Luuka: written for ZZ960107 and I hope she likes it! ^ ^ I threw this together pretty quickly so I hope it reads ooookay.

Sometimes, the Karasuno High volleyball team had productive training sessions.

Other times, not so much.

For Tobio Kageyama, this particular evening did not fall into the category of a 'productive session,' and neither did it fall into the category of a 'not so productive session,' but rather, much more into the category of: 'abysmal failures and crushing backslides.' It wasn't going well.

Although volleyball training for the club had finished, Kageyama and Hinata had insisted on practicing afterwards to improve their synchronisation whilst the rest of the team watched from the sidelines. Ennoshita would throw the ball to Kageyma and Kageyama would toss, then Hianta would spike... well, he was supposed to spike, anyway-in Kageyama's ideal world.

'What the hell was that?' Kageyama demanded, as the ball shot past Hinata's hand, rolling across the floor of the court. Hinata blushed.

'I-I missed it...'

'I see that-get your head out of the clouds! You just stood there daydreaming as I tossed the ball and you're not doing any running: pull your weight around the court more! I know there's not a lot of you-'

'Oh, here we go with the short jokes,' Hinata laughed. 'I love these! Just make fun of my genetics because it's not like I can choose them, asshole-'

'The problem isn't your body!' Kageyama growled. 'We've practiced this technique of jumping and spiking before and it worked, but since last week you've been missing the ball-you're not putting any effort into practice!'

'I can do it!' Hinata yelled. 'Toss to me again! I'll concentrate this time,' he promised, furrowing his brow. 'I've got my game face on: zero sweat. I'm in the zone-'

Hinata bounced up and down on the spot to warm himself up, bending his knees down for a jump. Hearing Kageyama snort, Hinata turned to him-

'Hey, I haven't done anythi-'


The ball hit Hinata across the head, ruffling his orange hair before bouncing away innocently under the net. Hinata rubbed the sore spot, marching over to Kageyama.

'Motherfucker, don't toss the ball at me when I'm not looking!'

'I said I would toss it, it's not my problem if you weren't looking-'

'Get Hinata and Kageyama off the court,' Sawamura-the captain of the team-muttered to Yamaguchi. 'Before they kill each other.'

As ordered, Yamaguchi walked to the middle of the court, where the heated argument between Hinata and Kageyama continued-

'King of the court... king of the jerks!'

'You say something, shortie?'

'Hey, screw you! At least I don't have a superiority complex-'

'Hey, hey, hey! Guys, guys, guys!' Yamaguchi stepped in the middle of them and raised his hands, trying to hold back Hinata. 'Do we really have to resort to name calling?'

'Hinata does,' Kageyama huffed. 'Because his body stopped growing at the age of eight, and now his mind has fallen back to match-'

'You're such an asshole!' Hinata screamed. 'You should be more respectful toward me because if you didn't have me, your kings toss would be useless 'cause not a single other person can spike it-'

'You guys want to see who's the better player, right?' Tanaka asked- appearing beside Hinata.

'Uh... yeah!' Hinata agreed. He wasn't exactly sure that the focus of his and Kageyama's argument had been over which one of them could play volleyball the best-come to think of it, he couldn't even remember why they'd started fighting-but the fact remained that Kageyama had frustrated him, and he wasn't about to let that go lightly.

'I know a way we can settle this.' Tanaka grinned. 'Hinata, come with me... you too, Kags!'

Before Hinata and Kageyama could so much as exchange a worried glance with each other, Tanaka slipped an arm around Hinata's shoulder and steered him away to the sidelines of the court, where the rest of the Karasuno volleyball team were gathered, leaning back against a wall.

'We've been playing ourselves a liiiiiittttle game,' Tanaka told Hinata, eyes glinting. 'It's called gay chicken-it's the ultimate test of nerves.'

'Really?' Hinata asked excitedly.

'Yep!' Tanaka smiled. 'And it seems to me that since you and Kageyama were practicing, you're the only ones who didn't get to play...'

'Ennoshita didn't play,' Kageyama added, quickly. 'He was on the court tossing the ball to us.'

'Yeah, but you two are having a dispute-gay chicken will be a great way to solve it!'

'Gay chicken...' Hinata rolled the phrase around in his mouth: no idea what it entailed. 'So, what do we have to do? A bunch of macho stuff to prove which one of us is the strongest? Picking up weights and running laps?'

Tanaka glanced back to the rest of the team and they all exchanged a snicker.

'Well, sorta like that... you have to try and kiss. In this game, two people have to move their heads closer to each other real slow like-as if they're about to kiss-and snake their hands up each other's pants to see how close they can come to grabbing the other person's crotch and kissing the other person on the lips. Bear in mind that you can pull away at any time, but the first person to pull back is the loser.'

Hinata's mouth curved into an O and he flushed pink for a second, before grabbing Kageyama by the arm-

'Well, that's easy!' He announced. 'All we have to do is touch and make out like we're going to kiss before one person pulls back! Won't be a very long game with Kageyama playing 'cause he's frigid, so I'm in!'

Kageyama stuck out his bottom lip.

'I'm not frigid,' he growled. 'And I never lose.'

'Well, neither do I!' Hinata fell into step beside Kageyama, puffing up his chest and turning to face him. 'Bring it on!'

'They're both far too pumped up with adrenaline,' Yamaguchi murmured, and Sawamura squared his shoulders.

'Should be interesting.'

Hinata frowned up at Kageyama, unsure of how to start the game: unsure if he should reach out suddenly and grab Kageyama's thigh, or slide his hand up slowly to touch it, reluctant to make the first move. Kageyama seemed to be having the same debate, as his hand hovered just over Hinata's hip, eventually resting against it-both of their gym shoes squeaking as they shuffled closer. Hinata was close to Kageyama, now... so close... so very close... Kageyama was gazing down...

'Do you need to stand on a crate?' Kageyama asked, and Hinata glowered.

'Fuck you, asshole! I'm going to win this: wait and see!'

Hinata relaxed the muscles in his jaw, trying to keep his breathing calm and diverting his attention away from his anger, to focus on touching Kageyama-feeling the way the individual hairs pricked up on Kageyama's skin at the touch. Kageyama bit back a shiver but refused to pull away; his head dipped in and he glowered at Hinata with stony eyes that dared him to keep touching: dared him to move in closer, and dared him to make a move.

Pull away...

Kageyama willed silently, as Hinata's hands begun pinching his skin, making the blood rush around underneath it...

Pull away... please pull away...

As the two of them came closer, Kageyama begun to feel dizzy, his head growing hazy as tingling sparks shot through his groin. There was a pleasant stirring sensation in his stomach as Hinata's touches seemed to cascade over his skin... the feelings were milky and alien and Kageyama's lids fluttered as he fought the urge to close his eyes.

It was just a few seconds that they'd spend drawing closer to each other, but it felt like an eternity: Kageyama jumped when he felt Hinata's fingers brush the fabric of his shorts, then remembering they were supposed to grab each other's crotches-in a very clumsy move, Kageyama reached down and squeezed the front of Hinata's shorts. The action came out of nowhere and Hinata hissed and straightened his back, but, again didn't pull away-they were both far too competitive to pull back. As well as that, it felt so good.

Hinata's hands were small and his palms were still hot from playing volleyball, the skin slightly scratchy as it rubbed Kageyama's thigh. There was something sensual about the way that these hands moved... deliberately slow, and Hinata was averting his gaze. Neither of them could look at each other... their bodies were so close, now...

Kageyama felt Hinata's hot breath on his cheek and saw Hinata's shoulders rise and fall as he breathed in and out-felt the fabric of Hinata's gym shorts twitch slightly where he was holding it. Kageyama wasn't surprised, as some time ago his own cock had woken up and stirred, but thankfully Hinata's hands weren't there-at least, not yet, anyway. Both of them were visibly flushed, adverting their gazes to the floor.

Hinata felt a little awkward feeling up Kageyama in front of the rest of the volleyball team, even moreso that his body was responding to Kageyama's touches so enthusiastically-Hinata wanted the game to end before he and Kageyama crossed a line and went to a point of no return, but at the same time, would not be the one to lose. Hinata hoped he could catch Kageyama off guard-hoped that if he moved his lips in quickly, Kageyama would act on impulse and pull away... so, that was exactly what Hinata did.

Kageyama saw Hinata reach up for a kiss, but his impulses didn't tell him to pull away: they told him to lean down-meet Hinata's lips halfway-and kiss him back. So, before Kageyama knew it, this was what his body did.

Hinata's cheeks flushed pink as he stood up on tiptoes, his lips gently brushing Kageyama's. Kageyama was leaning down slightly so his dark fringe fell over his eyes, his tongue somewhere in the middle of Hinata's mouth, both of Hinata's hands resting on his hips as one of Kageyama's cupped Hinata's crotch and squeezed. Kageyama was about to deepen the kiss-swiping his tongue against Hinata's top row of teeth-when he remembered suddenly that they were being watched-

-that Kageyama had just kissed Hinata (of all people) in front of his entire volleyball team... and actually enjoyed it. Embarrassment flared in Kageyama's body as he pulled back slowly, trembling as the floaty world of his and Hinata's kiss crumbled away, and the reality sunk in... the reality that he and Hinata had french kissed in the Karasuno High sports hall... with an audience.

'Hinata, you can let go now,' Kageyama breathed, as Hinata hand gripped his dick through his sports shorts-Hinata was staring up at him dreamily, blinking as if to snap himself out of a trance.

'I, well, oh... yes!'

The rest of the team watched with wide eyes as Kageyama and Hinata slid away, shuffling awkwardly before them.

'Oh my God...' Yamaguchi whispered. 'You weren't actually supposed to kiss.'

'Right, right, we knew that!' Hinata laughed awkwardly, cheeks reddening as he looked away- 'But Kageyama pulled back first-you guys all saw that, right? So, I win! I'm better than him!'

Tanaka snickered.

'Do you two, like, need a room or something? That was some straight on making out... I think I saw a flash of tongue in that as well-'

'You never told us we didn't have to kiss!' Kageyama said angrily, and Tanka shrugged.

'Dude, one of you were supposed to pull away! You're not supposed to start to like it-'

'You're morons.' Kageyama scowled. 'All of you. Especially you, Hinata.'

'Me?! Why especially me-'

Kageyama elbowed past the group, snatching up his water bottle and slamming the gym door shut behind him, leaving the hall very silent and still. Tanaka broke the quiet:

'King's cheeks were pretty red.'

'Kageyama doesn't blush,' a member replied, to which Tanaka snorted.

'Are you kidding me-did you see him? D'you think he got all hot and sweaty because his first kiss was with the orange fuzzball-'

'I, um...' for once, Hinata was quiet. 'I-I'll go find him. I'll get him to calm down...'

And then Hinata dashed away, slamming the gym door shut a second time.

'That explains a lot of things, though,' Sawamura remarked, rubbing his chin. 'Did you notice why Hinata's been missing the ball all of this week?'

Yamaguchi nodded in response.

'Yeah- he's been staring at Kageyama.'

Kageyama paced the corridors of Karasuno High, clenching and unclenching his fingers as he walked, trying to bring order to the turmoil in his thoughts.

Kageyama was tall with short, dark hair, authority in his voice and an air of commanding-he hadn't been nicknamed the: 'king of the court' for no reason. He was strong, determined, resilient... and, currently, his whole body was tingling. He was in love. But hecouldn't be. It was one stupid, ridiculous kiss-one competitive kiss! Kageyama didn't like boys-he didn't like anyone. He was independent... independence had always been his creed!

Hinata was shorter than Kageyama by over a head, with bright, keen eyes and an eager stance, his hair so orange that it offended Kageyama, sticking up in all directions like some ridiculous underwater plant. Kageyama couldn't like Hinata. He couldn't-the idea was completely absurd! Hinata was the embodiment of everything that Kageyama scowled at... he was enthusiastic, noisy, far too earnest and the complete opposite of him...

And that's why you'd be a good match, a part of Kageyama's brain whispered, and Kageyama mentally slapped himself for allowing such a thought to gain dominance. Sure, Hinata was kind of cute, but Kageyama could find another man attractive without wanting to bone him-at least, he thought he could, anyway.

So, why did these feelings insist on flooding his stomach? And why was it that Hinata's stupid, annoying grin was stuck in his head, making him weak at the knees like some lovesick, teenage girl-

Kageyama turned the corner of a corridor, almost colliding with someone in the process.

'Sor-' Hinata looked up. 'Oh.'

'Come with me.'

Kageyama grabbed Hinata's wrist and dragged him into the shower room, pulling him inside of an empty changing cubicle, the door fluttering half-shut behind them. Kageyama backed Hinata up against a wall and placed his hands either side of Hinata's head, his shadow silhouetting Hinata as he looked down at the smaller boy.

'You're straight, aren't you?' Kageyama demanded.

'Uh... yeah.'

'And I'm straight: that means it was fine. That thing back there-that thing that we did...'

'That... kiss...'

'Yeah, that... thing... I want to make it very clear that it was a mistake.'

'Okay.' Hinata laughed. 'A mistake-I get it.'

'We just... miscalculated our movements, bumped heads, and our lips accidently landed on each other's.'

'And our tongues just... slipped out... and accidently went inside of each other's mouths.'

'Right, right.' Kageyama nodded. 'That was exactly what happened.'

There was a pause.

'Do you want to do it again?' Kageyama asked, and Hinata let go of the breath he'd been holding.

'Um, let me think: yeah.'

Kissing the next time wasn't as awkward as both boys leaned in at the same time, both of them wrapped in each other's arms, tilting their heads and curving with each other's mouths, kissing with perfect synchronisation.

Kageyama held the smaller boy against his chest as he leaned down, kissing him back hesitantly-as if to ask for Hinata's permission- before allowing himself to be more creative, running his tongue around Hinata's mouth and dragging his lower lip with his teeth. Hinata fisted his fingers to pull on Kageyama's hair, moaning and making 'mmmnn' noises as their lips came apart and back together again at various angles, foreheads pressing against each other.

Hinata felt as if he were burning-Kageyama had pinned him back against one of the shower stall walls and was devouring his lips, thrusting his tongue against the back of Hinata's throat and smothering him with fierce, lustful kisses. Kageyama pushed his body up against him, addicted to Hinata's kiss-both boys completely engulfed in each other's lips. Hinata's body was on fire, and Kageyama loved the moans that he made-loved bucking and rolling his hips into Hinata's, feeling their bodies spark in response, groins warm and slick as they aligned. Hinata's hands were everywhere, and Kageyama's own weren't fast enough to feel Hinata in as many places as he wanted-his hands went up Hinata's t-shirt, raked through his hair and down the back of his gym shorts, squeezing Hinata's small, round ass as they smashed together in all fire and heat. Hinata was small, fierce and lithe and Kageyama couldn't get enough-it was only for air that the two of them broke apart, panting heavily as they took in long, deep breaths together.

'Dammit, we keep falling over and landing on each other,' Hinata murmured, face flushed and chest heaving-scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

'Gravity hates us,' Kageyama agreed.

'Yeah,' Hinata grinned. 'It must.'

Shortly after, the two of them leaned in for a second round of kissing.