OH. MY. GOSH. -hides- PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! . Sorry this is so late you guys! I will honestly be surprised if i still have readers! Anyway, i have been so busy with college and work and... well mostly video games, BUT HERE YA GO! Enjoy~
I do not own any of the Tales of Xillia characters... EXCEPT JUDE!..
... ok not Jude.
My life sucks.
... ok continue.
Jude was as shocked as the rest of his team when Milla came out of nowhere to help fight against Maxwell. Milla swooped down, her long hair flying behind her as she slashed at Maxwell to take him down. Despite the happy feeling flooding through every single teammate, it was soon shattered with fear when a dark portal opened and sucked them all through it.
It took a while for everyone to calm down after finding out that they were no longer in Rieze Maxia, but in Atlantis. Alvin's brother kindly took the group in and allowed them to stay there while they tried to find a way back. Jude was happy to have Milla back, his heart finally content with having the team back.
But there was one problem.
He and Alvin still haven't talked about what happened between them. I don't know how to face him. . . Jude though, biting his lip. He wanted to desperately confront Alvin and talk to him, but his heart held him back, afraid of an answer.
The team had gone quietly to the Dimensional Breach, and warped to Fenmont, before splitting hotel rooms between them and heading to bed. Jude shared a room with Alvin and Rowen, but since their return to Fenmont, Alvin left the group, and they hadn't seen him since. Jude tossed and turned in bed. He couldn't get Alvin out of his head. Not wanting to wake Rowen up, Jude slipped out of bed, and went outside.
Stretching his arms, Jude looked up at the eternal night sky that always covered Fenmont. He walked over to a wooden bench and sat down on it, the dim light of the Streetlight (idk what it is actually called lol) making a shadow cross his face. He sighed and covered his face with his hands.
"I don't know what to do..." Jude said softly to himself.
"Do whatever makes you feel good kid." A husky voice replied.
Jude shot up and stared up at the tall Brunette man. "A-Alvin?" Jude whispered. Alvin gave him a small smile. "Hey, Jude."
Jude blushed hard at being caught, and it didn't help when the gorgeous man sat down next to him.
"Mannn... These past few weeks sure have been wild huh?" Alvin sighed, moves his hands behind his head as he looked ahead. Jude nodded. Alvin turned and glanced at him before sighing and turning to him.
"Jude..." Alvin started, making Jude jump. Jude blushed slightly and finally looked at the older man. "Yes?"
"I am so sorry Jude... It was wrong of me to do what i did. To attack you guys, to leave and join Presa... and most of all, to kiss you and not tell you the truth; that I really like you."
Jude blushed harder and turned away. "It isn't a big deal.. I mean I am still mad at you, but it is your life, you can do whatever you want."
Alvin was quiet which made Jude feel like digging a hole and burying himself face first in it. Jude debated making a run from the awkward silence, before Alvin spoke up. "I want you in my life Jude."
Jude jumped slightly and turned to stare in shock at Alvin, the wind suddenly picking up and ruffling Jude's hair. "I... uh.." Jude mumbled to himself, unable to express his shock in words. Alvin chuckled before ducking his head and pecking Jude on the lips. Jude froze and stared at him, his breath hitched in his throat.
Alvin gave him a half smile. "I love you Jude." Jude's heart began pounding so hard he was sure Alvin could hear. He feared to take a breath, for Alvin's cologne was intoxicating from afar, imagine how enticing it would be close up. Alvin could see the gears in Jude's head were spinning out of control, so he leaned away and went back to his normal position of sitting with his hands behind his head.
Alvin closed his eyes and sighed, but not after he felt a peck on his cheek and a deep exhale from Jude. Alvin looked side-ways at Jude and his eyes widened. Jude gave him a small smile. "I love you too..." Alvin sat straight up and turned towards Jude. "Do you mean that kid?" Jude winced at the usual "kid" name given to him, but nodded. "Yes.. I have been battling with my feelings for a while now, and I have decided to just give in."
Alvin wrapped an arm around Jude and hugged him slightly, looking outward and taking in the scenery. Jude took a deep inhale and immediately regretted it. The scent of Alvin wrapped around Jude and intoxicated him. All of the sudden he felt warm. Too warm. He shuddered and felt conscious of Alvin's arm, laying lazily around Jude's shoulder. The feeling went straight to his groin. He suddenly wanted Alvin.
"A-Alvin..." Jude mumbled. Alvin glanced down at the boy and his eyes widened. Jude was flustered and fidgeting like crazy. He was looking up at Alvin and almost panting. Alvin gulped and quickly pulled Jude up off the bench. "Let's get you inside. You need to lie down." Jude stumbled along with Alvin as he took Jude inside the Inn.
Alvin tried to hurry him to his bedroom, before he did anything he regretted to the boy, but it all vanished when Jude suddenly grabbed Alvin and kissed him. Alvin immediately wrapped his arms around Jude's waist and lifted him up, slamming his mouth against the boy's. Jude moaned loudly into the kiss, and Alvin was quickly able to remember that they were still in the hallway. With a lusty Jude trying to get to his lips every five seconds, Alvin struggled to get the key into the bedroom before slamming the door shut with his foot and dropping them both on the bed.
"I.. I need you Alvin..." Jude panted, reaching up towards Alvin and trying to kiss him again. Alvin quickly pushed himself off the bed. "I need to go freshen up really quick. I will be right back." Alvin said quickly, before rushing to the bathroom and shutting the door. Alvin turned toward the mirror and sighed, pushing his hair back with his hand.
This isn't good... I am in way over my head. Jude doesn't know what he is doing right? He will probably regret this. I can't do this with him, I would only hurt him... Alvin sighed and turned on the faucet, splashing water on his face. "Ughh..." Alvin sighed, his brain and heart arguing about what the right thing would be to do.
Meanwhile in the bedroom, Jude was laying on the bed, and while still warm and fuzzy inside, started to regain his control. His eyes widened and he sat up. What did I just do? He thought, pressing a hand to his now ghost-white face. I was like an animal, suddenly I just wanted Alvin right then and there... But I do don't I? I don't know what to do...
Jude sat in silence until Alvin opened the door from the bathroom and walked into the room. Seeing Jude's expression, Alvin knew that Jude was contemplating whether it was a good idea or not.
Alvin sat about a foot away from Jude on the bed and looked at him. "How are you feeling kiddo?" Alvin asked. Jude turned to him and sighed. "I... I want to do this Alvin." Jude looked him in the eyes, looking for an answer. Alvin's voice hitched in his throat. "A-Are you sure?" Alvin asked, coughing slightly. Jude nodded.
"I have liked you for a long time, I... I want to be connected to you." Jude blushed hard and looked away. So cute! Alvin thought. He moved over to Jude and pushed him down gently onto the bed. He hovered over Jude and looked at him. Jude's hair was messed up and he looked up at Alvin almost looking weak and scared. "Are you still sure Jude? I won't be able to stop half-way through this." Jude gave him a soft smile and placed a hand onto Alvin's left cheek. "I'm sure. I love you." Jude said. Alvin's heart jumped before he bent his head down and kissed Jude softly. Jude wrapped his arms around Alvin's neck and kissed him back.
The kiss became heated as Alvin pushed his tongue into Jude's mouth. Jude shivered and opened his mouth open. Alvin explored the hot wet cavern before pressing hot kisses to Jude's cheeks, neck, and collarbone. He sat up to remove his jacket, scarf, and shirt, and watched as Jude removed his outfit as well. Soon the two were in their boxers and kissing once again. Jude was flush against Alvin's chest, arching his back and almost begging for more. Alvin pressed more kisses to Jude's neck, before ducking his head and kissing Jude's nipples. Jude covered his mouth to stifle a moan.
Alvin moved back up and kissed Jude's hand covering his mouth. "Don't do that, I want to hear your beautiful voice." Jude blushed but removed his hand. Alvin smiled before trailing kisses down to Jude's half-hard member. He stared at Jude's boxer-covered penis before bending down and placing a soft kiss. Jude gave a soft squeak and shivered. Alvin smiled and noticed how Jude's member started to make a small tent in his boxers. Alvin slowly peeled the boxers down and let the cold air his Jude's dick, causing him to cry out slightly.
Before Jude could say anything, he wrapped Jude's dick with his mouth, warming it up. Jude cried out and wiggled. He had never felt anything like this before, and it was beyond his imagination. Alvin licked up and down Jude's dick and massaged it slowly with his hands. Jude bit his own hand and tried to stop some of his moans. Before he knew it, he shook and came in Alvin's mouth. He froze and looked at Alvin as he sat up and wiped his lips.
"I-I'm so sorry Alvin!" I swear I di-" Jude was quickly silence with a kiss. "It is fine Jude, you taste great." Alvin winked. Jude blushed and licked his own lips, tasting something salty. "Is that.. my cum?" Jude asked. Alvin nodded smiling. Jude wiped at his mouth with his hands and tried to spit. "Eww! I taste disgusting!" Jude groaned. Alvin laughed and pressed his head to Jude's. "Not to me..." Alvin said. Jude looked up at him and smiled, before his eyes wandered down to Alvin's still hard member. "I guess we need to take care of your little friend." Jude said.
Alvin pushed Jude down and laughed. "Don't you mean my BIG friend?" Alvin said as he pushed his boxers down, revealing a fairly large Alvin Jr. Jude inhaled and looked at it for a second before looking away. "O-of course..." Alvin kissed Jude's cheek. "Do you still want to do this?" He asked. Jude looked at him. "Yes..."
Alvin smiled before bending down to his coat on the floor and pulling out a small pink bottle. Jude gaped at him. "You had lube in your coat pocket?"
"A sexy man must always come prepared." Alvin smirked, earning a pillow to the face. Alvin laughed and took the cap off, pouring some lube onto his fingers. He bent down to Jude's butt and lifted both Jude's legs up and over Alvin's shoulders. "Now this may hurt a bit, just let me know if it does." Jude nodded.
Alvin slowly inserted one finger, earning a quick inhale from Jude. After a moment he began to move the finger slowly back and forth. Jude clawed at the sheets slightly. It felt uncomfortable, but did not hurt. After a moment, Alvin inserted another digit, earning a moan from Jude. Jude felt the pleasure immediately and started to move himself forward to get more of his two fingers.
Alvin was quick to insert a 3rd finger and started to scissor Jude, earning more moans from the boy. "AAahhnnn~" Jude moaned, clenching himself onto Alvin's fingers. Alvin sucked in air through his teeth. This boy will be the end of me. He thought as he felt his dick get even harder. After a few minutes Alvin could not contain himself. "Jude, I need you now." Alvin said huskily. Jude nodded as Alvin positioned himself between Jude's legs. Slowly he moved his dick towards Jude's entrance and slowly pushed until the tip was in. He quickly looked at Jude to see if there was any pain, but Jude only nodded to him. "Go ahead, it only feels a little weird."
Alvin nodded and pushed more of his member inside Jude. Jude inhaled sharply, and Alvin quickly stopped. Jude looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "Stop stopping and screw me!" Jude practically shouted. Alvin was shocked by this sudden controlling Jude, but was quick to accommodate for him. He began a slow thrust inside Jude, relishing in the hot tight insides of Jude, before picking up speed. Every time he rammed into Jude a moan escaped the smaller man's mouth. Alvin tried to get all of himself inside Jude and suddenly Jude gave out a yell and moaned loudly. Alvin realized he hit Jude's sweet spot, so was quick to hit it again, earning a heated moan from the lad. Jude practically ripped at the sheets on the bed as he felt Alvin take him from the inside.
Alvin continued to ram into him and felt himself getting to the edge. He started to tell Jude that he was close until he looked at the boy's face. Jude's hands were tangled into the sheets, his hair was a mess, and he looked like a mess as well. He had a small string of spit falling from the side of his lips, his lips red from the kissing. He looked exposed. He looked, delicious. Alvin lost it and rammed into Jude with all his might before letting out a bellow and "Judeee!" Before cumming inside the boy. Jude arched his back and cried out Alvin's name as he came only seconds after Alvin.
Alvin collapsed next to Jude as both were breathing hard. Alvin turned and smiled at Jude, reaching up and ruffling his hair. "I love you Jude."
Jude smiled back. "I love you too, Alvin." both shared a tender kiss before falling asleep, with their hands clasped together.
OK, so that took me like 2 hours to write, because well, This was my first Lemon, and quite frankly, I SUCK AT IT! hehe, get it? I SUCK a- ok nevermind.
Anyway, thank you all that enjoyed my story up til now! Leave a comment on what you thought! I really don't know if i should have ended it like this, but I suck at long stories, and obviously it's hard enough to write a short story at the same time! Anyway, hope you enjoyed :)