The party was no completely dead, Dean was screaming on the top of his lungs. Cole, and a few of his men dragged Dean out. "No. No. No, make it stop!" Dean screamed freaking out and body twitching. "Get away from me! demons! Demons! Master make them go away! Make it stop!" Dean kept pleading for release from their clutches. Cole and Gordon pinned Dean to the ground who wriggled and squirmed around, they began to beat him senseless. Cole slammed Dean's head into the ground, as dean stuttered his words Gordon clocked him in the face. "Not the face!" Cas yelled at them, trying to ignore Dean's cries. He watched as Dean continued to be hit, kicked, and even cut, regrets of watching when he made eye contact. Dean's eyes red from crying from before, made his eyes bottle green. He had stopped crying at some point, now it was just grunts of pain and short breaths. He still twitched, Castiel and the other Garrison watched it go down. Eyes turning towards to Castiel who was now becoming full of anger. "I don't think beating him was necessary Naomi, he was having a reaction to something. He was in enough pain as it was, whatever it was it caused hallucinations." Castiel turned to Luci who was getting a kick out of watching it go down.

"What? I didn't do it!" Luci put his hands up.

"Yeah well it was your friend," Cas said in defense.

"I don't have friends, who needs them-"

"Alastair. Mr. Masters, your backwash drug creator."

"Mans a genies, at least he uses the slaves other than sex, labor, and something to look at. He's creating science, with a fun kick of torture. Hey Dean's kinda cute and I don't get what Al did, and I wasn't involved. Michael on the other hand wanted to fucking fuck Dean and couldn't, so look at him!"

"Maybe Al thought Dean was a naive customer, he is stupid after all." Gabriel said still stuffing his face.

"Maybe-" Naomi started. "Maybe you're over worked up son, yes your pet got hurt but you can kill it and get a new one. He is replaceable after all, I think he was an annoyance anyway."

"And this is the name we leave for father?" Castiel asked them teeth gritting at them. "In the name of God? Slave or not, it breathes."

"So does plants and animals, you still eat them. Mr. Big Mac Burger, I don't see you in deference over the thousand cows that are slaughtered in the name of corporation." Anna said getting in Cas' face. "Cassie get over it, if he dies from the drug who cares? It's not like he actually leaving anything on this planet."

Dean couldn't sleep his body covered in bruises and forming welts, Aaron telling him how bad he looks. "I've had worse," Dean moaned. He had a hard time hearing and was upset when Aaron was called out of the room, he closed his eyes. He opened them when a creek on Aaron's a bed made him wanna look, unable to turn his head at the blurred figure. "Hello, Dean."


"You're hurt, don't try." Cas said looking at Dean's beat body. "Cole was a little too rough?" Cas said gaining a small laugh from Dean. "You find that amusing?"

"Y-Yeah, it's an understa-ment." Dean coughed. "Are they coming back?"

"No, you mean the demons?"

"I- I don't."

"Shhh. Oh, I said not the face, we'll have have a talk about it. You need to be more careful, Dean."

"You should keep a better eye on your property, may- maybe someone won't hmm with it." Dean smiled showing his swollen mouth.

"You don't have the right to use a smart mouth comment to me, although I find it quite charming actually... But I mean it Dean, be careful we have friends in all shades." Cas said wondering what connection Masters had with Dean, or maybe they actually just meet then. "I want to hold you," Cas said crawling into the small tiny bed Dean letting out a shot of pain. "Shhh... If you let me hold you I'll get you the strongest painkiller I can get my hands on." Cas lifted Dean's head up a little so it was on his chest, he didn't know what caused him to want to just hold Dean make him feel safe. He felt very protective of Dean, not wanting anyone to touch him, not even look or speak to him. Dean just for his own, his dirty little secret no one knows of, just his.

"Is this the part where you have sex if me?" Dean asked starting to tremble imaging the pain of his state plus the intrusion to be in him.

"What makes you say that? I may have thought about it, but I don't think I can handle hurting you further." Cas touched Dean's hair, so soft and it smelt nice. "Sleep, I'll stay."

"No. No. NAAHHH!" Dean screamed tied to a cold metal bed, feeling the substance run through his veins like fire. He started to twitch vigorously, pulling at the binds.

"Not just quite right, isn't grasshopper?" Alastair hummed taking the syringe out of Dean's neck, one brunette girl about 8 jumped up and down happily. "Meg here likes it, don'tcha sweetie?" He said as Dean watched his tortures eyes turned white and her's turn black.

"What? Your eyes their? Ahh!" Meg stabbed a knife into his leg. "BITCH!" Dean growled at her.

"Pumpkin, he has to stay pretty. More money means more dresses and test subjects, go play with your sisters." He said picking her up and taking her out of the room, coming back in. "Where were we?"

"You look like a fucking monster, asshole! Stop injecting drugs into me, it fucking hurts!" Dean pulled away again, no use. "Where's my Dad?"

"Oh boy, you've been saying that for the last two months. Don'tcha see? You have no daddy, he abandoned you, because you're cheap." His voice was slow and slimy it made Dean sick to the core. "Now how's this one Dean?" He jams another inject into his veins, causing Dean to drool, banging his head, knocking himself out. "Interesting."