AN: Oh. My. God. I am so sorry. Looks like I kept you guys waiting again. Whoops. I just realized that I left you guys hanging since FREAKIN SEPTEMBER. Sorry, it's just been hard with school and all.

Well, it's already December, so I was like, "Eh, I'm not even done with chapter 8 but screw it, I've left them waiting for waaaay too long." So enjoy this chapter!

Ugggh. My head.

What just happened? Oh, seems like I finally woke up from that crazy dream. My head hurts so bad, I really don't want to open my eyes just yet. What happened last night to make my head feel like it's in the middle of a jackhammer rampage? I must've been at a party with Carly where somebody brought out the funky juice. Stupid hangovers.

"Carly I had the craziest dream." I half mumble, half groan. "I was in the TARDIS with two 1960's teachers and some old guy with some serious issues and the Doctor was nowhere to be seen and I swear it felt just like real life and-"

I finally open my eyes, and what do I see? One 1960's teacher and an old guy with some serious issues staring back at me.

Boyfriend Dude, or Ian as he is apparently called, started to open his mouth.

"Shush." I press a finger to his mouth in an attempt to shut him up before he says anything. "Do NOT say a word."

He squints his eyes at me for a second and walks over to Ms. Wright, who has just woken up.

"Ian? Ian."

"I'm alright. We all must've hit our heads. The movement's stopped."

Thank you Captain Obvious. I would never have known that we have stopped moving it weren't for you!

Susan's apparently already up and about. I guess she was expecting all that movement so she held on to something. "The base is steady," she says. Whatever that means.

"Layer of sand, rock formation. Good." Grumpster says to her.

"We've left 1963." Susan says sadly. Why so sad, Susan? Adventure awaits, or some crap like that.

"Oh, yes, undoubtedly. I'll be able to tell you where presently."

"Wait, how did you get us here? How'd you fly the TARDIS?! Where's the Doctor?!" I ask/yell at Forrest Grump. He ignores me, that asshole.

"Zero? That's not right. I'm afraid this yearometer is not calculating properly. Hm! Well, anyway, the journey's finished." Oh, so the "Yearometer" isn't working, boo hoo hoo. It isn't even yours, why are you so upset?

He turns to Ian. "What are you doing down there?"

Ian don't answer. Ian don't care.

"What have you done?" Oh Barbara, isn't it obvious? He just somehow drove a centuries old time machine that is bigger on the inside and shaped like a blue box. This isn't rocket science. Or maybe it kinda is. Eh.

"Barbara, you don't believe all this nonsense?" Can't you just believe what you're seeing?

"Well, look at the scanner screen."

"Yes, look up there. They don't understand and I suspect they don't want to. Well, there you are. A new world for you."

"Sand and rock?" Ian is not impressed, and neither am I.

"Yes, that's the immediate view outside the ship."

"But where are we?" Ah, but you see, my good Retroland friend, the true question is: when are we? Also, WHERE THE FRICKIN FRICK IS THE DOCTOR?!

"You mean that's what we'll see when we go outside?" Duh. What exactly do you think those scanners are for? Showing you some completely unrelated area?

"Yes, you'll see it for yourself." I nod slightly in agreement.

"I don't believe it." I shake my head sadly. Why do they not believe anything? Speaking of not believing, I gotta introduce them to some sweet 80's jams sometime.

"You really are a stubborn young man, aren't you?" Gasp! What's this? This cannot be! Something both me and Grumpy Grump agree on?!

"Alright, show me some proof. Give me some concrete evidence. I'm sorry, Susan, I don't want to hurt you, but it's time you were brought back to reality." But this is reality!

"But you're wrong, Mr. Chesterton!"

"They are saying I'm a charlatan. What concrete evidence would satisfy you?" Heh, at this point, I really don't know, Mr. Grump.

"Just open the doors, Dr. Foreman." Ian is getting tired of all of the Grump's crap. Wait, he's a doctor? And his last name's Foreman? Oh yeah, I think Susan's last name is Foreman. But wait that's just the name of that junkyard the TARDIS was in so-

"Eh? Doctor who? What's he talking about?"


Suddenly, everything makes sense.

No. Frickin. Way.