I'm re-posting my Twilight stories. I had taken them down for personal reasons, but have been convinced to put them back up. This story is complete, so I'll post the chapters as quickly as ze interwebz will allow.


Chapter 1

Knock, knock, knock. Like clockwork, every Thursday 8pm just as the sun disappears behind the house, they arrive. It's been this way for the better part of five years now, ever since they learned about my extra abilities. They can stay in the same area and not have to worry about affecting the population and bringing the Volturi down on them. And if alert the Volturi, then I'll bring them on myself, and that is the absolute last thing I want. My only choice is to live this existence, letting them take from me on a weekly basis, and trying to live a normal life on the days in between.

I walk over to the door to greet them. Their leader, Travis, smiles wryly at me as he enters the foyer. "Greetings Opal," he says with fake warmth. "How are you this fine evening?"

"Fine, thank you," I reply curtly. Why does he always insist on this charade of manners and chivalry? "Come in, everyone." They all file in behind him, creating a poor rendition of a conga line. More like the line at the cafeteria and I'm the meal on special. I stifle a sigh at taking in their ravenous faces. One would think they'd tire of the taste of my blood, but that doesn't seem to happen.

I take my seat on the recliner at the other end of the room, extending the foot rest and placing my hands, wrists up on either arm rest. I've learned this is the easiest position for me to sit in while they feed. All of them can latch on to me at the same time, rather than taking turns, prolonging the hell.

As I lay myself out in the recliner, they all take their stances at the pre-assigned spots. Travis always gets what he calls the "sweet spot" right where my neck meets my shoulder. His mate Aneisha on the other side, with her sister Janeisha at my elbow. They're twin sisters, why anyone would name their twin children so similarly is beyond me. Janeisha's flavor of the month is at my other elbow; I never bothered to learn his name. She'll likely destroy him in a day or two; I can already tell he's beginning to annoy her.

Travis' best friends Mark and Jason take my wrists while their mates Cameron and Addison are at my ankles. Each at a major artery. My only stipulation in this arrangement is that none of them venture anywhere near my femoral artery. Much too intimate for such an event. I tried to get them to leave my neck alone, but then they came with the threats to drag me to Italy and hand me over to the Volturi. That is an existence that I never ever want to endure. Anything I've been through thus far would have been a cake walk compared to what I've heard the Volturi does to Silverbloods.

Once they're all in position, Travis takes the lead, sinking his razor sharp teeth into my flesh like a hot knife through butter. I can feel my blood seeping out of the wound he's created.

The rest follow suit and break my flesh with their dagger-like teeth, sucking long pulls of my life fluid through the veins. I take a deep breath, willing the bits of my soul that escape each time to come back to me. I'm thankful that I no longer feel the pain associated with each bite, but the emotional pain is always there. It's an odd feeling, having the blood sucked out of your veins while you're completely conscious and aware. I can feel the blood leaving my body, being replenished as soon as it's lost. I always throw my mind into happier times when this happens, helps to lessen the burn in my heart. Happier times before I knew any of what I know now.

He wrapped me in his arms and held me tightly, crushing me to him. I breathed in his masculine scent, a mix of bonfires, sweet tea, and sunshine. A scent that would be forever burned in my nose to remind me of him. As he pressed his lips to mine, my fingers fisted in his hair, memorizing the feel of his golden locks running through my fingers. It seemed as though he was doing the same to mine, his long, leathered fingers combing through my curls.

My lips lingered on his a long time. Much longer than was deemed appropriate for two unmarried young adults, but he was leaving for a long time, I had to make this kiss last. His nose nuzzled against my neck as he took in my scent, which he always said smelled of lilac, sweet cream and fresh cornbread.

"My sweet Opal," he cooed. "I shall miss you so, my love."

"I love you," I said to him. "Please don't forget me," I added as I placed an opal stone in his hand, which he placed in his left breast pocket, right over his heart.

"I love you, and I will return to you if it's the last thing I do," my true love whispered in my ear just before he placed a leather string around my neck that held a stone pendant on it. So we could remember each other. His fingers stroked my cheek before he leaned in for one last chaste kiss. I wrapped my fingers around the pendant as he mounted his horse. He rode away towards the horizon, disappearing after a few minutes. I lingered long after, hoping somehow he'd change his mind and come back to me.

That was the last time I saw him. When his orders were to end, we were to be married. I waited for days and days for his return, sitting by the window, waiting for a letter to let me know he was soon to come back to me. No letter ever came. He never returned. His body was never brought to us, and no general ever came to our door to say he'd been reported dead. He simply disappeared. Vanished into thin air.

I open my eyes, fighting back the tears of having lost my love so long ago. Travis is the first to finish feeding, his eyes now bright red, his body brimming with my blood, the dark shadows under his eyes now lightened slightly from having just fed, and an ever so slight flush to his cheeks. The others pull away shortly after, marveling at the way my skin knits itself back together without the assistance of their venom to seal it. It always leaves a scar though. Countless crescent shaped scars mar my ivory flesh, and it has been that way for nearly 150 years.

"Thank you for a lovely evening, Opal. It's been an immense pleasure. As always," he says with fake gratitude. He and I both know that if I didn't let him do it willingly, he'd come in here by force. And if I try to leave or run away, he'll track me down and lock me up or bring me to Italy. I have no choice but to let it happen… week after week, month after month, year after year. At least until the neighbors start to notice that neither I nor my visitors ever seem to age. Then I'll have to move on to a few towns over where no one knows my face or name. Travis and his minions will follow; that much is certain.

Travis is greedy enough that while he knows there's no end to the blood supply in my veins, he does not want to share me with anyone that he's not closely associated with. Anyone that lets it leak that I'm a Silverblood is promptly destroyed, along with anyone they told, ensuring that only he and his closest "friends" know of my existence. Additionally, he's under the impression that my blood makes him stronger than any normal human's blood would. This would be true were I his Silverblood. But that is not the case; my blood was not made to alter him on that scale.

Janeisha's man toy, as she refers to him is the one exception to Travis' rules. Only because Aneisha mandates it, and being his mate, Aneisha always gets what she wants. With a wink from the man toy, they all nod their thanks and head out the door, leaving as quickly as they arrived, leaving me to my empty house.

One of the perks of being immortal is the acquisition of valuable items. Many museums and collectors around the world would kill for some of the things I have. It has become my ritual once Travis and his lot leave to enter my private room and reminisce of times when I used to be a normal human. Before I learned I was a Silverblood.

I first replace the stone pendant around my neck that my fiancé gave me so many years ago. As personal as it is, I don't want to risk Travis asking about it or destroying it, so I always remove it before they arrive, placing it safely in a box in the antique desk that I recovered from my family's home long after they all died. I pull out the old photo album and sink into my father's old wingback chair and lose myself in my memories.

Jasper PoV

Everyone is mated. Everyone but me. They all have their true loves, their one and only. Absorbing all the emotions in the house is anything but comforting. Especially when Edward and Alice mated with Bella and Beck. That was a chapter of our lives that I shall never ever forget, so long as I exist. As I pack up my things, ready to be on my own for a while, I reminisce about the days when Bella and Beck entered our lives, changing us all irrevocably.

Edward met Bella one fateful day in Biology class when we lived in Forks Washington. We were masquerading as high school students while Carlisle worked as a doctor at the local hospital. Bella and her twin sister Rebecca, better known as Beck, moved there to live with their father when their mother passed away. Their father was police chief, and it was no small secret that they were coming to town. Everyone was anticipating their arrival, especially Alice. Though she had no idea what their appearance in town would do to our family.

Edward narrowly missed killing Bella that day as her blood sang to him like no other ever had before. He left the school and ran to Alaska to escape the allure she posed. He didn't return for an entire month. It was much the same with Alice, meeting Beck during an English class. She missed the vision of Edward nearly attacking Bella as she was experiencing her own vision of nearly attacking Beck. She fled to Alaska right along with Edward, to escape the torment that was Beck's scent.

Meanwhile I was bombarded with more bloodlust than I'd ever felt in all my life, even during the bloodbath known as the Southern Vampire Wars. Bella and Beck appealed to Edward and Alice unlike any other humans ever had. I knew Edward hadn't tasted blood in nearly nine decades. Alice's record wasn't quite as clean, but not far off.

When Edward and Alice returned from Alaska, things were tense at best. Bella and Beck were confused about my siblings' disappearance, Edward learned he couldn't read either of their minds, and Alice had more visions involving those twins that even she could keep track of. Every day it seemed, one of them was doomed to die by some means. Whether it be by being drained by Edward or Alice, by some catastrophic accident, or even by another vampire who happened across their trail.

Those two sisters were magnets for trouble that would invariably find them at every turn. I swear Edward and Alice spent more time trying to keep them alive than anything else. More vampires traveled through the pacific northwest than they ever had in all of history, it seemed; and every time one of them did either Bella or Beck was right in their path, tempting them with her too sweet blood.

Carlisle was the most curious about the situation, as Bella appeared to be Edward's "singer," and Beck was Alice's. Though Edward didn't have anywhere near as strong a pull to Beck's scent nor Alice with Bella's. It was a conundrum. They both smelled exactly the same to me, as well as to the rest of the family. The only difference any of us could discern was that they used different scents of shampoo. Otherwise it was hard for even a vampire, with their heightened senses to tell them apart at first.

After many peaks and valleys, it was discovered that Edward and Bella were made for each other, as well as Alice and Beck. They made it past so many obstacles and came out on the other end more in love than I'd ever seen any mated pairs in my existence. Shortly after this discovery was made I, bade my leave. At least for a while. I had to be alone with my own emotions and not constantly bombarded with the love that was seeping through the doors, walls and windows of the Cullen home.

"Please don't leave us," Esme begs as I put my last suitcase in the car.

"I'll be back, mother," I promise. "I just need some time to myself." She pulls me in for a fierce hug that would crush any human. I return her embrace with fervor and see that the rest of the family has filed out of the house to wish me well. None of them want me to go, Bella and Beck are blaming themselves. "It's not your fault," I say pulling both human girls to me for a gentle embrace. "I'm just done being the odd man out," I whisper.

"Then go out and find your mate, Jasper, and bring him or her home," Alice calls as she launches herself into my arms. She and I have always had a special bond. I have her to thank for bringing me to this family, and into this life. I will owe her for the rest of my existence. "You don't owe me anything," she says, as if she's reading my mind. Perhaps she saw my decision to get her an extravagant gift, and surmised my reasoning behind it.

Everyone hugs me fiercely, demanding that I return to them soon. Even Rosalie, who I know that beneath the icy exterior has a very warm heart. I say goodbye once again and drive away, leaving all the love behind, hoping in the deepest pits of whatever was left of my soul that I would find love, too. That I even deserved to find it.

Thoughts of my family run through my mind as I wander aimlessly around the country. Every few days I move on to a different town, seeing the people, observing the way they live, and trying not to eat them. I never thought keeping up my vegetarian diet would be this difficult away from the Cullens. It turns out having them around to ground me keeps me from relapsing. Every day that goes by gets harder and harder to resist. I'm like an alcoholic trapped in a room with hundreds of bottles of the best liquor. I want to resist but I know that my will power is crumbling each day. Regardless of whether or not I've just hunted, the draw is the same.

I steer clear of Texas, not wanting a run in with Maria if I can help it. Part of me wants to visit my family's home, but Maria knows all too well that I would love to do that. She probably has scouts in the area who know my description and would report to her immediately if I were to make an appearance. She'd send them after me and drag me back to her, to be her minion once again. At this point, with the state that I'm in, I'd be less able to resist her charms and promises of all the blood I could ever want.

One day, on a particularly bad day for me trying to resist, I happen upon a trail of vampires. At least six of them have been in this area for quite some time. Their scents are all over the town. It's a rather small town in Ohio, so how a coven this large is able to live here and not damage the population confounds me. Unless of course they're like me! Errr, like the Cullens that is. The Cullens are so much better than I in every way; they would never be struggling to maintain their lifestyle the way I always seem to. But if this coven is also a vegetarian coven, perhaps I won't have to worry about relapsing after all. Hunting with someone else is always much more fun than hunting alone. I decide to seek out this coven and find out more about them.

The number one rule is to never seem aggressive, the last thing I need is half a dozen vampires against me. Not that I couldn't handle it; I just purely don't want any negative emotions around me, if I can help it. The sun makes a brief appearance late afternoon, confining me to my vehicle. I drive around with the window cracked ever so slightly, trying to track the scent of these vampires.

Once night falls, I park the car and venture out onto the streets, intent on finding one of these other vampires, so that I may learn of their ways. I don't have to wait long. "Hey there handsome," a female greets from behind me. "What brings you to our sleepy little town," she asks. I can feel the waves of lust pouring off of her, making it actually rather hard for me to think of anything else except throwing her down in this alleyway and having my wicked way with her. I've been celibate since 1947, cut me a break, I'm only a male.

"Curiosity," I answer her as I turn to look her in the eye. Her eyes are red. She must not be part of this coven, but just passing through as I am. There's no way a coven of human hunters could live in this town for more than 1 day and not call attention to themselves and bring the Volturi down upon them.

She has long black hair in braids, pulled back with a piece of leather on the nape of her neck.

"My name's Janeisha," she says, extending her hand in greeting. "Who might you be?"

"The name's Jasper, ma'am," I reply taking her hand in mine and raising it to my lips for a chaste kiss against her smooth marble flesh. Her scent isn't altogether unappealing, but she holds no draw for me other than the lust that she's radiating for me.

"Such a gentleman!" she marvels. "Jasper, what a lovely name." She intertwines her fingers with mine. I'm too much of a gentleman to remove my hand from hers, but this is far too intimate for me.

"Would you like to come with me for a bite?" she asks, seeing my black eyes, knowing it's been a while since I've had any nourishment. At this moment I feel my will power crumble. She's thirsty, very thirsty. As am I. She wants me more than anything, and I follow her like the weakling I am. So much for resisting.

Janeisha leads me to a house where there are 6 other vampires waiting on the porch. Inside I can tell there is one human pacing about the house, as if there is no danger on the other side of the door. "Jasper, meet my sister, Aneisha and her mate Travis." I look over to see Janeisha's double standing next to a rather gangly male. Another set of twins, excellent. As if I need another reminder of what I left behind in Forks.

I reach across the space and clasp their hands in greeting. While all of these vampires have red eyes, they don't seem nearly as savage as so many others I've met. Janeisha introduces me to the rest of the group, but I pay them little mind. I can tell they're just along for the ride. "Jasper, I'm sure you're curious as to how so many of us can be in this tiny town without drawing attention to ourselves," Travis states. I've discerned that he is the leader of this unorthodox coven.

"The question crossed my mind," I admit.

"Allow me to introduce you to our Silverblood," he says as he strolls up to the door of this house and knocks. A young woman opens the door and motions for us all to go inside. She is not afraid; even humans who don't know what we are should be instinctively terrified. Especially when these vampires have done nothing to mask what they are, not even colored contacts. And what in the world is a Silverblood?

As we walk in the door I see the young woman standing near a reclining leather chair. It looks as though she is about to sit in it when her gaze locks on me. I take in her scent, which is simply divine, yet somehow familiar. She smells of sweet cream, lilac and fresh cornbread. It reminds me of home in Texas. She gasps loudly staring at me as if she's seen a ghost. I'm a new face, she must not have been expecting this coven to bring a stranger along with them. I detect a hint of recognition coming from her, though I don't recall ever laying eyes on her before this moment. "Jasper," she whispers before she faints and slumps into the chair, unconscious.

Opal PoV

Thursday night again, has a week really gone by already? I know time passes quickly for an immortal, but it literally feels like they were just here yesterday. I can hear them congregating outside, it sounds like Janeisha got rid of the man she had last week and already has come across a new one. I swear that woman goes through men faster than I go through a gallon of milk. Won't be long now until this one is destroyed like the rest. She has no intention of ever mating. For all I know she's already found her mate, long ago, and now knows she can never truly love again. Aneisha tried to tell me once, but I didn't care enough to pay close attention to her words.

Travis enters the room once I open the door, the rest of them filing in behind him, as per usual. I head over to my recliner getting ready to take my seat, when a distinctly familiar scent hits my nose. Bonfires, sweet tea and sunshine. I whip around to find the source when my eyes fall upon a face I haven't seen in over 150 years. Same head of golden locks, even more lustrous now that the venom has altered them. A porcelain face, that still holds all the masculinity and beauty it held so long ago. And a pair of golden eyes. Before I can ponder what that means, my knees buckle and I feel my consciousness slip away. "Jasper," I whisper as the blackness takes over.