Disclaimer: The Hobbit does not belong to me, but to Professor Tolkien, Peter Jackson, and his Company.

Gem of His Heart

Drifa twined their fingers together and leaned forward boldly to press her lips to his. "You do not have to leave our picnic immediately, My King," she smiled against his mouth.

Thorin grinned. "Nay, M' Lady, I do believe that I shall stay here with you a while longer." All thoughts of messengers fled Thorin's mind as Drifa's lips touched his once more.

Chapter 15

The library was warm although the temperature outside of the mountain had dropped in the last twenty four hours. The fire was roaring in the large stone fireplace, the snapping and crackling sound of it making the room seem even cozier. Thorin sat on the sofa before the fire with Drifa curled under his arm. They had spent every available moment together over the last two months. Thorin's leg had healed and Oin had removed the binding the week before.

Drifa read aloud from the book she held in her lap, but Thorin found his attention drifting from the story. Instead, his eyes followed the delicate line of her neck. He pressed his lips to her blonde hair and inhaled her scent before kissing the shell of her ear.

Drifa shivered and lifted a hand to cup Thorin's face, turning her head slightly to meet his mouth with her own. Her lips parted to allow Thorin to deepen the kiss, and she sighed into his mouth as she turned her body to face him. Thorin's hands tightened around her waist. He lifted her and settled her across his lap as her arms slid around his neck, her hands tangling into his long, dark locks.

"Will you have dinner with me tonight, Lady Drifa?" Thorin murmured against her lips.

"Let me think on it, M' Lord," she giggled, squealing when Thorin tickled her sides.

"A picnic," he told her, "by the lake."

Drifa sobered and pulled back to look into his blue eyes. His voice had taken on a serious tone that sent chills down her spine. "That is a special place for us," she murmured.

"Aye, it is," he replied, his expression carefully schooled although a hint of something lurked deep in his gaze. "This time I will be able to escort you to the lake and we can take a walk along its shores."

"I would like that." Drifa smiled and leaned forward to touch her forehead against Thorin's.

"Then it is settled," he replied as his lips met hers in yet another heated kiss.

Later that evening, Drifa stared anxiously into the looking glass. She had donned a pale green gown and had tied a brown sash embroidered with golden thread around her waist. She had brushed her blonde hair until it shone like spun gold and pulled it back into intricate braids woven with Thorin's courting beads. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and nervousness and her hands trembled as she straightened her belt one last time. Thorin would be arriving to escort her to the lake any moment.

A knock on the door made her heart pound in her chest. He was here. She wiped her sweaty palms on the skirt of her dress and hurried to open the door.

Thorin's breath caught in his throat as Drifa tugged the door open. She was beautiful, her pale gold hair gleaming in the light of the fire and her green eyes shimmering like emerald gems. "Good evening, M' Lady," he smiled. "May I have the pleasure of escorting you to the lake?"

"I would be honored, M' Lord," Drifa smiled, linking her arm through the dwarf king's and allowing him to lead her down the stone hallway deep into the bowels of the mountain.

"You look beautiful, Drifa," Thorin murmured as they neared the lake. He slipped her arm from his and entwined their fingers, squeezing her hand gently.

Her cheeks flushed becomingly at his words. "Thank you, Thorin," she murmured. Her eyes widened as they neared the lake. Thorin had spread out the very same picnic blanket they had used a few months ago. A picnic basket sat in the middle of the blanket, no doubt laden with a fine supper prepared by the kitchen servants. "This is lovely," Drifa enthused excitedly, leaning up to place a kiss on Thorin's cheek.

He grinned at her delight and luxuriated in the fact that he had her all to himself for the evening ahead. "Are you hungry or would you rather walk about the lake first?" he asked her.

Drifa considered his question for a moment. "Let's walk first and then eat if that is all right."

"Of course," he smiled, not letting go of her hand as they fell into step on the narrow path that wound around the underground lake.

Thorin's fingers lightly caressed hers as they walked quietly, simply enjoying being in one another's company.

It was Drifa who finally broke the silence. "Thorin, why this special dinner here at the lake tonight?" she asked softly.

"Do you not enjoy my company?" he asked with a smirk. "Do I need a reason to invite the woman I am courting to a special dinner?"

Drifa gave him a saucy look before bursting into a round of laughter. Whirling to stand in front of Thorin, she took both of his hands in her own and pressed her lips to his. "Something just seems different tonight, but you know that I will take any excuse to spend time with you." His schedule was so busy they often had to sneak side moments together whenever they could.

Thorin's stomach lurched and his mouth was suddenly dry as he looked down into her green eyes. He wanted to pose his question to her, but the words would not come.

"Thorin, what is it?" Drifa asked worriedly. "Are you ill?"

"I-I am fine," Thorin managed to stammer, his heart hammering double time in his chest.

"Then what is it?" she queried, her green eyes clouded with concern.

Thorin looked down at their clasped hands and took in a deep breath. He knew that Drifa was the only woman he would ever love; he knew that it was time to ask his question. "Drifa, my love," he began, meeting and holding her gaze.

Drifa froze at the tone of his voice. She swallowed hard and squeezed his hands. "Yes, Thorin?"

"Drifa, would you do me the honor of being my wife and my queen? I can think of no greater pleasure than having you rule at my side."

Tears formed in Drifa's eyes. Thorin's stomach twisted in fear at the sight as he awaited her answer. "Drifa, it is all right," he stammered, the blood roaring in his ears as he watched her eyes overflow and tears trickle down her cheeks.

"Yes, Thorin, my answer is yes," she gasped out with a wide grin on her face. She threw her arms around him and buried her face against his neck.

Thorin's arms tightened around her as he lifted her smaller body against his and spun her around. "I love you, Drifa," he cried out, stopping and setting her carefully on the ground before him. Tenderly, her cradled her face in his hands and leaned his forehead against hers. "You are my heart and have been ever since the moment I met you."

"Thorin," Drifa whispered as she pressed her lips to his own in a heated kiss. Her hands slid down the hard planes of his chest, and she longed to feel the heat of his skin pressed against her own. "I love you so."

Thorin's hands clutched at her waist, and he pulled her body flush against his. She moaned into his mouth, and he pulled away, murmuring her name as he trailed kisses down her neck.

He finally pulled back, his breathing heavy as he pressed their foreheads together. "We need to slow down," he murmured. "I do not want to stop, please do not think that I do."

"I know, Thorin," Drifa panted against him as she pressed her lips to the pulse point in his neck.

"I will announce our official engagement tomorrow," he told her, leaning back and taking her hands in his.

A smile bloomed on her lips. "I cannot wait, Thorin." Even as she spoke the words, anxiety pooled in her stomach. She was but a mere servant. How easily would the people of Erebor accept her as their queen?

"What is it? What are you thinking just now?" Thorin asked her softly. "You are worrying; I can tell."

Drifa sighed and allowed her fingers to play with the laces on his tunic as she spoke. "I am a bit concerned about the reaction of the people," she admitted.

"They will love you, Drifa," Thorin assured her as he placed a kiss to the tip of her nose.

"But I am only a servant, Thorin," she protested.

"And because of that they will treasure you even more," he promised her. "They feel as if you are one of them, and they are proud of you."

Drifa's eyes widened at his words. "Really, Thorin?"

"Aye, Iove. The people of Erebor already adore you." He relaxed as a smile once again hooked the corners of her mouth. "Perhaps we can tell my sister-sons and their families at breakfast in the morn," he thought out loud. "I would like the boys to know before all of Erebor hears our news."

She nodded. "That is a lovely idea. We should invite them right away." Drifa found Thorin's nephews to be very friendly and welcoming, and she loved their wives. Tauriel had been a captain of the elvish guard and Sigrid had grown up in a lakeside shanty. She felt very much at home with both women.

"After we eat I will send a missive right away," he smiled, taking her hand and leading her back to the blanket and picnic basket.

In Fili and Sigrid's private chambers, Sigrid was helping Arne into his pajamas as Fili finished bathing Soren. The young boy splashed happily until Fili was nearly as soaked as he was.

Sigrid stepped into the bathing chamber and stifled a laugh. She wasn't sure who'd had the bath, Fili or Soren. "What has been happening in here?" she asked as she planted her hands on her hips.

"I splashed Fili, Ma!" Soren shouted.

The dwarf prince sighed and wrapped the small boy in a towel as he lifted him out of the bath. "He's worse than Kili when it comes to splashing," Fili chuckled as he held the child against his sodden chest. "Come, Soren, let's get you into your nightclothes."

"Will you tell us an adventure story, Fili?" Soren asked hopefully.

"Aye, if you will dress quickly so that we will have enough time before you must go to sleep."

A knock sounded on the door. Sigrid turned to answer it and left Fili struggling to get the sleep clothes over Soren's wiggling body. She returned a few moments later bearing a missive in her hand. A suspicious smile curved her lips.

"We have been invited to a breakfast in Thorin's private chambers in the morning," she informed Fili.

He looked up from combing Soren's hair. "You and me?" he asked curiously.

She shook her head. "The four of us."

A grin formed on Fili's lips. "He's asked Drifa then."

"Asked her what?" Soren demanded, squirming in Fili's grasp.

"You will find out at breakfast," Fili told him as he placed the comb on a shelf. "Come, let's go find Arne and begin our story." His eyes met those of his wife over the boy's head and they shared happy smiles.

Down the hall, Tauriel returned to the chambers she shared with Kili. She had spent the afternoon in the training rooms and then had fletched her arrows while Kili had been busy with his brother on some project for Thorin. She found her husband reading over a paper before the fire.

"Good evening, love," she smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to her husband's cheek. He turned and offered her his mouth instead.

Kili tugged her down onto his lap and she chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "What is that you are reading?"

He grinned cheekily at her. "We have been invited for breakfast in Thorin's chambers."

Tauriel's eyebrows rose and then she smiled. "He has asked her then. They deserve happiness."

"Aye," Kili agreed. "I do not think I have ever seen Uncle smile so much in all of my life. He has lost most of those he has cared about, but I am glad he and Drifa have found one another again."

"My romantic dwarf," Tauriel purred as she caressed the delicate shell of her husband's ear.

Kili tugged her face down to his and the missive from Thorin fell unheeded to the floor.

The next morning, Thorin fidgeted anxiously as he and Drifa waited for Fili, Kili, and their families to arrive.

"Relax, Thorin," Drifa smiled as she linked her fingers with his. "I am sure that they have already guessed the reason for this breakfast meeting." She pressed her lips tenderly to his before pulling back with a soft smile on her lips.

"You are right," he sighed, cupping her face with one blunt-fingered hand.

A knock on the door startled them both. "Come, Drifa, let us answer it together."

Thorin opened the door with Drifa on his arm and found Kili and Tauriel before them with knowing smiles on both of their faces. Drifa and Tauriel hugged in greeting. Thorin was glad that Drifa had found fast friends in the wives of his sister-sons. Neither Sigrid nor Tauriel had grown up as royalty, so the three women had much in common.

Fili, Sigrid, and the boys arrived before Thorin could close the door and soon they were all seated around the table in Thorin's private quarters. It was Kili who broke the silence. "Uncle, why have you invited us here for breakfast?" His dark eyes twinkled merrily.

Thorin took Drifa's hand below the table and allowed his eyes to move from Kili over to Fili. "Drifa and I wanted to announce our betrothal to our family before it is announced to the entire kingdom."

The table erupted in exclamations of joy. Drifa was folded into hugs immediately by Tauriel and Sigrid. Fili and Kili shook their uncle's hand and clapped him on the shoulder before turning to Drifa.

Kili reached out and took her hand gently between his. "Lady Drifa, you make Uncle happier than I have ever seen him. I am happy for the both of you."

"As am I, Lady Drifa," Fili echoed his brother. "Welcome to our family."

Drifa's eyes teared up at the kind words of Thorin's sister-sons, and she hugged each of them in turn. Arne and Soren hugged her as well although they were not sure why.

"Let us eat before the food is cold," Thorin commanded, and everyone scrambled back to their places at the table.

They ate heartily until Soren put down his fork and stared in confusion at Thorin. "Uncle Da?" he asked solemnly.

Thorin raised an eyebrow at Fili's youngest as everyone at the table paused in their chewing to listen. "I still don't understand what you asked Lady Drifa. Fili said I would find out today."

The dwarf king found a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he gazed at Fili's youngest. "We are celebrating the good news that Drifa and I are to be married. I asked her to marry me."

"Oh," the child stated. "But, Uncle Da, what's be-road-al?" he asked with a frown.

Thorin chuckled at the child's pronunciation of the word as did the others around the table. "It means, Soren, that Drifa has agreed to be my wife."

The child thought this over before he nodded with a grin. "And then me and Arne will have two aunties." Soren held up two sticky fingers. "Auntie Tauriel and Auntie Drifa." He grinned at Drifa, and Thorin watched as his betrothed melted at the boy's smile. The children would be good for her. She had been alone far too long.

Soren placed his fork down beside his plate and slipped from his chair before he ran around the table. Drifa's eyes widened as he stopped beside her chair and caught her in another hug. She pulled him tightly against her and met Thorin's happy gaze with watery eyes.

Once breakfast was over, the family adjourned to Thorin's sitting area. Arne pressed against Sigrid's side while Soren was cuddled quite happily in Drifa's lap as she sat next to Thorin.

"When will you marry, Uncle?" Kili asked from his place beside Tauriel.

"Soon," Thorin smiled. "I believe Drifa and I have waited long enough. I will make the official announcement this afternoon and then Drifa, Balin, and I will get the scribes started on the invitations."

"I am a bit nervous about seeing Queen Nal at the wedding. Once I marry Thorin, I will be considered her equal. That will feel a bit strange," Drifa admitted.

Thorin's arm tightened around her shoulder. "Nal and Dain will be happy for you, my love."

"I only hope so," she sighed.

"Queen Nal seemed most kind," Sigrid reassured Drifa.

"You and Nal will figure it out together," Thorin told her, "and I will help in any way that I can."

Drifa smiled tenderly at him, and the others suddenly felt as if they were intruding on a private moment.

"Come, boys," Fili said, standing with Sigrid rising beside him. "It is time to go and let Uncle Thorin and Auntie Drifa attend to their wedding business."

"Goodbye, Auntie Drifa," Soren told her as he wrapped his thin arms around her neck. Then he scrambled into Thorin's lap, surprising the dwarf king. "Goodbye, Uncle Da."

"Goodbye, lad," Thorin told him, ruffling his already mussed hair.

Soon the betrothed were left alone. Drifa sank into Thorin's embrace, her fingers worrying his tunic anxiously.

"What is it, Drifa?" he asked, stroking her blonde hair back from her face.

"I am thinking about the announcement this afternoon and the reaction of the people. I know you have said they will love me, but I cannot help but worry." She focused her gaze on the laces of his tunic.

The dwarf king placed a finger beneath her chin and tipped her gaze up to his. "You are the queen I choose, and therefore the people will accept you. Trust me," he murmured before he captured her lips in a heated kiss which she returned passionately.

The days and weeks flew by and soon the day of the wedding arrived. The mountain was crowded with guests who had come for the important event. Sigrid was beside herself with joy at the arrival of her father and siblings. Arne and Soren were constantly underfoot; not even their Uncle Bain or Auntie Tilda could keep them distracted for long. There was just too much excitement under the mountain.

Thorin dressed in his regal finery and then allowed Fili and Kili to brush and plait his hair into braids befitting a royal wedding. The dwarf king shifted uncomfortably in his chair as his stomach churned nervously.

"Are you all right, Uncle?" Fili asked in concern.

"You look a little green," Kili observed. "Shall I find a bucket?"

Fili slapped his brother on the shoulder. "Just because you threw up on your wedding day does not mean that Uncle will do the same."

"Are you finished with the braids?" Thorin nearly growled at them.

Fili hooked the last clasp and released the final braid. "Aye," he answered. "All done."

Thorin stood. "I must see Drifa."

"Good luck getting past Tauriel and Sigrid," Kili told him. "The two of them are busier than bees this morning."

Thorin just waved a hand at them over his shoulder and hurried to Drifa's quarters. He knocked on the door and heard a flurry of activity inside.

"Who is it?" Tauriel called out.

"Thorin," he replied gruffly.

"She is not ready. You cannot see her," Tauriel answered.

"Tauriel, I will break through this door if I must," the dwarf king growled impatiently.

He heard the lock click and then the door opened. Tauriel greeted him with a sigh. "You only have a few moments or she will not be ready on time."

Thorin did not answer; instead he entered the room to find Drifa standing as Sigrid laced her extravagant gown. "Please give us a few moments alone," Thorin murmured to the wives of his sister-sons. The woman exchanged a look, but did as he asked.

"Thorin, what is it?" Drifa asked in concern.

He moved to stand before her and took her hands in his own. "I just needed to see you," he explained. "This all seems so unreal. I worry that you will realize once you marry me that you have made a mistake. I am temperamental and stubborn and driven and grouchy and-."

Drifa cut him off. "And loyal and true," she told him emphatically. "I love you."

"And I love you," he assured her. "I seem to be getting so much more out of this marriage than you are."

"Thorin, that is untrue," she protested. "You love me and I will be happy for the rest of my life as long as you are by my side. Besides that, you have shared your wonderful sister-sons and their families with me. I could not be happier."

Thorin searched her face and knew she was telling the truth. He kissed her lips and then pulled back to study her. "You look beautiful."

"And now you must go or Tauriel and Sigrid will have your hide," she giggled.

Thorin nodded, knowing what she said was true. "I will see you soon, my beloved," he whispered, touching his lips to hers one last time before he left the room.

A short while later, Thorin felt giddy with happiness and disbelief as he and Drifa were bound together as husband and wife. A great roar rose up from the crowd gathered to witness the event as the newly married couple turned to face them.

Drifa laughed as both Fili and Kili held her close and called her their aunt for the first time. Thorin only watched, his heart expanding with happiness at the joyful look on his wife's face. His wife. He never truly thought this day would come.

"Ah, Thorin, congratulations!" Dain slapped his old friend heartily on the shoulder. "You old goat, you never told me that you courted Drifa once upon a time; I had to hear it from Balin."

"I am not sure that you could call it courting," Thorin admitted. "My father and grandfather would never have allowed it."

"Very true," Dain admitted.

Thorin took Drifa's hand in his; he could feel her trembling so he drew her close to his side. "Drifa is the only woman I have ever loved, and she will make a fine queen."

"Of that, I am certain," Nal spoke up as she hurried forward to fold Drifa into a hug. "I am so happy for you, dear, but I miss you greatly."

"Thank you, M' Lady," Drifa answered respectfully.

"Now, none of that," Nal scolded her. "You are the queen of Erebor now. You must call me Nal."

Thorin felt Drifa relax a bit in his arms. She nodded and hugged Nal once again.

The guests all wanted to speak to Thorin and his new bride. Then there was feasting and dancing that lasted way into the night. Seated at the head table, Drifa ate until she could eat no more. Then she and Thorin danced with one another until her feet and back ached and both of them were nearly breathless.

Dropping exhausted into their chairs, Thorin draped an arm over her shoulder. "Shall we retire to our quarters, wife?"

Drifa looked up at him and felt a burn begin in the pit of her stomach at the look she saw in his eyes. "Aye, husband. I do believe it is time."

Thorin stood and took her arm. The guests seemed to realize what was happening and there was cheering and chanting until Thorin led his bride to the hall that housed the royal living quarters. It was quiet here and much cooler than the crowded banquet hall had been.

"I have waited all day to have you to myself," Thorin nearly growled as he tugged Drifa against his body.

She tangled her hands into his dark hair and caught his mouth with hers. "I was just thinking the same thing," she replied against his lips.

Thorin walked faster and pulled Drifa along with him until they reached the door to the rooms they would share as husband and wife. Thorin opened the door and locked it behind them once they stepped inside. A fire was roaring in the fireplace and the blankets on the bed had been pulled back for the evening.

Thorin took Drifa into his arms and felt her shiver at his touch. "I love you, my wife, and I will do everything in my power to see that you are happy."

"As I told you earlier, Thorin, YOU make me happy." She closed her eyes as her husband turned her around and began to slowly remove the braids from her hair. His fingers then moved to the laces of her dress. As the dress began to gape open down the back, Thorin placed warm, open-mouthed kisses down her spine.

"Let me show you how much I love you, Drifa," Thorin murmured once the dress pooled around her feet.

She turned and found herself in his arms. Her fingers fumbled for the hem of his tunic and he helped her get it over his head. Hands were grasping and searching as the newlyweds tumbled onto their bed.

Thorin gathered his wife tightly in his arms and sighed as they were pressed skin-to-skin for the first time. "This is only the beginning of the happiness we will share, Drifa," he murmured against her mouth. "I love you, and I pledge to spend every day from here on making you happy."

Drifa felt tears slide down her cheeks at her husband's words. She opened her mouth to allow him to deepen their kisses.

Thorin brushed the tears away with the rough pad of his thumb. "Sweet Drifa, do not cry," he murmured.

"These are happy tears," she promised him. "I cannot wait to begin our lives together."

Thorin maneuvered his body over hers and used the rest of the night to show her just how much he loved her.

The End

Author's Note: Special thanks to LadyWallace for reading over the chapter and giving me advice. If you like Thorin/OC romance, check out LadyWallace's fic "A Different Kind of Madness." You will not be disappointed.

I am hoping to write a one-shot or maybe a two chapter story focusing on Kili and Tauriel that is set in this same universe, so be on the lookout. Thanks so much to everyone who read and reviewed!