Aryes: Hey guys, i just figured out i have had chapter 4 already written and forgot to post it so here it is to anyone who actually reads this! XD

Warning: yaoi (male x male) flirting, food, swearing etc...

Disclaimer:: I don't own Romeo and Juliet


Chapter 4: Recipe Secrets

The smooth car ride to the seafood restaurant was fairly quiet between the two men. No words were really spoken, but it was not an uncomfortable silence in Benvolio's mind. After the giant tear fest he had just shown Tybalt he was glad for the silence, it made it easier for him to collect himself, and regain his peaceful nature which had just been destroyed by being with a man he absolutely hated for two weeks. Halfway through the car ride the blonde closed his eyes shut happily, but slowly lulled to sleep in the car, only looking at Tybalt once before falling asleep. Truth be told, Benvolio hadn't been sleeping very much the last two weeks, because of his father presence, but now the fatigue just piled on him like 80 pound sandbags, slowly swallowing him in the darkness of sleep.

Tybalt, on the other hand, had to stay awake to drive. The night covered his car like a black blanket as he drove slowly down the roads of Venice in his Lotus Espirit. It was a black sleek car that rolled on the road like a stream of water, smooth and clear. It was as black as the the grim reaper's hood, but he called the car, "The Black Lotus" on nights like this. It cruised on the road like a dream even if the road sticks or stones. She really was gentle like a Lotus as it seemed to sail through the night. He quickly glanced over at Benvolio's sleeping form with a small smile. 'At least he trusts me enough to sleep in my car,' To the raven, this was a huge achievement. It meant that Benvolio thought of Tybalt as something more than just an enemy.

The lights of the more city like roads illuminated his elusive Black Lotus, making it gleam in the light with a shiny gloss. The windows on Tybalt's car also glared in the light, because his windows were tinted to the point where it was on the borderline of legal and illegal. Tybalt never liked the thought of people looking at him in his car when he wasn't directly wanting them too, it made him uneasy when someone did. To him it was just another version of stalking. The air in the car was cool and refreshing as Tybalt sighed. He had been so wrapped up in helping the blonde that he never asked where he went to hide before he went to sleep.

Now was not the time to interrogate the blonde Montague, considering how much he had cried. He could understand, but the fact that Benvolio hated someone made his head spin. He had never heard the blonde speak of hate with such an angry face. It had scared Tybalt actually moreover it had frightened him. The raven looked over at the sleeping form of Benvolio once more, wondering why on earth would anyone want to hurt the cute and innocent blonde. Mentally Tybalt smacked himself at the irony of the statement, 'That's rich coming from me, considering about a month ago I tried to kill him myself.' Tybalt felt the guilt hit him in an instant and it was very painful.

What if he had been the one Benvolio hated? It made Tybalt internally shiver as he remembered the blonde's cold expression that he had shown his father. Tybalt now knew that Benvolio was capable of much more than pleading peace. The Black Lotus eased into the parking lot of the seafood place he had recommended, the place was called, "The Blue Whale". It wasn't too expensive, but that didn't really matter to Tybalt in the slightest. All that mattered was the quality of the seafood. Now he had to decide whether to rise his sleeping beauty or get take out and take the blonde home with him. Be the gentleman, or be the winner was what it came down to, huh.

Tybalt smiled knowing what to pick already, he wasn't exactly nice anyway, so why not just get takeout.'Wait, what does Benvolio like?' The Black Lotus stopped as Tybalt thought about what the blonde would like. He looked over once again at the beautiful short haired man beside him and smiled as he heard the blonde breathe a sigh. He couldn't go waking him up now, that would be inconsiderate considering the blonde had been crying in his arms so uncontrollably. He looked behind him to be sure no cars were behind him in line and he got out of the car and walked up to the speaker instead.

"Welcome to The Blue Whale what can I get for you?" a male voice sounded from the raspy speaker. "I would like to order a #7 combo bucket and I would like to get a party bucket with everything in it family sized. That's it." He waited for a moment as the speaker was silent. "So, a #7 combo and a family sized party bucket, will that be it?" the male asked formally. "That's it." Tybalt repeated firmly. The speaker once again went silent, Tybalt swiveled his head quickly around. He couldn't believe he was doing this without a car. Tybalt swore he must look so stupid looking around out here like a robber.

'He better like what I get him.' Tybalt thought with a sigh. "Okay, your total will be exactly $14.39" The speaker said politely and he fished out his wallet when he walked to the side window. Getting out 15 dollars, Tybalt walked up to the open window and was greeted with a bright smile from a young boy. He was a brunette with freckles and visually younger than 20, the black haired man was almost sure he was sure when the young man stuck his head out and repeated the cost again, "$14.35 sir." That was a good way to get clubbed in the head if he stuck it out there, what a moron. Tybalt got up to the man and pulled out $15 and handed it to him and said silently, "Keep the change."

The man gave him a look, one of confusion, but he handed the bucket full of food to the cat like man who watched him evenly and walked off. A single side handed wave was all he gave as a thank you, but he turned before he got to the end and said with mirth, "Yo kid, get your head away from the window or someone will hit you with a bat from side window. Alright?" the black haired man offhandedly commented, and he then scrambled away from the window, but not before he watched the man walk around the side of the building. "George, what are you doing?" the brunette whipped around to his best friend and quickly checked the window again before speaking, "Dude, missed such a hottie. He had some sweet swagger going dark and brooding with a dark sweater and some skin tight pants,...just damn."

Tybalt finally reached the car and got in it with the food. As he slammed the door he watched Benvolio for signs of waking up, and sure enough the man's eyelids fluttered open for a single second, but the bright green grass of the blonde's eyes was enough to revitalize anyone. It was like a breath of fresh air that Tybalt felt deep his lungs as he watched the eyelids flutter again. "I brought food," the King of Cats started lamely which elicited along stretch from the languid man. Every movement mesmerizing to Tybalt's hungry eyes, then he was met with the most beautiful sight he had ever had the pleasure of knowing, Benvolio stretched with his arms against the top of his car, but the thing that made his heart recognize it as one of the most beautiful sights was because of the sweet dopey smile from the blonde.

"What did you get?" asked the sleepy man with more energy as he sat up straight and his face instantly falling to the bucket. His green eyes widened comically as the blonde man realized that the King of Cats had fish in the bucket. "Fish, didn't know what you liked," the black haired man's sentence trailed off as he took a small popcorn shrimp and popped it in his mouth then he realized his mistake, there were no drinks. "You want a drink?" Tybalt commented, but as soon as the younger man saw his wallet he put his hand on it and said, "No, you bought us dinner, I'll pay." The older man stared at him evenly, but then shrugged as he complied, "Fine, I would like a medium coke."

The blonde got out of the car and sifted through his wallet as he walked inside the... It took Benvolio a minute to realize where he was until he got to the door which had a logo of a whale on the glass that said, "Blue Whale". It didn't matter right now considering drinks were pretty much the same everywhere, and so Benvolio walked in with confidence. He went up to the counter and saw a teenager with black hair smiling at him asking, "Hi, are you ready to order?" Benvolio smiled at the polite tone and said yes then he proceeded to order their drinks, but when he was done he looked evenly at the menu. Then, on a whim, Benvolio ordered a large chocolate and a vanilla large shake, because he was craving something sweet. "Thank you," Benvolo said and then walked out to show Tybalt the desserts.

"George," Peter said and the brunette came into the front, "What?" George watched as his co-worker smiled a dopey grin and looked at him with wonder in his expression. "I just saw a cute guy! A cute blonde with the freakin most gorgeous eyes you've ever seen...I am just lucky today or something." The blonde made a disbelieving sound and replied, "I think you're just seeing things Peter, I also think you need to clean the floor man." The black haired man huffed back in protest but quietly did as his friend advised, picking up the mop from the corner but he whispered to his friend with a grin, "Jealous much?"

Out in the car the black haired man watched the rear view patiently, his eyes narrowing and then widening at the appearance of Benvolio walking back to his car. He unconsciously sat up straighter but watched the man carefully, as though he were afraid of him getting mugged a foot from his car. He had to stop himself from acting so cautious around the other man, he almost felt like a protective mother or something. Tybalt sighed as soon as the other man opened the door, the green eyes once again bright and he peered down at the black haired man with a concerned look.

"Do you like chocolate or vanilla shakes because I kinda bought us shakes...," the man trailed off and the black haired man felt himself smile as he found himself saying, "Well, a shake sounds amazing actually, I will take the chocolate if you don't mind though." The King of Cats watched as the blonde got in the car, a smile concealed slightly by the darkness but not entirely hidden as he passed the chocolate shake over to the Capulet and himself back into the seat. The raven gladly took the shake and took a sip from it, reveling the sweet taste of chocolate.

Tybalt's eyes flickered down to where the other man was starting to take a sip of his, the blonde seemed to find similar delight in its sweet taste. It made him rather, well curious, and the golden eyed man leaned toward Benvolio and looked pointedly at the cup. The blonde glanced at the other man and at the cup and then back at the raven, "Do you want a taste of it?" Tybalt's eyes met with the unaware green ones that looked so innocently caring, how perfect. He grinned slightly and practically purred out the words, "Yes I do." Without pause Tybalt reached upwards and hooked his fingers around the crook of Benvolio's neck and pulled him closer, the other making a sound of surprise that was swallowed up by Tybalt. The raven taking advantage of the blonde's gasp by plunging his tongue into his mouth, the taste of vanilla shake prominent and delicious, but there was this underlying smell on Benvolio.

It was then that he placed what it was, the sweet seductive scent of lavender that he had smelled when he had first kissed the blonde now invaded his senses. 'It must be natural', thought the Capulet as he kissed the man deeper, but only just to gauge a reaction. His golden eyes opened and then widened as they met innocent green ones that caught him off guard, not many people actually kissed with their eyes open. The raven smirked at the way the eyes hooded darkly like a forest rather than a meadow green, it was the same as the last time. Well, the only difference was that when they had to part for air he was able to taste the Montague again as he dived in quickly the other man stilling at the sudden movement.

It was obvious that he had been right all along, Benvolio had no experience and it would be a shame if Tybalt didn't explore how far he could go without some sort of reprimandment. The tanner man reached an arm downward and curled it around the other man's waist, leaving no breaths of air left between their bodies. Even with this small gesture he could appreciate what it had to offer, it offered him a feel of the other man even through the hem of the shirt and jeans. It wasn't much, but it was helping him piece together parts of the man's body in his head. He experimentally caressed the small place in a circle and squeezed slightly, and the raven was surprised by how firm the other man felt in his hands. That didn't mean he didn't like it though, in fact it would be even more of a turn on if Benvolio was muscly.

He breathed out a frustrated sigh into the man's neck and said with determination, "We are definitely going to the beach this week." He practically rasped in his ear and felt himself burn as heard the man chuckle at his statement. "Is that a yes Montague?" he purred out as he kissed the man's neck and attacked his ear, he heard Benvolio's voice hitch as he spoke, it pleased him, "Was there ever a way to say no to you? You'd just sneak into my house and kidnap me even if I say no!" Tybalt smirked and said with undoubtful sweetness, "True, but it would be much more satisfying if you came on your own free will. So, will you come to the beach this weekend with me Benny boy?"

The blonde's smile grew gentler as did his grip, "seeing as it is futile to refuse, I guess I will go with the great King of Cats out to the beach." The amusement in his voice making the King of Cat's stomach doing reckless flips and jumps restlessly, it made him feel happy. "I see, how does 9 in the morning sound?" asked Tybalt and Benvolio laughed and said, "No! Not 9 a.m., that's entirely too early in the daytime! Make it 10 or 11!" Tybalt quirked an eyebrow and put his forehead to Benvolio's, their close proximity hot and slightly comforting.

"Interesting, are you one of those people who sleep till 1 in the afternoon if I let you?" asked Tybalt with a small grin only to have Benvolio seem slightly offended as he said, "No! I usually sleep till 10! I also need to pack things though and that takes time..." The blonde trailed off as Tybalt moved forward and captured those lips once more for Tybalt could take no more of their teasing. Both men moaned into the kiss and the blonde's hands dug themselves into his black hair which caused Tybalt to smile. Then something happened though as they parted for air, Benvolio looked scared slightly, and said in a small voice, "Should we really be doing this? Is this...between us...really okay?"

The black haired played with the blonde tresses as he spoke carefully, fully understanding how crazy this all was, "Do you have a lover in your life right now other than me? If the answer is no, then we are doing no real harm to anyone with malicious intentions. I am a Capulet, you are a Montague, but you are very different than any Montague i've ever known, and I don't intend on making you do anything you don't want to do though. It should show how much I want to pursue this, between us, considering how I do very much hate most Montagues, but somehow can't tell myself to stay away from you."

That was practically a love confession and in an instant he saw the way the paler man's face started to process that and it was beautiful from up close. The way he felt embarrassed and his face starting to glow a little pink on his ears and everything. It was very cute, cute enough that Tybalt wanted to make his promise to himself and just completely attack the male, but he knew in the long run that this was a better option to seduce Benvolio Montague. "So, what do you say Benny Boy, wanna give 'us' a trial run?" the raven asked with a half grin that made him seem oh so innocent, and the paler man looked shy and nervous and said, "Okay, I will try 'this'...whatever 'this' is." That's all that Tybalt needed, a chance from the blonde.

"Eat your fish then before we get back to your home...unless you want to sleep at-" Tybalt started but the blushing blonde raised his hands in a 'X' formation and said, "No, no, home is good." The darker skinned male smiled and shrugged as he started up the car and took a sip of his chocolate milkshake and added, "Oh well, I will pick you up on Saturday at 11 then, and I have to say, I think vanilla tasted pretty good too." He noticed a small pout on the other's face at the comment and he laughed a little, how interesting. "Hey Tybalt," asked Benvolio and Tybalt waited for the rest of the question, "can the King of Cats really swim?" The raven snorted and said, "Yes, yes I can, so if you need any private lessons, just ask." "TYBALT!" Benvolio screeched in reply and he laughed heartilly.

Aryes: i hope someone enjoyed it, also i love comments, i hope you guys like thissss~! :D
