Later that night, after the hunting party returned with game and we feasted upon an elk, I sat in my room with Erwin. "Being a soldier is hard." He looked at me. "You have to be prepared to fight, die, and lose the ones around you."

"Yeah I figured." I flopped onto the pile of hay I called my bed. I let out a tremendous yawn. "What the fuck am I so tired?"

"You've had an emotionally stressful day." Erwin stood up.

I grunted. "Don't remind me."

"You asked." He shrugged. He started walking towards the door. "Goodnight."


He closed the door behind him.

I laid there and let my mind wander. I could hear everyone else making their way to bed. I suddenly had to the urge to get up, so I did. I wandered out of my room and downstairs. I could see Bertolt sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall. I covered my nose as I felt a sneeze coming. I couldn't stop it.

Bertolt's eyes fluttered open as I sneezed. "You still sound like a cat when you sneeze. What are you doing down here?"

"I-I don't know." I sat down.

"You were right." Bertolt started. "You were right about everything, about why I fight. At the time, I broke the wall because humans were cruel. But when I lost you, I was torn apart. What you said, about causing that grief for thousands of people. I'm the monster. Not all humans are cruel. A lot of them are, but the ones that show compassion make up for the lack of love in humanity as a whole. I made so many friends when I went through the Training Corps. Even though I care for so many, I still fight against them, and I don't even know why."

"You're confused." I walked over to him. "You're lost, can't tell the difference between right and wrong." I leaned closer to him until out lips met. "I never stopped loving you, Bertolt. I was just broken, but I'm not the only one." I stepped back. "Humans aren't the enemy. The government is." I walked away, and back up to my room.

I closed the door and flopped on my bed once again.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I sat up to the strange voice and looked around my room. Nothing. No one was in there.

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

"What?" I could see and eerie blue light coming from the corner of my room. It was beginning to form into a person in a Training Corps uniform. "Who are you?"

He looked directly at me. His freckled cheeks rose as he laughed. He ran his fingers through his black hair. "That doesn't matter. The real question is: who are you?"


"That is your name, yes, but who are you?" He paused. "Don't look at me like I'm stupid. You just told Bertolt that's he's confused. You're wrong. You are the one that's confused. If you weren't confused, you wouldn't have gone down there. You wouldn't have spoken to him. You wouldn't love him."

"You don't even know what you're talking about."

"Of course I do. I'm dead. When you die, you basically know everything. I can even read your thoughts, and see the future, and stuff like that." He paused. "Oh, and you can see me because you're different. It was the second shot that did that to you. You can see dead people, but only when they reveal themselves to you. And you've haven't seen any titans around because you're human body releases a pheromone that titans can't stand, but you only release when you're scared. So you're scared right now." He paused again. "Anyway. Get your act together. When you do, everything will become clear." He vanished in midair.

I rolled my eyes and flopped yet again. I fell asleep with minutes.

"Hey. Wake up." The ghost kid was tapping my shoulder.

I rolled over. "No."

"I need to talk to you."


"Please, it's important!" His voice was getting quieter, yet sounding more urgent.


He shook me. "Reiner and Ymir are here! They're trying to get Bertolt!"

"What?!" I sat up, staring at the ghost.


I grabbed my gear and put on my hood. I opened the door to find Reiner, Ymir, and Bertolt is the main room. "STOP!" They were about to leave when I used my gear to get to the only exit first. I drew my swords. "You are not to leave."

Connie opened his door. "What is going on…oh." Connie ran over and stood next to me.

Jean was soon out with a gun. Levi rushed out, as did Mikasa, Armin, and Sasha. Erwin came out last. "Trying to escape?"

"Succeeding at an escape." Reiner flashed a smile. He put his hand up to his mouth. "Let's do this the easy way, without anyone getting hurt."

I brought my hand to my mouth. "You'll be the one getting hurt."

"Right. You." Reiner turned his head towards my covered face. "Who are you anyway?"

"A soldier." I said.

"I know who she is." Bertolt was staring at me.

I held my blade to his neck. "I wonder if you can regenerate your head."

"Let's not test that theory." He stayed calm.

"Then my identity stays secret." I growled through my teeth.

"Let us go if you don't want any trouble." Reiner's gaze was drawn towards Erwin.

"How much more trouble can we get?" Levi sounded like he was trying to be funny. "We're already wanted by the Military Police Brigade. I mean here I sit, with a bounty on my head…again. There are injuries in a number of us, let alone we're being lead by a cripple. Do you want me to go on?"

We stood there in silence. Bertolt's eyes never left mine. "Come with us."


"Come home."

"This is my home."

"You're one of us."

"No!" I screamed. "I am not a monster!"

"You are." Bertolt smiled.

I sheathed my swords and stepped close to him. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him to my level, our faces close. "I may look like one, but I don't behave like one!" I threw him back and returned to my place.

He looked up to me from the ground, a slight shimmer of surprise in his eyes, as Reiner was instantly in front of me. "Back off."

"I'm not afraid of you, or anyone around you."

Reiner threw me to the ground, running out of the door. Bertolt and Ymir followed him. Everyone started chasing after them, except Erwin. He helped me up. "I know this must be hard for you, but we need you."

"I can take him down any day. Besides, I'm known for my speed." I took off after them. I quickly surpassed everyone, Levi and Mikasa were still way ahead though. They were right on my brother's tail. I pushed myself even harder. Within minutes I was passing them.

Reiner looked over his shoulder and saw us. He stopped and transformed. I used my maneuver gear to attack. With Levi and Mikasa right behind me, with their maneuver gear, I had no need to transform. We attacked.

Mikasa had cut him behind the knees where there was no armor. He dropped. Levi cut him underneath the arms, so he couldn't swing at us. I ripped open his jaw. I cut him out from the inside of his titan's throat. Mikasa helped me drag him out while Levi was waiting. We handcuffed him. He opened his eyes and looked up at us, his eyes meeting mine. The emotion behind them suddenly changed. His voice was quiet. "Jana?"

I reached my hands up to my head. My hood must've fallen off during the attack.

"You know her?" Levi asked.

"Sh-she's my sister."

Both Levi and Mikasa's gaze turned towards me. Mikasa threw me to the ground. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Because I told her not to." Commander Erwin had just arrived on horseback.

"You knew?" Levi whipped his head towards my adoptive father.

"Of course I did, but she's proven herself many times over. She hated her family, after watching her mother die at her father's hand, and her father trying to kill her, and her discovering the Reiner was the Armored Titan." Erwin was calm.

"What? My mother was killed by titans! And Jana was said to be!" Reiner yelled.

"Who told you this?" Erwin asked.

Reiner hesitated. "M-my father."

"Reiner, what Commander Erwin said was true. Our father cut out our mother's tongue. He gave me two doses of the serum, thinking it would kill me, but I survived. I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I ran to the Wall Rose, where Erwin found me and adopted me." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "You broke the walls. I could never think of my brother doing such a thing, in fact he wouldn't. The Reiner I was proud to call my brother is dead. And in his place is a true monster." I paused. "I hate you."

The others were just now arriving. Sasha spoke. "We tried to chase down Ymir and Bertolt, but they got away."

"Let's head back." Erwin said.

Jean put his hand on my shoulder as everyone started walking back. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and looked down, more tears escaping from my eyes. I felt his hand wipe them away. I looked up at him. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his shoulder and cried. I felt his arms wrap around me in return.