It was a normal day for Sophie. The sunlight had streamed in through the windows and woke her up as usual. She could use her blinds but she loved the natural light. She got out of bed and went to pat Iggy on the head, as usual. Then she went to get dressed for the day and go help Grady with the animals, as usual. To be honest Sophie was getting tired of the same old routine. She almost hated to admit it but she missed the days when the Black Swan would send her messages. She hadn't realized it at the time but it had given her life excitement and adventure. Now she craved that excitement and adventure. She went downstairs to the kitchen where Edaline was making breakfast. "Did you sleep well?" The usual question Sophie thought. But despite her sarcastic response that popped into her head she answered cheerfully, "Yes,you?" Sophie was very good at acting like she was perfectly fine on the outside when really she was a whirl wind of thoughts inside. No usually expected anything was wrong, except for Fitz. A gorgeous face popped into her head, and she stared into the beautiful perfect teal blue eyes. "Sophie, Sophie… Sophie are you awake?" Edaline's voice brought her out of her dream like state and back to reality. This was usual as well. More and more Fitz was entering her thoughts.

She had wanted to talk to Alden about it but then what could she say, " Oh hi Alden. Yeah I just need to tell you that you're son Fitz keeps entering my thoughts causing me to just stop and stare into space, while I drool over how perfect he is." Not exactly the ideal conversation. " Oh sorry, guess I'm just a little tired", Sophie finally answered, "Does Grady need help today?" "I think he decided he would let you have a free day today. You've been helping him so much lately." "Ok well I'll be up in my room if you need anything. " Sophie climbed up the stairs before Edaline could answer. She was so glad even a little thing in her typical day had changed. But Now that she had freedom she didn't know what to do with it. She wanted to go over to the Vacker house but she was so nervous about Fitz. Sophie was afraid she would go slack jawed and just stare at him like she did in her dreams. She decided she'd have to face her fear one of these days. Sophie called Biana and asked if she could come over and spend the day at Everglen. Biana was ecstatic saying that she had been so bored and had been hoping Sophie would come over. Guess I'm not the only one who's feeling bored, Sophie thought. She said goodbye to Biana and grabbed her coat. Hopefully seeing Fitz in person would finally stop these dreams she had been having.

Sophie entered the gates of Everglen and saw Biana waving at her. She waved back. She was just going to relax and not think about Fitz anymore she decided. All the sudden though Fitz stepped out of the shadows and It was all Sophie could do to pull her eyes away from his and at least focus on his nose for the time being. " Hey how's it going?" Fitz asked. Sophie replied, " Great, you?" She was surprised she replied so nonchalantly as if he was an ordinary friend when inside she was thinking the opposite. They chatted just like old friends for a while until Keefe came down the stairs and said, "Hey Sophie, my favorite person! How are you? I didn't know you were coming." Immediately Sophie felt her cheeks flame. Keefe had a way of doing that to her. She hated it and loved it all at the same time. "I'm doing well thank you." She replied once again surprised by how calm she was on the outside. Maybe everything was going to be all right. She had been over to the Vacker's many times before and it wasn't like this visit was going to be any different. But as she climbed the stairs to Biana's room she just couldn't push the feeling out that this was going to be a different visit.

Biana and Sophie soon ran out of things to do. Biana suggested they go get the boys and play a game outside with them. Oh great more time with the boys thought Sophie. But she replied, "Great Idea." Turns out they were outside playing a game of their own. Biana started running towards them and waving, "Hey guys, do you want to play something with us." Sophie started running towards them too. Right as she was almost to them her foot tripped over a root in the ground and her life flashed before her eyes. She fell towards the ground and hit her head and it sounded like a thousand drums were playing in her head. She moaned and felt the world start tilting. The last thing she remembered was Fitz's gorgeous eyes peering down at her with alarm. "Sophie," he yelled tears brimming in his eyes," please Sophie are you okay?" She thought a tear rolled down his cheek but everything was so confusing she couldn't be sure. Slowly everything went black.

Sophie woke up to a pounding in her head and her whole body felt numb. She didn't know where she was until some boy's perfect face appeared over hers. Who… where… Sophie knew he was familiar but she just couldn't remember his name. "Sophie, Sophie can you hear me?" His voice sounded musical and distant. Who's Sophie? She thought. And then it hit her the fall, Fitz crying, and her head pounding. She managed to mumble some words but she couldn't focus on them long enough to even realize what she had said. To everyone else in the room it sounded like, "Fitz, please help. I need you." Sophie fell back into a deep sleep before she could hear everyone's responses. Edaline threw herself into Grady's arms and started sobbing. Keefe turned towards the window and looked out clearly concerned about Sophie and what she had said. Fitz buried his head in his hands and cried. The thought of not being able to help Sophie yet her being right next to him was like a shot to the heart. Biana was staring blankly at her having cried all she could possibly cry an hour ago. Alden just looked at Sophie with a pained expression. There was an air of hopelessness in the room and everyone felt it.

Sophie would wake up every few hours and keep saying the same thing, "Fitz, please help. I need you." Alden had to pull Fitz away from Sophie telling him he needed a break. After Fitz left, Keefe finally felt comfortable enough to go over to Sophie. He stood over her bed side and looked at her face. She has to be ok she just has to be, he kept thinking. Sophie's eyes popped open and they were wild and crazed. "Keefe? Is that you?" Keefe's heart felt like it stopped. "Sophie you, you're awake?" "Keefe please I hurt all over. I need something, anything." She reached for his hand. Keefe felt numb. She squeezed it once and looked into his teal blue eyes. Keefe stared into hers. He felt lost in their deep brown color. A sudden pain hit her head and once again she fell back asleep. Keefe just stared at her trying to sort out what just happened. He jumped up, "Elwin she needs a pain killer."

Elwin grabbed a maroon colored bottle and rushed to Sophie's side. He parted Sophie's lips and tilted the bottle so it would go down her throat. She coughed for a minute but then went back to sleeping. He told the others that she would be fine and that she should be awake in the morning. Slowly and reluctantly the friends and family left the room with sorrowful looks on their pale faces. Elwin was just about to close the door to let Sophie get some sleep when Fitz came running up towards him. "Please don't kick me out, she needs me in there." His eyes were red and his face tearstained, "I almost lost her once before and I can't lose her again." "Fitz I understand your concern but really she'll be fine. She hit her head real hard. When she wakes up in the morning I'll check her out." Fitz let out a big sigh. "Okay sorry, its just…" I love her. He thought, but he pushed the idea to the back of his mind. "It's just what?" Elwin asked. "Nothing," Fitz replied then walked away leaving Elwin ever so bewildered.