A/N: I'm a huge fan of Transformers, and this is my first attempt at a fanfic of it, plus new to here as well. So, ya rated K+9 to T in this story line. Pairs: Ratchet/Oc-later on in as story goes. Here you guys go of my first chapter of this story enjoy!

Disclaimer: Hasbro/The Hub owns: Transformers; XxXSkylarxRatchet96XxX owns: Her two Ocs, Skylar and John

(Normal POV)

Skylar Murray with mid-length black hair and blue highlight tips, groaned and slumped down in the front seat of her dad's little bit rusty deep red truck, rolling her amber color eyes. She just turned 16 two weeks ago, and cannot believe this move she force on is happening to her of all people. She was leaving her old life and friends behind, to a new one that she so does not want to happen. Ever.

She and her dad were moving away from West Virginia to Jasper, Nevada. Her mom died of breast cancer when she was 5 years old. Her dad accepted a better job in the police force in Jasper, to help us along in life with dad being a single parent and all. Oh, how I wish this was only a dream.

"Tell me again why we are freakin moving again, dad?" She said in a bitter tone.

"Because sweety, I got a job with a better pay to help us by." Said her dad (John Murray) who was driving, he had the same black hair as Skylar minus the blue highlighted tips, but with green eyes. Amber eyes from her mother, who her and her mom was born with those rare eyes color.

"Did it have to be out in the middle of nowhere-ville?" She sighed.

"I know you do not like the move honey, but we needed the money my last job barely pay me much, which we barely help us much, but now this job I accept on will help us get along it better pay sweetheart." Her dad said in an upset tone.

"You could found another job that somewhere near home dad!" She exclaimed then turned her head to look out the window.

"Sky, we already discussed this and what final is final ok?"

"Fine dad you win." Sky muttered.

"Besides it a small town like ours, it's a perfect opportunity to start a new life and explore together kiddo. Maybe you'll make new friends in your new school and throughout the area hmmm." He said, while glancing at her for a minute with a smile. Sky sighs deeply and turned back around to look at her dad in his eyes. She sat straight in the front seat, smiling a ghost of a smile, and said, "Ok mister, I'll give it a go." She stared back up at him still smiling, "Only for you daddy-o." She laughs.

He shove her playful and laughs with her. "That's my girl, now how about we kick it with some tunes hmmm." He turned on the radio and Sky shrugged, "Sure."

The song playing was It's Over by The Cheetah Girls one of my favorites.

Four voices perfectly blended

Right from the start


I'm afraid that's ended

And my world is falling apart

Sky started humming the words to the song.

It's over and I feel so alone

This is the sadness I've ever know

How could I let the sweetness of dreams slip away

I'm afraid the hurt is here to stay

"This is going to be a very, very long damn ass drive." She grumbled to herself.

(A few hours later, Sky POV)

I still can't believe we fuckin moved here. Can't believe I gave up just like that in a snap. Gosh I miss my old life with my old friends. I hope something fun comes out of my miserable move up here. Hope I'm not a lonely weird girl to people in this town. As we pulled up to our new home, I got my stuff out of the trunk and went straight for my new and bare room, while the rental truck arrived with our furniture.

Our house isn't so bad it's a two-story house; my room not bad either was bigger than my last one and it had a little balcony seat that cushion, but a nice build window, sweet. I set my suitcases down and aside for now. I just want to jump into my cozy bed picturing about a nice, lazy cat-nap. Just when I'm about to do that…

"Sky come down here please." My dad called.

I groaned up to the ceiling. "Ugh fine." I mumbled to myself before I yelled out to him, "I'm coming dude." Going down the stairs and out the front door to the yard to meet dad at. I got there dad was talking to a couple with a girl there that does not look like the couple, more Japan-looking to me I guess.

"Sky, come meet our neighbors." Dad called out to me as I walked to our 'neighbors'. Eh what the harm in meeting them anyway.

He introduced them to me. "This is Brent and Mary McCain with their exchange daughter watching over her as her host parents name Miko Nakadai. Her real parents are back in Japan." Oh so, she is Japan-looking to me I was right, sweet. She smiled and wave at me. Hmmm, she looks cool and fun I like her, will be good friends right away loving probable the same stuff.

"Hi nice to meet you all." I shook hands with the couple. Miko decide to pounce on me with a welcome hug. "Miko!" They yelled. "It's ok." I said, hugging back. We both giggled at each other.

"Nice to meet you to." Brent said. "You, meet our Miko here from her attack hug here." Mary said, while glaring annoyed by Miko's actions at her. "She will be in the same school as you."

Miko ignored her glare, "Hi." She said cheerfully. 'This girl full of energy.' I thought. 'I like her even more as my friend.'

"Hello." I waved to her.

"Why don't we leave for you two alone to know each other more." Dad suggested. "Ok." I said shrugging a shoulder at him. He rolled his eyes at me to walk away with the couple and continue talking to them.

"So where you from?" She asked excitedly, while bouncing on her feet.

"My dad and I are from West Virgin, you know short for West Virginia we live in a small little cozy town, well we used to anyway." I said sadly. Miko stop bouncing and nodded in understanding, she gave me a comforting hug, which I gave in return. She back up looking at me.

"Hey you ok there?" She asked in worry tone.

"Yeah I'm doing okie the dokie no need to worry girly, but thanks anyway chickie." I replied. She giggled at my replied. "By the way love the pink highlights in your hair." I said. "Thanks, love your blue highlights in your hair too. You rock them girl." She commented. "Thanks Miko." I said.

"No problem, hey want to come inside and have some cans of soda with a snack to go with?" she asked.

"Sure, I love to chickie." She grinned at me and I smiled back at her.

Miko is an ok girl and an awesome friend to have by your side to cheer you up when you're down. Though moving away from home to here is a pain in the ass and all that fluff, I'm happy to have a friend and neighbor like her around. My daddy always said that an old life may be an end chapter, but a new life is a new chapter to begin with surprises to come in life onward.

What else is going to happen in this town out in the middle of nowhere? 'Probably nothing fun-like.' I thought. Oh, boy was I going to be wrong later, this town is more than meets the eye to me.

A/N: Tell me what you think good or bad. See what I did there in the end of this, something going to happen just you wait and see. Even though you all see Transformers Prime and know what happens each time, but with my own twist to me adding two Ocs and all that. I'll be posting the next chapter up soon, where Sky and Jack meet the Autobots soon.

I know what you're thinking I wanted Miko to meet Sky first they are so like each other it isn't funny. I have seen, so much of Ocs in fanfic that meets Raf or Jack, not Miko much, so I did her instead. Sky will meet Jack in the next chapter at the school, along again with those two meeting the Autobots soon. Gosh, I'm rambling, sorry folks I won't do that much in here. So, without farther ado this is Sky96 signing off peeps, see you later!