Hello hello and welcome back, sorry it's taken so long to update, but I hope that this will be worth the wait.

Next chapter is where things really start kicking off.

Day 1

Danny arrived at his house almost a half hour later, the walk had been long to say the least. Of course, the pouring rain, which only seemed to become heavier, most likely had played a part in that. Surprisingly, when Danny walked through the front door, the house before him was dark and empty. "Hello?" he called, to which there was no reply. "Jazz? Mom? Dad?" Nothing. With a shrug, Danny took off his wet outer clothing and hung it on the hook by the door.. He moved through the house just as he heard thunder outside, he closed his eyes. Thunder meant lightening, and Danny was not found of lightning. Standing in the darkness with the sound of a thunderstorm on the horizon gave him the chills. For some reason, he still felt as if there were eyes on him. Shrugging it off, the boy walked towards the kitchen and flicked on the light. As if on que, the phone rang. Rushing over, Danny picked up the landline. "Hello?" he answered.

"HI Danny!" it was his mother, but her voice was choppy and static-y.

"Hey mom," he began, "where are you?"

The line was silent for a moment, Danny was just about to ask if she was still there, when she spoke again, this time however, the choppiness was worse. "He-o Dan-ny?"

"Yeah Im here."

"Your fath- and I are out look- for the missi- kids. Mrs. Preic- daugh- went mis-sing thi- orning," Mrs. Preicle was the lady who lived down the street with her seven year old daughter Abby, if she was missing... "We- back so-on. Jaz- be home soon. Feel free to - friends over. See y-" the line went dead.

"Hello?" no reply. "Mom?" Danny let out a breath, the storm must be really bad where she was, which meant that is was only going to get worse, but surely it couldn't last forever. He reached for his cellphone and dialed a familiar number. Suddenly, Danny spun around, almost dropping the phone. He peered into a dark corner of the kitchen, his heart thumped as he expected felt another presence in the room. The corner was empty.

"Hello?" Tucker's voice echoed over the phone.

He could have sworn he felt something reaching for him.

"Hello?" Tucker asked again, sounding worried

He had felt icy breath on his neck...

"Danny? Danny are you okay?" he sounded like he was in a full blown panic.

He spun around, only to find that he was indeed alone, he backed against a wall, breath quickening. Was the room darker? It was definitely colder.

"Danny!" Tucker yelled, obviously expecting the worse. "Are. You. Okay?!"

"What?" Danny asked, turning his attention to his phone, "uh..." he stared into the shadowed corner of the kitchen once again. "Sorry, got distracted," he turned away, feeling unsettled.. "Wanna stay over?"

"Hold on a sec," Tucker was silent but the sounds Danny heard explained enough. There was fabric rustling, followed by the creaking of Tucker's bed, followed by the floor and finally what must have been his bedroom door. Muffled, he heard "Mom can I go to Danny's?!" there was another voice, but he couldn't make out what was being said. "Its pouring rain so yeah I ride would be lovely!" More muffled voices. "K thanks! I'll be down in a minute!"

"So?" Danny asked, already knowing the answer.

"Be there in ten. You calling Sam?" Tucker responded.


"Kay. See you soon."

They hung up. Danny wandered towards the fridge as he dialed Sam's phone number. Lucky him, when his crush answered, he had a huge piece of pineapple shoved in his mouth.

"Hey Danny," she said with what sounded like a groan.

Quickly, he swallowed the food in his mouth and winced as too large pieces moved down his throat. "Hey Sam. Wanna come over?"

That time she did groan. "No can do. My parents are on lockdown after all the missing kids, I mean it wasn't so bad when it was just little ones. Well not, like, not bad, but not bad for me"

"Yeah I get it, its cool," Danny said, "but I thought that it had only been little kids? I mean a girl down my street apparently just went missing... I should really be out helping look for them."

Sam didn't skip a beat "Don't. Danny please don't go looking for them. I know you want to be a hero and save them, but it's stormy and it's dangerous, we don't know anything, please just leave this one to the police okay? And that's me asking, we both know I'd normally be all over this. Besides we don't even know if she was taken, everybody thinks she just ran away."

"What? Who?" he asked, he hadn't heard anything about somebody running away.

"Star. She was supposed to be picked up at lunch yesterday, but never made it to the car. Nobody has seen her since."

Danny thought about it, he guessed she had been right, Star hadn't shown up at school that day, he had passed it off as nothing. The fact he hadn't heard about it was weird though.

"You really didn't know?" Sam asked. "It was the talk f the school today. I mean, the police won't talk about it, neither will the teachers. I think they're all just hoping that if they ignore her disappearance, it;ll turn out that she did run away. Change of victimology I guess, they can afford to ignore it."

Victimology? Somebody had been watching too much Criminal Minds.

Danny thought about Paulina, she hadn't seemed all that broken up over her best friend missing. "No I hadn't heard. It's been kind of crazy lately. My ghost sense keeps going off, but I can never find any ghosts, so I wasn't In school much today."

"Yeah, I noticed," Sam sighed. "It's weird." She paused before changing the topic. "But seriously, its creepy stuff. I heard Dash and Kwan talking about it. Star had been acting weird for the past couple days. Apparently she'd been skipping and showing u plate the cheer practice but swearing she was on time. And the said that she wouldn't stop humming this creepy song. The two actually looked freaked out by it. I mean, its sad that she's missing and all and I hope she's okay but it honestly isn't much of a lose. Its just super weird, And it make it worse, people are saying Paulina has been doing the exact same thing. Weird right?"

He froze, Paulina had been. But surely the two weren't related, probably just some new party drug or something. Nobody would dare take Paulina Sanchez. Not when her dad is one of the wealthiest people in the country and owned a private security company, along with several laboratories around the world. Even for ransom, nobody would be that stupid. Danny shook his head. "Yeah weird." There was no point in raking his mind over somebody who probably wasn't even missing, He had just seen Paulina, nevermind that she disappeared mid conversation, if you could really call it that. People don't just disappear. Suddenly, the front door slammed shut, causing Danny to jump.

"Uh, gotta go Sam," without waiting for a response, he hung up. "Hello?" he called, voice cracking. He had heard that right? He wasn't just imagining it? He heart bounded so loud he was sure he could hear it. Why was he even so freaked out? Damn, he really had to stop acting like a person from a cheesy horror movie. After all this was real life. with real missing children and a real thunderstorm outside, definitely not a cheesy horror movie, and even if for some unknown reason it was, ghost powers.

"Danny get your stuff off the floor and hang it up!" Jazz called.

Puzzled, Danny walked towards the front door, he would've sworn that he had hung up his coat, but it had been thrown carelessly into a pile with his backpack and shoes.

"Danny?" Jazz asked, calling his attention after from his confusion. "Did mom call you?"

He nodded as he picked up his coat and hung it up once more. "It was really choppy though, I didn't really catch was she said, kinda just got the gist of it."

Jazz nodded, "Yeah, the storms getting pretty bad. The Weather says it gonna rain for the rest of the weekend. She texted me earlier and said that her and Dad probably weren't going to come home this weekend, they're going to stay in a motel and help search." Danny nodded, replaying in his mind every horror movie he had seen. Suddenly, lightning flashed, causing him to flinch, only a few seconds later came a roar of thunder.

"Well, won't this be a lovely weekend."

So fun fact, I never actually sent this to a beta reader, please if you see any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, let me know so I can fix them asap.

What happened to Star? What about Paulina? Who's taking the children? What's up with Danny and his ghost sense?

Stay tuned for more, hopefully coming soon.