Author's Note: I don't own Fairy Tail or make a profit off of this.

HERE IT IS! The final chapter of Thank You Juvia!

It feels so good to actually finish a fanfiction! I don't even know if there's much more to say. This chapter contains a LEMON and the set up for the Gruvia sequel. Tell me in the reviews what you thought of the whole story, what you liked and didn't like, and what you'd like to see happen in the sequel. I plan on starting it within the next month!

So here you go, the final chapter starts now!

When Levy removed her panties, Gajeel knew what was coming. He quickly threw off his boxers and laid down on the bed, his erection now fully in view. The sight made both of them nervous. Levy hadn't thought that his size would be a problem, even when she could feel his hardness pressing against her earlier. But now that she could see it, Levy knew that it might be an issue. She was so small, and his manhood was surprisingly big.

Gajeel frowned as he watched her face from his position laying down next to her. "You okay Levy?" he asked before kissing her cheek.

"Y-yeah..." she stuttered before reaching and wrapping her hand around his girth, or at least trying to. She couldn't even completely wrap her fingers around it.

"Levy..." Gajeel groaned. He was worried about her lessened enthusiasm, but her hand felt so good on his pulsating member. It was almost too much. After all the time they'd spent building up to this moment, he was sensitive to her touch. Both hands were now on his member, moving slowly up and down and driving him absolutely crazy.

"If you keep going, I'll finish a lot earlier than you might've wanted." Gajeel whispered in a voice that made it clear that he was trying to keep himself in control. Levy blushed and quickly pulled her hands away. He laid there for a few seconds, regaining control, before sitting up.

He hadn't gotten a good look at her earlier when she first removed her panties. To him, the sight of his erection was nothing compared to Levy's now exposed pussy. It seemed perfect and pure, and something inside Gajeel was both ecstatic and sad that he would be the one to remove the purity whenever they got that far.

"Lay down." Gajeel said as he moved in between her legs. Levy was still blushing, but did as he asked. She wondered what exactly he had in mind. She was worked about him fitting inside of her. She wasn't exactly a 'virgin', even though she hadn't been with another man. She had enjoyed some sex toys that played the role a man would usually fill. But even then she was worried. He was at least twice as big as anything she'd ever inserted.

Gajeel reached over her to grab a pillow. As he did, Levy raised one of her hands and placed it on his toned chest, still loving how that felt. Gajeel smiled down at her and kissed her once more as he placed the pillow under her hips, raising her lower half up.

As soon as he had her and the pillow where he wanted them, his lips began to move south down her body.

"Why is it raining so hard?" Erza asked. The female mage was completely drenched in a matter of seconds, and so was Gray.

"I don't know! I've never seen weather like this!" he answered, almost having to yell in order to be heard over the pounding rain.

"I'll go look around the main part of Magnolia, can you watch the guild and Fairy Hills to see if she comes back? I'm worried that something happened to her." Gray continued. Erza nodded.

"Stay safe. I'll watch for Juvia." she answered.

Licking his lips, Gajeel watched Levy's eyes as he slowly made his way lower on the bed. Kissing her stomach, he licked her bellybutton before moving lower. Wiggling his way between her legs, "I won't stop until you ask me to..."

Levy giggled a little in response, she had no objections to that and what she had decided he had in mind.

Kissing her inner thigh, he placed several love bites along her flesh as he moved closer to her wet folds. Running his tongue cross her labia, he moaned softly as he tasted her. Licking along her folds, Gajeel's iron studded tongue parted her lips while his fingers moved to rub her opening. Slowly licking his way up to her clit, his tongue made little circles around her hood before brushing across her clit.

Levy's hips moved forward a little and a moan escaped her lips as his tongue touched her most sensitive spot. The sound made Gajeel smile and he couldn't help but want to hear more. The dragon slayer wrapped his lips around her clit sucking softly. Hoping that he was doing everything right, he slowly pushed his finger into her wet passage. Levy stiffened briefly and Gajeel pulled back.

"No, don't stop." Levy moaned as she looked down at him, pleadingly. "Gihi." he said before pushing his finger back into her.

Flicking his tongue across her clit, he pulled back a little letting her clit slip from his lips. He pulled his finger from her pussy, so that he had room to lick along her folds, and savor the taste of her juices. After continuing like that for awhile he pushed his tongue as deep as he could and moaned. It caused his tongue to vibrate slightly and made Levy whimper in pleasure. As Gajeel continued licking her passage, his fingers moved up to draw small circles around and across her clit.

Levy realized that she wasn't going to last very long if he continued like this, which he did. Her hips bucked against him, and he gently held her down so that he could continue. He doubled his efforts, wanting to make sure that she was completely ready. He had seen her reaction to his size and wanted to do everything possible to make this a good experience for her. That included not hurting her in any way.

"Gajeel. I-i'm..." Levy moaned, quite loudly. They were both glad that she'd used the sound barrier. He held her against his mouth as he quickly moved up to suck on her clit. Sucking hard on her hard bud, his fingers moved to replace his tongue, slipping two fingers into her tight pussy. He slowly fingered her passage while flicking his tongue across her clit. And that was when Levy was unable to hold back anymore.

She came, hard. Harder than she'd ever experienced before. It was almost like she was orgasming for the first time.

Gajeel pulled his face back a little, because he couldn't help it. He wanted to watch Levy during this. He needed to watch her. There was nothing he wanted to see more and he couldn't help but be proud that it was him causing her to react in such a way. His two fingers kept moving inside of her as she came down from her climax.

"Want me to continue? Gihi."

Juvia cried, unable to hold back anything anymore. She sobbed openly, feeling her mind cloud with despair. She'd been so happy only hours ago. Gray-sama had asked her on a date! Finally! But then she'd been left alone. He never showed up.

"Juvia-chan?" a familiar voice called out. She looked up at the person in front of her.

"Lyon-sama?" she questioned, almost unable to say anything because of how hard she was crying. Neither of them noticed it, but dark clouds were beginning to surround them as Juvia's sorrow grew deeper and deeper.

"Why are you crying Juvia-chan?" the silver haired ice mage asked as he sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her.

"Gray-sama doesn't love Juvia!" she wailed before turning her head and crying on Lyon's shoulder.

Levy felt a little selfish, but she couldn't help herself. She really did want more.

"Yes." she managed to gasp, still feeling his fingers moving inside of her.

Gajeel nodded and lowered himself back down. The image of his shrimp climaxing was burned into his mind forever. It made him happy and it made him want to continue. He wanted to see it again and again.

Speeding his fingers up once he was in position again, Gajeel continued sucking on her clit. He licked her hard nub while it was in his mouth, his fingers accidently brushed across her g-spot while he held her close. He got a reaction that was better than he could've expected, especially since he didn't realize what he'd just done. Levy had been trying to remain still, but his last move made it impossible. Her hips lifted off of the pillow and she nearly screamed in pleasure. She just knew that it would be long until she came yet again.

Gajeel moaned while holding her clit in his mouth, he pulled on it before letting it slip from his mouth. He inserted a third finger, despite how tight it was. He hoped that what he was doing was helping. All he could do was continue until Levy asked for something more. He lowered his lips again and sucked hard on her clit, making Levy climax all over again. She'd long given up trying to stay still or quiet.

She gasped and ended up holding tightly to a pillow as she rode her second orgasm of the night. She knew that this had gone on for quite awhile, but at the same time she selfishly never wanted it to end. Still, when she finally began to recover, she pulled back and sat up.

The blue haired woman pulled Gajeel on top of her and spread her legs for him, not caring about how lewd it must seem.

"Please. I need all of you." she begged, while blushing.

"It'll be okay Juvia-chan." Lyon said as he tried to comfort the girl in his arms. Juvia had moved so that she was leaning against him and crying into his chest.

Finally, something broke within her. And that was when the rain started. Lyon jumped in response to the sudden rain, but Juvia didn't react at all.

"Do we need to move inside somewhere?" he asked. Juvia shook her head. "Juvia doesn't mind the rain." she answered, somehow calming down finally as the rain started. She looked up at Lyon, and something felt both right and wrong. She knew that she shouldn't be feeling this temptation, but Lyon-sama was right there. His lips only inches from hers.

She couldn't help herself. She had no idea why she did it, but after a moment of staring into Lyon's eyes, she moved forward and kissed him.

Smiling, Gajeel's face dripped with her juices as Levy pulled him up. He kissed her breast briefly as he moved up her body.

Once he was there he began to rob her folds with the tip of his erection. "I need you too Levy." he whispered into her ear before kissing her neck.

"I'll go slow. Tell me what you need." he continued before pausing and pulling back. He had no idea why he was this nervous. Well, maybe he did. He'd never been this way around anyone before. Somehow this bookworm had brought out a part of him that he'd never realized was there before. He was usually tough and unforgiving, but being with Levy made him abandon all of that. For once he wasn't thinking about himself. That made him soft and he knew that at times it might make him weaker. Yet that didn't matter. He wanted Levy. More than that.

"I love you." he said as he hovered above her and looked into her surprised eyes. Levy smiled sweetly and raised a hand to cup his cheek.

"I love you too." she responded before bringing him back down to kiss her.

Gajeel moved to make sure that he was lined up with her before moving his hips forward. Right away he knew that this was going to be difficult. She was wet and ready, but he had no idea if she was ready for all of him. After a moment more of effort he finally was able to fit the first inch inside of her.

Levy gasped, pulling back from the kiss. Gajeel could tell why. She was tight. Really tight. For the first time that night Gajeel wondered if it was going to work.

"Ah." he said with a sigh before starting to pull back, but being stopped by Levy wrapping her legs around him.

"No. Don't pull away." she begged. Gajeel looked down at her, surprised.

"You're too tight Levy. I don't want to hurt you. I-i..." he looked away for a moment before her hand guided his gaze back to her.

"I'm not going to break. It'll be okay." she said with a smile. Her legs wrapped tighter around him, pushing him inside of her once again.

Gajeel still wasn't certain, but Levy had just told him not to stop and he really wanted to do this as well. He buried another inch inside of her, and Gajeel could tell that Levy was trying to hold back. Getting an idea, Gajeel reached down and began to rub her button. He could almost instantly feel her relax a little and it allowed him to start moving more and more of himself inside of her, feeling her stretch and wrap tightly around him. She was so tight and warm and wet and perfect.

Before they knew it, he'd finally moved all of him inside of her. Gajeel couldn't help but slowly look down to where they were now joined. It shocked both of them that they could actually get to that point. Levy felt the discomfort of his intrusion, but no longer was it painful like it had been at first. She smiled up at her lover and he knew that everything would be alright.

Not moving, his hard cock flexed with his heart beat as he stayed deep in her tight pussy. Levy moved her hips slightly and Gajeel knew what she wanted then. He slowly pulled his hard cock out of her wet core, and then pushed back into her making tip of his erection touch the deepest part of her pussy. After a few thrusts, Levy's hips began to join in the motion. Once Gajeel felt that, he began speeding his thrusts. The dragon slayer leaned over to kiss her passionately. Eventually his thrusts found a good rhythm that she matched and his hand continued to pay attention to her clit.

"G-gajeel..." the woman underneath him moaned in a voice that seemed familiar. Before he could really wonder why he would recognize her tone of voice, her passage clamped down on him and he lost all control as they both came.

A minute later they'd flipped so that Levy's head was laying on Gajeel's chest. They were both catching their breath and they were both happy.

It wasn't until they were both calmed down that they noticed the rain. "That's strange. The weather was perfect earlier." Levy commented before sitting up slightly and looking out of her bedroom window.

Missing the touch of her skin, Gajeel sat up as well so that he could pull her body against hers again. But as he looked out the window, the rain seemed familiar. Too familiar. And he knew it wasn't good. Without saying a word he let go of Levy and walked over to the window. He opened it and could instantly smell what was wrong.

"This is Juvia's rain." he whispered before turning to Levy. "Somethings wrong."

Levy's eyes widened. She stood up, wincing at the soreness between her legs, and joined him at the window.

"I need to go find her." the petite woman said seriously as she looked up at her lover. Gajeel wanted to stay in bed with her, but he knew that he was worried about Juvia as well.

"Lets get cleaned up then." he said, starting the search for their clothes.

Gray had no idea where else to look except for Kardia Cathedral. For some reason that area gave him the creeps, he never really went there unless he had to. And now he had another reason to avoid the area.

He'd found Juvia, and wished that he hadn't.

She was kissing Lyon.

She'd turned down their date and now she was with Lyon.

It was unthinkable to Gray only hours ago, but he couldn't deny what he was seeing in front of him. His mind came to the only conclusion he could fathom.

He'd waited to long. Juvia no longer loved him.

Please Review! Thank You!

So there you go! The end of my first Gajevy Fanfiction and the set up for my first Gruvia fanfiction. Please tell me what you thought! I love all of you for reading this to the end! I am so happy!

How was the lemon by the way? I can never tell if they're good or not or cliche and I know this one was really cliche.