
~Captain America, Age of Ultron

Tris's POV

Tobias and I stood by the door of his apartment as I prepared to leave it. I don't know how long it'll take me to get back. It could take a week, a month, a year, or many years

"It's not because of you," I tell him, to make sure he understands my reasoning yet again. I don't want him to blame this on himself, especially since I just came back. "I just...I just feel like I owe this to Marlene. You know, because I let her…" Suddenly, my guilt hit me like of a ton of bricks. It was my fault that Marlene died. Because I couldn't save her. Maybe doing this will help me set it right. I meant to apologize to her when I awoke a ghost, but I couldn't find her.

Tobias stepped forward and enveloped me in a hug, the guilt I felt was clearly easy for him to see. "It wasn't your fault," he said, and I can tell that he actually believes it.

"I could have saved her," I whispered.

"You couldn't have saved them all, Tris," he said. He tilted his head so our foreheads touched. "You did your best then. You always tried to do the right thing. I'm not going to take that away from you. Ever."

I smiled a bit. "See you soon, I guess," I whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said softly. Our eyes met. "Be careful," Tobias told me.

"I will," I responded. I smiled, trying to convey the message that everything will be all right. Though I should be going, neither of us pull away for a while.

After a while Tobias pulled away while putting his hands on my shoulders. "See you soon," he said, with a smile that made me melt inside.

I stepped forward, and quickly kissed him. "Bye," I said as I turned, preparing myself to walk away.

Tobias walked in front of me, and kissed me one more time. I melted into the kiss, deciding that finding Marlene could wait just a little bit longer. Right now, Tobias was more important. After all, I didn't know how long it would be until I saw him again.

Ten minutes later I meet up with Uriah and Will. Uriah told us that he had asked just about everyone in about half of heaven if they'd seen Marlene. Not a single person had. Some people, like my parents, said that they had heard of Marlene, especially when she first came to heaven. But they had never seen her. They just assumed she went so live somewhere else.

After some discussing, the three of decided that there was more to the story than we knew. Maybe Marlene got ghost napped. Maybe we just hadn't found her yet. Maybe the ghost busters had gotten to her. They were all reasonable explanations for her disappearance. It was also quite possible that she had gotten thrown into the prison they have up in heaven, though I can't say I've ever heard of it.

"As of now, thats all we know about Marlene," I continued. "But if we're going to find her, we have to make a plan. Any ideas?"

"It would be too hard to search for her on Earth," Will stated.

"Right," I said. "Oh, Will, I meant to ask you something. How's Christina been holding up?"

"She's fine," Will replied. "She'd enjoy it if you came and visited her once. You too Uriah."

` "Tris and I'll have lots of time to chat with her after we complete our mission," Uriah said, a bit annoyed by our change of topic.

"How about we ask around for information?" I suggested. "Down here, of course. Then we could head up into heaven and start searching for clues there. If she did anything bad, she should still be there."

"We should stick together," Uriah said. "That way, if we get caught, we all get caught together."

"Okay," Will said. "We have such an amazing plan."

"Well, we can develop it more when we get out," I said. "Get all the specifics decided after we get some more information. We can decide where we're going to look after we talk to other ghosts in Chicago. Chances are one of them's heard of Marlene since she lived here once. Or at least, heard of her from the ghost Chicago."

"Once we find her, we'll need to hear her side to the story," Will said, nodding as he spoke, which signified that he liked where this was going. "Since Heaven will be pretty empty now a days, we can easily search for a prison of someone who's left behind there.

"Sounds great," Uriah said, a smile creeping up on his face. "Time to put this plan into action.

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, but I was really super busy. But now that track season and AP testing are over, I should be able to update this story. I'm thinking that this story should have ten more chapters, and should be done sometime next year, or the end of this year. Maybe even over the summer.

Now, I've been a bit bad, and I started two other stories. The first one is a collection of one shot's for the Flash. The title of that one is Westallen One-Shots. This one is a bit short, and it looked longer when I posted it on tumblr.

The second one is a one shot from Agents of Shield. It's really short, and I'm going to add it to a collection of one shots, and make it longer there. It's a SkyexLincoln story. The story's called By Your Side. The collection of one-shots will be called Static Quake one-shots. If you ship SkyexLincoln (and have a tumblr), I suggest you follow the Static Quake Network It's great(but it's also my network, so I'm a bit biased). If not,I apologize for this long paragraph, and if you did read all of this, I suggest you watch Agents of Shield, it's an amazing show.

QOTC: What's the last movie you've watched in theaters?

Age of Ultron was the last film I saw in theaters. It was crazy good, and the theater was crowded, but it was the day after it came out:) I guess I'm just a big Marvel Fan.

Sorry for the long Author's note. Bye!
