her home, you must go straight from the selling to your peice of land"
Raven ignored her and grabbed Paige, wrapping her arm around her like a wounded soldier. Paige could barely walk but Raven managed it, she was used to it. Her sister used to get like that, so drunk she couldn't walk. Only Raven knew that Paige wasn't drunk. She was dead.
"You...help" Paige managed to get out, her voice still wasn't sounding right, Paige wanted to know why but so far her brain didn't come up with anything.
"Paige listen to me, when you remember what happened and you will, don't tell anyone and I mean anyone. When you remember, come and see me and I'll help you"
Raven didn't want to leave her but she had to get back before that pig Vickie told the wrong people that she had broken the rules. Not that they could do anything else to punish her, she was all ready exhiled, what else could they do?