Authors Note: No matter how many time I wish upon a star: Jasper will never ever belong to me *sob*

Twilight belongs to Stephanie Myer not me



~Finding My Home~

Prologue ~ The Goddess of Chaos

In the south there are the vampire wars and Maria rules. Once there had been the Major and now there was the Goddess of Chaos. With every trick in the book she won the wars for Maria, the older vampire's territory growing and growing with each battle. The Goddess had a fair amount of scars adorning her body now but she was stuck in the world she had entered so willing twenty years before.

Before the Goddess of Chaos she was known as Isabella Swan and had fallen in love with a vegetarian vampire named Edward Cullen. He had left her twice and the second time it ended his life. Losing the love of her human life Bella fell into a depression but with the help of the other Cullen's: Carlise and his mate Esme. Emmett and Rosaile, and Jasper. How she missed Jasper, her cowboy. With a soft sigh Isabella turned from the window and sat on the chair in her tent as Bianca stepped in. When she had joined Maria's army Bianca wasn't very trusting but all it took was a simple description of Jasper to gain her trust.

The troupe that Isabella ran contained Bianca, Riptide a son of a preacher turned into a vampire by Isabella with the power of the wind, Shadow, again turned by Isabella that could move himself and others through shadows and manipulate them. Houdini was another of the ones Isabella had turned and he had been a small time magician in New Orleans, Levitating and doing other magic tricks that only grew grander when he was turned. The last member had been turned around the same time as Biance but had been starved and almost driven mad by Maria until she had stepped in and calmed and took responsibility for him. For that Wolf was forever in Isabella's debt. Born to a shifting native tribe like the wolves in La Push he had been turned by force by Maria. In the years since his turning into a Vampire he was still able to shift into the different animals, being of great use to Isabella.

Since she was with Maria's army Isabella had abandoned any thought of a vegetarian diet and drank human blood and had learned of tricks to expand her own shield. With it she could also create bonds visible and invisible, but when she drank blood or venom from anyone's lips she would gain their ability and memories. It came in handy making her more feared than Jasper in many aspects and Maria was still in the dark about it.

The name The Goddess of Chaos was given to her after she was seem by enemies on the battle field with her troupe, Riptide creating a tornado and chaos with the air, Houdini using his tricks to torment and harm the other vampire's, Shadow using the shadows to rip vampire's apart as Wolf shifted forms killing every vampire he could as Bianca fought to keep her Goddess safe. Not that it really mattered. Isabella was standing there calm as can be, a small smile on her lips, the lighter sending her clothes up in flames not bothering her as the flames licked her body and caressed it rather than burned it. And as suddenly as she had gone up in flames the unfortunate vampire had gone up and his immortal life cut short.

In all it was just a normal day for Isabella Swan the Goddess of Chaos and her troupe.