Title: Falling into Darkness
Chapter 1: The sky is falling
Warning: There're swearing, violence and OOC. If you don't want your innocence to be ruin, please turn back.
Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, be glad because I might just put some M-rated scene in it. Oh, I only own my OCs.
A/N: The chapter is in the process of rewriting.
Everything was going smoothly well, that's what Tsuna thought. The Arcobaleno's curse was lifted, allowing Reborn and the others to grow. Apparently, they grow about 3-5 years old per year depending on their age. Tsuna found his wind guardian not long ago as well. Though the guardian often distances herself from the other guardians. Well, that's understandable, she just joined the family perhaps she not familiar with new surroundings. Though she somehow got the cloud to call her an omnivore. Tsuna, being the kindest person in Vongola, he always finds chances to approach her and discussed some work with her.
After a few months, he eventually became Vongola Decimo. His guardians started distancing themselves from him as if they were never his guardians. They would be either preoccupied with their own school club or finding missions to go. Gokudera is occupied by the occult club and hiding from fangirls. Yamamoto is occupied by his baseball club as well. When Tsuna ask him to go out with him, he will always say that he has a competition coming soon as an excuse. His mist guardians are always on a mission without a break and most of the mission requires them to go out of Japan. Lambo often went back to Italy to stay with his father if not he will go on a mission with Chrome and Mukuro. As for Ryohei, he got some people in his boxing club and is currently training them for some extreme matches? Well, that's what he said.
Slowly, the gap between them started widening. Whenever, he walks past at hallway in school, they will only bow or say a simple hello and continued on their own path. He hasn't talked to them for months well except for the cloud and wind. Students noticed the gap as well and started spreading rumors about Gokudera and Yamamoto is ignoring Tsuna. It's wasn't long for it to reach the hands of Tsuna's past bullies. It was like an open season to bully poor Tsuna. Almost every day he had to limp home with bruises and cuts all over his body. He had to bandage his wound alone. Most of the time, his two guardians (Cloud and Wind) would fight the bullies, but that's not all the time.
Haru and Kyoko would find time to visit him despite having clubs activities. Xanxus and Byakuran, who moved to the house next to his, often visit to train with him and challenge him to a sky race. Even with all those, it wasn't enough to cure his loneliness.
Dino, Emma and Yuni are busy with their famiglia (teaching for Dino) and hardly had any chance to contact Tsuna. Reborn and the other arcobalenos had important things to do with the checkerface. But Reborn said that he will come back before the graduation ceremony. Tsuna could only wait for that day and hoped that after they go to high school, things will go back to normal.
But those hopes went down the drain in just one night.
It was an exact month away from the graduation. Tsuna is watching TV alone while his mother prepares dinner more like a feast as his father is coming home tonight. Then, there was a soft knock on the front door. Noting that his mother is busy, he went to open the door but hesitated when his hyper intuition started screaming at him not to open it. Once again, there was another soft knock on the door but this time softer.
Going against his intuition, he opened the door. Only to see a half-dead man collapse on him. The man was heavily wounded and burned in many angles. His blond hair was so dirty and messy, that the blond almost turn into ashy colour. His clothes were no different.
"Is...Is this the S...Sawada...household?" he asked in a dried voice as if he hasn't drunk water for a long time. Not knowing what's going on, he nodded hesitantly.
"I'm...Timoteo's...son," with that the man fell unconscious. Tsuna was shocked at the information that he had just received. He immediately yelled for his mother to help. Nana arrived at the scene almost immediate. She quickly dragged the man to the living room while Tsuna get the first-aid kit.
Just then, a happy voice boomed through the house, "Nana! Tsuna! I back!" That's Iemitsu, Tsuna's father and the head of CEDEF.
"Dear! Quickly! Someone collapse on the outside the house just now!" Nana called him in a worried voice, trying to stop blood from flowing from the man's wounds. Iemitsu rushed to the living room within a few seconds and was taken away by the unconscious man's state. He scurried to help Nana with the bandages.
"P-Papa... Is-Is he okay?" Tsuna shuttered still shocked. Unsure whether to tell his father the information he received from the man. Making up his mind, "Papa, he told me that he is he is Timoteo's son..."
Iemitsu was once again taken aback. He was beyond shock. Then the front door was kicked opened by someone. It turned out to be Xanxus came to see what the commotion is about. "Xanxus, can you confirm the identity of this man. If he's Timoteo's son.."Iemitsu asked with his eyes shadowed by his bangs. Xanxus was disturbed at the sudden subject of Timoteo's son. After a few of minutes of confirmation of the man's identity. The man is truly Timoteo's son because of the birthmark that every child of Timoteo has. His name is Federico. It seemed that the skeletons that people thought that it was his, is actually one of a substitute. But another mafioso is still trying to kill him in order to crush Vongola, thus, unable to go back to the Vongola Headquarters. He ended up fleeing to Japan but was found. He was tortured badly in many ways but was never killed. He barely escaped and struggled to find the only place he knows in Japan and that's Sawada Household.
After the news went out, it left every single Mafioso dumbfounded and mixed feeling upon receiving the news. Obviously, Timoteo will be the happiest out of them. That he invited everybody in Vongola to a welcome back party except for Tsuna in Japan. Tsuna stubbornly went for it without anyone knowing. Timoteo announced that Federico will be replacing Tsuna as Vongola Decimo. Everyone cheered for Federico even his own guardians. Tsuna saw how they smiled and laughed, the smiles and peals of laughter that were once directed to him is now directed to someone else other than him. He immediately ran away with a heavy heart. He ran and ran with no end unwilling to cry until his eyes met his wind guardian who is standing alone outside of the school.
"Sawada-kun? What's wrong?" her melodic voice never failed to comfort him. He broke into sobs. "S-Suzume-san, what did I do wrong? Why are they going against all of the sudden?" Tsuna choked on his sobs and fell on the ground with a thud. "Shhh, just sleep, they never deserve such a nice boss like you," the wind guardian, who goes by the name Suzume, comforted, hugging the poor boy. She hummed a lullaby. The brunet struggled to stay awake but failed. He drifted into darkness before the lullaby could end.
"Omnivore, what you do to him?" Hibari appeared from the school. Eyeing the so-called 'herbivore' in Suzume's arms with slight concern. She kept silent, running her finger through the sleeping brunet's gravity-defying hair. "Hibari-kun, would you rather follow this boy or other people?" this caught Hibari off guard. Hibari hesitated for a while and finally replied firmly, "I prefer none, but I will follow this herbivore if I have no choice".
"I see that you hesitated, but I can see that you decided to follow this boy," the girl smiled before letting her bangs cover her eyes. "Luck is running out for this boy, and we have to protect him from the other unworthy guardians. Will you help me?" she asked again but in a more serious tone. "If you were to hesitate, the three of us will end up in a horrible situation."
This time Hibari nodded without any hesitation. Suzume once again went back to her smiling face. "I'll leave Decimo in your hands. I need to check on the stupid guardians," with that she walked away towards the direction of the ridiculous party. Once she reached the party, asking all guardians to assemble at a room which Suzume did not hear which room it is. Suzume, being smart, followed Chrome close behind to the room. Inside the room stood the strong and healthy Federico. One by one, the guardians introduced themselves and what is their flame class.
"Where's my cloud?" he asked in very rough voice. "Don't tell me that he turned up for the party."
No one dared to speak up, it was just silent. Until Suzume broke the silent.
"Just in case that you don't know, a true cloud guardian would prefer to be alone. It wouldn't be surprising if he doesn't turn up for the party," she reasoned out, causing all other guardians to gasp.
"Of course I know that but it currently surprising for someone to challenge my knowledge," Federico said darkly as he scan Suzume's figure with a smirk. "But since you have such a perfect body, why don't you stay in for a night with me as an apology?"
Suzume smirked back at him," I'm pretty sure that it's way too early your dirty dream, after all I'm still underage".
That was a fact; she's 17, a supposed high schooler but she still in middle school.
Federico was taken aback by how bold and straight the girl is. He quickly regained his posture and cleared his throat, "anyway, the reason why I called you here is because of a mission. I want you all to get the Sky Vongola Gear back, I don't care whether the holder is dead or alive just it back by tomorrow if not you don't, you all will be in Vendicare prison with no exception. Clear?"
"H-Hai! Decimo-sama!" all the guardians saluted fearfully except for Suzume who rolled her eyes, but it went unnoticed by the rest. The guardians decided to take action tomorrow; exactly at 6 pm. Suzume mentally noted it before disappearing from the guardians' sight.
The day came in fast. Unfortunately for Tsuna who woke up due to an empty stomach. He exited his bedroom and was then greeted by a scent of food. He went downstairs carefully, hoping that he will not go tumbling down the stairs. But it doesn't go as what he hoped for. He stepped on his pyjamas and tumbled down the stairs.
"Tsu-kun, are you awake? It's already lunch time you know?" a concerned voice that belongs to his mother asked. "Ah, lunch ready as well."
Tsuna opened his eyes, to see his precious mother's face and smiled. "Coming!"
His mother cooked rice omelettes for today, that's her best dish out of all. Tsuna almost devoured the whole omelette within seconds. He even asked for a second omelette. While waiting for it, he glanced at the clock that read,'14:47'. His intuition is telling him that something bad is going to happen tonight. His second rice omelette caught his attention, this time; he ate it at a slower speed. This somehow triggered the memories that happened yesterday. How Ninth happily announced Federico as Decimo and how his guardians, no ex-guardians, cheered for him. At least Suzume is still with him. He finished his omelette without knowing that he had. His spoon crashed with the plate, snapping him out of his daze.
"Tsu-kun?" his mother looked at him with concern. Tsuna reassured his mother with a smile. The rest of day was rather boring, sitting in front of the television. The clock read, '17:57'.
"Oka-san, I'm going out to get fresh air for a while," he finally stood up from his seat and headed outside quietly.
"...if only he could tell me about his problem..." Nana muttered to herself as she looked at the leaving figure. For some reason, it felt as if it will be the last time, she will be seeing him. But she shrugged it off and decided to push all her doubts to the back of her mind.
Tsuna walked out of the gate. Suddenly, his intuition screamed at him to jump back. After learning his lesson to trust his intuition, he jumped back. The ground that he was previously standing dented in as if a meteor has crashed over there but the things is, there's nothing. His intuition told he that it's a human which did that. 'Invisible human?' he thought in shock. As if something had hit his head, a certain boxer and an illusionist suddenly appeared in his mind. Tsuna immediately froze after solving the puzzle. Ryohei should be able to punch a hole in the solid concrete while Mukuro can make something or someone invisible with his illusions. If those two were to work together, they are able to create this destruction without even getting seen.
This made Tsuna snapped, "oi, if you want to kill me, then do it in person. How coward of you all, needing to be invisible to kill me". His eyes were dull with a mocking smirk on his face. "Oya? You noticed that was a person, I thought I hid rather well," a voice said in an impressed tone. Mist surrounded the street as eight figures walked out of the mist.
"Tch, the plan failed, what a waste of time," Gokudera commented with his hand crossed.
"Now he thinks that we are cowards," Yamamoto's once carefree voice is now replaced by a cold and choppy voice.
"I extremely couldn't believe that I extremely missed with that extreme punch!" Ryohei shouted with his extremely loud voice.
Lambo kept quiet while munch on his grape lollipops. Clearly not caring what's happening to Tsuna.
"Mukuro-sama, you're at fault for not making the illusion more undetectable," Chrome scolded while giving Tsuna a glare filled with hatred.
"You all! Decimo only asked for the Vongola Gear not killing him!" that's Tsuna's father, Iemitsu. That's right, he with them. Tsuna isn't surprised instead he already expected his father to side the Vongola.
"...The plan failed after all..." a cold voice echoed around them. Tsuna wasn't expecting the person that said that to be Suzume, the person who he went to when he's sad. Unknown to him, the guardians smirked.
"Ah, you guy do the work. I don't want to hear his pitiful voice," she said coldly as she stepped a few steps away from the group while the rest just scowled in response.
"Tsuna, can you please give the Vongola Gear back without any question asked," Iemitsu asked holding his hand out, expecting the ring to be on his hand. Tsuna shocked his head and backed away. "I don't want to, I don't want," Tsuna started chanting that sentence.
Much to the guardians' annoyance of waiting and the chantings, Gokudera was the first to snap. He literally almost ripped the gear out of Tsuna's fingers but failed to when Tsuna reacted faster by dodging.
"Decimo, no ex-Decimo, you better give back the Vongola Gear," Suzume warned. Tsuna noticed something and mutter 'Decimo?' softly. His hyper intuition confirmed it.
Suzume processed to take the rings, but Tsuna smack away her hand, "You're not Suzume-san! Suzume-san never calls me 'Decimo' in my presence! You're just an illusion created by Mukuro!"
Suddenly cold wind starts swirling around the street.
"Fuu~ That's right, Sawada-kun. How rude of you to make a fail illusion of me, Rokudo-san," a melodic voice seemed to freeze everyone with its cold tone behind it. All of the sudden, Yamamoto collapsed on the ground revealing the figure behind it, Suzume. "Oya? I thought Decimo-sama is talking some important matters with you?"
"Ah~ that... Right now he's talking to the other me," she smiled. She snapped her fingers as the fake her, that Mukuro created, shattered into a cloud of mist.
"Oh? You cancelled my illusions. And what do you mean by 'other you'?"
"Illusion is what you call it I guess but not to me," Suzume explained before turning to Tsuna. "Sawada-kun, please go, somewhere safe and dark".
Tsuna hesitated, not wanting to Suzume alone. Suzume reassured him with a soft smile. With that, Tsuna bit his lips and ran toward the school.
"Kufufu, so you're siding Dame-Tsuna, huh?" Mukuro laughed in disappointment. "So that's why you knocked out Yamamoto".
"Having to spar with you all is already troublesome. If I were to spar with the natural hitman, it will be way too troublesome"
"But I guess I would only be sparring with Ryohei, Chrome and Lambo," she once again snapped her fingers. This time Mukuro, Gokudera and Iemitsu dispersed into clouds of mist. "Leaving the weaker batch to me"
"Lambo isn't weak!" Lambo spoke for the first time. "I'm strongest in Vongola!"
"Stronger than Federico-san?" Suzume asked innocently, smirking at the small retreating figure.
That question strikes hard on Lambo's heart. He was lucky that Federico isn't here or he would be a roasted cow or lamb. He denies in fear, shaking his head in fear. He fell on the ground as his tears threatened to fall.
"OI! SUZUME! THAT'S EXTREMELY MEAN, APOLOGIZE TO LAMBO NOW," Ryohei demanded. He looked like he's going to punch Suzume in the face. Well, he was about to when Suzume intercepted him with a question.
"I wonder what will happen if Kyoko meet Federico-san?" Suzume asked, smirking in victory again. "He might ask her to sleep with him, she is a cute girl after all."
Terror stuck inside Ryohei's boy heart and mind, he is able to picture what will happen in his mind. He tried to erase the thought but failed when the question started repeating in his mind. He started screaming, "EXTREME TERROR!"
"Lambo, Ryohei-san! Unforgivable, how dare you insult Decimo-sama!" she was about to cast an illusion on her but was once intercepted by a question just like what happened to Ryohei.
"I wonder if Federico-san only wants one mist guardian, who he will choose, Rokudo Mukuro or you?" her smirk went wider.
Chrome started shivering at the thoughts she's currently having. Most likely Federico will choose Mukuro and she will be killed or abandoned by them. 'I don't want to be abandoned!' Chrome thought.
"Abandon? Aren't you abandoning Sawada-kun right now, Chrome-san?"
"Eh? I-I..." Chrome looked up in realization so did the other two. Their eyes flashed guilt in it.
"You all feel guilty don't you? It's kind of too late, I'm going to find him," said Suzume as she dashed off to Namimori Middle School. Suzume glanced at her watch. "Tch, it's already 18:17"
-Tsuna's POV- 15 minutes ago -
"Sawada-kun, please go, to somewhere safe," Suzume-san said to me. Both my mind and my heart are in a mess so I hesitated, I don't want to leave Suzume-san alone. Suzume-san reassured me with a smile. I bit my lip. 'Suzume-san, I'm sorry!' I ran away to wherever my heart brings me to.
After a few minutes of running, my eyes are blurred with hot tears. I suddenly tripped and collapsed on someone. 'Please not be them!' I shut my eyes tightly as I prayed.
"Herbivore..." said a familiar cold voice. I immediately recognise the voice, 'I'm so dead'. "Hibari-san?" I asked for confirmation as I peeked.
I saw Hibari-san's figure underneath me. I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I swear I saw his eyes flashes concerns in it. I quickly got up, flustered. Hibari got up with the usual stoic face as he brushed the dust away from his clothes.
"Follow me," Hibari-san said as he walked into the school building with his jacket flowing dramatically behind him. 'Wait, how did I even end up here?' I wondered as I hesitatingly followed him. Is he trying to help me or is he going to lead me to the other guardians. After walking up a flight of stairs which seems endless, we reached the rooftop. The sunset greeted me, my eyes shone with amazement.
I then felt Mukuro's presence. I tensed. Hibari sensed it as well as he narrowed his eyes and wiped out his tonfas.
"Kufufu, it's the birdie~" Mukuro appeared with an eerie smile on his face. His unmatched eyes glaring into mine. Gokudera and my father enter the scene as well.
-Normal POV-
"Hand over Tsunayoshi and we'll give you peace," Gokudera demanded. Only to fly miles away by getting by a tonfa that belongs to Hibari. "Leave or I'll bite you to death."
"Kufufu looks like the birdie is siding the weakling as well," Mukuro laugh eerily as he points his trident at Hibari.
Hibari scowled at him before swinging his tonfa at Mukuro which Mukuro blocked with his trident. "I would rather side the weakling than to be with herbivores," he stated, bringing his tonfa up to his unimpressed face.
"Bastard! Don't call Decimo-sama a herbivore, I'll blow you into pieces," Gokudera who recovered from flying away, threw his dynamites at Hibari. Hibari deflected them with his tonfas randomly and made the dynamites went flying everywhere. And some went to Tsuna and blew up. The impact made Tsuna flew over the rails into mid-air.
"Herbivore/Jyuudaime/Tsunayoshi/Tsuna!" all four instinctively called out at the same time. Hibari, being the closest, attempted to grab hold of his falling hand but failed. Tsuna smiled at him and muttered a 'thank you'. He closed his eyes and prepared for the impact.
"Sawada-kun!" the voice surprised him. He snapped his eyes open in shock. Suzume is running from the school gate with wide eyes. Suzume stopped knowing that she won't make it. She slices the air with her hands. Right after that, a gust of wind started swirling below Tsuna, trying to soften the landing. Tsuna still hit the floor hastily despite the wind.
"Sawada-kun!" Suzume ran to Tsuna's side to check on him. Blood coated her hand when she touched his head. Her hair covered her face. Her killer intent around her started darkening rapidly.
"Su...zume-san... I can... still walk," Tsuna's voice was barely a whisper. He struggled to stand up. Blood was flowing down his face from the forehead. Suzume took out a cloth and wrap it around the forehead. She noticed that his right leg was broken. Tsuna dragged his broken leg to the nearby park. Suzume wanted to stop him, but she was too enraged. She ran up the wall of the school skillfully. Landing perfectly on the rooftop. Emitting a murderous intent, she took out her umbrella which she always brings around. She unsheathes the umbrella revealing a blue sword hidden in it. The sword has beautiful and detailed rose carvings on it and pointed edges at the side as well. The three gasped as they back away from the sword holder. They recognized the sword as the infamous 'Rose Piercing Sword', the one of a kind sword that makes the holder able to single-handedly kill a whole famiglia.
"Hibari, you deal with that f#%&ing pineapple head and the octopus head while I deal with this bastard," Suzume cursed and her eyes glint with both anger and mischief. "And soon you all will be at your knee"
Loud laughter of Suzume could hear. Then screams of pain started to resound through the whole neighborhood. Some came out from their house to check what had happened while others stayed in their house fearing that there's a war going on.
As for Tsuna, he collapsed at the park due to pain intensity of his leg. He could hear the screams of his ex-guardians and the evil laughter of Suzume from there. He crawled tree and used it as support. Then rustling of leaves and his intuition alerted him that there's assassin. But he was too tired to even get up.
"So this is the previous Vongola Decimo, how pitiful," a voice mocked him. Then a click of a gun was heard. "I'll let you have a long and painful death. Maybe a few shots to the chest should do it."
Three shots could hear miles away. All the guardians felt a shot to heart and two shots near the stomach. All of them clenched their heart and stomach in pain simultaneously. Suzume seemed to smirk and ran to find Tsuna by following after the blood trail Tsuna had left. Hibari followed closely behind.
Yuni and Byakuran started coughing out blood. "What happened?! Where's Tsuna-kun?! We have to find him immediately!" Byakuran asked hurriedly. He flew out to the school leaving his blood covered marshmallows. "This can't be happening, where's Sawada-san? We need to find him," Yuni rushed to the private jet to fly to Japan.
Dino, Xanxus and Emma collapse on the floor all of sudden. It wasn't clumsiness; all of them felt a sudden sharp pain on all their joints causing them to fall. They all rushed to the school.
All the bosses and Arcobaleno heard the same thing: The Sky is falling...
This was all caused by bullets that were shot into Tsuna's body. Two near the stomach, one at his heart.
"Ah, I might have just shot your heart. Whatever as long that I kill you, I'll get the money from Federico. Did you know how much he's willing to pay just to kill you? A billion! You know how I am to be able to kill you? It's like one out of a billion chance," the assassin started boasting. Then rustling of bushes interrupted him. The assassin ran away immediately since he don't want to get caught murdering someone. He just left Tsuna leaning on the tree. Tsuna looked up at the night sky. The sky is filled with bright stars and a full moon. 'I don't know that the night sky would be so beautiful.'
"Poor thing, this person must be the one who Aurora cares a lot," a silvery female voice said. 'Aurora? Who's Aurora?' Tsuna thought as he struggled to stay awake and panting in exhaustion. His wounds are pouring out blood, his heartbeats started decreasing. His vision is getting blurry too. But he could make out four cloaked people. He saw one has stars on her clothes before entering a page of darkness.
"Moon, heal him quickly. Aurora will be mad if he dies," a male modulated voice reminded. The one with a meteor on his cloak smacked the other with the cloak that has a silver moon on it.
"Fine," a monotone male voice sighed. As the person moved his hand over Tsuna. The hand emitted a silver-green flame. The wounds started closing, the bullets are magically removed and the broken leg healed as well. "Done... Snow, can you go tell Aurora that it's done and Meteor, you carry the boy to our base," the same monotone toned voice ordered. The person, with the cloak that has a snowflake on it, just stood there. While the one with the meteor picked up Tsuna and went to their located base, well about to.
*Laughter* "What you mean? She's just over there, panting hard with another guy," and the girl started laughing maniacally along with the others. They just thought of dirty things just now.
"I heard that Snow!" Suzume's voice rang throughout the entire park. Then Suzume and Hibari emerged from the stairs, gasping for air. "This guy is Hibari the cloud guardian for your information"
Hibari growled lowly at the blood that littered the ground. Looking at his sky also drenched in blood. His mind automatically registered that the blood on the ground is his and the ones that hurt him is the ones in cloaks. 'No one hurt my sky except me!' he took out his tonfa but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
"Hibari-kun, they healed Tsuna not hurt him. But 'my sky'?" Suzume chuckled lightly at Hibari's confused face. "I can read minds; you're quite possessive over Tsuna aren't you?"
Hibari's face reddens a bit. He swings his tonfa weakly at Suzume. Suzume chuckled once again at his reaction. "Let's go back to our base, bosses in Vongola might be gathering at the Namimori Middle there already and I have something to do as well," Suzume reminded. The one with the moon cloak took Hibari's hand and dragged him to their base. Hibari just glared back at Suzume while the others just laugh.
Just like Suzume said, bosses gather at blood pile that was left by Tsuna where he fell on. ( The guardians had already gathered before the bosses). Yuni gasped as Gamma cover her eyes from the blood. Byakuran scanned the blood to see the cause. "He fell from the rooftop," Mukuro stated earning stunned looks from the two bosses. Yuni fell on her knee and started crying, "I couldn't believe that you all don't save him!"
"You all! Where's Tsuna!" Reborn's high pitched voice boomed. The rest of Arcobaleno came rushing to the site, they had grown quite a bit over those months, all of them are much taller than before. "I heard that the Sky is falling, kora!" Colonnello shouted. The guardians just looked at him clueless. 'What did he meant by the Sky is falling?' all of them thought.
"A sky that is abandoned by its weathers has finally broken," Viper, no now Mammon, stated, clearly upset with the situation. Though her time is wasted but the current situation is way too serious. Then a burst of Sky flames shot towards the guardians but missed. Xanxus enters the site as well. His killer intent could send shivers down everyone's spine.
"Trash, what's the meaning of this?" his question caused everyone to back away, his eyes trailed to the blood, distracted by it. It was silence until Dino and Emma enter the site as well. The two only could stare at the blood. "Wait! There's a blood trail leading to the park!" Dino pointed the most crucial part that everyone missed, yes even the arcobalenos. They quickly followed the blood trail. Bringing them to much worse blood pile than what they just saw. The grass and part of the tree were dyed red by the blood. Yuni burst into tears immediately at the sight of the blood. The guardians only could feel guilty. While the others felt rage in them even the calmest arcobaleno, Fong, is aching to beat up he guardians. Reborn had his fedora tilted to cover his face, hiding every emotion that he's having.
A voice singing snapped their attention to it.
The Sky is falling down
Falling down into the deep darkness
No one can reach him not even his clouds can
The other weather refused to help and walked away
The cloud jumped in with no hesitation
Together the two fall
Into the hands of the Night Sky
The Sky and Cloud are no longer yours and will never return
The short song ended leaving them to figure out the meaning behind it. Xanxus was the first to figure out. "Trash! Where did you take Sawada Tsunayoshi and the Cloud Guardian to!" Xanxus yelled as he scanned the forest with his narrow eyes. Reborn solved it as well, he growled glaringly to whoever sung the song.
"Fuu~ did I anger you guys?" the same melodic voice echoed around the forest. "That voice!" all the guardian except for Yamamoto recognize the voice. The only kind of voice that holds a special melody in it, there's no doubts it's Suzume's. "Yah, it's that damn wind guardian of our Famiglia"
"Wind guardian? I never heard of any other guardians being added to the family," Reborn remarked. The guardians' eye widened and shuttered a 'what?'.
"Fuu~ that's right, there isn't a wind element in the first place. Hibari was the only one who noticed it," a figure jumped down from blood covered tree. "Let me introduced myself. I'm Suzume, a so-called wind guardian"
"Bastard, you tricked us!" Gokudera growled at her and was ignored. "Don't ignore me!"
"I'm the one who turns dreams into reality and reality to dreams. So basically you saw an illusion I guess," she shrugged her shoulders. "But you can't say that I'm a mist user."
"What are you trying to say?" Reborn said darkly holding his Leon gun already.
"Example, I can make a solid item like the 10-year bazooka anytime easily," indigo with mixture sapphire blue flames shone from her hand. As if it's magic, a certain purple bazooka appeared, shocking everyone. Lambo quickly took out his and confirmed that the one she's holding isn't his.
"Suzume, what flame is that? I never see such a flame before," Reborn asked, but he got silence as his answer.
"Ah... My time is running out, byeee~ we shall meet in the near future," Suzume turned and walked away as she threw the bazooka on the ground.
"Like hell we're letting you go!" Xanxus and Reborn fired their guns at her. Suzume snapped her fingers. Both the sky flame and the bullet stopped mid-air as if time stopped. Well, time actually stopped for it. Xanxus and Reborn growled, "How did you-". But was cut off by a strong gust of wind.
"Always remember that the Sky and Cloud are no longer with you," with that she disappeared.
"So you bastards better tell me everything or I'll kill you with no hesitation," Reborn threatened and cocked his gun so did Xanxus. Byakuran lost his cool as well, he had his dragon out. Fearing the wrath of those three, the guilty guardians spilled everything out not missing and single detail. Why they abandon their sky because they have abandoned their dreams just for him and how Federico ordered/threatened them to get the rings.
"End up in Vendicare prison? What a laugh!" Byakuran snorted. "Just for those reasons, you abandoned Tsuna-kun?!"
"Trash, those are not valid reasons! Prepare to die!" Xanxus was about to shoot but was stopped by Reborn.
"So... You're telling me that Tsuna forced you all to abandon your dreams?" Reborn glared at them. If glares could kill the guardians would have been dead by now. "Did you all know that Tsuna was forced to be Vongola Decimo?"
"His life was already ruined because of that, yet you all made it worse. What about Hibari? He stayed with Tsuna even though he knew that his precious school will be in danger," Reborn's eyes are somehow shining as he said. He had to admit that he had fun torturing Tsuna during those days but pity at the same time that Tsuna has to be in this cruel world.
"I-I should have believed my vision of the future, it's my entire fault," Yuni sobbed. She caught a glimpse of the future a few days back. Unfortunately, she doesn't believe it because she thought that the guardians wouldn't leave him no matter what.
"Yuni, don't blame yourself and don't show that face in my presence," Reborn took out a small cloth and gave it to Yuni. "It seems that Hibari is the only one who is with Tsuna..."
Byakuran cracked his knuckles and smiled darkly," killing you all wouldn't be enough. I think a few month of torturing would be enough."
The poor guardians only can shiver at the suggestion. At the thought of getting tortured by those sadists would be hell, no worse than hell.
"Wait, how did that Suzume even tricked you all especially the two mist guardians," Fong asked a question that no one can have yet to question. "How is she introduced to you all?"
"Ninth told us to assemble at the living room in Tsuna's house few weeks after you all went out of Japan," Gokudera started with his arms crossed.
"After we gathered, Ninth was there with her, saying that she's the wind guardian and just left," Yamamoto continued coldly surprising everyone with his change in voice.
"Kufufu, she just introduced herself briefly, shook Tsuna's hand and just left," Mukuro smirked eerily despite the fact that the three is glaring at him. "Unsatisfied with her introduction, we got into a fight with her. Talking about fighting with her, the bird and she fought with us just a few moments ago. The Rose Piercing Sword, she's the holder of it."
"That's might not be Ninth, she could have created a fake version of him and the sword. I met the real holder of the sword in Italy a few weeks back, he is a fearsome guy in one of most dangerous Mafioso. By the way, where is Iemitsu?" Reborn asked.
"You all just left me on the rooftop! Bleeding!" the said man's voice complained. His figure walked into their view. His clothes are badly torn apart and he's covered with blood and cuts as if he had just experienced hell. Well technically, he went through hell not long ago.
"I forgot to the extreme! Strangely to the extreme, I couldn't extremely heal the extreme wounds on him!" Ryohei supplied loudly, deafening the poor ears of the people around him.
Reborn's onyx eyes once again were shadowed, 'how is it possible for Ryohei to be unable to heal him unless...'
"Iemitsu, come here. I try to heal the deep cuts first". Iemitsu walked toward him and sat on the floor while Reborn processed to heal him. But he stopped when he felt a sharp pain on his chest. "The heck?" he found a gash on his chest, a very deep one. In return, one of Iemitsu's cuts healed. He cursed when gash started bleeding heavily. The Arcobaleno quickly rushed to him.
"Uncle Reborn! Gamma, call the medical team!" Yuni instructed, using a clean cloth to wrap around Reborn's chest to prevent too much blood loss while Gamma fished out his phone and dialled the number. Iemitsu fell on his butt in the meantime.
"How did she do so much damage to you?" Lal Mirch asked. She took out bandages from her pockets and started wrapping the wounds. "I have to admit that she's very strong. Perhaps around Reborn's level. I couldn't even see her movements and her sword just kept slashing and slashing," he replied wincing when the pain started attacking him again.
The mentioned hitman peeked from his fedora with curiosity. Around his level? No one has even come close to his level. Well maybe Tsuna and a few more did but other than them, there's no one. 'But damn, my newly brought suit is ruined,' he thought, eyeing his new suit that is soaked red in his blood.
"Where's Tsuna? Did you get back the Vongola gear?" Iemitsu asks the guardians who flinched back at the name 'Tsuna'. One could see tears starting to form in Chrome's eyes. She was quietly blinding herself from reality for the past few minutes.
"Iemitsu! Are you also getting gear from him? What kind of father are you?!" Lal barked at him. She grabbed the collar of the injured man.
"That's direct orders from Timoteo! He ordered me directly through person and letter! Though he told me not to read it," he fished out a letter and handed it to Lal who snatched the letter from his hand. She unfolds the letter which greeted her with a blazing sky flame and read it in silent. Her grips tightened as she bit her lip until it leaks out blood. "That damn boss! Sorry for teaching a fake my ass!" she slammed the letter down on the ground, Colonnello immediately rushed to her side to comfort her. Reborn asked Yuni to bring the letter to him. After receiving the letter, he read out without scanning what is written first.
He read out,
Dear ex-tutors of Sawada Tsunayoshi,
As you all heard my son, Federico, has returned. Thus, I will ask you all to become tutors of him to help him be an appropriate Vongola Decimo. As for Sawada Tsunayoshi, I sincerely apologise for the trouble you all went through when tutoring him. He is just a replacement for the seat meaning he's just a fake Decimo. I have no intention of making him one in the first place anyway. I had no choice then. I heard there's assassin pretending to be a guardian in the Famiglia, I already told my son, and he should be dealing with it by now. And get the Vongola ring back from him, this is an order.
Vongola Nono
Right after reading finish, Reborn crashed the letter immediately and tore it into million pieces within a second. The atmosphere became very heavy and quiet. It was then broken by a certain carnivore's bird.
"Hibari, Hibari"
The bird looked flustered, flipping its fluffy wings so fast that it almost couldn't be seen. It's carrying a small box with it as well. The bird flew down to Reborn's shoulder and dropped the box into his hand. The box broke into pieces leaving two familiar rocks. They were the Vongola gear before its final form! The guardians quickly checked theirs; it is still in its original form. Then why? The answer was answered when five bright and pure flames appeared from their gears. There stood the first generation's guardians. All five have a face filled with disappointment and sadness even Daemon Spade was there.
"Nufufu, I came back from the dead, it seems that I can't even rest in peace. You all really messed up this time," Daemon said. "You all are lucky that Primo told us to not to disarm your gears," G continued in a disappointed voice. "We will keep you all under our watch according to Primo's orders," Asari stated, looking at Yamamoto with a pair of sad eyes.
"You all have to attend Mafia High School no matter what according to Primo," Knuckles crossed his arms currently angry at the guardians, especially Ryohei. "Ah, Primo said that the rocks that contains the Vongola Gears need to be kept by Arcobaleno and need to supply then with your flames to keep it living," Lampo lazily said, he don't even give Lambo a glance before disappearing in sparks of lightning flames.
Then cloud flames shot out of the rock revealing a platinum blonde haired man in a trench coat. Surprising everyone excluding a melon-head person. "Nufufu, I'm not even surprised that you're able to do that, Alaude," Daemon looked at Alaude with distaste. Alaude returns it with a glare. A glare that is fiercer than Reborn's. Obviously he's not in the mood for jokes having to be forced to go out here by Primo.
"Primo asked me to transfer his message since he's pathetic," he started, making them sweat-drop at his comment on Primo. "He said that during your high school years will be much more dangerous than what you had experience. And beware of the Night Sky. That's all."
The sentence made everyone confused. Beware of the night sky? Why? Not like it will come down and bite us or something, that's what the guardians thought. "Wait! Where's Hibari? He's Vongola's Cloud Guardian, why is cloud rock here?"
"Hn. I have no intention on answering those. And supply the rocks with flames or I'll arrest you," with that he returned to rock.
"Oi, that bastard!" G let out a string of curses directed to the first cloud guardian.
"And why the hell do we need to go Mafia High?!" Gokudera complained and was about to push all the blame to Tsuna but was stopped by G's interruption. "Gokudera, take it as a punishment," G glared at him harshly and then at the other guardians. The guardians flinched.
"... I feel like we are being forgotten..." Skull spoke for the first time. "Shut up lackey!" Reborn kicked his head. "Anyway since most things are cleared, let's began the punishment of the useless guardians and Iemitsu for being idiotic shall we?" Reborn asked with 'innocent' face despite the pain from the deep cut. The guardians and Iemitsu gasped in fear as shadows cover them from the moonlight.
-Tsuna's POV-
'Am I dead?... Why do I feel like I'm on a bed,' I moved a bit to feel the fluffy mattress' warmth.
"Star! Off the light, he's waking up"
'Isn't that Suzume-san's voice?' I tried to open my eyes only to be blinded by the intense light which made me cringe. "Star! I told you off the light! Are you trying to blind him?!"
"Okay! Geez," an unfamiliar female voice said. The light switched off allowing me to open my eyes more comfortably. Then a vase flew in and crashed into the wall beside Suzume. "HIEEE!" I shrieked when pieces of glass littered the checkered floor. I looked at Suzume-san, worried if the vase had hit her. But the worries turned into fear.
"... You bastards... That was one of my priceless vases and you broke it. Hibari, stop fighting with them before I chain you to a wall!" she threatened. 'Hibari? Hibari-san is here too?! But where am I anyway?' I looked at my surrounding; I'm in a room that's painted dark blue on two sides and sky blue on the other two with checker floor tiles. Nicely decorated room, I have to say. I noticed that my wounds are healed too. There's a bang on the window; I looked out from the window to see the fishes and a shark?!
I heard someone giggled, "Our base is under the ocean so you might expect some shark attacks sometime."
"Who are you?" I questioned. Suzume suddenly snapped her fingers and blue-green light engulfed the room. It later dissolved revealing three unknown people and Hibari?!
"Mao~ Aurora-chan, stop teleporting us everywhere," the girl complained childishly, the other three male just glared at her. "Please act at your age, Snow," Suzume reprimanded. 'What's happening? Who are those people?!' I screamed in my mind.
"Omnivore... Are you okay?" Hibari asked. I froze, 'd-d-d-d-did Hibari-san asked me if I'm okay?'
After I processed those words, I nodded hesitatingly. I started fiddling with my fingers then I noticed that my Vongola gear is missing! I looked around frantically for it.
Then two rings dropped on my lap. My Vongola box ring and an unknown ring that is similar to the original Vongola ring, but it's not it doesn't have Vongola written on it. With the word 'Notte' carved on it. My mind automatically translated it, Notto means Night in Italian. I looked up to see an expressionless person. He doesn't say anything and just stepped back. I look at him blankly.
"Pardon him, he's a very quiet person but he's a rather sweet person," Suzume chuckled and received a glare in return. "Sawada-kun, let's start with introduction shall we?"
~Chit-chat corner with the characters! ~
Amaya/Author: CUT!
Suzume/Aurora: My ears hurt from your shouting...
Amaya/Author: That's the first chapter of Falling into Darkness
?/Snow: Amaya-san, you know your vocabulary level is so low that a ten-year-old child can understand your fan-fic?
Amaya/Author: I know... *Sulk at a corner*
?/Moon: Be sure to review on how suck Amaya-san is at writing fan-fics.
Amaya/Author: Don't say it in such an expressionless face!
?/Meteor: Ma~ Next don't censor the swear words cause we are to going to swear damn hard. Like $#%#%$#%#$%#$. Hey, it's censored again!
Amaya/Author: All swearing words are censored for this chapter... *sigh* I'm seriously got no idea why I created such OCs.
Word Count: 8302