So, this is the end. I've pretty much figured you guys were waiting for this for so long that it's almost not expected. However, I promised you a proper end and this is it. Enjoy guys. I'm done with writing now. I know this isn't quite as long as your other chapters, but bear with me. Anyways, I love you guys, and I'm signing out for good now. Goodbye.

Given my state, Katashi and I both agreed to continue to the conversation at a later time. After Katashi laid my head down on the pillow, I rested in the bed with heavy eyelids. When I woke again, over another day passed. I awoke alone, but I felt no anger or sadness for this. I felt relief actually. I should shudder to think about what the government would do without Katashi scolding and beating the people into order. Instead, I focused on trying to regain mobility and strength. With each small movement, I felt the ache and sting of the cuts and bruises, but I bore through them. I did little aside from sitting up and trying to stand, but clearly, that was beyond my own capabilities. For long periods of time, I looked over Katashi's room, seeing all that I could see. He hasn't cleaned it much; scrolls laid unrolled and ruffled from being kept in such a state for so long. Mold started growing in strange places and all of the items he has collected laid sprawl all over the ground. You would think with Katashi's rather necessity of cleaning, he would clean his own room.

When Katashi returned, he found me trying to clean his forsaken room with trembling legs. To say he was happy would be a lie, but it just wasn't in my nature to let things like this slide. Katashi may be the better one at cleaning, but I was the one who actually did things with some sense of organization. Why else would Katashi take everything on a day to day notice? He may plan for things, but only if the goal is in near sight and there is no obscure obstacle in the way. In any case, I wasn't up for arguing, so I wrapped up my task and sat down to rest. He took this as a sign to leave the situation be for he too looked spent and that surprised me. What would drain the youkai who is notoriously famed for his vast amounts of strength? It is not that he does not have it, but rather he chooses to not utilize it.

We spoke for a bit about arrangements that needed to be discussed, both professionally and personally. On the professional scale, I felt thrilled to know that Katashi had formed a list of people whom he could call upon should he be away. It was a rather short list, but one that was acceptable. All of these youkai were hard working, diligent and strong; we could entrust the government in their hands, at least for a few days. For an extended period of time? I have no idea yet. However, we would cross that road when we got there. On the personal level, Katashi and I wondered how to do the ceremony. In all's honesty, I didn't care for the rituals and proper ceremonies; it seemed like a waste of money and time. It is not that I haven't dreamt of sitting down next to my husband, wearing a white bridal kimono and exchanging our vows, but timing wasn't in our favor. Just being by his side seemed to be the most precious thing to me. However, Katashi wouldn't see to that.

"Kanna, do you intend of ruining my reputation? I'm not stingy when it comes to private matters and people will see us as low lives if we have such a simple ceremony." Although I could see his logic, I truly didn't want the entire youkai population at my wedding. For that matter, I would have been grateful with the paper contract and it being done with that. I didn't need a honeymoon. Frankly, I'd be frightened to leave the government at that time.

"I am well aware of that, but Katashi, a wedding is not favorable for us right now. We have much to do with the repentance program and it would be irresponsible of me to not put forth my best effort there. Besides, if we rush this, people are going to presume it is a ceremony to avoid a scandal and I have no desire for that blemish on our reputation." I was more than aware of what people said behind my back as well as the insinuations. Most wouldn't dare speak about Katashi, so they decide to gossip about me. It was less so than when I first arrived, but it was still there. Besides, I wanted to properly plan the wedding. Trying to make it within a month's time is a little… rushed, no matter what I thought about it.

"You care about your reputation now? Are you really the woman I agreed to marry?" Well, I grant you, reputation wasn't the first thing I usually worried about, but there were some reservations I had. I didn't want people to misunderstand. I wanted to marry Katashi just because of him. Not his career. Not his family. Just him. If we rushed now, they'd presume Katashi married me because of a "premarital child". If there is one thing I'd like to spare my child, it's being a child of a shotgun wedding. At least, I think that is the new term for that sort of wedding.

"Lovely to know that you're still the same skeptical cynicistic youkai I fell for, but for the time being, Katashi, let us worry about our jobs first and then, our marriage. Besides, the worst is only to come."

"Meaning?" I didn't even bother replying. I lifted up my pen and pointed it towards the door where Hozuki-haha-ue was standing. Katashi looked at her with narrow eyes. Not that I blamed him. I mean, would you trust your parents if they were distant for so long and suddenly decided to act like proper parents? I sure wouldn't. She looked over me with somewhat worried eyes and walked in quietly and gingerly. She knew that our relation wasn't going to be something where everyone could forgive and forget. No. I wanted her to prove to not only me, but to Katashi that she is capable of taking responsibility. Besides, what's a little pain for the sake of family?

Katashi and I gave a nod of acknowledgement to her and I tipped my head towards the kitchen, telling Katashi to fetch some tea. He frowned a bit, but left to boil some more water. I gestured to her to have a sit next to me. She carried a small cloth package and opened it slowly in front of me. In it were jars of medicine and other remedies that I didn't recognize at first. She opened them and had me smell them to confirm they were merely salves and given the consistency and different herbs in the medicine, I could at least tell that it was good quality too since Hakutaku-san and Katashi use the same type of salve. She gestured to me to remove the cloth on my wounds and I did so readily. After all, I have high doubts that she would kill me and ruin the feeble relationship between her and her son. She didn't seem to me as someone as heartless as much as she was just… someone who didn't know how to give long term care. She wasn't the type of person who had that character.

"I see you two are getting along well. I… um… brought this for you. I bought it a long time ago for Shi-kun's bride, so I thought to give it to you." She holds up a new kimono for me to wear. I open up to see the pattern. The embroidery on the cloth features a crane in a pond with ripples of waves in the water. The mountains in the back are of a serene moss green color and blend nicely into the whiteness of the cloth. Whoever embroidered this kimono is a master and should receive praised. However… I couldn't help but notice something familiar about the style. Embroidery of this detail requires a woman's touch. Men typically do not learn this form of stitching for it requires delicate hands. Furthermore, the featured creatures and perspective were common only among the higher status people.

That was when I saw it. Right next to a lotus patch, one small anemone. Therefore, I could only guess who was the embroider for this kimono.

"It is beautiful. Who made it? I would love to make their acquaintance." Hozuki-haha-ue shook her head as she heard my reply.

"I do not know. It was a dead soul who was going to be reincarnated. She said she wanted to make one kimono. She said she could not give one for her daughters, so she could give it to some happy bride." My eyes perked up in response. Could it have been true?

"I thought reincarnation would happen immediately after death." She shrugged in response.

"At the time, I didn't ask, but we became friends for a good while. When we talked about Shi-kun, she said that she was sure that he would get a good bride and here you are." I gripped the kimono and traced the stiches over the anemone. The stitching felt soft against my fingertips until I noticed small hiragana written in the folds of the petals, a skill only Okaa-san would do. I felt each of the characters and felt my tears beg to spill out. For my dear daughter. I caught my breath with my hand and shed tears. I clutched over the blankets and tried to hush the tears, but to no avail. To think that my mother had… Oh, Okaa-san. I was so relieved and amazed at the same time. To think I had something left from Okaa-san after all this time and in the hands of Hozuki-haha-ue. Was it by Buddha's kindness that they saw this occur? Did she foresee my arrival here? I did not know nor cared. I had the wooden comb from Sumire and now, I have a kimono from Okaa-san. I could not feel any happier than at that moment.

Katashi and Hozuki-haha-ue panicked at my tears. Katashi nearly wanted to throttle his mother for making me cry. After all, my tears rarely shed. I would have stopped him if I had the energy, but eventually I spoke to him, reassuring that I was not saddened by any means.

"Katashi, I am fine. I merely felt overjoyed. Hozuki-haha-ue, you have no idea how much joy this gives me, not just because of the beauty of the kimono." I quickly pushed the cloth towards their faces, my finger pointing at the embroidered hiragana characters. Everyone looked at it oddly.

"'For my dear daughter?' But why would that apply for you, Kanna?"

"My mother was renowned for her skill as an embroiderer and she loved to embroider characters into her own kimonos. When she was alive, she loved calling me her little anemone" That was when Katashi realized it. Calling a daughter anemone was rare since the anemone was not the most popular flower. That and he can presume that my mother has a bit of skill in embroidery if she is able to teach me. According to Katashi, there was a time of disarray during my parents' deaths and some cases were put on hold until they could sort through all of the more serious cases. Since my parents died, having done nothing wrong, they were probably put on hold. I could only imagine that O-kaa-san and Otou-san had little to do at this time. I have no idea how they could see the future, but Buddhas work in mysterious ways.

"Jii-chan called me that as well. It was something only in the family." I chuckled, thinking about how wondrous this was.

"So the soul I met was your mother. This is a strange turn of events. Well… I'm glad that it is you, Minamoto-san. She spoke highly of you and I agree that you are far better than I could hope for Shi-kun's bride." I smiled at Hozuki-haha-ue and held her hand. She appreciated the small gesture for what it is. I patted her shoulder, reassuring her that I accepted her. Maybe not forgive her yet, but accept her as my future mother-in-law. She smiled at me and stood to leave. She probably sensed that her son has not accepted what she has done and didn't want her to mess with his bride.

Before she left, I gave her some of my embroidery. Particularly a small handbag. I thought that it would be helpful at the least. She took it with gratitude while leaving Katashi and me in peace in his apartment. I could care less at this point that my body ached with pain or that I looked equivalent to the tortured souls in Avici Hell. I could not care at all. Katashi looked at me with somewhat compassionate eyes, if I can call that expression anything.

I let him spoil me today. Meaning he did the cooking, cleaning and any other chores that needed to be done. Not that he shouldn't consider the idea since this was his room and it is, by every meaning of the phrase, dirty like Hell. I watched him bringing some of the warm soup to me and I drank it with glee. I smiled so much that my muscles hurt. I could care less though. After drinking said soup, Katashi practically forced me to stay in bed. I agreed not because I wanted to, but because I felt weak still. Besides, dealing with Katashi while not at full strength usually ends with defeat.

Now that I thought about, I had to consider things for the future that I had not before. Granted, in marriage, I had promised to Jii-chan to have children, despite the fact that I didn't know if I could have children. It would be an odd feat to even consider that I was dead. I knew that youkai could have children, but how would that work for a dead soul? She thought to ask about that. However… somehow, it didn't matter. She wanted to choose her own fate. Now, she had the chance.

"Katashi?" He leans out from the kitchen to look at me.

"Yes, Kanna?"

"I think we need to talk about what we're going to do for the future." I promised myself before that I would live next to my husband. Not behind or in front, but besides. That means that I would as for his opinions. Since he already proposed, I might as well be as truthful to him as much as I can. He has already shown me that being less than truthful doesn't end well. Not for me and not for him.

"I have no preferences for the wedding." I chuckled in response. Admittingly, that was one of the questions I had planned on asking, but a good piece of information to know, nonetheless.

I already figured out that he didn't want to deal with the planning. To be honest, I already knew which kimono would be my wedding outfit. Screw the concepts of specific types of kimonos being necessary for weddings. I wanted to wear the kimono Okaa-sama made for me. Besides, it was already white and much more elaborate than any wedding kimono that we could fine. As for the guests, I would just choose our closest associates. Jii-chan, Katashi's parents, O-koh-san. Enma-daiou, and so on. Nothing extravagant. We couldn't afford it even if we wished for it. We would do our vows and return to work after a few days off to sort through our affairs.

"Not that I wasn't going to ask that of you, but other things should take priority, Katashi."

"Do you mean children? You do realize I won't wait until the marriage night, Kanna." I blushed like a cherry. I mean… I got the insinuation and I had no idea what to say. I mean… I had barely thought about marriage, much less… well, that wasn't the main thing to talk about right now. I shake my head to gather my wits and rest my forehead in my palm. Somehow, I expected Katashi to be a bit less… how to describe it? Up front about it? Then again, he never really did anything with hidden intentions.

"Katashi… I wasn't going to suggest that, but couldn't we have talked about how we would manage our jobs after the marriage? Children are a little bit out of our range right now. I have not the slightest idea if I can even have children. After all, I am dead." Katashi was washing the dishes at this time and dried his hands before coming over to me. I had the decency to blush. After all… I've been suggested something that I had no preparation for. I've seen him enough times to know when he's serious about something. Though… I wasn't adverse to it. I would have accepted it. It would have been a little… awkward, but not something I was adverse to.

"Kanna." I looked at him briefly before looking away. He tilted up my chin to see his face. I licked my lips and looked at him in the eyes with what I hoped to be taunting eyes. At least that is what Katashi called them.

"I'll be patient with you. Just don't pretend or I'll be forced to torture you to get the truth out." I smiled at his very serious expression and decided give him a kiss on the cheek. I could at least give him some affection for his restraint. I knew a little of the restraint some men had about their wives.

My father was a clear example of that, after all. I would always have to leave Okaa-sama and Otou-sama alone when he came back from trips and I would not see them for days on end. I didn't think that it would be something practical for myself, and I have no intention of being like that. I love them both with as much love as I can spare, but they were a little trying on my nerves. It would drive some people mad to the point where I would have to work in their stead. Just small details and organizing the scrolls for Father to look over. Mother's tasks, I did with ease since I would have to anyways. That was the expectation.

However, that wouldn't work for Katashi and I. We would both be working until health complicates said job. I wanted the both of us to be there for our children and Katashi. To have days together just being ourselves. We wouldn't change who we were, but we wouldn't force our children to go a certain path. That wouldn't work since they're going to be our children; they're bound to pick up our stubbornness and forcing them would just backfire. I want them to have a voice in everything.

"Heh. I couldn't even if I wanted to, Katashi." Oh, what a blessed feeling.

A few years passed and I am in hell. Both position wise and emotionally wise. My child is being born and apparently, there is no such thing as painkillers for pregnant women. Screw traditions with their perceptions that a woman should be able to give birth without medicine. It is ridiculous given how my body is shaking in pain. I suppose though that women are required to go through so much pain. May I say I really hate society at times like this?

"Kanna dear, ease into this! You can do it. Just a few more pushes." I feel the sweat trickling down my brow and I bite down on the cloth in my mouth. I scream off the top of my lungs, using every bit of energy to squeeze out the devil that is coming out of my stomach. I can hear Hozuki-haha-ue calmly talking to me. Of all the things people have told me about pregnancy, they thought that a women should be quiet during such a process. May I call bull on that? Because this pain, despite me wishing for my child to enter into this world, is driving me nuts?!

"Kanna, you won't die. I will murder you if you die, Kanna." ... lovely Katashi. Lovely. Remind me to kick him when I regain the strength to do so.

"Come on, Kanna. We're almost there. The head is almost in view. Come on, Kanna. Just another few more pushes. You're almost there!" I push again with as much energy I can muster and scream again. I feel the need to squeeze something in my hand so I grab the blanket, tearing holes into the fabric.

I distract myself by thinking how it all got to this. Oh, right, because of Katashi.

After he proposed, he and I came to the office to let people know about the engagement. Everyone supported it and we were able to organize training time for the new support staffs to prepare for days when Katashi and I would be busy planning and organizing our wedding. Many people helped pitch in, both monetarily and labor wise. After all, they decided our wedding to be the perfect occasion to spread connections. Not that I could blame them. At least it would save the trouble for people. Katashi and I agreed about my kimono, but his took some time. After all, most of the traditional male kimonos were being used by Hozuki-chichue. I would have loved to have sewn it, but we never really had the time, so we settled for designing it and having the local kimono shop make it. I was excessively grateful that they spared us the see through cloth. We settled for a koi and anemone themed flower arrangement. A little odd, but it fits us. Okaa-sama would have loved to have seen it since she always had a preference for white flowers. Otou-sama would have approved of Katashi, though… I can imagine that Katashi would have had quite a lot of problems dealing with Otou-sama's stubbornness. After all, I had to inherit it from someone. Anything else, I don't remember the details anymore.

I do remember all of the comments and advice from the elder women about… the wedding night. To my greatest truth, I had to lie to them. I kind of… lost my innocence at an earlier time. I kept my word to Katashi and I don't regret it. I felt a joy that night greater than anything I had ever felt before. No one really prepared me for that night and I felt complete for once. I don't care how people think about it. I enjoyed waking up that morning in his hand holding mine as we slept. I can't recall the last time I felt so rested and comfortable since I was a child. Besides, I didn't want to give people any reason to give gossip or to look into my private affairs.

We had a house made for the both of us since all the remaining houses were occupied or not suitable to raise children in. Despite how I felt about the whole "wasting money for our family" situation, I knew Katashi was right when he said we needed our own home. It wouldn't do to have the children grow up in an apartment or anything similar to that. I wouldn't have thought those that Katashi would use his savings to invest in our house. I suppose though that it's as good as an investment as anything could be. It's a nice quaint house, like how I imagined. I personally never liked the large manors that I grew up in because I grew weary of having more room than I knew what to do with. Having a moderate sized house is more than enough. Having rooms upon rooms which are never filled or have any purpose that I could see is impractical. I'm perfectly happy with not having such a large house. To think tha- OH MY HOLY-

"Kanna, the head's popping out. Just a little more!" I squeeze my stomach and I start hearing the screams. I plop my head back against the pillow and slowly try to regain my breathing. The pain and soreness still remain, but I do not feel like I will suffer another horrible death. Hozuki-hahaue takes out the baby and cuts off the umbilical cord. She wraps the baby in a blanket and Katashi holds it gingerly in his hands.

He looks so flustered as he tries to hold the squirming baby.

"It's a son, Kanna." I smile and weakly hold out my arms so that I could hold my baby. Katashi walks over to me, looking as concerned as he can ever look. He places our baby in my arms and sits next to me, poking the child on the cheek. I find the gesture so beautiful that I cry a little. Not that anyone would notice since my face is read and covered in sweat already.

"What shall you call him, Kanna dear?" Katashi and I look at each other and nod.

"Makoto. Makoto Hozuki." Sincerity. Our child should always be truthful and sincere with himself. I never want our child to feel it necessary to hide his opinion and feelings. Not like me. His name will be proof of that. Katashi and I will teach him to be everything that a youkai should be.

"He'll be a strong youkai when he gets old, Kanna." I nod and close my eyes. I feel the sleep call to me.

"That he shall, Katashi." He places his shoulder on mine and rubs my forehead.

"Rest. There will be more problems tomorrow. Don't trouble anyone with your weary self." Yes, yes, dear. I'll rest now. I know there will be more to come in the future. I know. And that is all I have to say before the past has all been said. Now, we enjoy the present and the future. With my brutally sadistic youkai husband and my hanyou son.